* Implement next:
- * - FIXME-NEXT: logic to decide which pm to pick for a given queue (sorting!)
* - FIXME-FC: realize transport-to-transport flow control (needed in case
* communicators do not offer flow control). Note that we may not
* want to simply delay the ACKs as that may cause unnecessary
message would beat it! */
if (NULL != sc->best)
- /* FIXME-NEXT: CHECK if pos fits queue BETTER than pm, if not:
- continue; */
- /* NOTE: use 'overhead' to estimate need for fragmentation,
- prefer it if MTU is sufficient and close! */
+ /* CHECK if pos fits queue BETTER (=smaller) than pm, if not: continue;
+ OPTIMIZE-ME: This is a heuristic, which so far has NOT been
+ experimentally validated. There may be some huge potential for
+ improvement here. Also, we right now only compare how well the
+ given message fits _this_ queue, and do not consider how well other
+ queues might suit the message. Taking other queues into consideration
+ may further improve the result, but could also be expensive
+ in terms of CPU time. */
+ long long sc_score = sc->frag * 40 + sc->relb * 20 + sc->real_overhead;
+ long long pm_score = frag * 40 + relb * 20 + real_overhead;
+ long long time_delta =
+ (sc->best->next_attempt.abs_value_us - pos->next_attempt.abs_value_us) /
+ 1000LL;
+ /* "time_delta" considers which message has been 'ready' for transmission
+ for longer, if a message has a preference for low latency, increase
+ the weight of the time_delta by 10x if it is favorable for that message */
+ if ((0 != (pos->prefs & GNUNET_MQ_PREF_LOW_LATENCY)) &&
+ (0 != (sc->best->prefs & GNUNET_MQ_PREF_LOW_LATENCY)))
+ time_delta *= 10; /* increase weight (always, both are low latency) */
+ else if ((0 != (pos->prefs & GNUNET_MQ_PREF_LOW_LATENCY)) &&
+ (time_delta > 0))
+ time_delta *=
+ 10; /* increase weight, favors 'pos', which is low latency */
+ else if ((0 != (sc->best->prefs & GNUNET_MQ_PREF_LOW_LATENCY)) &&
+ (time_delta < 0))
+ time_delta *=
+ 10; /* increase weight, favors 'sc->best', which is low latency */
+ if (0 != queue->mtu)
+ {
+ /* Grant bonus if we are bellow MTU, larger bonus the closer we will
+ be to the MTU */
+ if (queue->mtu > sc->real_overhead + sc->best->bytes_msg)
+ sc_score -= queue->mtu - (sc->real_overhead + sc->best->bytes_msg);
+ if (queue->mtu > real_overhead + pos->bytes_msg)
+ pm_score -= queue->mtu - (real_overhead + pos->bytes_msg);
+ }
+ if (sc_score + time_delta > pm_score)
+ continue; /* sc_score larger, keep sc->best */
sc->best = pos;
sc->dvh = dvh;