function request_raw(uri, options)
options = options or {}
- local pr, host, port, path = uri:match("(%w+)://([%w-.]+):?([0-9]*)(.*)")
+ local pr, auth, host, port, path
+ if uri:find("@") then
+ pr, auth, host, port, path =
+ uri:match("(%w+)://(.+)@([%w-.]+):?([0-9]*)(.*)")
+ else
+ pr, host, port, path = uri:match("(%w+)://([%w-.]+):?([0-9]*)(.*)")
+ end
if not host then
return nil, -1, "unable to parse URI"
headers.Connection = "close"
+ if auth and not headers.Authorization then
+ headers.Authorization = "Basic " .. nixio.bin.b64encode(auth)
+ end
local sock, code, msg = nixio.connect(host, port)
if not sock then
return nil, code, msg