- - on-demand encoding => move logic to block-library!?
- - peer selection => how to consider latency/bw/etc?
- - content transmission => how often the same block?
- - how to select delay before next migration?
- - testing
* FS: [CG]
+ - migration:
+ + on-demand encoding
+ + peer selection => how to consider latency/bw/etc?
+ + content transmission => how often the same block?
+ + testing
- gnunet-service-fs (hot-path routing, load-based routing, nitpicks)
- - GAP improvements:
+ active reply route caching design & implementation of service; gap extension!
- good to have for transport/DV evaluation!
check_PROGRAMS = \
test_transport_api_tcp \
test_transport_api_udp \
# test_transport_api_http \
# TODO: add tests for http, nat, etc.
test_plugin_transport_http_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/src/transport/libgnunettransport.la \
$(top_builddir)/src/statistics/libgnunetstatistics.la \