* Function called whenever an inbound tunnel is destroyed. Should clean up
* any associated state. This function is NOT called if the client has
* explicitly asked for the tunnel to be destroyed using
- * GNUNET_MESH_tunnel_destroy.
+ * GNUNET_MESH_tunnel_destroy. It must NOT call GNUNET_MESH_tunnel_destroy on
+ * the tunnel.
* @param cls closure (set from GNUNET_MESH_connect)
* @param tunnel connection to the other end (henceforth invalid)
* @param cls closure for the various callbacks that follow
* (including handlers in the handlers array)
* @param new_tunnel function called when an *inbound* tunnel is created
- * @param cleaner function called when an *inbound* tunnel is destroyed
+ * @param cleaner function called when an *inbound* tunnel is destroyed by the
+ * remote peer, it is *not* called if GNUNET_MESH_tunnel_destroy
+ * is called on the tunnel
* @param handlers callbacks for messages we care about, NULL-terminated
* note that the mesh is allowed to drop notifications about
* inbound messages if the client does not process them fast
- * Disconnect from the mesh service.
+ * Disconnect from the mesh service. All tunnels will be destroyed. All tunnel
+ * disconnect callbacks will be called on any still connected peers, notifying
+ * about their disconnection. The registered inbound tunnel cleaner will be
+ * called should any inbound tunnels still exist.
* @param handle connection to mesh to disconnect
void *handler_cls);
- * Destroy an existing tunnel.
+ * Destroy an existing tunnel. The existing callback for the tunnel will NOT
+ * be called.
* @param tunnel tunnel handle