-.TH GNUNET\-CONVERSATION 1 "October 5, 2013" "GNUnet"
-gnunet\-conversation \- have a conversation with your peers
-.B gnunet\-conversation \-e NAME [OPTIONS]
-\fBgnunet\-conversation\fP can be used to have a conversation with
-other GNUnet users.
+.Dd October 5, 2013
+.Nm gnunet-conversation
+have a conversation with your peers
+.Op Fl c Ar FILENAME | Fl \-config= Ns Ar FILENAME
+.Op Fl e Ar NAME | Fl \-ego= Ns Ar NAME
+.Op Fl h | \-help
+.Op Fl L Ar LOGLEVEL | Fl \-loglevel= Ns Ar LOGLEVEL
+.Op Fl p Ar LINE | Fl \-phone= Ns Ar LINE
+.Op Fl v | \-version
+.Ao Ar URI Ac
+can be used to have a conversation with other GNUnet users.
You can make calls and receive incoming calls.
You need to setup an ego using gnunet\-identity first.
-For others to be able to call you, you must add a PHONE record to
-your zone in the GNU Name System (using gnunet\-namestore).
-gnunet\-conversation has an interactive help system via the /help
-.IP "\-c FILENAME, \-\-config=FILENAME"
+For others to be able to call you, you must add a PHONE record to your zone in the GNU Name System (using gnunet\-namestore).
+gnunet\-conversation has an interactive help system via the /help command.
+.Bl -tag -width Ds
+.It Fl c Ar FILENAME | Fl \-config= Ns Ar FILENAME
Use the configuration file FILENAME.
-.IP "\-e NAME, \-\-ego=NAME"
+.It Fl e Ar NAME | Fl \-ego= Ns Ar NAME
Specifies the NAME of the ego to use (for caller ID).
-.IP "\-h, \-\-help"
+.It Fl h | \-help
Print short help on options.
-.IP "\-L LOGLEVEL, \-\-loglevel=LOGLEVEL"
+.It Fl L Ar LOGLEVEL | Fl \-loglevel= Ns Ar LOGLEVEL
Use LOGLEVEL for logging.
Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR.
-.IP "\-p LINE, \-\-phone=LINE"
-Optional argument that can be used to specify the phone LINE to be used with
-the conversation service.
+.It Fl p Ar LINE | Fl \-phone= Ns Ar LINE
+Optional argument that can be used to specify the phone LINE to be used with the conversation service.
The default LINE is zero, which should be fine for most users.
-.IP "\-v, \-\-version"
+.It Fl v | \-version
Print GNUnet version number.
-Report bugs by using Mantis <https://bugs.gnunet.org/> or by sending
-electronic mail to <gnunet\-developers@gnu.org>
-\fBgnunet\-identity\fP(1), \fBgnunet\-namestore\fP(1), \fBgnunet\-gns\fP(1)
-The full documentation for
-.B gnunet
-is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the
-.B info
-.B gnunet
-programs are properly installed at your site, the command
-.B info gnunet
+.Xr gnunet-identity 1 ,
+.Xr gnunet-namestore 1 ,
+.Xr gnunet-gns 1
+The full documentation for gnunet is maintained as a Texinfo manual.
+If the
+.Xr info 1
+and gnunet programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.Dl info gnunet
should give you access to the complete handbook,
-.B info gnunet-c-tutorial
+.Dl info gnunet-c-tutorial
will give you access to a tutorial for developers.
-Depending on your installation, this information is also
-available in
-\fBgnunet\fP(7) and \fBgnunet-c-tutorial\fP(7).
+Depending on your installation, this information is also available in
+.Xr gnunet 7 and
+.Xr gnunet-c-tutorial 7 .
+Report bugs by using
+.Lk https://bugs.gnunet.org
+or by sending electronic mail to
+.Aq Mt gnunet-developers@gnu.org .