Fix this warning:
RFCTransport.C: In function 'long unsigned int writeToFileDesc(const char*, int,
RFCTransport.C:91: warning: 'DtMailBoolean' is promoted to 'int' when passed thr
ough '...'
RFCTransport.C:91: warning: (so you should pass 'int' not 'DtMailBoolean' to 'va
RFCTransport.C:91: note: if this code is reached, the program will abort
int * fds = va_arg(args, int *);
int cnt = va_arg(args, int);
- DtMailBoolean strip = va_arg(args, DtMailBoolean);
+ DtMailBoolean strip = (DtMailBoolean)va_arg(args, int);
unsigned long saveErrno = 0; // Initially no error recorded