--- /dev/null
+f = open("MonitorsDB", "r")
+out = open("MonitorsDBOut", "w")
+monIds = dict()
+for line in f.readlines():
+ if len(line.strip()) and not line.strip().startswith('#'):
+ values = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(';'))
+ if len(values) < 5:
+ print "This line contains two few values\n%s" % line
+ manufacturer = values[0]
+ model = values[1]
+ monId = values[2]
+ vGh = values[3]
+ hGh = values[4]
+ if len(manufacturer) == 0:
+ print "This line doesn't contain Manufacturer\t%s" % line
+ continue
+ if len(model) == 0:
+ print "This line contains empty model\t%s" % line
+ continue
+ if len(monId) == 0 or monId == "0":
+ print "This line contains empty monitor Id\n%s" % line
+ continue
+ if len(vGh) == 0 or len(hGh) == 0:
+ print "This line contains wrong Gh\t%s" % line
+ continue
+ if monIds.has_key(monId):
+ print "Two line have the same monitor Ids\n%s%s" % (monIds[monId], line)
+ continue
+ else:
+ monIds[monId] = line
+ out.write(line)