Dimension LabelWidth = 0;
Atom delete_window_atom;
Boolean low_res = False;
+ XtArgVal scratch;
/* initialize saver data */
savers.shadow = 2;
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, SAVER_WIDTH); n++; }
screen.saverArea = XmCreateDrawingArea (screen.saverAreaFrame, "saverArea", args, n);
/* get the initial secondary color pixel value for dtstyle for later use */
- XtVaGetValues(screen.saverArea, XmNbackground, &savers.bg, NULL);
+ XtVaGetValues(screen.saverArea, XmNbackground, &scratch, NULL);
+ savers.bg = (Pixel)scratch;
/* label for the previewed saver */
n = 0;
Boolean flag;
static char screenres[48];
int mintime;
+ XtArgVal scratch;
DtDialogBoxCallbackStruct *cb = (DtDialogBoxCallbackStruct *) call_data;
free_saverList(savers.selsaverActionNames, savers.selsaverCount);
savers.selsaverActionNames = NULL;
- XtVaGetValues(screen.cycleTimeScale, XmNvalue, &screen.cycleTimeout, NULL);
+ XtVaGetValues(screen.cycleTimeScale, XmNvalue, &scratch, NULL);
+ screen.cycleTimeout = scratch;
/* send new saver time, lock time and time per saver to SM if they have changed, */
/* flag value indicates which value has changed */
Boolean flag;
static char screenres[48];
int mintime;
+ XtArgVal scratch;
DtDialogBoxCallbackStruct *cb = (DtDialogBoxCallbackStruct *) call_data;
free_saverList(savers.selsaverActionNames, savers.selsaverCount);
savers.selsaverActionNames = NULL;
- XtVaGetValues(screen.cycleTimeScale, XmNvalue, &screen.cycleTimeout, NULL);
+ XtVaGetValues(screen.cycleTimeScale, XmNvalue, &scratch, NULL);
+ screen.cycleTimeout = scratch;
/* send new saver time, lock time and time per saver to SM if they have changed, */
/* flag value indicates which value has changed */