( my $cmd ) = ( $0 =~ m#([^/]+)$# );
print <<EOF;
$cmd: generate run CAVP algorithm tests
- --debug Enable debug output
- --dir=<dirname> Optional root for *.req file search
- --filter=<regexp>
- --onedir <dirname> Assume all components in current directory
- --rspdir=<dirname> Name of subdirectories containing *.rsp files, default "resp"
- --tprefix=<prefix>
- --ignore-bogus Ignore duplicate or bogus files
- --ignore-missing Ignore missing test files
- --quiet Shhh....
- --generate Generate algorithm test output
- --generate-script=<file> Create shell script of test commands
- --minimal-script Keep script commands to a minimum
- --mkdir=<command> Command to make directories in scripts
- --rm=<command> Command to remove directories in scripts
- --win32 Win32 environment
- --enable-<alg> Enable algorithm set <alg>.
- --disable-<alg> Disable algorithm set <alg>.
+ --debug Enable debug output
+ --dir=<dirname> Optional root for *.req file search
+ --filter=<regexp> Regex for input files of interest
+ --onedir <dirname> Assume all components in current directory
+ --rspdir=<dirname> Name of subdirectories containing *.rsp files, default "resp"
+ --tprefix=<prefix> Pathname prefix for directory containing test programs
+ --ignore-bogus Ignore duplicate or bogus files
+ --ignore-missing Ignore missing test files
+ --quiet Shhh....
+ --quiet-bogus Skip unrecognized file warnings
+ --quiet-missing Skip missing request file warnings
+ --generate Generate algorithm test output
+ --generate-script=<filename> Generate script to call algorithm programs
+ --minimal-script Simplest possible output for --generate-script
+ --win32 Win32 environment
+ --compare-all Verify unconditionally for all tests
+ --list-tests Show individual tests
+ --mkdir=<cmd> Specify "mkdir" command
+ --notest Exit before running tests
+ --rm=<cmd> Specify "rm" command
+ --script-tprefix Pathname prefix for --generate-script output
+ --enable-<alg> Enable algorithm set <alg>.
+ --disable-<alg> Disable algorithm set <alg>.
Where <alg> can be one of: