/* EFI Interface callback struct for network */
struct efi_simple_network net;
struct efi_simple_network_mode net_mode;
- /* Device path to the network adapter */
- struct efi_device_path_mac_addr dp_mac;
- struct efi_device_path_file_path dp_end;
/* PXE struct to transmit dhcp data */
struct efi_pxe pxe;
struct efi_pxe_mode pxe_mode;
int efi_net_register(void **handle)
struct efi_net_obj *netobj;
- struct efi_device_path_mac_addr dp_net = {
- .dp.length = sizeof(dp_net),
- };
- struct efi_device_path_file_path dp_end = {
- .dp.type = DEVICE_PATH_TYPE_END,
- .dp.sub_type = DEVICE_PATH_SUB_TYPE_END,
- .dp.length = sizeof(dp_end),
- };
if (!eth_get_dev()) {
/* No eth device active, don't expose any */
netobj->parent.protocols[0].guid = &efi_net_guid;
netobj->parent.protocols[0].protocol_interface = &netobj->net;
netobj->parent.protocols[1].guid = &efi_guid_device_path;
- netobj->parent.protocols[1].protocol_interface = &netobj->dp_mac;
+ netobj->parent.protocols[1].protocol_interface =
+ efi_dp_from_eth();
netobj->parent.protocols[2].guid = &efi_pxe_guid;
netobj->parent.protocols[2].protocol_interface = &netobj->pxe;
netobj->parent.handle = &netobj->net;
netobj->net.receive = efi_net_receive;
netobj->net.mode = &netobj->net_mode;
netobj->net_mode.state = EFI_NETWORK_STARTED;
- netobj->dp_mac = dp_net;
- netobj->dp_end = dp_end;
- memcpy(netobj->dp_mac.mac.addr, eth_get_ethaddr(), 6);
memcpy(netobj->net_mode.current_address.mac_addr, eth_get_ethaddr(), 6);
netobj->net_mode.max_packet_size = PKTSIZE;