"rimraf": "^2.5.4",
"safe-buffer": "^5.0.1",
"scripty": "^1.5.0",
- "sequelize": "^3.27.0",
+ "sequelize": "4.0.0-2",
"typescript": "~2.2.0",
"winston": "^2.1.1",
"ws": "^2.0.0"
"@types/morgan": "^1.7.32",
"@types/node": "^7.0.18",
"@types/request": "^0.0.43",
- "@types/sequelize": "3",
+ "@types/sequelize": "^4.0.55",
"@types/winston": "^2.3.2",
"@types/ws": "^0.0.41",
"chai": "^3.3.0",
"commander": "^2.9.0",
"mocha": "^3.0.1",
+ "source-map-support": "^0.4.15",
"standard": "^10.0.0",
"supertest": "^3.0.0",
"tslint": "^5.2.0",
+if ([ 'dev', 'test'].indexOf(process.env.NODE_ENV) !== -1) {
+ require('source-map-support').install()
// ----------- Node modules -----------
import bodyParser = require('body-parser')
import express = require('express')
import { logger } from './server/helpers/logger'
import { API_VERSION, CONFIG } from './server/initializers/constants'
// Initialize database and models
-const db = require('./server/initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from './server/initializers/database'
+db.init(false, onDatabaseInitDone)
// ----------- Checker -----------
import { checkMissedConfig, checkFFmpeg, checkConfig } from './server/initializers/checker'
// ----------- App -----------
// For the logger
-// app.use(morgan('combined', { stream: logger.stream }))
+app.use(morgan('combined', {
+ stream: { write: logger.info }
// For body requests
app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '500kb' }))
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
// Always serve index client page (the client is a single page application, let it handle routing)
app.use('/*', function (req, res, next) {
- res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, './client/dist/index.html'))
+ res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../client/dist/index.html'))
// ----------- Tracker -----------
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers';
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
const clientsRouter = express.Router()
import express = require('express')
-import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers';
+import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
const configRouter = express.Router()
import express = require('express')
import { waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
import {
- makeFriends
+ makeFriendsController
- quitFriends
+ quitFriendsController
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import express = require('express')
-import { waterfall } from 'async/waterfall'
+import * as waterfall from 'async/waterfall'
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { checkSignature, signatureValidator } from '../../../middlewares'
const remotePodsRouter = express.Router()
import express = require('express')
import { eachSeries, waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import {
import express = require('express')
import { waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { CONFIG, USER_ROLES } from '../../initializers'
import { logger, getFormatedObjects } from '../../helpers'
import {
const videoId = req.params.videoId
const userId = res.locals.oauth.token.User.id
- db.UserVideoRate.load(userId, videoId, function (err, ratingObj) {
+ db.UserVideoRate.load(userId, videoId, null, function (err, ratingObj) {
if (err) return next(err)
const rating = ratingObj ? ratingObj.type : 'none'
import express = require('express')
import { waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import friends = require('../../../lib/friends')
import {
import express = require('express')
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
import {
import path = require('path')
import { waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import {
import express = require('express')
import { waterfall } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import {
// TODO: use .validator when express-validator typing will have validator field
const validator = expressValidator['validator']
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers/database'
import {
} from '../initializers'
+import { root } from '../helpers'
const clientsRouter = express.Router()
// TODO: move to constants
const opengraphComment = '<!-- opengraph tags -->'
-const distPath = join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client/dist')
-const embedPath = join(distPath, 'standalone/videos/embed.html')
+const distPath = join(root(), 'client', 'dist')
+const embedPath = join(distPath, 'standalone', 'videos', 'embed.html')
const indexPath = join(distPath, 'index.html')
// Special route that add OpenGraph tags
// TODO: import from ES6 when retry typing file will include errorFilter function
import retry = require('async/retry')
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers/database'
import { logger } from './logger'
function commitTransaction (t, callback) {
function startSerializableTransaction (callback) {
- db.sequelize.transaction({ isolationLevel: 'SERIALIZABLE' }).asCallback(function (err, t) {
+ db.sequelize.transaction(/* { isolationLevel: 'SERIALIZABLE' } */).asCallback(function (err, t) {
// We force to return only two parameters
return callback(err, t)
exitOnError: true
-// TODO: useful?
-// logger.stream = {
-// write: function (message) {
-// logger.info(message)
-// }
-// }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export { logger }
import { pseudoRandomBytes } from 'crypto'
+import { join } from 'path'
import { logger } from './logger'
+function root () {
+ // We are in /dist/helpers/utils.js
+ return join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..')
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- getFormatedObjects
+ getFormatedObjects,
+ root
import config = require('config')
-const db = require('./database')
+import { database as db } from './database'
import { CONFIG } from './constants'
// Some checks on configuration files
import config = require('config')
import { join } from 'path'
+// Do not use barrels, remain constants as independent as possible
+import { root, isTestInstance } from '../helpers/utils'
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
PASSWORD: config.get<string>('database.password')
- CERT_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.certs')),
- LOG_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.logs')),
- VIDEOS_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.videos')),
- THUMBNAILS_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.thumbnails')),
- PREVIEWS_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.previews')),
- TORRENTS_DIR: join(__dirname, '..', '..', config.get<string>('storage.torrents'))
+ CERT_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.certs')),
+ LOG_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.logs')),
+ VIDEOS_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.videos')),
+ THUMBNAILS_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.thumbnails')),
+ PREVIEWS_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.previews')),
+ TORRENTS_DIR: join(root(), config.get<string>('storage.torrents'))
SCHEME: config.get<boolean>('webserver.https') === true ? 'https' : 'http',
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This method exists in utils module but we want to let the constants module independent
-function isTestInstance () {
- return (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test')
// Do not use barrel, we need to load database first
import { logger } from '../helpers/logger'
import { isTestInstance } from '../helpers/utils'
+import {
+ ApplicationModel,
+ AuthorModel,
+ JobModel,
+ OAuthClientModel,
+ OAuthTokenModel,
+ PodModel,
+ RequestModel,
+ RequestToPodModel,
+ RequestVideoEventModel,
+ RequestVideoQaduModel,
+ TagModel,
+ UserModel,
+ UserVideoRateModel,
+ VideoAbuseModel,
+ BlacklistedVideoModel,
+ VideoTagModel,
+ VideoModel
+} from '../models'
-const database: any = {}
+const database: {
+ sequelize?: Sequelize.Sequelize,
+ init?: (silent: any, callback: any) => void,
+ Application?: ApplicationModel,
+ Author?: AuthorModel,
+ Job?: JobModel,
+ OAuthClient?: OAuthClientModel,
+ OAuthToken?: OAuthTokenModel,
+ Pod?: PodModel,
+ RequestToPod?: RequestToPodModel,
+ RequestVideoEvent?: RequestVideoEventModel,
+ RequestVideoQadu?: RequestVideoQaduModel,
+ Request?: RequestModel,
+ Tag?: TagModel,
+ UserVideoRate?: UserVideoRateModel,
+ User?: UserModel,
+ VideoAbuse?: VideoAbuseModel,
+ BlacklistedVideo?: BlacklistedVideoModel,
+ VideoTag?: VideoTagModel,
+ Video?: VideoModel
+} = {}
const sequelize = new Sequelize(dbname, username, password, {
dialect: 'postgres',
database.sequelize = sequelize
database.init = function (silent, callback) {
- if (!callback) {
- callback = silent
- silent = false
- }
- if (!callback) callback = function () { /* empty */ }
const modelDirectory = join(__dirname, '..', 'models')
fs.readdir(modelDirectory, function (err, files) {
files.filter(function (file) {
// For all models but not utils.js
- if (file === 'utils.js') return false
+ if (
+ file === 'index.js' ||
+ file === 'utils.js' ||
+ file.endsWith('-interface.js') ||
+ file.endsWith('.js.map')
+ ) return false
return true
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module.exports = database
+export {
+ database
import mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
import passwordGenerator = require('password-generator')
-const db = require('./database')
+import { database as db } from './database'
import { USER_ROLES, CONFIG, LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION } from './constants'
import { clientsExist, usersExist } from './checker'
-import { logger, createCertsIfNotExist } from '../helpers'
+import { logger, createCertsIfNotExist, root } from '../helpers'
function installApplication (callback) {
each(Object.keys(storages), function (key, callbackEach) {
const dir = storages[key]
- mkdirp(join(__dirname, '..', '..', dir), callbackEach)
+ mkdirp(join(root(), dir), callbackEach)
}, callback)
const client = db.OAuthClient.build({
clientId: id,
clientSecret: secret,
- grants: [ 'password', 'refresh_token' ]
+ grants: [ 'password', 'refresh_token' ],
+ redirectUris: null
client.save().asCallback(function (err, createdClient) {
import { waterfall, eachSeries } from 'async'
import fs = require('fs')
import path = require('path')
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-const db = require('./database')
+import { database as db } from './database'
import { LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION } from './constants'
import { logger } from '../helpers'
+import { ApplicationInstance } from '../models'
function migrate (finalCallback) {
function executeMigration (actualVersion, entity, callback) {
- const versionScript = parseInt(entity.version)
+ const versionScript = parseInt(entity.version, 10)
// Do not execute old migration scripts
if (versionScript <= actualVersion) return callback(null)
transaction: t,
queryInterface: db.sequelize.getQueryInterface(),
sequelize: db.sequelize,
- Sequelize: db.Sequelize
+ Sequelize: Sequelize
migrationScript.up(options, function (err) {
if (err) {
import { each, eachLimit, eachSeries, series, waterfall } from 'async'
import request = require('request')
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers/database'
import {
// Flush pool requests
- eachLimit(podsList, REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL, function (pod: any, callbackEach) {
+ eachLimit(podsList, REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL, function (pod: { host: string }, callbackEach) {
const params = {
url: REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + pod.host + '/api/' + API_VERSION + '/pods/',
method: 'POST',
- makeRetryRequest(params, function (err, res, body) {
+ makeRetryRequest(params, function (err, res, body: { cert: string, email: string }) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.host, { error: err })
// Don't break the process
-const db = require('../../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
import { addVideoToFriends } from '../../../lib'
import { forever, queue } from 'async'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import {
logger.info('Jobs scheduler activated.')
- const jobsQueue = queue(this.processJob)
+ const jobsQueue = queue(this.processJob.bind(this))
// Finish processing jobs from a previous start
- createJob (transaction, handlerName, handlerInputData, callback) {
+ createJob (transaction, handlerName: string, handlerInputData: object, callback) {
const createQuery = {
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers/database'
import { logger } from '../helpers'
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
userId: user.id
- return db.OAuthToken.create(tokenToCreate).then(function (tokenCreated) {
+ return db.OAuthToken.create(tokenToCreate).then(function (tokenCreated: any) {
tokenCreated.client = client
tokenCreated.user = user
-import { eachLimit } from 'async/eachLimit'
+import * as eachLimit from 'async/eachLimit'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { logger, makeSecureRequest } from '../../helpers'
import {
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { BaseRequestScheduler } from './base-request-scheduler'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
import {
const toIds = options.toIds
const transaction = options.transaction
- const pods = []
+ // TODO: check the setPods works
+ const podIds = []
// If there are no destination pods abort
if (toIds.length === 0) return callback(null)
toIds.forEach(toPod => {
- pods.push(db.Pod.build({ id: toPod }))
+ podIds.push(toPod)
const createQuery = {
return db.Request.create(createQuery, dbRequestOptions).asCallback((err, request) => {
if (err) return callback(err)
- return request.setPods(pods, dbRequestOptions).asCallback(callback)
+ return request.setPods(podIds, dbRequestOptions).asCallback(callback)
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { BaseRequestScheduler } from './base-request-scheduler'
import {
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { BaseRequestScheduler } from './base-request-scheduler'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
import {
-const logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+import { logger } from '../helpers'
function ensureIsAdmin (req, res, next) {
const user = res.locals.oauth.token.user
import OAuthServer = require('express-oauth-server')
-const constants = require('../initializers/constants')
-const logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+import { OAUTH_LIFETIME } from '../initializers'
+import { logger } from '../helpers'
const oAuthServer = new OAuthServer({
- accessTokenLifetime: constants.OAUTH_LIFETIME.ACCESS_TOKEN,
- refreshTokenLifetime: constants.OAUTH_LIFETIME.REFRESH_TOKEN,
model: require('../lib/oauth-model')
-const constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+import { PAGINATION_COUNT_DEFAULT } from '../initializers'
function setPagination (req, res, next) {
if (!req.query.start) req.query.start = 0
else req.query.start = parseInt(req.query.start, 10)
- if (!req.query.count) req.query.count = constants.PAGINATION_COUNT_DEFAULT
+ if (!req.query.count) req.query.count = PAGINATION_COUNT_DEFAULT
else req.query.count = parseInt(req.query.count, 10)
return next()
-'use strict'
-const constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+import { REMOTE_SCHEME } from '../initializers'
function setBodyHostsPort (req, res, next) {
if (!req.body.hosts) return next()
// The port was not specified
if (splitted.length === 1) {
- if (constants.REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP === 'https') return host + ':443'
+ if (REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP === 'https') return host + ':443'
return host + ':80'
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
-const logger = require('../helpers/logger')
-const peertubeCrypto = require('../helpers/peertube-crypto')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers'
+import {
+ logger,
+ checkSignature as peertubeCryptoCheckSignature
+} from '../helpers'
function checkSignature (req, res, next) {
const host = req.body.signature.host
signatureShouldBe = host
- const signatureOk = peertubeCrypto.checkSignature(pod.publicKey, signatureShouldBe, req.body.signature.signature)
+ const signatureOk = peertubeCryptoCheckSignature(pod.publicKey, signatureShouldBe, req.body.signature.signature)
if (signatureOk === true) {
res.locals.secure = {
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
-const db = require('../../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, SEARCHABLE_COLUMNS } from '../../initializers'
import { logger, isVideoDurationValid } from '../../helpers'
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace ApplicationMethods {
+ export type LoadMigrationVersion = (callback: (err: Error, version: number) => void) => void
+ export type UpdateMigrationVersion = (newVersion: number, transaction: any, callback: any) => void
+export interface ApplicationClass {
+ loadMigrationVersion: ApplicationMethods.LoadMigrationVersion
+ updateMigrationVersion: ApplicationMethods.UpdateMigrationVersion
+export interface ApplicationAttributes {
+ migrationVersion: number
+export interface ApplicationInstance extends ApplicationClass, ApplicationAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<ApplicationAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface ApplicationModel extends ApplicationClass, Sequelize.Model<ApplicationInstance, ApplicationAttributes> {}
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Application = sequelize.define('Application',
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ ApplicationClass,
+ ApplicationAttributes,
+ ApplicationInstance,
+ ApplicationMethods
+} from './application-interface'
+let Application: Sequelize.Model<ApplicationInstance, ApplicationAttributes>
+let loadMigrationVersion: ApplicationMethods.LoadMigrationVersion
+let updateMigrationVersion: ApplicationMethods.UpdateMigrationVersion
+export default function defineApplication (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Application = sequelize.define<ApplicationInstance, ApplicationAttributes>('Application',
migrationVersion: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
isInt: true
- },
- {
- classMethods: {
- loadMigrationVersion,
- updateMigrationVersion
- }
+ const classMethods = [ loadMigrationVersion, updateMigrationVersion ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Application, classMethods)
return Application
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function loadMigrationVersion (callback) {
+loadMigrationVersion = function (callback: (err: Error, version: number) => void) {
const query = {
attributes: [ 'migrationVersion' ]
- return this.findOne(query).asCallback(function (err, data) {
+ return Application.findOne(query).asCallback(function (err, data) {
const version = data ? data.migrationVersion : null
return callback(err, version)
-function updateMigrationVersion (newVersion, transaction, callback) {
- const options: { where?: any, transaction?: any } = {
+updateMigrationVersion = function (newVersion: number, transaction: any, callback: any) {
+ const options: Sequelize.UpdateOptions = {
where: {}
options.transaction = transaction
- return this.update({ migrationVersion: newVersion }, options).asCallback(callback)
+ return Application.update({ migrationVersion: newVersion }, options).asCallback(callback)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace AuthorMethods {
+ export type FindOrCreateAuthor = (name, podId, userId, transaction, callback) => void
+export interface AuthorClass {
+ findOrCreateAuthor: AuthorMethods.FindOrCreateAuthor
+export interface AuthorAttributes {
+ name: string
+export interface AuthorInstance extends AuthorClass, AuthorAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<AuthorAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface AuthorModel extends AuthorClass, Sequelize.Model<AuthorInstance, AuthorAttributes> {}
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { isUserUsernameValid } from '../helpers'
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Author = sequelize.define('Author',
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ AuthorClass,
+ AuthorInstance,
+ AuthorAttributes,
+ AuthorMethods
+} from './author-interface'
+let Author: Sequelize.Model<AuthorInstance, AuthorAttributes>
+let findOrCreateAuthor: AuthorMethods.FindOrCreateAuthor
+export default function defineAuthor (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Author = sequelize.define<AuthorInstance, AuthorAttributes>('Author',
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'name', 'podId' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- findOrCreateAuthor
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [ associate, findOrCreateAuthor ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Author, classMethods)
return Author
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
+ Author.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'podId',
allowNull: true
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.belongsTo(models.User, {
+ Author.belongsTo(models.User, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'userId',
allowNull: true
-function findOrCreateAuthor (name, podId, userId, transaction, callback) {
+findOrCreateAuthor = function (name, podId, userId, transaction, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = transaction
transaction = null
if (transaction) query.transaction = transaction
- this.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ Author.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
// [ instance, wasCreated ]
--- /dev/null
+export * from './application-interface'
+export * from './author-interface'
+export * from './job-interface'
+export * from './oauth-client-interface'
+export * from './oauth-token-interface'
+export * from './pod-interface'
+export * from './request-interface'
+export * from './request-to-pod-interface'
+export * from './request-video-event-interface'
+export * from './request-video-qadu-interface'
+export * from './tag-interface'
+export * from './user-video-rate-interface'
+export * from './user-interface'
+export * from './video-abuse-interface'
+export * from './video-blacklist-interface'
+export * from './video-tag-interface'
+export * from './video-interface'
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace JobMethods {
+ export type ListWithLimit = (limit, state, callback) => void
+export interface JobClass {
+ listWithLimit: JobMethods.ListWithLimit
+export interface JobAttributes {
+ state: string
+ handlerName: string
+ handlerInputData: object
+export interface JobInstance extends JobClass, JobAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<JobAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface JobModel extends JobClass, Sequelize.Model<JobInstance, JobAttributes> {}
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { JOB_STATES } from '../initializers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ JobClass,
+ JobInstance,
+ JobAttributes,
+ JobMethods
+} from './job-interface'
+let Job: Sequelize.Model<JobInstance, JobAttributes>
+let listWithLimit: JobMethods.ListWithLimit
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Job = sequelize.define('Job',
+export default function defineJob (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Job = sequelize.define<JobInstance, JobAttributes>('Job',
state: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(JOB_STATES)),
fields: [ 'state' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- listWithLimit
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [ listWithLimit ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Job, classMethods)
return Job
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function listWithLimit (limit, state, callback) {
+listWithLimit = function (limit, state, callback) {
const query = {
order: [
[ 'id', 'ASC' ]
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Job.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace OAuthClientMethods {
+ export type CountTotal = (callback) => void
+ export type LoadFirstClient = (callback) => void
+ export type GetByIdAndSecret = (clientId, clientSecret) => void
+export interface OAuthClientClass {
+ countTotal: OAuthClientMethods.CountTotal
+ loadFirstClient: OAuthClientMethods.LoadFirstClient
+ getByIdAndSecret: OAuthClientMethods.GetByIdAndSecret
+export interface OAuthClientAttributes {
+ clientId: string
+ clientSecret: string
+ grants: string[]
+ redirectUris: string[]
+export interface OAuthClientInstance extends OAuthClientClass, OAuthClientAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<OAuthClientAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface OAuthClientModel extends OAuthClientClass, Sequelize.Model<OAuthClientInstance, OAuthClientAttributes> {}
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const OAuthClient = sequelize.define('OAuthClient',
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ OAuthClientClass,
+ OAuthClientInstance,
+ OAuthClientAttributes,
+ OAuthClientMethods
+} from './oauth-client-interface'
+let OAuthClient: Sequelize.Model<OAuthClientInstance, OAuthClientAttributes>
+let countTotal: OAuthClientMethods.CountTotal
+let loadFirstClient: OAuthClientMethods.LoadFirstClient
+let getByIdAndSecret: OAuthClientMethods.GetByIdAndSecret
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ OAuthClient = sequelize.define('OAuthClient',
clientId: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'clientId', 'clientSecret' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- countTotal,
- getByIdAndSecret,
- loadFirstClient
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ countTotal,
+ getByIdAndSecret,
+ loadFirstClient
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(OAuthClient, classMethods)
return OAuthClient
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function countTotal (callback) {
- return this.count().asCallback(callback)
+function associate (models) {
+ OAuthClient.hasMany(models.OAuthToken, {
+ foreignKey: 'oAuthClientId',
+ onDelete: 'cascade'
+ })
+countTotal = function (callback) {
+ return OAuthClient.count().asCallback(callback)
-function loadFirstClient (callback) {
- return this.findOne().asCallback(callback)
+loadFirstClient = function (callback) {
+ return OAuthClient.findOne().asCallback(callback)
-function getByIdAndSecret (clientId, clientSecret) {
+getByIdAndSecret = function (clientId, clientSecret) {
const query = {
where: {
clientId: clientId,
- return this.findOne(query)
+ return OAuthClient.findOne(query)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { UserModel } from './user-interface'
+export namespace OAuthTokenMethods {
+ export type GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient = (refreshToken) => void
+ export type GetByTokenAndPopulateUser = (bearerToken) => void
+ export type GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser = (refreshToken) => any
+ export type RemoveByUserId = (userId, callback) => void
+export interface OAuthTokenClass {
+ getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient
+ getByTokenAndPopulateUser: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByTokenAndPopulateUser
+ getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser
+ removeByUserId: OAuthTokenMethods.RemoveByUserId
+export interface OAuthTokenAttributes {
+ accessToken: string
+ accessTokenExpiresAt: Date
+ refreshToken: string
+ refreshTokenExpiresAt: Date
+ User?: UserModel
+export interface OAuthTokenInstance extends OAuthTokenClass, OAuthTokenAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<OAuthTokenAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface OAuthTokenModel extends OAuthTokenClass, Sequelize.Model<OAuthTokenInstance, OAuthTokenAttributes> {}
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { logger } from '../helpers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ OAuthTokenClass,
+ OAuthTokenInstance,
+ OAuthTokenAttributes,
+ OAuthTokenMethods
+} from './oauth-token-interface'
+let OAuthToken: Sequelize.Model<OAuthTokenInstance, OAuthTokenAttributes>
+let getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient
+let getByTokenAndPopulateUser: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByTokenAndPopulateUser
+let getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser: OAuthTokenMethods.GetByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser
+let removeByUserId: OAuthTokenMethods.RemoveByUserId
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const OAuthToken = sequelize.define('OAuthToken',
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ OAuthToken = sequelize.define('OAuthToken',
accessToken: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'oAuthClientId' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient,
- getByTokenAndPopulateUser,
- getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser,
- removeByUserId
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient,
+ getByTokenAndPopulateUser,
+ getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser,
+ removeByUserId
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(OAuthToken, classMethods)
return OAuthToken
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.User, {
+ OAuthToken.belongsTo(models.User, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'userId',
allowNull: false
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.belongsTo(models.OAuthClient, {
+ OAuthToken.belongsTo(models.OAuthClient, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'oAuthClientId',
allowNull: false
-function getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient (refreshToken) {
+getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateClient = function (refreshToken) {
const query = {
where: {
refreshToken: refreshToken
- include: [ this.associations.OAuthClient ]
+ include: [ OAuthToken['sequelize'].models.OAuthClient ]
- return this.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
+ return OAuthToken.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
if (!token) return token
const tokenInfos = {
refreshToken: token.refreshToken,
refreshTokenExpiresAt: token.refreshTokenExpiresAt,
client: {
- id: token.client.id
+ id: token['client'].id
user: {
- id: token.user
+ id: token['user']
-function getByTokenAndPopulateUser (bearerToken) {
+getByTokenAndPopulateUser = function (bearerToken) {
const query = {
where: {
accessToken: bearerToken
- include: [ this.sequelize.models.User ]
+ include: [ OAuthToken['sequelize'].models.User ]
- return this.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
- if (token) token.user = token.User
+ return OAuthToken.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
+ if (token) token['user'] = token.User
return token
-function getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser (refreshToken) {
+getByRefreshTokenAndPopulateUser = function (refreshToken) {
const query = {
where: {
refreshToken: refreshToken
- include: [ this.sequelize.models.User ]
+ include: [ OAuthToken['sequelize'].models.User ]
- return this.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
- token.user = token.User
+ return OAuthToken.findOne(query).then(function (token) {
+ token['user'] = token.User
return token
-function removeByUserId (userId, callback) {
+removeByUserId = function (userId, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
userId: userId
- return this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return OAuthToken.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace PodMethods {
+ export type ToFormatedJSON = () => void
+ export type CountAll = (callback) => void
+ export type IncrementScores = (ids, value, callback) => void
+ export type List = (callback) => void
+ export type ListAllIds = (transaction, callback) => void
+ export type ListRandomPodIdsWithRequest = (limit, tableWithPods, tableWithPodsJoins, callback) => void
+ export type ListBadPods = (callback) => void
+ export type Load = (id, callback) => void
+ export type LoadByHost = (host, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveAll = (callback) => void
+ export type UpdatePodsScore = (goodPods, badPods) => void
+export interface PodClass {
+ countAll: PodMethods.CountAll
+ incrementScores: PodMethods.IncrementScores
+ list: PodMethods.List
+ listAllIds: PodMethods.ListAllIds
+ listRandomPodIdsWithRequest: PodMethods.ListRandomPodIdsWithRequest
+ listBadPods: PodMethods.ListBadPods
+ load: PodMethods.Load
+ loadByHost: PodMethods.LoadByHost
+ removeAll: PodMethods.RemoveAll
+ updatePodsScore: PodMethods.UpdatePodsScore
+export interface PodAttributes {
+ host?: string
+ publicKey?: string
+ score?: number | Sequelize.literal // Sequelize literal for 'score +' + value
+ email?: string
+export interface PodInstance extends PodClass, PodAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<PodAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+ toFormatedJSON: PodMethods.ToFormatedJSON,
+export interface PodModel extends PodClass, Sequelize.Model<PodInstance, PodAttributes> {}
import { each, waterfall } from 'async'
import { map } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { FRIEND_SCORE, PODS_SCORE } from '../initializers'
import { logger, isHostValid } from '../helpers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Pod = sequelize.define('Pod',
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ PodClass,
+ PodInstance,
+ PodAttributes,
+ PodMethods
+} from './pod-interface'
+let Pod: Sequelize.Model<PodInstance, PodAttributes>
+let toFormatedJSON: PodMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+let countAll: PodMethods.CountAll
+let incrementScores: PodMethods.IncrementScores
+let list: PodMethods.List
+let listAllIds: PodMethods.ListAllIds
+let listRandomPodIdsWithRequest: PodMethods.ListRandomPodIdsWithRequest
+let listBadPods: PodMethods.ListBadPods
+let load: PodMethods.Load
+let loadByHost: PodMethods.LoadByHost
+let removeAll: PodMethods.RemoveAll
+let updatePodsScore: PodMethods.UpdatePodsScore
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Pod = sequelize.define('Pod',
host: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'score' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- countAll,
- incrementScores,
- list,
- listAllIds,
- listRandomPodIdsWithRequest,
- listBadPods,
- load,
- loadByHost,
- updatePodsScore,
- removeAll
- },
- instanceMethods: {
- toFormatedJSON
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ countAll,
+ incrementScores,
+ list,
+ listAllIds,
+ listRandomPodIdsWithRequest,
+ listBadPods,
+ load,
+ loadByHost,
+ updatePodsScore,
+ removeAll
+ ]
+ const instanceMethods = [ toFormatedJSON ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Pod, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return Pod
// ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------
-function toFormatedJSON () {
+toFormatedJSON = function () {
const json = {
id: this.id,
host: this.host,
// ------------------------------ Statics ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsToMany(models.Request, {
+ Pod.belongsToMany(models.Request, {
foreignKey: 'podId',
through: models.RequestToPod,
onDelete: 'cascade'
-function countAll (callback) {
- return this.count().asCallback(callback)
+countAll = function (callback) {
+ return Pod.count().asCallback(callback)
-function incrementScores (ids, value, callback) {
+incrementScores = function (ids, value, callback) {
if (!callback) callback = function () { /* empty */ }
const update = {
- score: this.sequelize.literal('score +' + value)
+ score: Sequelize.literal('score +' + value)
const options = {
validate: false
- return this.update(update, options).asCallback(callback)
+ return Pod.update(update, options).asCallback(callback)
-function list (callback) {
- return this.findAll().asCallback(callback)
+list = function (callback) {
+ return Pod.findAll().asCallback(callback)
-function listAllIds (transaction, callback) {
+listAllIds = function (transaction, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = transaction
transaction = null
if (transaction) query.transaction = transaction
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, pods) {
+ return Pod.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, pods) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, map(pods, 'id'))
-function listRandomPodIdsWithRequest (limit, tableWithPods, tableWithPodsJoins, callback) {
+listRandomPodIdsWithRequest = function (limit, tableWithPods, tableWithPodsJoins, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = tableWithPodsJoins
tableWithPodsJoins = ''
- const self = this
- self.count().asCallback(function (err, count) {
+ Pod.count().asCallback(function (err, count) {
if (err) return callback(err)
// Optimization...
where: {
id: {
$in: [
- this.sequelize.literal(`SELECT DISTINCT "${tableWithPods}"."podId" FROM "${tableWithPods}" ${tableWithPodsJoins}`)
+ Sequelize.literal(`SELECT DISTINCT "${tableWithPods}"."podId" FROM "${tableWithPods}" ${tableWithPodsJoins}`)
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, pods) {
+ return Pod.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, pods) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, map(pods, 'id'))
-function listBadPods (callback) {
+listBadPods = function (callback) {
const query = {
where: {
score: { $lte: 0 }
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Pod.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
-function load (id, callback) {
- return this.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
+load = function (id, callback) {
+ return Pod.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
-function loadByHost (host, callback) {
+loadByHost = function (host, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
host: host
- return this.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Pod.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
-function removeAll (callback) {
- return this.destroy().asCallback(callback)
+removeAll = function (callback) {
+ return Pod.destroy().asCallback(callback)
-function updatePodsScore (goodPods, badPods) {
- const self = this
+updatePodsScore = function (goodPods, badPods) {
logger.info('Updating %d good pods and %d bad pods scores.', goodPods.length, badPods.length)
if (goodPods.length !== 0) {
- this.incrementScores(goodPods, PODS_SCORE.BONUS, function (err) {
+ incrementScores(goodPods, PODS_SCORE.BONUS, function (err) {
if (err) logger.error('Cannot increment scores of good pods.', { error: err })
if (badPods.length !== 0) {
- this.incrementScores(badPods, PODS_SCORE.MALUS, function (err) {
+ incrementScores(badPods, PODS_SCORE.MALUS, function (err) {
if (err) logger.error('Cannot decrement scores of bad pods.', { error: err })
- removeBadPods.call(self)
+ removeBadPods()
// Remove pods with a score of 0 (too many requests where they were unreachable)
function removeBadPods () {
- const self = this
function findBadPods (callback) {
- self.sequelize.models.Pod.listBadPods(function (err, pods) {
+ listBadPods(function (err, pods) {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot find bad pods.', { error: err })
return callback(err)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { PodAttributes } from './pod-interface'
+export namespace RequestMethods {
+ export type CountTotalRequests = (callback) => void
+ export type ListWithLimitAndRandom = (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveWithEmptyTo = (callback) => void
+ export type RemoveAll = (callback) => void
+export interface RequestClass {
+ countTotalRequests: RequestMethods.CountTotalRequests
+ listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+ removeWithEmptyTo: RequestMethods.RemoveWithEmptyTo
+ removeAll: RequestMethods.RemoveAll
+export interface RequestAttributes {
+ request: object
+ endpoint: string
+export interface RequestInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<RequestAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+ setPods: Sequelize.HasManySetAssociationsMixin<PodAttributes, number>
+export interface RequestModel extends RequestClass, Sequelize.Model<RequestInstance, RequestAttributes> {}
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace RequestToPodMethods {
+ export type RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod = (requestsIds, podId, callback) => void
+export interface RequestToPodClass {
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestToPodMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+export interface RequestToPodAttributes {
+export interface RequestToPodInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<RequestToPodAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface RequestToPodModel extends RequestToPodClass, Sequelize.Model<RequestToPodInstance, RequestToPodAttributes> {}
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const RequestToPod = sequelize.define('RequestToPod', {}, {
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ RequestToPodClass,
+ RequestToPodInstance,
+ RequestToPodAttributes,
+ RequestToPodMethods
+} from './request-to-pod-interface'
+let RequestToPod: Sequelize.Model<RequestToPodInstance, RequestToPodAttributes>
+let removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestToPodMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ RequestToPod = sequelize.define('RequestToPod', {}, {
indexes: [
fields: [ 'requestId' ]
fields: [ 'requestId', 'podId' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- removeByRequestIdsAndPod
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(RequestToPod, classMethods)
return RequestToPod
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function removeByRequestIdsAndPod (requestsIds, podId, callback) {
+removeByRequestIdsAndPod = function (requestsIds, podId, callback) {
if (!callback) callback = function () { /* empty */ }
const query = {
- this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
+ RequestToPod.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace RequestVideoEventMethods {
+ export type CountTotalRequests = (callback) => void
+ export type ListWithLimitAndRandom = (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod = (ids, podId, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveAll = (callback) => void
+export interface RequestVideoEventClass {
+ countTotalRequests: RequestVideoEventMethods.CountTotalRequests
+ listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestVideoEventMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+ removeAll: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveAll
+export interface RequestVideoEventAttributes {
+ type: string
+ count: number
+export interface RequestVideoEventInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<RequestVideoEventAttributes> {
+ id: number
+export interface RequestVideoEventModel extends RequestVideoEventClass, Sequelize.Model<RequestVideoEventInstance, RequestVideoEventAttributes> {}
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { REQUEST_VIDEO_EVENT_TYPES } from '../initializers'
import { isVideoEventCountValid } from '../helpers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ RequestVideoEventClass,
+ RequestVideoEventInstance,
+ RequestVideoEventAttributes,
+ RequestVideoEventMethods
+} from './request-video-event-interface'
+let RequestVideoEvent: Sequelize.Model<RequestVideoEventInstance, RequestVideoEventAttributes>
+let countTotalRequests: RequestVideoEventMethods.CountTotalRequests
+let listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestVideoEventMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+let removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+let removeAll: RequestVideoEventMethods.RemoveAll
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const RequestVideoEvent = sequelize.define('RequestVideoEvent',
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ RequestVideoEvent = sequelize.define('RequestVideoEvent',
type: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(REQUEST_VIDEO_EVENT_TYPES)),
fields: [ 'videoId' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- listWithLimitAndRandom,
- countTotalRequests,
- removeAll,
- removeByRequestIdsAndPod
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ listWithLimitAndRandom,
+ countTotalRequests,
+ removeAll,
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(RequestVideoEvent, classMethods)
return RequestVideoEvent
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Video, {
+ RequestVideoEvent.belongsTo(models.Video, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'videoId',
allowNull: false
-function countTotalRequests (callback) {
+countTotalRequests = function (callback) {
const query = {}
- return this.count(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return RequestVideoEvent.count(query).asCallback(callback)
-function listWithLimitAndRandom (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
- const self = this
- const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod
+listWithLimitAndRandom = function (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
+ const Pod = RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Pod
// We make a join between videos and authors to find the podId of our video event requests
const podJoins = 'INNER JOIN "Videos" ON "Videos"."authorId" = "Authors"."id" ' +
include: [
- model: self.sequelize.models.Video,
+ model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Video,
include: [
- model: self.sequelize.models.Author,
+ model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Author,
include: [
- model: self.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Pod,
where: {
id: {
$in: podIds
- self.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
+ RequestVideoEvent.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
if (err) return callback(err)
const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod)
-function removeByRequestIdsAndPod (ids, podId, callback) {
+removeByRequestIdsAndPod = function (ids, podId, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
id: {
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Video,
+ model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Video,
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
+ model: RequestVideoEvent['sequelize'].models.Author,
where: {
- this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
+ RequestVideoEvent.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
-function removeAll (callback) {
+removeAll = function (callback) {
// Delete all requests
- this.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
+ RequestVideoEvent.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace RequestVideoQaduMethods {
+ export type CountTotalRequests = (callback) => void
+ export type ListWithLimitAndRandom = (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod = (ids, podId, callback) => void
+ export type RemoveAll = (callback) => void
+export interface RequestVideoQaduClass {
+ countTotalRequests: RequestVideoQaduMethods.CountTotalRequests
+ listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestVideoQaduMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestVideoQaduMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+ removeAll: RequestVideoQaduMethods.RemoveAll
+export interface RequestVideoQaduAttributes {
+ type: string
+export interface RequestVideoQaduInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<RequestVideoQaduAttributes> {
+ id: number
+export interface RequestVideoQaduModel extends RequestVideoQaduClass, Sequelize.Model<RequestVideoQaduInstance, RequestVideoQaduAttributes> {}
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { REQUEST_VIDEO_QADU_TYPES } from '../initializers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ RequestVideoQaduClass,
+ RequestVideoQaduInstance,
+ RequestVideoQaduAttributes,
+ RequestVideoQaduMethods
+} from './request-video-qadu-interface'
+let RequestVideoQadu: Sequelize.Model<RequestVideoQaduInstance, RequestVideoQaduAttributes>
+let countTotalRequests: RequestVideoQaduMethods.CountTotalRequests
+let listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestVideoQaduMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+let removeByRequestIdsAndPod: RequestVideoQaduMethods.RemoveByRequestIdsAndPod
+let removeAll: RequestVideoQaduMethods.RemoveAll
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const RequestVideoQadu = sequelize.define('RequestVideoQadu',
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ RequestVideoQadu = sequelize.define('RequestVideoQadu',
type: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(REQUEST_VIDEO_QADU_TYPES)),
fields: [ 'videoId' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- listWithLimitAndRandom,
- countTotalRequests,
- removeAll,
- removeByRequestIdsAndPod
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ listWithLimitAndRandom,
+ countTotalRequests,
+ removeAll,
+ removeByRequestIdsAndPod
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(RequestVideoQadu, classMethods)
return RequestVideoQadu
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
+ RequestVideoQadu.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'podId',
allowNull: false
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
- this.belongsTo(models.Video, {
+ RequestVideoQadu.belongsTo(models.Video, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'videoId',
allowNull: false
-function countTotalRequests (callback) {
+countTotalRequests = function (callback) {
const query = {}
- return this.count(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return RequestVideoQadu.count(query).asCallback(callback)
-function listWithLimitAndRandom (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
- const self = this
- const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod
+listWithLimitAndRandom = function (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
+ const Pod = RequestVideoQadu['sequelize'].models.Pod
Pod.listRandomPodIdsWithRequest(limitPods, 'RequestVideoQadus', function (err, podIds) {
if (err) return callback(err)
const query = {
include: [
- model: self.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: RequestVideoQadu['sequelize'].models.Pod,
where: {
id: {
$in: podIds
- model: self.sequelize.models.Video
+ model: RequestVideoQadu['sequelize'].models.Video
- self.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
+ RequestVideoQadu.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
if (err) return callback(err)
const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod)
-function removeByRequestIdsAndPod (ids, podId, callback) {
+removeByRequestIdsAndPod = function (ids, podId, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
id: {
- this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
+ RequestVideoQadu.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
-function removeAll (callback) {
+removeAll = function (callback) {
// Delete all requests
- this.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
+ RequestVideoQadu.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { REQUEST_ENDPOINTS } from '../initializers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ RequestClass,
+ RequestInstance,
+ RequestAttributes,
+ RequestMethods
+} from './request-interface'
+let Request: Sequelize.Model<RequestInstance, RequestAttributes>
+let countTotalRequests: RequestMethods.CountTotalRequests
+let listWithLimitAndRandom: RequestMethods.ListWithLimitAndRandom
+let removeWithEmptyTo: RequestMethods.RemoveWithEmptyTo
+let removeAll: RequestMethods.RemoveAll
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Request = sequelize.define('Request',
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Request = sequelize.define('Request',
request: {
type: DataTypes.JSON,
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(REQUEST_ENDPOINTS)),
allowNull: false
- },
- {
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- listWithLimitAndRandom,
- countTotalRequests,
- removeAll,
- removeWithEmptyTo
- }
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ listWithLimitAndRandom,
+ countTotalRequests,
+ removeAll,
+ removeWithEmptyTo
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Request, classMethods)
return Request
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsToMany(models.Pod, {
+ Request.belongsToMany(models.Pod, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'requestId',
allowNull: false
-function countTotalRequests (callback) {
+countTotalRequests = function (callback) {
// We need to include Pod because there are no cascade delete when a pod is removed
// So we could count requests that do not have existing pod anymore
const query = {
- include: [ this.sequelize.models.Pod ]
+ include: [ Request['sequelize'].models.Pod ]
- return this.count(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Request.count(query).asCallback(callback)
-function listWithLimitAndRandom (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
- const self = this
- const Pod = this.sequelize.models.Pod
+listWithLimitAndRandom = function (limitPods, limitRequestsPerPod, callback) {
+ const Pod = Request['sequelize'].models.Pod
Pod.listRandomPodIdsWithRequest(limitPods, 'RequestToPods', function (err, podIds) {
if (err) return callback(err)
include: [
- model: self.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: Request['sequelize'].models.Pod,
where: {
id: {
$in: podIds
- self.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
+ Request.findAll(query).asCallback(function (err, requests) {
if (err) return callback(err)
const requestsGrouped = groupAndTruncateRequests(requests, limitRequestsPerPod)
-function removeAll (callback) {
+removeAll = function (callback) {
// Delete all requests
- this.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
+ Request.truncate({ cascade: true }).asCallback(callback)
-function removeWithEmptyTo (callback) {
+removeWithEmptyTo = function (callback) {
if (!callback) callback = function () { /* empty */ }
const query = {
where: {
id: {
$notIn: [
- this.sequelize.literal('SELECT "requestId" FROM "RequestToPods"')
+ Sequelize.literal('SELECT "requestId" FROM "RequestToPods"')
- this.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
+ Request.destroy(query).asCallback(callback)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace TagMethods {
+ export type FindOrCreateTags = (tags, transaction, callback) => void
+export interface TagClass {
+ findOrCreateTags: TagMethods.FindOrCreateTags
+export interface TagAttributes {
+ name: string
+export interface TagInstance extends TagClass, TagAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<TagAttributes> {
+ id: number
+export interface TagModel extends TagClass, Sequelize.Model<TagInstance, TagAttributes> {}
import { each } from 'async'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ TagClass,
+ TagInstance,
+ TagAttributes,
+ TagMethods
+} from './tag-interface'
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Tag = sequelize.define('Tag',
+let Tag: Sequelize.Model<TagInstance, TagAttributes>
+let findOrCreateTags: TagMethods.FindOrCreateTags
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Tag = sequelize.define('Tag',
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'name' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- findOrCreateTags
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ findOrCreateTags
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Tag, classMethods)
return Tag
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsToMany(models.Video, {
+ Tag.belongsToMany(models.Video, {
foreignKey: 'tagId',
through: models.VideoTag,
onDelete: 'cascade'
-function findOrCreateTags (tags, transaction, callback) {
+findOrCreateTags = function (tags, transaction, callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = transaction
transaction = null
- const self = this
const tagInstances = []
each(tags, function (tag, callbackEach) {
if (transaction) query.transaction = transaction
- self.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, res) {
+ Tag.findOrCreate(query).asCallback(function (err, res) {
if (err) return callbackEach(err)
// res = [ tag, isCreated ]
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace UserMethods {
+ export type IsPasswordMatch = (password, callback) => void
+ export type ToFormatedJSON = () => void
+ export type IsAdmin = () => boolean
+ export type CountTotal = (callback) => void
+ export type GetByUsername = (username) => any
+ export type List = (callback) => void
+ export type ListForApi = (start, count, sort, callback) => void
+ export type LoadById = (id, callback) => void
+ export type LoadByUsername = (username, callback) => void
+ export type LoadByUsernameOrEmail = (username, email, callback) => void
+export interface UserClass {
+ isPasswordMatch: UserMethods.IsPasswordMatch,
+ toFormatedJSON: UserMethods.ToFormatedJSON,
+ isAdmin: UserMethods.IsAdmin,
+ countTotal: UserMethods.CountTotal,
+ getByUsername: UserMethods.GetByUsername,
+ list: UserMethods.List,
+ listForApi: UserMethods.ListForApi,
+ loadById: UserMethods.LoadById,
+ loadByUsername: UserMethods.LoadByUsername,
+ loadByUsernameOrEmail: UserMethods.LoadByUsernameOrEmail
+export interface UserAttributes {
+ password: string
+ username: string
+ email: string
+ displayNSFW?: boolean
+ role: string
+export interface UserInstance extends UserClass, UserAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<UserAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface UserModel extends UserClass, Sequelize.Model<UserInstance, UserAttributes> {}
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace UserVideoRateMethods {
+ export type Load = (userId, videoId, transaction, callback) => void
+export interface UserVideoRateClass {
+ load: UserVideoRateMethods.Load
+export interface UserVideoRateAttributes {
+ type: string
+export interface UserVideoRateInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserVideoRateAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface UserVideoRateModel extends UserVideoRateClass, Sequelize.Model<UserVideoRateInstance, UserVideoRateAttributes> {}
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { VIDEO_RATE_TYPES } from '../initializers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ UserVideoRateClass,
+ UserVideoRateInstance,
+ UserVideoRateAttributes,
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const UserVideoRate = sequelize.define('UserVideoRate',
+ UserVideoRateMethods
+} from './user-video-rate-interface'
+let UserVideoRate: Sequelize.Model<UserVideoRateInstance, UserVideoRateAttributes>
+let load: UserVideoRateMethods.Load
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ UserVideoRate = sequelize.define('UserVideoRate',
type: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(VIDEO_RATE_TYPES)),
fields: [ 'videoId', 'userId', 'type' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- load
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ load
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(UserVideoRate, classMethods)
return UserVideoRate
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Video, {
+ UserVideoRate.belongsTo(models.Video, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'videoId',
allowNull: false
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
- this.belongsTo(models.User, {
+ UserVideoRate.belongsTo(models.User, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'userId',
allowNull: false
-function load (userId, videoId, transaction, callback) {
- if (!callback) {
- callback = transaction
- transaction = null
- }
- const query = {
+load = function (userId, videoId, transaction, callback) {
+ const options: Sequelize.FindOptions = {
where: {
- const options: any = {}
if (transaction) options.transaction = transaction
- return this.findOne(query, options).asCallback(callback)
+ return UserVideoRate.findOne(options).asCallback(callback)
import { values } from 'lodash'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { getSort } from './utils'
import { USER_ROLES } from '../initializers'
} from '../helpers'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const User = sequelize.define('User',
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ UserClass,
+ UserInstance,
+ UserAttributes,
+ UserMethods
+} from './user-interface'
+let User: Sequelize.Model<UserInstance, UserAttributes>
+let isPasswordMatch: UserMethods.IsPasswordMatch
+let toFormatedJSON: UserMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+let isAdmin: UserMethods.IsAdmin
+let countTotal: UserMethods.CountTotal
+let getByUsername: UserMethods.GetByUsername
+let list: UserMethods.List
+let listForApi: UserMethods.ListForApi
+let loadById: UserMethods.LoadById
+let loadByUsername: UserMethods.LoadByUsername
+let loadByUsernameOrEmail: UserMethods.LoadByUsernameOrEmail
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ User = sequelize.define('User',
password: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- countTotal,
- getByUsername,
- list,
- listForApi,
- loadById,
- loadByUsername,
- loadByUsernameOrEmail
- },
- instanceMethods: {
- isPasswordMatch,
- toFormatedJSON,
- isAdmin
- },
hooks: {
beforeCreate: beforeCreateOrUpdate,
beforeUpdate: beforeCreateOrUpdate
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ countTotal,
+ getByUsername,
+ list,
+ listForApi,
+ loadById,
+ loadByUsername,
+ loadByUsernameOrEmail
+ ]
+ const instanceMethods = [
+ isPasswordMatch,
+ toFormatedJSON,
+ isAdmin
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(User, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return User
-function beforeCreateOrUpdate (user, options, next) {
- cryptPassword(user.password, function (err, hash) {
- if (err) return next(err)
+function beforeCreateOrUpdate (user, options) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ cryptPassword(user.password, function (err, hash) {
+ if (err) return reject(err)
- user.password = hash
+ user.password = hash
- return next()
+ return resolve()
+ })
// ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------
-function isPasswordMatch (password, callback) {
+isPasswordMatch = function (password, callback) {
return comparePassword(password, this.password, callback)
-function toFormatedJSON () {
+toFormatedJSON = function () {
return {
id: this.id,
username: this.username,
-function isAdmin () {
+isAdmin = function () {
return this.role === USER_ROLES.ADMIN
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.hasOne(models.Author, {
+ User.hasOne(models.Author, {
foreignKey: 'userId',
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.hasMany(models.OAuthToken, {
+ User.hasMany(models.OAuthToken, {
foreignKey: 'userId',
onDelete: 'cascade'
-function countTotal (callback) {
+countTotal = function (callback) {
return this.count().asCallback(callback)
-function getByUsername (username) {
+getByUsername = function (username) {
const query = {
where: {
username: username
- return this.findOne(query)
+ return User.findOne(query)
-function list (callback) {
- return this.find().asCallback(callback)
+list = function (callback) {
+ return User.find().asCallback(callback)
-function listForApi (start, count, sort, callback) {
+listForApi = function (start, count, sort, callback) {
const query = {
offset: start,
limit: count,
order: [ getSort(sort) ]
- return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ return User.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, result.rows, result.count)
-function loadById (id, callback) {
- return this.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
+loadById = function (id, callback) {
+ return User.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
-function loadByUsername (username, callback) {
+loadByUsername = function (username, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
username: username
- return this.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return User.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
-function loadByUsernameOrEmail (username, email, callback) {
+loadByUsernameOrEmail = function (username, email, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
$or: [ { username }, { email } ]
- return this.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return User.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
return [ field, direction ]
+function addMethodsToModel (model: any, classMethods: Function[], instanceMethods: Function[] = []) {
+ classMethods.forEach(m => model[m.name] = m)
+ instanceMethods.forEach(m => model.prototype[m.name] = m)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
+ addMethodsToModel,
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace VideoAbuseMethods {
+ export type toFormatedJSON = () => void
+ export type ListForApi = (start, count, sort, callback) => void
+export interface VideoAbuseClass {
+ listForApi: VideoAbuseMethods.ListForApi
+export interface VideoAbuseAttributes {
+ reporterUsername: string
+ reason: string
+export interface VideoAbuseInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<VideoAbuseAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface VideoAbuseModel extends VideoAbuseClass, Sequelize.Model<VideoAbuseInstance, VideoAbuseAttributes> {}
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { CONFIG } from '../initializers'
import { isVideoAbuseReporterUsernameValid, isVideoAbuseReasonValid } from '../helpers'
-import { getSort } from './utils'
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const VideoAbuse = sequelize.define('VideoAbuse',
+import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from './utils'
+import {
+ VideoAbuseClass,
+ VideoAbuseInstance,
+ VideoAbuseAttributes,
+ VideoAbuseMethods
+} from './video-abuse-interface'
+let VideoAbuse: Sequelize.Model<VideoAbuseInstance, VideoAbuseAttributes>
+let listForApi: VideoAbuseMethods.ListForApi
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ VideoAbuse = sequelize.define('VideoAbuse',
reporterUsername: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
fields: [ 'reporterPodId' ]
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- listForApi
- },
- instanceMethods: {
- toFormatedJSON
- }
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ listForApi
+ ]
+ const instanceMethods = [
+ toFormatedJSON
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(VideoAbuse, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return VideoAbuse
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------
+function toFormatedJSON () {
+ let reporterPodHost
+ if (this.Pod) {
+ reporterPodHost = this.Pod.host
+ } else {
+ // It means it's our video
+ }
+ const json = {
+ id: this.id,
+ reporterPodHost,
+ reason: this.reason,
+ reporterUsername: this.reporterUsername,
+ videoId: this.videoId,
+ createdAt: this.createdAt
+ }
+ return json
+// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
+ VideoAbuse.belongsTo(models.Pod, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'reporterPodId',
allowNull: true
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.belongsTo(models.Video, {
+ VideoAbuse.belongsTo(models.Video, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'videoId',
allowNull: false
-function listForApi (start, count, sort, callback) {
+listForApi = function (start, count, sort, callback) {
const query = {
offset: start,
limit: count,
order: [ getSort(sort) ],
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: VideoAbuse['sequelize'].models.Pod,
required: false
- return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ return VideoAbuse.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, result.rows, result.count)
-function toFormatedJSON () {
- let reporterPodHost
- if (this.Pod) {
- reporterPodHost = this.Pod.host
- } else {
- // It means it's our video
- }
- const json = {
- id: this.id,
- reporterPodHost,
- reason: this.reason,
- reporterUsername: this.reporterUsername,
- videoId: this.videoId,
- createdAt: this.createdAt
- }
- return json
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace BlacklistedVideoMethods {
+ export type ToFormatedJSON = () => void
+ export type CountTotal = (callback) => void
+ export type List = (callback) => void
+ export type ListForApi = (start, count, sort, callback) => void
+ export type LoadById = (id, callback) => void
+ export type LoadByVideoId = (id, callback) => void
+export interface BlacklistedVideoClass {
+ toFormatedJSON: BlacklistedVideoMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+ countTotal: BlacklistedVideoMethods.CountTotal
+ list: BlacklistedVideoMethods.List
+ listForApi: BlacklistedVideoMethods.ListForApi
+ loadById: BlacklistedVideoMethods.LoadById
+ loadByVideoId: BlacklistedVideoMethods.LoadByVideoId
+export interface BlacklistedVideoAttributes {
+export interface BlacklistedVideoInstance extends BlacklistedVideoClass, BlacklistedVideoAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<BlacklistedVideoAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface BlacklistedVideoModel extends BlacklistedVideoClass, Sequelize.Model<BlacklistedVideoInstance, BlacklistedVideoAttributes> {}
-import { getSort } from './utils'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const BlacklistedVideo = sequelize.define('BlacklistedVideo',
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from './utils'
+import {
+ BlacklistedVideoClass,
+ BlacklistedVideoInstance,
+ BlacklistedVideoAttributes,
+ BlacklistedVideoMethods
+} from './video-blacklist-interface'
+let BlacklistedVideo: Sequelize.Model<BlacklistedVideoInstance, BlacklistedVideoAttributes>
+let toFormatedJSON: BlacklistedVideoMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+let countTotal: BlacklistedVideoMethods.CountTotal
+let list: BlacklistedVideoMethods.List
+let listForApi: BlacklistedVideoMethods.ListForApi
+let loadById: BlacklistedVideoMethods.LoadById
+let loadByVideoId: BlacklistedVideoMethods.LoadByVideoId
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ BlacklistedVideo = sequelize.define('BlacklistedVideo',
indexes: [
fields: [ 'videoId' ],
unique: true
- ],
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- countTotal,
- list,
- listForApi,
- loadById,
- loadByVideoId
- },
- instanceMethods: {
- toFormatedJSON
- },
- hooks: {}
+ ]
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ countTotal,
+ list,
+ listForApi,
+ loadById,
+ loadByVideoId
+ ]
+ const instanceMethods = [
+ toFormatedJSON
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(BlacklistedVideo, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return BlacklistedVideo
// ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------
-function toFormatedJSON () {
+toFormatedJSON = function () {
return {
id: this.id,
videoId: this.videoId,
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Video, {
+ BlacklistedVideo.belongsTo(models.Video, {
foreignKey: 'videoId',
onDelete: 'cascade'
-function countTotal (callback) {
- return this.count().asCallback(callback)
+countTotal = function (callback) {
+ return BlacklistedVideo.count().asCallback(callback)
-function list (callback) {
- return this.findAll().asCallback(callback)
+list = function (callback) {
+ return BlacklistedVideo.findAll().asCallback(callback)
-function listForApi (start, count, sort, callback) {
+listForApi = function (start, count, sort, callback) {
const query = {
offset: start,
limit: count,
order: [ getSort(sort) ]
- return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ return BlacklistedVideo.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, result.rows, result.count)
-function loadById (id, callback) {
- return this.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
+loadById = function (id, callback) {
+ return BlacklistedVideo.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
-function loadByVideoId (id, callback) {
+loadByVideoId = function (id, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
videoId: id
- return this.find(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return BlacklistedVideo.find(query).asCallback(callback)
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace VideoMethods {
+ export type GenerateMagnetUri = () => void
+ export type GetVideoFilename = () => void
+ export type GetThumbnailName = () => void
+ export type GetPreviewName = () => void
+ export type GetTorrentName = () => void
+ export type IsOwned = () => void
+ export type ToFormatedJSON = () => void
+ export type ToAddRemoteJSON = (callback) => void
+ export type ToUpdateRemoteJSON = (callback) => void
+ export type TranscodeVideofile = (callback) => void
+ export type GenerateThumbnailFromData = (video, thumbnailData, callback) => void
+ export type GetDurationFromFile = (videoPath, callback) => void
+ export type List = (callback) => void
+ export type ListForApi = (start, count, sort, callback) => void
+ export type LoadByHostAndRemoteId = (fromHost, remoteId, callback) => void
+ export type ListOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags = (callback) => void
+ export type ListOwnedByAuthor = (author, callback) => void
+ export type Load = (id, callback) => void
+ export type LoadAndPopulateAuthor = (id, callback) => void
+ export type LoadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags = (id, callback) => void
+ export type SearchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags = (value, field, start, count, sort, callback) => void
+export interface VideoClass {
+ generateMagnetUri: VideoMethods.GenerateMagnetUri
+ getVideoFilename: VideoMethods.GetVideoFilename
+ getThumbnailName: VideoMethods.GetThumbnailName
+ getPreviewName: VideoMethods.GetPreviewName
+ getTorrentName: VideoMethods.GetTorrentName
+ isOwned: VideoMethods.IsOwned
+ toFormatedJSON: VideoMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+ toAddRemoteJSON: VideoMethods.ToAddRemoteJSON
+ toUpdateRemoteJSON: VideoMethods.ToUpdateRemoteJSON
+ transcodeVideofile: VideoMethods.TranscodeVideofile
+ generateThumbnailFromData: VideoMethods.GenerateThumbnailFromData
+ getDurationFromFile: VideoMethods.GetDurationFromFile
+ list: VideoMethods.List
+ listForApi: VideoMethods.ListForApi
+ loadByHostAndRemoteId: VideoMethods.LoadByHostAndRemoteId
+ listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags: VideoMethods.ListOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags
+ listOwnedByAuthor: VideoMethods.ListOwnedByAuthor
+ load: VideoMethods.Load
+ loadAndPopulateAuthor: VideoMethods.LoadAndPopulateAuthor
+ loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags: VideoMethods.LoadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
+ searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags: VideoMethods.SearchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
+export interface VideoAttributes {
+ name: string
+ extname: string
+ remoteId: string
+ category: number
+ licence: number
+ language: number
+ nsfw: boolean
+ description: string
+ infoHash?: string
+ duration: number
+ views?: number
+ likes?: number
+ dislikes?: number
+export interface VideoInstance extends VideoClass, VideoAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<VideoAttributes> {
+ id: string
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface VideoModel extends VideoClass, Sequelize.Model<VideoInstance, VideoAttributes> {}
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+export namespace VideoTagMethods {
+export interface VideoTagClass {
+export interface VideoTagAttributes {
+export interface VideoTagInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<VideoTagAttributes> {
+ id: number
+ createdAt: Date
+ updatedAt: Date
+export interface VideoTagModel extends VideoTagClass, Sequelize.Model<VideoTagInstance, VideoTagAttributes> {}
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const VideoTag = sequelize.define('VideoTag', {}, {
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { addMethodsToModel } from './utils'
+import {
+ VideoTagClass,
+ VideoTagInstance,
+ VideoTagAttributes,
+ VideoTagMethods
+} from './video-tag-interface'
+let VideoTag: Sequelize.Model<VideoTagInstance, VideoTagAttributes>
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ VideoTag = sequelize.define('VideoTag', {}, {
indexes: [
fields: [ 'videoId' ]
import { parallel, series } from 'async'
import parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent')
import { join } from 'path'
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-const db = require('../initializers/database')
+import { database as db } from '../initializers/database'
import {
} from '../initializers'
import { JobScheduler, removeVideoToFriends } from '../lib'
-import { getSort } from './utils'
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
- const Video = sequelize.define('Video',
+import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from './utils'
+import {
+ VideoClass,
+ VideoInstance,
+ VideoAttributes,
+ VideoMethods
+} from './video-interface'
+let Video: Sequelize.Model<VideoInstance, VideoAttributes>
+let generateMagnetUri: VideoMethods.GenerateMagnetUri
+let getVideoFilename: VideoMethods.GetVideoFilename
+let getThumbnailName: VideoMethods.GetThumbnailName
+let getPreviewName: VideoMethods.GetPreviewName
+let getTorrentName: VideoMethods.GetTorrentName
+let isOwned: VideoMethods.IsOwned
+let toFormatedJSON: VideoMethods.ToFormatedJSON
+let toAddRemoteJSON: VideoMethods.ToAddRemoteJSON
+let toUpdateRemoteJSON: VideoMethods.ToUpdateRemoteJSON
+let transcodeVideofile: VideoMethods.TranscodeVideofile
+let generateThumbnailFromData: VideoMethods.GenerateThumbnailFromData
+let getDurationFromFile: VideoMethods.GetDurationFromFile
+let list: VideoMethods.List
+let listForApi: VideoMethods.ListForApi
+let loadByHostAndRemoteId: VideoMethods.LoadByHostAndRemoteId
+let listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags: VideoMethods.ListOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags
+let listOwnedByAuthor: VideoMethods.ListOwnedByAuthor
+let load: VideoMethods.Load
+let loadAndPopulateAuthor: VideoMethods.LoadAndPopulateAuthor
+let loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags: VideoMethods.LoadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
+let searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags: VideoMethods.SearchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
+export default function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
+ Video = sequelize.define('Video',
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
fields: [ 'likes' ]
- classMethods: {
- associate,
- generateThumbnailFromData,
- getDurationFromFile,
- list,
- listForApi,
- listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags,
- listOwnedByAuthor,
- load,
- loadByHostAndRemoteId,
- loadAndPopulateAuthor,
- loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags,
- searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
- },
- instanceMethods: {
- generateMagnetUri,
- getVideoFilename,
- getThumbnailName,
- getPreviewName,
- getTorrentName,
- isOwned,
- toFormatedJSON,
- toAddRemoteJSON,
- toUpdateRemoteJSON,
- transcodeVideofile,
- removeFromBlacklist
- },
hooks: {
+ const classMethods = [
+ associate,
+ generateThumbnailFromData,
+ getDurationFromFile,
+ list,
+ listForApi,
+ listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags,
+ listOwnedByAuthor,
+ load,
+ loadByHostAndRemoteId,
+ loadAndPopulateAuthor,
+ loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags,
+ searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags
+ ]
+ const instanceMethods = [
+ generateMagnetUri,
+ getVideoFilename,
+ getThumbnailName,
+ getPreviewName,
+ getTorrentName,
+ isOwned,
+ toFormatedJSON,
+ toAddRemoteJSON,
+ toUpdateRemoteJSON,
+ transcodeVideofile,
+ removeFromBlacklist
+ ]
+ addMethodsToModel(Video, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return Video
-function beforeValidate (video, options, next) {
+function beforeValidate (video, options) {
// Put a fake infoHash if it does not exists yet
if (video.isOwned() && !video.infoHash) {
// 40 hexa length
video.infoHash = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567'
- return next(null)
-function beforeCreate (video, options, next) {
- const tasks = []
- if (video.isOwned()) {
- const videoPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, video.getVideoFilename())
- tasks.push(
- function createVideoTorrent (callback) {
- createTorrentFromVideo(video, videoPath, callback)
- },
- function createVideoThumbnail (callback) {
- createThumbnail(video, videoPath, callback)
- },
+function beforeCreate (video, options) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ const tasks = []
- function createVideoPreview (callback) {
- createPreview(video, videoPath, callback)
- }
- )
+ if (video.isOwned()) {
+ const videoPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR, video.getVideoFilename())
- function createVideoTranscoderJob (callback) {
- const dataInput = {
- id: video.id
- }
+ function createVideoTorrent (callback) {
+ createTorrentFromVideo(video, videoPath, callback)
+ },
+ function createVideoThumbnail (callback) {
+ createThumbnail(video, videoPath, callback)
+ },
- JobScheduler.Instance.createJob(options.transaction, 'videoTranscoder', dataInput, callback)
+ function createVideoPreview (callback) {
+ createPreview(video, videoPath, callback)
- }
- return parallel(tasks, next)
- }
+ tasks.push(
+ function createVideoTranscoderJob (callback) {
+ const dataInput = {
+ id: video.id
+ }
- return next()
+ JobScheduler.Instance.createJob(options.transaction, 'videoTranscoder', dataInput, callback)
+ }
+ )
+ }
-function afterDestroy (video, options, next) {
- const tasks = []
+ return parallel(tasks, function (err) {
+ if (err) return reject(err)
- tasks.push(
- function (callback) {
- removeThumbnail(video, callback)
+ return resolve()
+ })
- )
- if (video.isOwned()) {
+ return resolve()
+ })
+function afterDestroy (video, options) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ const tasks = []
- function removeVideoFile (callback) {
- removeFile(video, callback)
- },
+ function (callback) {
+ removeThumbnail(video, callback)
+ }
+ )
- function removeVideoTorrent (callback) {
- removeTorrent(video, callback)
- },
+ if (video.isOwned()) {
+ tasks.push(
+ function removeVideoFile (callback) {
+ removeFile(video, callback)
+ },
- function removeVideoPreview (callback) {
- removePreview(video, callback)
- },
+ function removeVideoTorrent (callback) {
+ removeTorrent(video, callback)
+ },
- function removeVideoToFriends (callback) {
- const params = {
- remoteId: video.id
- }
+ function removeVideoPreview (callback) {
+ removePreview(video, callback)
+ },
- removeVideoToFriends(params)
+ function notifyFriends (callback) {
+ const params = {
+ remoteId: video.id
+ }
- return callback()
- }
- )
- }
+ removeVideoToFriends(params)
- parallel(tasks, next)
+ return callback()
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ parallel(tasks, function (err) {
+ if (err) return reject(err)
+ return resolve()
+ })
+ })
// ------------------------------ METHODS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
- this.belongsTo(models.Author, {
+ Video.belongsTo(models.Author, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'authorId',
allowNull: false
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.belongsToMany(models.Tag, {
+ Video.belongsToMany(models.Tag, {
foreignKey: 'videoId',
through: models.VideoTag,
onDelete: 'cascade'
- this.hasMany(models.VideoAbuse, {
+ Video.hasMany(models.VideoAbuse, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'videoId',
allowNull: false
-function generateMagnetUri () {
+generateMagnetUri = function () {
let baseUrlHttp
let baseUrlWs
return magnetUtil.encode(magnetHash)
-function getVideoFilename () {
+getVideoFilename = function () {
if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + this.extname
return this.remoteId + this.extname
-function getThumbnailName () {
+getThumbnailName = function () {
// We always have a copy of the thumbnail
return this.id + '.jpg'
-function getPreviewName () {
+getPreviewName = function () {
const extension = '.jpg'
if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + extension
return this.remoteId + extension
-function getTorrentName () {
+getTorrentName = function () {
const extension = '.torrent'
if (this.isOwned()) return this.id + extension
return this.remoteId + extension
-function isOwned () {
+isOwned = function () {
return this.remoteId === null
-function toFormatedJSON () {
+toFormatedJSON = function () {
let podHost
if (this.Author.Pod) {
return json
-function toAddRemoteJSON (callback) {
- const self = this
+toAddRemoteJSON = function (callback) {
// Get thumbnail data to send to the other pod
const thumbnailPath = join(CONFIG.STORAGE.THUMBNAILS_DIR, this.getThumbnailName())
- fs.readFile(thumbnailPath, function (err, thumbnailData) {
+ fs.readFile(thumbnailPath, (err, thumbnailData) => {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot read the thumbnail of the video')
return callback(err)
const remoteVideo = {
- name: self.name,
- category: self.category,
- licence: self.licence,
- language: self.language,
- nsfw: self.nsfw,
- description: self.description,
- infoHash: self.infoHash,
- remoteId: self.id,
- author: self.Author.name,
- duration: self.duration,
+ name: this.name,
+ category: this.category,
+ licence: this.licence,
+ language: this.language,
+ nsfw: this.nsfw,
+ description: this.description,
+ infoHash: this.infoHash,
+ remoteId: this.id,
+ author: this.Author.name,
+ duration: this.duration,
thumbnailData: thumbnailData.toString('binary'),
- tags: map(self.Tags, 'name'),
- createdAt: self.createdAt,
- updatedAt: self.updatedAt,
- extname: self.extname,
- views: self.views,
- likes: self.likes,
- dislikes: self.dislikes
+ tags: map(this.Tags, 'name'),
+ createdAt: this.createdAt,
+ updatedAt: this.updatedAt,
+ extname: this.extname,
+ views: this.views,
+ likes: this.likes,
+ dislikes: this.dislikes
return callback(null, remoteVideo)
-function toUpdateRemoteJSON (callback) {
+toUpdateRemoteJSON = function (callback) {
const json = {
name: this.name,
category: this.category,
return json
-function transcodeVideofile (finalCallback) {
+transcodeVideofile = function (finalCallback) {
const video = this
const videosDirectory = CONFIG.STORAGE.VIDEOS_DIR
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
-function generateThumbnailFromData (video, thumbnailData, callback) {
+generateThumbnailFromData = function (video, thumbnailData, callback) {
// Creating the thumbnail for a remote video
const thumbnailName = video.getThumbnailName()
-function getDurationFromFile (videoPath, callback) {
+getDurationFromFile = function (videoPath, callback) {
ffmpeg.ffprobe(videoPath, function (err, metadata) {
if (err) return callback(err)
-function list (callback) {
- return this.findAll().asCallback(callback)
+list = function (callback) {
+ return Video.findAll().asCallback(callback)
-function listForApi (start, count, sort, callback) {
+listForApi = function (start, count, sort, callback) {
// Exclude Blakclisted videos from the list
const query = {
+ distinct: true,
offset: start,
limit: count,
- distinct: true, // For the count, a video can have many tags
- order: [ getSort(sort), [ this.sequelize.models.Tag, 'name', 'ASC' ] ],
+ order: [ getSort(sort), [ Video['sequelize'].models.Tag, 'name', 'ASC' ] ],
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
- include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: false } ]
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Author,
+ include: [ { model: Video['sequelize'].models.Pod, required: false } ]
- this.sequelize.models.Tag
+ Video['sequelize'].models.Tag
- where: createBaseVideosWhere.call(this)
+ where: createBaseVideosWhere()
- return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ return Video.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, result.rows, result.count)
-function loadByHostAndRemoteId (fromHost, remoteId, callback) {
+loadByHostAndRemoteId = function (fromHost, remoteId, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
remoteId: remoteId
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Author,
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Pod,
required: true,
where: {
host: fromHost
- return this.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Video.findOne(query).asCallback(callback)
-function listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags (callback) {
+listOwnedAndPopulateAuthorAndTags = function (callback) {
// If remoteId is null this is *our* video
const query = {
where: {
remoteId: null
- include: [ this.sequelize.models.Author, this.sequelize.models.Tag ]
+ include: [ Video['sequelize'].models.Author, Video['sequelize'].models.Tag ]
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Video.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
-function listOwnedByAuthor (author, callback) {
+listOwnedByAuthor = function (author, callback) {
const query = {
where: {
remoteId: null
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Author,
where: {
name: author
- return this.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
+ return Video.findAll(query).asCallback(callback)
-function load (id, callback) {
- return this.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
+load = function (id, callback) {
+ return Video.findById(id).asCallback(callback)
-function loadAndPopulateAuthor (id, callback) {
+loadAndPopulateAuthor = function (id, callback) {
const options = {
- include: [ this.sequelize.models.Author ]
+ include: [ Video['sequelize'].models.Author ]
- return this.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback)
+ return Video.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback)
-function loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags (id, callback) {
+loadAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags = function (id, callback) {
const options = {
include: [
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
- include: [ { model: this.sequelize.models.Pod, required: false } ]
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Author,
+ include: [ { model: Video['sequelize'].models.Pod, required: false } ]
- this.sequelize.models.Tag
+ Video['sequelize'].models.Tag
- return this.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback)
+ return Video.findById(id, options).asCallback(callback)
-function searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags (value, field, start, count, sort, callback) {
+searchAndPopulateAuthorAndPodAndTags = function (value, field, start, count, sort, callback) {
const podInclude: any = {
- model: this.sequelize.models.Pod,
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Pod,
required: false
const authorInclude: any = {
- model: this.sequelize.models.Author,
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Author,
include: [
const tagInclude: any = {
- model: this.sequelize.models.Tag
+ model: Video['sequelize'].models.Tag
const query: any = {
- where: createBaseVideosWhere.call(this),
+ distinct: true,
+ where: createBaseVideosWhere(),
offset: start,
limit: count,
- distinct: true, // For the count, a video can have many tags
- order: [ getSort(sort), [ this.sequelize.models.Tag, 'name', 'ASC' ] ]
+ order: [ getSort(sort), [ Video['sequelize'].models.Tag, 'name', 'ASC' ] ]
// Make an exact search with the magnet
const infoHash = magnetUtil.decode(value).infoHash
query.where.infoHash = infoHash
} else if (field === 'tags') {
- const escapedValue = this.sequelize.escape('%' + value + '%')
- query.where.id.$in = this.sequelize.literal(
+ const escapedValue = Video['sequelize'].escape('%' + value + '%')
+ query.where.id.$in = Video['sequelize'].literal(
'(SELECT "VideoTags"."videoId" FROM "Tags" INNER JOIN "VideoTags" ON "Tags"."id" = "VideoTags"."tagId" WHERE name LIKE ' + escapedValue + ')'
} else if (field === 'host') {
if (tagInclude.where) {
- // query.include.push([ this.sequelize.models.Tag ])
+ // query.include.push([ Video['sequelize'].models.Tag ])
- return this.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
+ return Video.findAndCountAll(query).asCallback(function (err, result) {
if (err) return callback(err)
return callback(null, result.rows, result.count)
function createBaseVideosWhere () {
return {
id: {
- $notIn: this.sequelize.literal(
+ $notIn: Video['sequelize'].literal(
'(SELECT "BlacklistedVideos"."videoId" FROM "BlacklistedVideos")'
const serversUtils = require('../utils/servers')
const videosUtils = require('../utils/videos')
-describe('Test video blacklists', function () {
+describe('Test video transcoding', function () {
let servers = []
before(function (done) {
detached: true
- server.app = fork(pathUtils.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'server.js'), [], options)
+ server.app = fork(pathUtils.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'dist', 'server.js'), [], options)
server.app.stdout.on('data', function onStdout (data) {
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