--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Perl utility to run or verify FIPS 140-2 CMVP algorithm tests based on the
+# pathnames of input algorithm test files actually present (the unqualified
+# file names are consistent but the pathnames are not).
+# List of all the unqualified file names we expect and command lines to run
+my %fips_tests = (
+ # FIPS test definitions
+ # DSA tests
+ "PQGGen" => "fips_dssvs pqg",
+ "KeyPair" => "fips_dssvs keypair",
+ "SigGen" => "fips_dssvs siggen",
+ "SigVer" => "fips_dssvs sigver",
+ # SHA tests
+ "SHA1LongMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA1Monte" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA1ShortMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA224LongMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA224Monte" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA224ShortMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA256LongMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA256Monte" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA256ShortMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA384LongMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA384Monte" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA384ShortMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA512LongMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA512Monte" => "fips_shatest",
+ "SHA512ShortMsg" => "fips_shatest",
+ # HMAC
+ "HMAC" => "fips_hmactest",
+ # RAND tests
+ "ANSI931_AES128MCT" => "fips_rngvs mct",
+ "ANSI931_AES192MCT" => "fips_rngvs mct",
+ "ANSI931_AES256MCT" => "fips_rngvs mct",
+ "ANSI931_AES128VST" => "fips_rngvs vst",
+ "ANSI931_AES192VST" => "fips_rngvs vst",
+ "ANSI931_AES256VST" => "fips_rngvs vst",
+ # RSA tests
+ "SigGen15" => "fips_rsastest",
+ "SigVer15" => "fips_rsavtest",
+ "SigVerRSA" => "fips_rsavtest -x931",
+ "KeyGenRSA" => "fips_rsagtest",
+ "SigGenRSA" => "fips_rsastest -x931",
+ # Special cases for PSS. The filename itself is
+ # not sufficient to determine the test. Addditionally we
+ # need to examine the file contents to determine the salt length
+ # In these cases the test filename has (saltlen) appended.
+ "SigGenPSS(0)" => "fips_rsastest -saltlen 0",
+ "SigVerPSS(0)" => "fips_rsavtest -saltlen 0",
+ "SigGenPSS(62)" => "fips_rsastest -saltlen 62",
+ "SigVerPSS(62)" => "fips_rsavtest -saltlen 62",
+ # AES tests
+ "CBCGFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCGFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCGFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCKeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCKeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCKeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCMMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CBCVarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128GFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128GFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128GFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128KeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128KeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128KeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128MMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB128VarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8GFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8GFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8GFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8KeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8KeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8KeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8MMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "CFB8VarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1GFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1GFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1GFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1KeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1KeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1KeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1MMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ #"CFB1VarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBGFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBGFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBGFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBKeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBKeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBKeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBMMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "ECBVarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBGFSbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBGFSbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBGFSbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBKeySbox128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBKeySbox192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBKeySbox256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMCT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMCT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMCT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMMT128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMMT192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBMMT256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarKey128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarKey192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarKey256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarTxt128" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarTxt192" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ "OFBVarTxt256" => "fips_aesavs -f",
+ # Triple DES tests
+ "TCBCinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64invperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64permop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64subtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64varkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64vartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8invperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8permop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8subtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8varkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8vartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCBCvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64invperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64MMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64Monte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64permop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64subtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64varkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB64vartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8invperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8MMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8Monte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8permop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8subtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8varkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TCFB8vartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TECBvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBinvperm" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMMT3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte1" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte2" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBMonte3" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBpermop" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBsubtab" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBvarkey" => "fips_desmovs -f",
+ "TOFBvartext" => "fips_desmovs -f"
+# Verification special cases.
+# In most cases the output of a test is deterministic and
+# it can be compared to a known good result. A few involve
+# the genration and use of random keys and the output will
+# be different each time. In thoses cases we perform special tests
+# to simply check their consistency. For example signature generation
+# output will be run through signature verification to see if all outputs
+# show as valid.
+my %verify_special = (
+ "PQGGen" => "fips_dssvs pqgver",
+ #"KeyPair" => "fips_dssvs pgqver",
+ "SigGen" => "fips_dssvs sigver",
+ "SigGen15" => "fips_rsavtest",
+ "SigGenRSA" => "fips_rsavtest -x931",
+ "SigGenPSS(0)" => "fips_rsavtest -saltlen 0",
+ "SigGenPSS(62)" => "fips_rsavtest -saltlen 62",
+my $win32 = $^O =~ m/mswin/i;
+my $onedir = 0;
+my $filter = "";
+my $tvdir;
+my $tprefix;
+my $shwrap_prefix;
+my $debug = 0;
+my $quiet = 0;
+my $verify = 1;
+my $rspdir = "rsp";
+my $ignore_missing = 0;
+my $rspignore = 0;
+my @bogus = (); # list of unmatched *.rsp files
+my $bufout = '';
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if ( $_ eq "--win32" ) {
+ $win32 = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $_ eq "--onedir" ) {
+ $onedir = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $_ eq "--debug" ) {
+ $debug = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $_ eq "--ignore-missing" ) {
+ $ignore_missing = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $_ eq "--generate" ) {
+ $verify = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ( $_ eq "--quiet" ) {
+ $quiet = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--dir=(.*)$/) {
+ $tvdir = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--rspdir=(.*)$/) {
+ $rspdir = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--rspignore$/) {
+ $rspignore = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--tprefix=(.*)$/) {
+ $tprefix = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--shwrap_prefix=(.*)$/) {
+ $shwrap_prefix = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/--filter=(.*)$/) {
+ $filter = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ Help();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+$tvdir = "." unless defined $tvdir;
+if ($win32) {
+ if ( !defined $tprefix ) {
+ if ($onedir) {
+ $tprefix = ".\\";
+ }
+ else {
+ $tprefix = "..\\out32dll\\";
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ if ($onedir) {
+ $tprefix = "./" unless defined $tprefix;
+ $shwrap_prefix = "./" unless defined $shwrap_prefix;
+ }
+ else {
+ $tprefix = "../test/" unless defined $tprefix;
+ $shwrap_prefix = "../util/" unless defined $shwrap_prefix;
+ }
+sanity_check_exe( $win32, $tprefix, $shwrap_prefix );
+my %fips_files;
+foreach ( keys %fips_tests ) {
+ $fips_files{$_} = [ "", "" ];
+find_files( $filter, $tvdir );
+my ( $runerr, $cmperr, $cmpok, $scheckrunerr, $scheckerr, $scheckok, $skipcnt )
+ = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+run_tests( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir );
+if ($verify) {
+ print "Tests skipped due to missing files: $skipcnt\n";
+ print "Algorithm test program execution failures: $runerr\n";
+ print "Test comparisons successful: $cmpok\n";
+ print "Test comparisons failed: $cmperr\n";
+ print "Test sanity checks succeessul: $scheckok\n";
+ print "Test sanity checks failed: $scheckerr\n";
+ print "Sanity check program execution failures: $scheckrunerr\n";
+ if ( $runerr || $cmperr || $scheckrunerr || $scheckerr ) {
+ print "***TEST FAILURE***\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "***ALL TESTS SUCCESSFUL***\n";
+ }
+sub Help {
+ ( my $cmd ) = ( $0 =~ m#([^/]+)$# );
+ print <<EOF;
+$cmd: generate run CMVP algorithm tests
+ --debug Enable debug output
+ --dir=<dirname> Optional root for *.req file search
+ --filter=<regexp>
+ --onedir <dirname> Assume all components in current directory
+ --rspdir=<dirname> Name of subdirectories containing *.rsp files, default "resp"
+ --rspignore Ignore any bogus *.rsp files
+ --shwrap_prefix=<prefix>
+ --tprefix=<prefix>
+ --ignore-missing Ignore missing test files
+ --quiet Shhh....
+ --generate Generate algorithm test output
+ --win32 Generate script for Win32 environment
+# Sanity check to see if all necessary executables exist
+sub sanity_check_exe {
+ my ( $win32, $tprefix, $shwrap_prefix ) = @_;
+ my %exe_list;
+ my $bad = 0;
+ $exe_list{ $shwrap_prefix . "shlib_wrap.sh" } = 1 unless $win32;
+ foreach ( values %fips_tests ) {
+ my $tval = $_;
+ $tval =~ s/ .*$//;
+ $tval = $tprefix . $tval;
+ $tval .= ".exe" if $win32;
+ $exe_list{$tval} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach ( sort keys %exe_list ) {
+ if ( !-f $_ ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: can't find executable $_\n";
+ $bad = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bad) {
+ print STDERR "FATAL ERROR: executables missing\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($debug) {
+ print STDERR "Executable sanity check passed OK\n";
+ }
+# Search for all request and response files
+sub find_files {
+ my ( $filter, $dir ) = @_;
+ my ( $dirh, $testname );
+ opendir( $dirh, $dir );
+ while ( $_ = readdir($dirh) ) {
+ next if ( $_ eq "." || $_ eq ".." );
+ $_ = "$dir/$_";
+ if ( -f "$_" ) {
+ if (/\/([^\/]*)\.rsp$/) {
+ $testname = fix_pss( $1, $_ );
+ if ( exists $fips_tests{$testname} ) {
+ $fips_files{$testname}->[1] = $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: bogus file $_\n";
+ push @bogus, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ next unless /$filter.*\.req$/i;
+ if (/\/([^\/]*)\.req$/) {
+ $testname = fix_pss( $1, $_ );
+ if ( exists $fips_tests{$testname} ) {
+ $fips_files{$testname}->[0] = $_;
+ }
+ elsif ( !/SHAmix\.req$/ ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: unrecognized filename $_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( -d "$_" ) {
+ find_files( $filter, $_ );
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dirh);
+sub fix_pss {
+ my ( $test, $path ) = @_;
+ my $sl = "";
+ local $_;
+ if ( $test =~ /PSS/ ) {
+ open( IN, $path ) || die "Can't Open File $path";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^\s*#\s*salt\s+len:\s+(\d+)\s*$/i) {
+ $sl = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close IN;
+ if ( $sl eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: No Salt length detected for file $path\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ return $test . "($sl)";
+ }
+ }
+ return $test;
+sub sanity_check_files {
+ my $bad = 0;
+ foreach ( keys %fips_files ) {
+ my ( $req, $resp ) = @{ $fips_files{$_} };
+ if ( $req eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: missing request file for $_\n";
+ $bad = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $verify && $resp eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: no response file for test $_\n";
+ $bad = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( !$verify && $resp ne "" ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: response file $resp will be overwritten\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bad) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: test vector file set not complete\n";
+ exit(1) unless $ignore_missing;
+ }
+ elsif ($debug) {
+ print STDERR "test vector file set complete\n";
+ }
+sub run_tests {
+ my ( $verify, $win32, $tprefix, $filter, $tvdir ) = @_;
+ my ( $tname, $tref );
+ my $bad = 0;
+ while ( ( $tname, $fref ) = each %fips_files ) {
+ my ( $req, $rsp ) = @$fref;
+ my $out = $rsp;
+ if ($verify) {
+ $out =~ s/\.rsp$/.tst/;
+ }
+ if ( $req eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR
+ "WARNING: Request file for $tname missing: test skipped\n";
+ $skipcnt++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $verify && $rsp eq "" ) {
+ print STDERR
+ "WARNING: Response file for $tname missing: test skipped\n";
+ $skipcnt++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $tcmd = $fips_tests{$tname};
+ my $cmd = "${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh $tprefix$tcmd ";
+ if ( $tcmd =~ /-f$/ ) {
+ $cmd .= "$req $out";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd .= "<$req >$out";
+ }
+ system($cmd);
+ if ( $? != 0 ) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: error executing test $tname\n";
+ $runerr++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($verify) {
+ if ( exists $verify_special{$tname} ) {
+ my $vout = $rsp;
+ $vout =~ s/\.rsp$/.ver/;
+ $tcmd = $verify_special{$tname};
+ $cmd = "${shwrap_prefix}shlib_wrap.sh $tprefix$tcmd ";
+ $cmd .= "<$out >$vout";
+ system($cmd);
+ if ( $? != 0 ) {
+ print STDERR
+ "WARNING: error executing verify test $tname $cmd\n";
+ $scheckrunerr++;
+ next;
+ }
+ my ( $fcount, $pcount ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ open VER, "$vout";
+ while (<VER>) {
+ if (/^Result\s*=\s*(\S*)\s*$/i)
+ {
+ if ( $1 eq "F" ) {
+ $fcount++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $pcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close VER;
+ unlink $vout;
+ if ( $fcount || $debug ) {
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: $tname, Pass=$pcount, Fail=$fcount\n";
+ }
+ if ($fcount) {
+ $scheckerr++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $scheckok++;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ( !cmp_file( $tname, $rsp, $out ) ) {
+ $cmperr++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmpok++;
+ }
+ unlink $out;
+ }
+ }
+sub cmp_file {
+ my ( $tname, $rsp, $tst ) = @_;
+ my ( $rspf, $tstf );
+ my ( $rspline, $tstline );
+ open $rspf, $rsp;
+ open $tstf, $tst;
+ for ( ; ; ) {
+ $rspline = next_line($rspf);
+ $tstline = next_line($tstf);
+ if ( !defined($rspline) && !defined($tstline) ) {
+ print STDERR "DEBUG: $tname file comparison OK\n" if $debug;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( !defined($rspline) ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $tname EOF on $rspf\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( !defined($tstline) ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $tname EOF on $tstf\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( $tstline ne $rspline ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $tname mismatch:\n";
+ print STDERR "\t $tstline != $rspline\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub next_line {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ while (<$in>) {
+ chomp;
+ # Delete comments
+ s/#.*$//;
+ # Ignore blank lines
+ next if (/^\s*$/);
+ # Translate multiple space into one
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ return undef;