GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
+ * Get EgoEntry from list with either a public key or a name
+ * If public key and name are not NULL, it returns the public key result first
+ *
+ * @param handle the RequestHandle
+ * @param pubkey the public key of an identity (only one can be NULL)
+ * @param name the name of an identity (only one can be NULL)
+ * @return EgoEntry or NULL if not found
+ */
+struct EgoEntry*
+get_egoentry(struct RequestHandle *handle, char* pubkey, char *name)
+ struct EgoEntry *ego_entry;
+ if (NULL != pubkey)
+ {
+ for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
+ NULL != ego_entry;
+ ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
+ {
+ if (0 != strcasecmp (pubkey, ego_entry->keystring))
+ continue;
+ return ego_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL != name)
+ {
+ for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
+ NULL != ego_entry;
+ ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
+ {
+ if (0 != strcasecmp (name, ego_entry->identifier))
+ continue;
+ return ego_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
* Callback for GET Request with subsystem
json_t *json_root;
json_t *json_ego;
char *result_str;
- size_t index;
//requested default identity of subsystem
keystring = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (
handle->rest_handle->url_param_map, &key);
- for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
- NULL != ego_entry; ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
+ ego_entry = get_egoentry(handle, keystring, NULL);
+ if (NULL == ego_entry)
- if ((NULL != keystring)
- && (0 != strcmp (keystring, ego_entry->keystring)))
- continue;
- egoname = ego_entry->identifier;
+ handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("No identity found for public key");
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ return;
+ egoname = ego_entry->identifier;
//one identity requested with name
egoname = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (
handle->rest_handle->url_param_map, &key);
+ if (0 >= strlen(egoname))
+ {
+ handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("No identity found for name");
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ return;
+ }
//LOWERCASE ego names?
GNUNET_STRINGS_utf8_tolower(egoname, egoname);
json_string (ego_entry->identifier));
json_array_append (json_root, json_ego);
+ json_decref (json_ego);
if ((size_t) 0 == json_array_size (json_root))
GNUNET_log(GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Result %s\n", result_str);
resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (result_str);
- //delete json_objects in json_array with macro
- json_array_foreach(json_root, index, json_ego )
- {
- json_decref (json_ego);
- }
json_decref (json_root);
handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_OK);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
* Processing finished
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
* Handle identity PUT request
* @param cls the RequestHandle
-ego_edit (struct GNUNET_REST_RequestHandle *con_handle, const char* url,
- void *cls)
+ego_edit (struct GNUNET_REST_RequestHandle *con_handle,
+ const char* url,
+ void *cls)
struct RequestHandle *handle = cls;
struct EgoEntry *ego_entry;
struct EgoEntry *ego_entry_tmp;
struct MHD_Response *resp;
- json_t *subsys_json;
- json_t *name_json;
- json_t *key_json;
+ int json_state;
json_t *data_js;
json_error_t err;
- const char *keystring;
- const char *subsys;
- const char *newname;
+ char *pubkey;
+ char *name;
+ char *newsubsys;
+ char *newname;
char term_data[handle->data_size + 1];
- int ego_exists = GNUNET_NO;
//if no data
if (0 >= handle->data_size)
term_data[handle->data_size] = '\0';
GNUNET_memcpy(term_data, handle->data, handle->data_size);
data_js = json_loads (term_data,JSON_DECODE_ANY,&err);
if (NULL == data_js)
handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup(GNUNET_REST_ERROR_NO_DATA);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- if (!json_is_object(data_js))
- {
- json_decref (data_js);
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- return;
- }
- //json must contain pubkey and (subsystem or name)
- if (2 != json_object_size (data_js))
- {
- json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("Resource amount invalid");
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- return;
- }
- key_json = json_object_get (data_js, GNUNET_REST_PARAM_PUBKEY);
- if ((NULL == key_json) || !json_is_string(key_json))
+ ego_entry = NULL;
+ pubkey = NULL;
+ name = NULL;
+ newname = NULL;
+ json_state = 0;
+ json_state = json_unpack(data_js,
+ "{s:s,s?:s,s?:s}",
+ &newname,
+ &pubkey,
+ &name);
+ //Change name with pubkey or name identifier
+ if (0 == json_state)
- json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("Missing element pubkey");
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- return;
- }
- keystring = json_string_value (key_json);
+ if (NULL == newname)
+ {
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
+ return;
+ }
- for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
- NULL != ego_entry; ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
- {
- if (0 != strcasecmp (keystring, ego_entry->keystring))
- continue;
- ego_exists = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- }
+ if (0 >= strlen(newname))
+ {
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
+ return;
+ }
+ //lower case name
+ GNUNET_STRINGS_utf8_tolower(newname,newname);
- if (GNUNET_NO == ego_exists)
- {
- json_decref (data_js);
- resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (NULL);
- handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
- return;
- }
- //This is a rename
- name_json = json_object_get (data_js, GNUNET_REST_PARAM_NEWNAME);
- if ((NULL != name_json) && json_is_string(name_json))
- {
- newname = json_string_value (name_json);
- if (0 >= strlen (newname))
+ ego_entry = get_egoentry(handle,pubkey,name);
+ if (NULL == ego_entry)
+ resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (NULL);
+ handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("No name provided");
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
for (ego_entry_tmp = handle->ego_head;
NULL != ego_entry_tmp; ego_entry_tmp = ego_entry_tmp->next)
- if (0 == strcasecmp (newname, ego_entry_tmp->identifier)
- && 0 != strcasecmp (keystring, ego_entry_tmp->keystring))
+ if (0 == strcasecmp (newname, ego_entry_tmp->identifier))
- //Ego with same name not allowed
- json_decref (data_js);
- resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (NULL);
- handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT);
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
- return;
+ //Ego with same name not allowed
+ resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (NULL);
+ handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT);
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
+ return;
handle->response_code = MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT;
handle->op = GNUNET_IDENTITY_rename (handle->identity_handle,
- ego_entry->identifier, newname,
- &do_finished, handle);
+ ego_entry->identifier, newname,
+ &do_finished, handle);
json_decref (data_js);
- //Set subsystem
- subsys_json = json_object_get (data_js, GNUNET_REST_PARAM_SUBSYSTEM);
- if ((NULL != subsys_json) && json_is_string(subsys_json))
+ newsubsys = NULL;
+ json_state = 0;
+ json_state = json_unpack(data_js,
+ "{s:s,s?:s,s?:s}",
+ &newsubsys,
+ &pubkey,
+ &name);
+ //Change subsystem with pubkey or name identifier
+ if (0 == json_state)
- subsys = json_string_value (subsys_json);
- if (0 >= strlen (subsys))
+ if (NULL == newsubsys || (NULL == pubkey && NULL == name))
+ {
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (0 >= strlen(newsubsys))
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("Invalid subsystem name");
+ return;
+ }
+ ego_entry = get_egoentry(handle, pubkey, name);
+ if (NULL == ego_entry)
+ {
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
- GNUNET_asprintf (&handle->subsystem, "%s", subsys);
- json_decref (data_js);
handle->response_code = MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT;
- handle->op = GNUNET_IDENTITY_set (handle->identity_handle, handle->subsystem,
- ego_entry->ego, &do_finished, handle);
+ handle->op = GNUNET_IDENTITY_set (handle->identity_handle,
+ newsubsys,
+ ego_entry->ego,
+ &do_finished,
+ handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
- json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("Subsystem not provided");
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
+ return;
struct RequestHandle *handle = cls;
struct EgoEntry *ego_entry;
struct MHD_Response *resp;
- json_t *egoname_json;
json_t *data_js;
json_error_t err;
- const char* egoname;
+ char* egoname;
+ int json_unpack_state;
char term_data[handle->data_size + 1];
if (strlen (GNUNET_REST_API_NS_IDENTITY) != strlen (handle->url))
data_js = json_loads (term_data,
if (NULL == data_js)
+ handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup(GNUNET_REST_ERROR_NO_DATA);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
- //instead of parse
- if (!json_is_object(data_js))
+ json_unpack_state = 0;
+ json_unpack_state = json_unpack(data_js,
+ "{s:s!}",
+ &egoname);
+ if (0 != json_unpack_state)
- json_decref (data_js);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- return;
- }
- if (1 != json_object_size (data_js))
- {
json_decref (data_js);
- handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("Provided resource count invalid");
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
- egoname_json = json_object_get (data_js, GNUNET_REST_PARAM_NAME);
- if (!json_is_string(egoname_json))
+ if (NULL == egoname)
- json_decref (data_js);
handle->emsg = GNUNET_strdup("No name provided");
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
- egoname = json_string_value (egoname_json);
if (0 >= strlen (egoname))
json_decref (data_js);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_error, handle);
+ GNUNET_STRINGS_utf8_tolower(egoname, egoname);
for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
NULL != ego_entry; ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
if (0 == strcasecmp (egoname, ego_entry->identifier))
- json_decref (data_js);
resp = GNUNET_REST_create_response (NULL);
handle->proc (handle->proc_cls, resp, MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT);
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&cleanup_handle, handle);
+ json_decref (data_js);
- GNUNET_asprintf (&handle->name, "%s", egoname);
+ handle->name = GNUNET_strdup(egoname);
json_decref (data_js);
handle->response_code = MHD_HTTP_CREATED;
handle->op = GNUNET_IDENTITY_create (handle->identity_handle, handle->name,
egoname = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (
handle->rest_handle->url_param_map, &key);
//LOWERCASE ego names?
- GNUNET_STRINGS_utf8_tolower(egoname, egoname);
+ //GNUNET_STRINGS_utf8_tolower(egoname, egoname);
if (NULL != keystring)
for (ego_entry = handle->ego_head;
NULL != ego_entry; ego_entry = ego_entry->next)
- if (0 != strcasecmp (egoname, ego_entry->identifier))
+ if (0 != strcmp (egoname, ego_entry->identifier))
ego_exists = GNUNET_YES;
-#First, start gnunet-arm and the rest-service. Make sure, no identity exists
+#First, start gnunet-arm and the rest-service.
#Exit 0 means success, exit 1 means failed test
#No test for subsystem available
-#Test GET (multiple identities) for error when no identity exists
-#The next test case can be ignored if you have already added identities
-cache="$(curl --silent "$link_to_api" | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#Test POST success code, error response code and error json
-#The next test case can be ignored if you have already added an identity with the name Test
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":\"Test\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 201")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":\"Test\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 409")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "wrong" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "[{}]" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":\"Test\",\"other\":\"Test\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"nam\":\"Test\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":123}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":""}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#Test GET (multiple identities) for success and error json
-cache="$(curl --silent "$link_to_api" | grep "error")"
-if [ "" != "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-id="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "Test - " | sed "s/Test - //g")"
-#Test GET (one identity) for success and error json
-#Only lowercase
-cache="$(curl --silent "${link_to_api}?name=Test" | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#Test GET (one identity) for success and error json
-cache="$(curl --silent "${link_to_api}?pubkey=$id" | grep "error")"
-if [ "" != "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#Test DELETE success code, error response code and error json
-#echo "Next tests for DELETE will probably fail when POST fails"
-cache="$(curl -v -X "DELETE" "${link_to_api}?pubkey=$id" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" != "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-curl --silent -X "POST" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"name\":\"Test\"}"
-id="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "Test - " | sed "s/Test - //g")"
-cache="$(curl -v -X "DELETE" "${link_to_api}?pubkey=df1" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "DELETE" "${link_to_api}?pubke=$id" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#Test PUT success code, error response codes and error json
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "${link_to_api}" --data "{\"newname\":\"NewTest\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 204")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "${link_to_api}" --data "{\"newname\":\"NewNewTest\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}1\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-# feature: you can rename your identity with its own name.
-# cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newname\":\"NewTest\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-# if [ "" == "$cache" ]
-# then
-# exit 1
-# fi
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "wrong" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "[{}]" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newname\":\"Test\",\"other\":\"Test\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newnam\":\"Test\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newname\":\"Test\",\"pubke\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newname\":123,\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$link_to_api" --data "{\"newname\":"",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "error")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-#TODO Missing subsystem test
-#Missing OPTIONS success - nothing can really go wrong here
-#Test wrong url
-cache="$(curl -v "$wrong_link" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -X "PUT" -v "$wrong_link" --data "{\"newname\":\"Testing\",\"pubkey\":\"${id}\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -X "POST" -v "$wrong_link?pubkey=$id" --data "{\"name\":\"Test\"}" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-cache="$(curl -X "DELETE" -v "${wrong_link}?pubkey=$id" 2>&1 | grep "HTTP/1.1 404")"
-if [ "" == "$cache" ]
- exit 1
-gnunet-identity -D NewTest
-exit 0
+curl_get () {
+ #$1 is link
+ #$2 is grep
+ cache="$(curl -v "$1" 2>&1 | grep "$2")"
+ #echo $cache
+ if [ "" == "$cache" ]
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+curl_post () {
+ #$1 is link
+ #$2 is data
+ #$3 is grep
+ cache="$(curl -v -X "POST" "$1" --data "$2" 2>&1 | grep "$3")"
+ #echo $cache
+ if [ "" == "$cache" ]
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+curl_delete () {
+ #$1 is link
+ #$2 is grep
+ cache="$(curl -v -X "DELETE" "$1" 2>&1 | grep "$2")"
+ #echo $cache
+ if [ "" == "$cache" ]
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+curl_put () {
+ #$1 is link
+ #$2 is data
+ #$3 is grep
+ cache="$(curl -v -X "PUT" "$1" --data "$2" 2>&1 | grep "$3")"
+ #echo $cache
+ if [ "" == "$cache" ]
+ then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+#Test GET
+test="$(gnunet-identity -d)"
+#if no identity exists
+if [ "" == "$test" ]
+ curl_get "$identity_link" "error"
+ gnunet-identity -C "test_plugin_rest_identity"
+ name="$(gnunet-identity -d | awk 'NR==1{print $1}')"
+ public="$(gnunet-identity -d | awk 'NR==1{print $3}')"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=$name" "$public"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=$public" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=$public" "$name"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=$name" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=" "error"
+ gnunet-identity -D "test_plugin_rest_identity"
+ name="$(gnunet-identity -d | awk 'NR==1{print $1}')"
+ public="$(gnunet-identity -d | awk 'NR==1{print $3}')"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=$name" "$public"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?name=$public" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=$public" "$name"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=$name" "error"
+ curl_get "${identity_link}?pubkey=" "error"
+#Test POST
+gnunet-identity -D "test_plugin_rest_identity" > /dev/null 2>&1
+gnunet-identity -D "test_plugin_rest_identity1" > /dev/null 2>&1
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 201 Created"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 409"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"Test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 409"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":""}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":123}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":[]}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name1":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"other":""}' "error"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1", "other":"test_plugin_rest_identity2"}' "error"
+#Test PUT
+name="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "test_plugin_rest_identity" | awk 'NR==1{print $1}')"
+public="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "test_plugin_rest_identity" | awk 'NR==1{print $3}')"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubkey":"'$public'"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubkey":"'$public'"}' "HTTP/1.1 409"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubkey":"'$public'xx"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubkey":""}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubke":""}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubke":"","other":"sdfdsf"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","pubke":"","name":"sdfdsf"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity","pubke":"","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newnam":"test_plugin_rest_identity","pubkey":"'$public'"}' "error"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"TEST_plugin_rest_identity1","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 409"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 409"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity","name":"test_plugin_rest_identityxxx"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"newnam":"test_plugin_rest_identityfail","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "error"
+#Test subsystem
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsystem":"namestore","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsystem":"namestore","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?subsystem=namestore" "test_plugin_rest_identity"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 201 Created"
+public="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "test_plugin_rest_identity" | awk 'NR==1{print $3}')"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsystem":"namestore","pubkey":"'"$public"'"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?subsystem=namestore" "test_plugin_rest_identity1"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?subsystem=test_plugin_rest_identity_no_subsystem" "error"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsystem":"test_plugin_rest_identity_no_subsystem","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?subsystem=test_plugin_rest_identity_no_subsystem" "test_plugin_rest_identity1"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsyste":"test_plugin_rest_identity_no_subsystem","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "error"
+curl_put "${identity_link}" '{"subsystem":"test_plugin_rest_identity_no_subsystem","name":"Test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?name=test_plugin_rest_identity" "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?name=test_plugin_rest_identity" "error"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?name=TEST_plugin_rest_identity1" "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?name=test_plugin_rest_identity1" "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_get "${identity_link}?name=test_plugin_rest_identity1" "error"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?name=test_plugin_rest_identity_not_found" "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_post "${identity_link}" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity1"}' "HTTP/1.1 201 Created"
+public="$(gnunet-identity -d | grep "test_plugin_rest_identity1" | awk 'NR==1{print $3}')"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?pubkey=$public" "HTTP/1.1 204"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?pubke=$public" "error"
+curl_delete "${identity_link}?pubkey=$public&other=232" "HTTP/1.1 404"
+#Test wrong_link
+curl_get "$wrong_link" "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_post "$wrong_link" '{"name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_put "$wrong_link" '{"newname":"test_plugin_rest_identity1","name":"test_plugin_rest_identity"}' "HTTP/1.1 404"
+curl_delete "$wrong_link?name=test_plugin_rest_identity1" "HTTP/1.1 404"
+exit 0;