Implementable right now (but not necessarily important), with caveats
(unavailable components that will limit what can be implemented right
away), in order in which they will likely be done:
+* Buffered IO library (extend gnunet_disk_lib.h?)
* FS (DHT not available)
libgnunetfs_la_LIBADD = \
$(top_builddir)/src/util/ \
+ -lextractor \
libgnunetfs_la_LDFLAGS = \
* (only in URI-strings).
char **keywords;
+ /**
+ * Size of the keywords array.
+ */
unsigned int keywordCount;
} ksk;
+ /**
+ * Hash of the public key for the namespace.
+ */
GNUNET_HashCode namespace;
+ /**
+ * Human-readable identifier chosen for this
+ * entry in the namespace.
+ */
char *identifier;
} sks;
+ /**
+ * Information needed to retrieve a file (content-hash-key
+ * plus file size).
+ */
struct FileIdentifier chk;
+ /**
+ * Information needed to retrieve a file including signed
+ * location (identity of a peer) of the content.
+ */
struct Location loc;
} data;
* Information for a file or directory that is
* about to be published.
-struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation
+struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation
+ /**
+ * Files in a directory are kept as a linked list.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *next;
+ /**
+ * If this is a file in a directory, "dir" refers to
+ * the directory; otherwise NULL.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *dir;
+ /**
+ * Pointer kept for the client.
+ */
+ void *client_info;
+ /**
+ * Metadata to use for the file.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;
+ /**
+ * Keywords to use for KBlocks.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords;
+ /**
+ * At what time should the content expire?
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime;
+ /**
+ * Under what filename is this struct serialized
+ * (for operational persistence).
+ */
+ char *serialization;
+ /**
+ * How many bytes of this file or directory have been
+ * published so far?
+ */
+ uint64_t publish_offset;
+ /**
+ * Data describing either the file or the directory.
+ */
+ union
+ {
+ /**
+ * Data for a file.
+ */
+ struct {
+ /**
+ * Function that can be used to read the data for the file.
+ */
+ GNUNET_FS_DataReader reader;
+ /**
+ * Closure for reader.
+ */
+ void *reader_cls;
+ /**
+ * Size of the file (in bytes).
+ */
+ uint64_t file_size;
+ /**
+ * Should the file be indexed or inserted?
+ */
+ int do_index;
+ } file;
+ /**
+ * Data for a directory.
+ */
+ struct {
+ /**
+ * Name of the directory.
+ */
+ char *dirname;
+ /**
+ * Linked list of entries in the directory.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *entries;
+ /**
+ * Size of the directory itself (in bytes); 0 if the
+ * size has not yet been calculated.
+ */
+ uint64_t dir_size;
+ } dir;
+ } data;
+ /**
+ * Is this struct for a file or directory?
+ */
+ int is_directory;
+ /**
+ * Desired anonymity level.
+ */
+ unsigned int anonymity;
+ /**
+ * Desired priority (for keeping the content in the DB).
+ */
+ unsigned int priority;
* @file fs/fs_file_information.c
* @brief Manage information for publishing directory hierarchies
* @author Christian Grothoff
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * - publishing progress update API (increment offset, serialize)
+ * - serialization/deserialization (& deserialization API)
+ * - metadata filename clean up code
+ * - metadata/ksk generation for directories from contained files
#include "platform.h"
+#include <extractor.h>
#include "gnunet_fs_service.h"
#include "fs.h"
+ * Create a temporary file disk to store the current
+ * state of "fi" in.
+ */
+static void
+fi_sync (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation * fi)
+ if (NULL == fi->serialization)
+ {
+ fi->serialization = NULL; // FIXME
+ }
+ // FIXME...
+ * Load file information from the file to which
+ * it was sync'ed.
+ *
+ * @param filename name of the file to use
+ * @return NULL on error
+ */
+static struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
+fi_load (const char *filename)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ret;
+ // FIXME!
+ return NULL;
+ * Closure for "data_reader_file".
+ */
+struct FileInfo
+ /**
+ * Name of the file to read.
+ */
+ char *filename;
+ /**
+ * File descriptor, NULL if it has not yet been opened.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *fd;
+ * Function that provides data by reading from a file.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure (points to the file information)
+ * @param offset offset to read from; it is possible
+ * that the caller might need to go backwards
+ * a bit at times
+ * @param max maximum number of bytes that should be
+ * copied to buf; readers are not allowed
+ * to provide less data unless there is an error;
+ * a value of "0" will be used at the end to allow
+ * the reader to clean up its internal state
+ * @param buf where the reader should write the data
+ * @param emsg location for the reader to store an error message
+ * @return number of bytes written, usually "max", 0 on error
+ */
+static size_t
+data_reader_file(void *cls,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ size_t max,
+ void *buf,
+ char **emsg)
+ struct FileInfo *fi = cls;
+ ssize_t ret;
+ if (max == 0)
+ {
+ if (fi->fd != NULL)
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_close (fi->fd);
+ GNUNET_free (fi->filename);
+ GNUNET_free (fi);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (fi->fd == NULL)
+ {
+ fi->fd = GNUNET_DISK_file_open (fi->filename,
+ if (fi->fd == NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (emsg,
+ _("Could not open file `%s': %s"),
+ fi->filename,
+ STRERROR (errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fi->fd, offset, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET);
+ ret = GNUNET_DISK_file_read (fi->fd, buf, max);
+ if (ret == -1)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (emsg,
+ _("Could not read file `%s': %s"),
+ fi->filename,
+ STRERROR (errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ret != max)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (emsg,
+ _("Short read reading from file `%s'!"),
+ fi->filename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return max;
* Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
* @param filename name of the file or directory to publish
+ * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
+ * directly; can be NULL
* @param meta metadata for the file
* @param do_index GNUNET_YES for index, GNUNET_NO for insertion,
* GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_file (void *client_info,
const char *filename,
+ const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
unsigned int priority,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime)
- return NULL;
+ struct FileInfo *fi;
+ struct stat sbuf;
+ if (0 != STAT (filename, &sbuf))
+ {
+ "stat",
+ filename);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fi = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof(struct FileInfo));
+ fi->filename = GNUNET_strdup (filename);
+ return GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_reader (client_info,
+ sbuf.st_size,
+ &data_reader_file,
+ fi,
+ keywords,
+ meta,
+ do_index,
+ anonymity,
+ priority,
+ expirationTime);
+ * Function that provides data by copying from a buffer.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure (points to the buffer)
+ * @param offset offset to read from; it is possible
+ * that the caller might need to go backwards
+ * a bit at times
+ * @param max maximum number of bytes that should be
+ * copied to buf; readers are not allowed
+ * to provide less data unless there is an error;
+ * a value of "0" will be used at the end to allow
+ * the reader to clean up its internal state
+ * @param buf where the reader should write the data
+ * @param emsg location for the reader to store an error message
+ * @return number of bytes written, usually "max", 0 on error
+ */
+static size_t
+data_reader_copy(void *cls,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ size_t max,
+ void *buf,
+ char **emsg)
+ char *data = cls;
+ if (max == 0)
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (data);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ memcpy (buf, &data[offset], max);
+ return max;
* Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
* @param length length of the file
* @param data data for the file (should not be used afterwards by
* the caller; caller will "free")
+ * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
+ * directly; can be NULL
* @param meta metadata for the file
* @param do_index GNUNET_YES for index, GNUNET_NO for insertion,
* GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_data (void *client_info,
uint64_t length,
void *data,
+ const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
unsigned int priority,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime)
- return NULL;
+ return GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_reader (client_info,
+ length,
+ &data_reader_copy,
+ data,
+ keywords,
+ meta,
+ do_index,
+ anonymity,
+ priority,
+ expirationTime);
unsigned int priority,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime)
- return NULL;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ret;
+ ret = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation));
+ ret->client_info = client_info;
+ ret->meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_duplicate (meta);
+ ret->keywords = (keywords == NULL) ? NULL : GNUNET_FS_uri_dup (keywords);
+ ret->expirationTime = expirationTime;
+ ret->data.file.reader = reader;
+ ret->data.file.reader_cls = reader_cls;
+ ret->data.file.do_index = do_index;
+ ret->anonymity = anonymity;
+ ret->priority = priority;
+ fi_sync (ret);
+ return ret;
+ * Closure for "dir_scan_cb".
+ */
+struct DirScanCls
+ /**
+ * Metadata extractors to use.
+ */
+ struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor *extractors;
+ /**
+ * Function to call on each directory entry.
+ */
+ GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc;
+ /**
+ * Closure for proc.
+ */
+ void *proc_cls;
+ /**
+ * Scanner to use for subdirectories.
+ */
+ GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner scanner;
+ /**
+ * Closure for scanner.
+ */
+ void *scanner_cls;
+ /**
+ * Set to an error message (if any).
+ */
+ char *emsg;
+ /**
+ * Should files be indexed?
+ */
+ int do_index;
+ /**
+ * Desired anonymity level.
+ */
+ unsigned int anonymity;
+ /**
+ * Desired publishing priority.
+ */
+ unsigned int priority;
+ /**
+ * Expiration time for publication.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration;
+ * Function called on each entry in a file to
+ * cause default-publishing.
+ * @param cls closure (struct DirScanCls)
+ * @param filename name of the file to be published
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR to abort
+ */
+static int
+dir_scan_cb (void *cls,
+ const char *filename)
+ struct DirScanCls *dsc = cls;
+ struct stat sbuf;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk_uri;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords;
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;
+ if (0 != STAT (filename, &sbuf))
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&dsc->emsg,
+ _("`%s' failed on file `%s': %s"),
+ "stat",
+ filename,
+ STRERROR (errno));
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR (sbuf.st_mode))
+ {
+ fi = GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (NULL,
+ filename,
+ dsc->scanner,
+ dsc->scanner_cls,
+ dsc->do_index,
+ dsc->anonymity,
+ dsc->priority,
+ dsc->expiration,
+ &dsc->emsg);
+ if (NULL == fi)
+ {
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != dsc->emsg);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_create ();
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_extract_from_file (meta,
+ filename,
+ dsc->extractors);
+ // FIXME: remove path from filename in metadata!
+ keywords = GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_create_from_meta_data (meta);
+ ksk_uri = GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_canonicalize (keywords);
+ fi = GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_file (NULL,
+ filename,
+ ksk_uri,
+ meta,
+ dsc->do_index,
+ dsc->anonymity,
+ dsc->priority,
+ dsc->expiration);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_destroy (meta);
+ GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (keywords);
+ GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (ksk_uri);
+ }
+ dsc->proc (dsc->proc_cls,
+ filename,
+ fi);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
* Simple, useful default implementation of a directory scanner
* @param cls must be of type "struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor*"
* @param dirname name of the directory to scan
+ * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
+ * @param anonymity desired anonymity level
+ * @param priority priority for publishing
+ * @param expirationTime expiration for publication
* @param proc function called on each entry
* @param proc_cls closure for proc
* @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default (void *cls,
const char *dirname,
+ int do_index,
+ unsigned int anonymity,
+ unsigned int priority,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime,
GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls)
+ void *proc_cls,
+ char **emsg)
+ struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor *ex = cls;
+ struct DirScanCls dsc;
+ dsc.extractors = ex;
+ dsc.proc = proc;
+ dsc.proc_cls = proc_cls;
+ dsc.scanner = &GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default;
+ dsc.scanner_cls = cls;
+ dsc.do_index = do_index;
+ dsc.anonymity = anonymity;
+ dsc.priority = priority;
+ dsc.expiration = expirationTime;
+ if (-1 == GNUNET_DISK_directory_scan (dirname,
+ &dir_scan_cb,
+ &dsc))
+ {
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != dsc.emsg);
+ *emsg = dsc.emsg;
+ }
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+ * Closure for dirproc function.
+ */
+struct EntryProcCls
+ /**
+ * Linked list of directory entries that is being
+ * created.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *entries;
+ * Function that processes a directory entry that
+ * was obtained from the scanner.
+ * @param cls our closure
+ * @param filename name of the file (unused, why there???)
+ * @param fi information for publishing the file
+ */
+static void
+dirproc (void *cls,
+ const char *filename,
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi)
+ struct EntryProcCls *dc = cls;
+ GNUNET_assert (fi->next == NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert (fi->dir == NULL);
+ fi->next = dc->entries;
+ dc->entries = fi;
* @param filename name of the top-level file or directory
* @param scanner function used to get a list of files in a directory
* @param scanner_cls closure for scanner
+ * @param do_index should files in the hierarchy be indexed?
* @param anonymity what is the desired anonymity level for sharing?
* @param priority what is the priority for OUR node to
* keep this file available? Use 0 for maximum anonymity and
* minimum reliability...
* @param expirationTime when should this content expire?
+ * @param emsg where to store an error message
* @return publish structure entry for the directory, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (void *client_info,
+ const char *filename,
GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner scanner,
void *scanner_cls,
+ int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
unsigned int priority,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime)
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime,
+ char **emsg)
- return NULL;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ret;
+ struct EntryProcCls dc;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk;
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;
+ dc.entries = NULL;
+ meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_create ();
+ GNUNET_FS_meta_data_make_directory (meta);
+ scanner (scanner_cls,
+ filename,
+ do_index,
+ anonymity,
+ priority,
+ expirationTime,
+ &dirproc,
+ &dc,
+ emsg);
+ ksk = NULL; // FIXME...
+ // FIXME: create meta!
+ ret = GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_empty_directory (client_info,
+ meta,
+ ksk,
+ anonymity,
+ priority,
+ expirationTime);
+ ret->data.dir.entries = dc.entries;
+ while (dc.entries != NULL)
+ {
+ dc.entries->dir = ret;
+ fi_sync (dc.entries);
+ dc.entries = dc.entries->next;
+ }
+ fi_sync (ret);
+ return ret;
unsigned int priority,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime)
- return NULL;
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ret;
+ ret = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation));
+ ret->client_info = client_info;
+ ret->meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_duplicate (meta);
+ ret->keywords = GNUNET_FS_uri_dup (keywords);
+ ret->expirationTime = expirationTime;
+ ret->is_directory = GNUNET_YES;
+ ret->anonymity = anonymity;
+ ret->priority = priority;
+ fi_sync (ret);
+ return ret;
* "GNUNET_FS_publish_start" already.
* @param dir the directory
- * @param end the entry to add; the entry must not have been
+ * @param ent the entry to add; the entry must not have been
* added to any other directory at this point and
* must not include "dir" in its structure
* @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
GNUNET_FS_file_information_add (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *dir,
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *end)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ent)
+ if ( (ent->dir != NULL) ||
+ (ent->next != NULL) ||
+ (! dir->is_directory) )
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ }
+ ent->dir = dir;
+ ent->next = dir->data.dir.entries;
+ dir->data.dir.entries = ent;
+ dir->data.dir.dir_size = 0;
+ dir->publish_offset = 0;
+ fi_sync (ent);
+ fi_sync (dir);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
GNUNET_FS_FileInformationProcessor proc,
void *proc_cls)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *pos;
+ if (dir->is_directory)
+ {
+ proc (proc_cls,
+ dir,
+ dir->data.dir.dir_size,
+ dir->meta,
+ &dir->keywords,
+ &dir->anonymity,
+ &dir->priority,
+ &dir->expirationTime,
+ &dir->client_info);
+ pos = dir->data.dir.entries;
+ while (pos != NULL)
+ {
+ proc (proc_cls,
+ pos,
+ pos->data.dir.dir_size,
+ pos->meta,
+ &pos->keywords,
+ &pos->anonymity,
+ &pos->priority,
+ &pos->expirationTime,
+ &pos->client_info);
+ pos = pos->next;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ proc (proc_cls,
+ dir,
+ dir->data.file.file_size,
+ dir->meta,
+ &dir->keywords,
+ &dir->anonymity,
+ &dir->priority,
+ &dir->expirationTime,
+ &dir->client_info);
+ }
GNUNET_FS_FileInformationProcessor cleaner,
void *cleaner_cls)
+ struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *pos;
+ if (fi->is_directory)
+ {
+ /* clean up directory */
+ while (NULL != (pos = fi->data.dir.entries))
+ {
+ fi->data.dir.entries = pos->next;
+ GNUNET_FS_file_information_destroy (pos, cleaner, cleaner_cls);
+ }
+ /* clean up client-info */
+ cleaner (cleaner_cls,
+ fi,
+ fi->data.dir.dir_size,
+ fi->meta,
+ &fi->keywords,
+ &fi->anonymity,
+ &fi->priority,
+ &fi->expirationTime,
+ &fi->client_info);
+ GNUNET_free (fi->data.dir.dirname);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* call clean-up function of the reader */
+ fi->data.file.reader (fi->data.file.reader_cls, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ /* clean up client-info */
+ cleaner (cleaner_cls,
+ fi,
+ fi->data.file.file_size,
+ fi->meta,
+ &fi->keywords,
+ &fi->anonymity,
+ &fi->priority,
+ &fi->expirationTime,
+ &fi->client_info);
+ }
+ /* clean up serialization */
+ if (0 != UNLINK (fi->serialization))
+ "unlink",
+ fi->serialization);
+ GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (fi->keywords);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_destroy (fi->meta);
+ GNUNET_free (fi->serialization);
+ GNUNET_free (fi);
gnunetinclude_HEADERS = \
gnunet_arm_service.h \
+ gnunet_bio_lib.h \
gnunet_client_lib.h \
gnunet_common.h \
gnunet_constants.h \
--- /dev/null
+ This file is part of GNUnet.
+ (C) 2009 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * @file include/gnunet_bio_lib.h
+ * @brief buffered IO API
+ * @author Christian Grothoff
+ */
+#include "gnunet_container_lib.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
+ * Handle for buffered reading.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle;
+ * Open a file for reading.
+ *
+ * @param fn file name to be opened
+ * @return IO handle on success, NULL on error
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *GNUNET_BIO_read_open (const char *fn);
+ * Close an open file. Reports if any errors reading
+ * from the file were encountered.
+ *
+ * @param h file handle
+ * @param emsg set to the error message
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR otherwise
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_close (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ char **emsg);
+ * Read the contents of a binary file into a buffer.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to write the result to
+ * @param len the number of bytes to read
+ * @return len on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+ssize_t GNUNET_BIO_read (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ void *result,
+ size_t len);
+ * Read 0-terminated string from a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to store a pointer to the (allocated) string to
+ * (note that *result could be set to NULL as well)
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_string (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ char **result);
+ * Read metadata container from a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to store a pointer to the (allocated) metadata
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_meta_data (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData **result);
+ * Read a float.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f address of float to read
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_read_float(h, f) (sizeof(float) == GNUNET_BIO_read (h, __FILE__ "##__LINE__##", f, sizeof(float)))
+ * Read a double.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f address of double to read
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_read_double(h, f) (sizeof(double) == GNUNET_BIO_read (h, __FILE__ "##__LINE__##", f, sizeof(double)))
+ * Read an (u)int32_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param i address of 32-bit integer to read
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_int32__ (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ int32_t *i);
+ * Read an (u)int32_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 32-bit integer to read
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_read_int32(h, i) GNUNET_BIO_read_int32__ (h, __FILE__ "##__LINE__##", (int32_t*) i)
+ * Read an (u)int64_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param i address of 64-bit integer to read
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_int64__ (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ int64_t *i);
+ * Read an (u)int64_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 64-bit integer to read
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_read_int64(h, i) (sizeof(int64_t) == GNUNET_BIO_read (h, __FILE__ "##__LINE__##", (int64_t*) i, sizeof(int64_t)))
+ * Handle for buffered writing.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle;
+ * Open a file for writing.
+ *
+ * @param fn file name to be opened
+ * @return IO handle on success, NULL on error
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *GNUNET_BIO_write_open (const char *fn);
+ * Close an open file for writing.
+ *
+ * @param h file handle
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR otherwise
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_close (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h);
+ * Write a buffer to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param buffer the data to write
+ * @param n number of bytes to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+ssize_t GNUNET_BIO_write (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const void *buffer,
+ size_t n);
+ * Write a string to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param s string to write (can be NULL)
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_string (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const char *s);
+ * Write metadata container to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param m metadata to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_meta_data (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *m);
+ * Write a float.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f float to write (must be a variable)
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_write_float(h, f) (sizeof(float) == GNUNET_BIO_write (h, &f, sizeof(float)))
+ * Write a double.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f double to write (must be a variable)
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_write_float(h, f) (sizeof(double) == GNUNET_BIO_write (h, &f, sizeof(double)))
+ * Write an (u)int32_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 32-bit integer to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_int32 (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ int32_t i);
+ * Write an (u)int64_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 64-bit integer to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_int64 (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ int64_t i);
+#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* ifndef GNUNET_BIO_LIB_H */
+/* end of gnunet_bio_lib.h */
+enum GNUNET_DISK_Seek
+ {
+ };
struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle;
* @return the number of files found, -1 on error
int GNUNET_DISK_directory_scan (const char *dirName,
- GNUNET_FileNameCallback callback, void *data);
+ GNUNET_FileNameCallback callback,
+ void *data);
* Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
* @param filename name of the file or directory to publish
+ * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
+ * directly; can be NULL
* @param meta metadata for the file
* @param do_index GNUNET_YES for index, GNUNET_NO for insertion,
* GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_file (void *client_info,
const char *filename,
+ const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
* @param length length of the file
* @param data data for the file (should not be used afterwards by
* the caller; caller will "free")
+ * @param keywords under which keywords should this file be available
+ * directly; can be NULL
* @param meta metadata for the file
* @param do_index GNUNET_YES for index, GNUNET_NO for insertion,
* GNUNET_SYSERR for simulation
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_data (void *client_info,
uint64_t length,
void *data,
+ const struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords,
const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta,
int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
* @param cls closure
* @param dirname name of the directory to scan
+ * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
+ * @param anonymity desired anonymity level
+ * @param priority priority for publishing
+ * @param expirationTime expiration for publication
* @param proc function to call on each entry
* @param proc_cls closure for proc
* @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
typedef int (*GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner)(void *cls,
const char *dirname,
+ int do_index,
+ unsigned int anonymity,
+ unsigned int priority,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime,
GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
void *proc_cls,
char **emsg);
* @param cls must be of type "struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor*"
* @param dirname name of the directory to scan
+ * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
+ * @param anonymity desired anonymity level
+ * @param priority priority for publishing
+ * @param expirationTime expiration for publication
* @param proc function called on each entry
* @param proc_cls closure for proc
* @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default (void *cls,
const char *dirname,
+ int do_index,
+ unsigned int anonymity,
+ unsigned int priority,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime,
GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls);
+ void *proc_cls,
+ char **emsg);
* @param filename name of the top-level file or directory
* @param scanner function used to get a list of files in a directory
* @param scanner_cls closure for scanner
+ * @param do_index should files in the hierarchy be indexed?
* @param anonymity what is the desired anonymity level for sharing?
* @param priority what is the priority for OUR node to
* keep this file available? Use 0 for maximum anonymity and
* minimum reliability...
* @param expirationTime when should this content expire?
+ * @param emsg where to store an error message
* @return publish structure entry for the directory, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (void *client_info,
+ const char *filename,
GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner scanner,
void *scanner_cls,
+ int do_index,
unsigned int anonymity,
unsigned int priority,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime);
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expirationTime,
+ char **emsg);
#include "gnunet_common.h"
+#include "gnunet_bio_lib.h"
#include "gnunet_client_lib.h"
#include "gnunet_configuration_lib.h"
#include "gnunet_connection_lib.h"
libgnunetutil_la_SOURCES = \
+ bio.c \
client.c \
common_allocation.c \
common_endian.c \
--- /dev/null
+ This file is part of GNUnet.
+ (C) 2006, 2009 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * @file util/bio.c
+ * @brief functions for buffering IO
+ * @author Christian Grothoff
+ */
+#include "platform.h"
+#include "gnunet_bio_lib.h"
+ * Handle for buffered reading.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle
+ * Open a file for reading.
+ *
+ * @param fn file name to be opened
+ * @return IO handle on success, NULL on error
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *GNUNET_BIO_read_open (const char *fn)
+ return NULL;
+ * Close an open file. Reports if any errors reading
+ * from the file were encountered.
+ *
+ * @param h file handle
+ * @param emsg set to the error message
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR otherwise
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_close (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ char **emsg)
+ * Read the contents of a binary file into a buffer.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to write the result to
+ * @param len the number of bytes to read
+ * @return len on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+ssize_t GNUNET_BIO_read (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ void *result,
+ size_t len)
+ * Read 0-terminated string from a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to store a pointer to the (allocated) string to
+ * (note that *result could be set to NULL as well)
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_string (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ char **result)
+ * Read metadata container from a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to an open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param result the buffer to store a pointer to the (allocated) metadata
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on failure
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_meta_data (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData **result)
+ * Read an (u)int32_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param i address of 32-bit integer to read
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_int32__ (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ int32_t *i);
+ * Read an (u)int64_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param what describes what is being read (for error message creation)
+ * @param i address of 64-bit integer to read
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_read_int64__ (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ const char *what,
+ int64_t *i);
+ * Handle for buffered writing.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle
+ * Open a file for writing.
+ *
+ * @param fn file name to be opened
+ * @return IO handle on success, NULL on error
+ */
+struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *GNUNET_BIO_write_open (const char *fn)
+ return NULL;
+ * Close an open file for writing.
+ *
+ * @param h file handle
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR otherwise
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_close (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h);
+ * Write a buffer to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param buffer the data to write
+ * @param n number of bytes to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+ssize_t GNUNET_BIO_write (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const void *buffer,
+ size_t n);
+ * Write a string to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param s string to write (can be NULL)
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_string (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const char *s);
+ * Write metadata container to a file.
+ *
+ * @param h handle to open file
+ * @param m metadata to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_meta_data (struct GNUNET_BIO_WriteHandle *h,
+ const struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *m);
+ * Write a float.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f float to write (must be a variable)
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_write_float(h, f) (sizeof(float) == GNUNET_BIO_write (h, &f, sizeof(float)))
+ * Write a double.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param f double to write (must be a variable)
+ */
+#define GNUNET_BIO_write_float(h, f) (sizeof(double) == GNUNET_BIO_write (h, &f, sizeof(double)))
+ * Write an (u)int32_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 32-bit integer to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_int32 (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ int32_t i);
+ * Write an (u)int64_t.
+ *
+ * @param h hande to open file
+ * @param i address of 64-bit integer to write
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+int GNUNET_BIO_write_int64 (struct GNUNET_BIO_ReadHandle *h,
+ int64_t i);
+typedef struct
+ int fd;
+ unsigned int have;
+ unsigned int size;
+ char *buffer;
+} WriteBuffer;
+static void
+write_buffered (WriteBuffer * wb, const void *s, unsigned int size)
+ const char *src = s;
+ unsigned int min;
+ unsigned int pos;
+ int ret;
+ if (wb->fd == -1)
+ return;
+ pos = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ /* first, just use buffer */
+ min = wb->size - wb->have;
+ if (min > size - pos)
+ min = size - pos;
+ memcpy (&wb->buffer[wb->have], &src[pos], min);
+ pos += min;
+ wb->have += min;
+ if (pos == size)
+ return; /* done */
+ GNUNET_GE_ASSERT (NULL, wb->have == wb->size);
+ ret = WRITE (wb->fd, wb->buffer, wb->size);
+ if (ret != wb->size)
+ {
+ CLOSE (wb->fd);
+ wb->fd = -1;
+ return; /* error */
+ }
+ wb->have = 0;
+ }
+ while (pos < size); /* should always be true */
+static void
+WRITEINT (WriteBuffer * wb, int val)
+ int big;
+ big = htonl (val);
+ write_buffered (wb, &big, sizeof (int));
+static void
+WRITELONG (WriteBuffer * wb, long long val)
+ long long big;
+ big = GNUNET_htonll (val);
+ write_buffered (wb, &big, sizeof (long long));
+static void
+writeURI (WriteBuffer * wb, const struct GNUNET_ECRS_URI *uri)
+ char *buf;
+ unsigned int size;
+ buf = GNUNET_ECRS_uri_to_string (uri);
+ size = strlen (buf);
+ WRITEINT (wb, size);
+ write_buffered (wb, buf, size);
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+static void
+WRITESTRING (WriteBuffer * wb, const char *name)
+ WRITEINT (wb, strlen (name));
+ write_buffered (wb, name, strlen (name));
+static void
+writeMetaData (struct GNUNET_GE_Context *ectx,
+ WriteBuffer * wb, const struct GNUNET_MetaData *meta)
+ unsigned int size;
+ char *buf;
+ size = GNUNET_meta_data_get_serialized_size (meta,
+ |
+ if (size > 1024 * 1024)
+ size = 1024 * 1024;
+ buf = GNUNET_malloc (size);
+ GNUNET_meta_data_serialize (ectx,
+ meta,
+ buf,
+ size,
+ WRITEINT (wb, size);
+ write_buffered (wb, buf, size);
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+static void
+writeFileInfo (struct GNUNET_GE_Context *ectx, WriteBuffer * wb,
+ const GNUNET_ECRS_FileInfo * fi)
+ writeMetaData (ectx, wb, fi->meta);
+ writeURI (wb, fi->uri);
+typedef struct
+ int fd;
+ unsigned int have;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int pos;
+ char *buffer;
+} ReadBuffer;
+static int
+read_buffered (ReadBuffer * rb, void *d, unsigned int size)
+ char *dst = d;
+ unsigned int min;
+ unsigned int pos;
+ int ret;
+ if (rb->fd == -1)
+ return -1;
+ pos = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ /* first, use buffer */
+ min = rb->have - rb->pos;
+ if (min > 0)
+ {
+ if (min > size - pos)
+ min = size - pos;
+ memcpy (&dst[pos], &rb->buffer[rb->pos], min);
+ rb->pos += min;
+ pos += min;
+ }
+ if (pos == size)
+ return pos; /* done! */
+ GNUNET_GE_ASSERT (NULL, rb->have == rb->pos);
+ /* fill buffer */
+ ret = READ (rb->fd, rb->buffer, rb->size);
+ if (ret == -1)
+ {
+ CLOSE (rb->fd);
+ rb->fd = -1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (ret == 0)
+ return 0;
+ rb->pos = 0;
+ rb->have = ret;
+ }
+ while (pos < size); /* should always be true */
+ return pos;
+static int
+read_int (ReadBuffer * rb, int *val)
+ int big;
+ if (sizeof (int) != read_buffered (rb, &big, sizeof (int)))
+ *val = ntohl (big);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+static unsigned int
+read_uint (ReadBuffer * rb, unsigned int *val)
+ unsigned int big;
+ if (sizeof (unsigned int) !=
+ read_buffered (rb, &big, sizeof (unsigned int)))
+ *val = ntohl (big);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+#define READINT(a) if (GNUNET_OK != read_int(rb, (int*) &a)) return GNUNET_SYSERR;
+static int
+read_long (ReadBuffer * rb, long long *val)
+ long long big;
+ if (sizeof (long long) != read_buffered (rb, &big, sizeof (long long)))
+ *val = GNUNET_ntohll (big);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+#define READLONG(a) if (GNUNET_OK != read_long(rb, (long long*) &a)) return GNUNET_SYSERR;
+static struct GNUNET_ECRS_URI *
+read_uri (struct GNUNET_GE_Context *ectx, ReadBuffer * rb)
+ char *buf;
+ struct GNUNET_ECRS_URI *ret;
+ unsigned int size;
+ if (GNUNET_OK != read_uint (rb, &size))
+ return NULL;
+ buf = GNUNET_malloc (size + 1);
+ buf[size] = '\0';
+ if (size != read_buffered (rb, buf, size))
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = GNUNET_ECRS_string_to_uri (ectx, buf);
+ GNUNET_GE_BREAK (ectx, ret != NULL);
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ return ret;
+#define READURI(u) if (NULL == (u = read_uri(ectx, rb))) return GNUNET_SYSERR;
+static char *
+read_string (ReadBuffer * rb, unsigned int maxLen)
+ char *buf;
+ unsigned int big;
+ if (GNUNET_OK != read_uint (rb, &big))
+ return NULL;
+ if (big > maxLen)
+ return NULL;
+ buf = GNUNET_malloc (big + 1);
+ buf[big] = '\0';
+ if (big != read_buffered (rb, buf, big))
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buf;
+#define READSTRING(c, max) if (NULL == (c = read_string(rb, max))) return GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ * Read file info from file.
+ *
+ * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ */
+static struct GNUNET_MetaData *
+read_meta (struct GNUNET_GE_Context *ectx, ReadBuffer * rb)
+ unsigned int size;
+ char *buf;
+ struct GNUNET_MetaData *meta;
+ if (read_uint (rb, &size) != GNUNET_OK)
+ {
+ GNUNET_GE_BREAK (ectx, 0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (size > 1024 * 1024)
+ {
+ GNUNET_GE_BREAK (ectx, 0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ buf = GNUNET_malloc (size);
+ if (size != read_buffered (rb, buf, size))
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ GNUNET_GE_BREAK (ectx, 0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ meta = GNUNET_meta_data_deserialize (ectx, buf, size);
+ if (meta == NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ GNUNET_GE_BREAK (ectx, 0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ GNUNET_free (buf);
+ return meta;
+/* end of bio.c */
fileSlot = bitIdx / 2;
targetLoc = bitIdx % 2;
- GNUNET_assert (fileSlot == (unsigned int) GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_SEEK_SET));
+ GNUNET_assert (fileSlot == (unsigned int) GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET));
if (1 != GNUNET_DISK_file_read (fh, &value, 1))
value = 0;
low = value & 0xF;
value = ((high << 4) | low);
- GNUNET_assert (fileSlot == (unsigned int) GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_SEEK_SET));
+ GNUNET_assert (fileSlot == (unsigned int) GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET));
GNUNET_assert (1 == GNUNET_DISK_file_write (fh, &value, 1));
/* Each char slot in the counter file holds two 4 bit counters */
fileSlot = bitIdx / 2;
targetLoc = bitIdx % 2;
- GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_SEEK_SET);
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET);
if (1 != GNUNET_DISK_file_read (fh, &value, 1))
value = 0;
low = value & 0xF;
value = ((high << 4) | low);
- GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_SEEK_SET);
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, fileSlot, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET);
GNUNET_assert (1 == GNUNET_DISK_file_write (fh, &value, 1));
buffer = GNUNET_malloc (BUFFSIZE);
memset (buffer, 0, BUFFSIZE);
- GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, 0, GNUNET_SEEK_SET);
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, 0, GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET);
while (bytesleft > 0)
#ifdef MINGW
DWORD ret;
- static DWORD t[] = { [GNUNET_SEEK_SET] = FILE_BEGIN,
ret = SetFilePointer (h->h, offset, NULL, t[whence]);
return ret;
- static int t[] = { [GNUNET_SEEK_SET] = SEEK_SET,
+ static int t[] = { [GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET] = SEEK_SET,
return lseek (h->fd, offset, t[whence]);
GNUNET_free (fn);
- GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, idx * sizeof (GNUNET_HashCode), GNUNET_SEEK_SET);
+ GNUNET_DISK_file_seek (fh, idx * sizeof (GNUNET_HashCode), GNUNET_DISK_SEEK_SET);
if (sizeof (GNUNET_HashCode) != GNUNET_DISK_file_read (fh, nsid, sizeof (GNUNET_HashCode)))
GNUNET_DISK_file_close (fh);