--- /dev/null
+package ddns
+config section
+ option name 'service'
+ option title 'DynDNS service entry'
+ option package 'ddns'
+ option named true
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'enabled'
+ option title 'Enable this service entry'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
+config variable
+ option name 'service_name'
+ option title 'Name of the DynDNS provider'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option datatype 'string'
+config variable
+ option name 'domain'
+ option title 'Own DynDNS domain'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'username'
+ option title 'Account username'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'password'
+ option title 'Account password'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'ip_source'
+ option title 'Method to determine current IP address'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option type 'enum'
+ option required true
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.ip_source'
+ option value 'network'
+ option title 'Read ip address from /etc/config/network'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.ip_source'
+ option value 'interface'
+ option title 'Determine ip address from given hardware interface'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.ip_source'
+ option value 'web'
+ option title 'Determine own IP using a remote web page'
+config variable
+ option name 'ip_network'
+ option title 'Configured network to use IP from'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option depends 'ip_source=network'
+ option valueof 'network.interface'
+config variable
+ option name 'ip_interface'
+ option title 'Physical network interface to read IP from'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option depends 'ip_source=interface'
+config variable
+ option name 'ip_url'
+ option title 'Web page used to determine IP address'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option depends 'ip_source=web'
+config variable
+ option name 'update_url'
+ option title 'URL format to use for updating DNS information (for yet-unknown providers)'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+config variable
+ option name 'check_interval'
+ option title 'Update check interval'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'check_unit'
+ option title 'Unit for update check interval'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option type 'enum'
+ option required true
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.check_unit'
+ option value 'seconds'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.check_unit'
+ option value 'minutes'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.check_unit'
+ option value 'hours'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.check_unit'
+ option value 'days'
+config variable
+ option name 'force_interval'
+ option title 'Forced update interval'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'force_unit'
+ option title 'Unit of forced update interval'
+ option section 'ddns.service'
+ option type 'enum'
+ option required true
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.force_unit'
+ option value 'seconds'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.force_unit'
+ option value 'minutes'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.force_unit'
+ option value 'hours'
+config enum
+ option variable 'ddns.service.force_unit'
+ option value 'days'
--- /dev/null
+package dropbear
+config section
+ option name 'dropbear'
+ option title 'General SSH daemon settings'
+ option package 'dropbear'
+ option required true
+ option unique true
+config variable
+ option name 'PasswordAuth'
+ option title 'Permit password authentication'
+ option section 'dropbear.dropbear'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
+config variable
+ option name 'Port'
+ option title 'Listening port'
+ option section 'dropbear.dropbear'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+ option required true
--- /dev/null
+package firewall
+config section
+ option name 'defaults'
+ option title 'Global firewall defaults'
+ option package 'firewall'
+ option unique true
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'forward'
+ option title 'Action for forwarded traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.defaults'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'input'
+ option title 'Action for incoming traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.defaults'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'output'
+ option title 'Action for outgoing traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.defaults'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'syn_flood'
+ option title 'Enable syn-flood protection'
+ option section 'firewall.defaults'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
+config section
+ option name 'forwarding'
+ option title 'Firewall traffic forwarding rules'
+ option package 'firewall'
+config variable
+ option name 'src'
+ option title 'Source zone'
+ option section 'firewall.forwarding'
+ option valueof 'firewall.zone.name'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'dest'
+ option title 'Destination zone'
+ option section 'firewall.forwarding'
+ option valueof 'firewall.zone.name'
+ option required true
+config section
+ option name 'zone'
+ option title 'Firewall zones'
+ option package 'firewall'
+config variable
+ option name 'name'
+ option title 'Name of this firewall zone'
+ option section 'firewall.zone'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'forward'
+ option title 'Zone specific action for forwarded traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.zone'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'input'
+ option title 'Zone specific action for incoming traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.zone'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'output'
+ option title 'Zone specific action for outgoing traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.zone'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'masq'
+ option title 'Enable masquerading for outgoing zone traffic'
+ option section 'firewall.zone'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
--- /dev/null
+package fstab
+config section
+ option name 'mount'
+ option title 'Filesystem entry'
+ option package 'fstab'
+config variable
+ option name 'device'
+ option title 'Device node'
+ option section 'fstab.mount'
+config variable
+ option name 'enabled'
+ option title 'Enable this mount point'
+ option section 'fstab.mount'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
+config variable
+ option name 'fstype'
+ option title 'Filesystem type'
+ option section 'fstab.mount'
+config variable
+ option name 'options'
+ option title 'Mount options'
+ option section 'fstab.mount'
+config variable
+ option name 'target'
+ option title 'Mount point'
+ option section 'fstab.mount'
+ option datatype 'directory'
+config section
+ option name 'swap'
+ option title 'Swap entry'
+ option package 'fstab'
+config variable
+ option name 'device'
+ option title 'Swap file or Partition'
+ option section 'fstab.swap'
+config variable
+ option name 'enabled'
+ option title 'Enable this swap'
+ option section 'fstab.swap'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
--- /dev/null
+package httpd
+config section
+ option name 'httpd'
+ option title 'General httpd settings'
+ option package 'httpd'
+ option unique true
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'home'
+ option title 'Docroot directory'
+ option section 'httpd.httpd'
+ option datatype 'directory'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'port'
+ option title 'Listening port'
+ option section 'httpd.httpd'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+ option required true
--- /dev/null
+package luci_splash
+config section
+ option name 'core'
+ option title 'Common DHCP splash settings'
+ option package 'luci_splash'
+ option unique true
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'leasetime'
+ option title 'Lease time in hours'
+ option section 'luci_splash.core'
+ option datatype 'float'
--- /dev/null
+package system
+config section
+ option name 'system'
+ option title 'General system configuration'
+ option package 'system'
+ option unique true
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'hostname'
+ option title 'Local hostname'
+ option section 'system.system'
+ option datatype 'hostname'
+ option required true
+config variable
+ option name 'timezone'
+ option title 'Option timezone'
+ option section 'system.system'
+ option required true
--- /dev/null
+package upnpd
+config section
+ option name 'upnpd'
+ option title 'Common upnpd settings'
+ option package 'upnpd'
+ option unique true
+config variable
+ option name 'download'
+ option title 'Download bandwidth in kBit/s'
+ option section 'upnpd.upnpd'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+config variable
+ option name 'upload'
+ option title 'Upload bandwidth in kBit/s'
+ option section 'upnpd.upnpd'
+ option datatype 'integer'
+config variable
+ option name 'log_output'
+ option title 'Enable log messages'
+ option section 'upnpd.upnpd'
+ option datatype 'boolean'
return tab, args
+function genspec(conf)
+ require("luci.model.uci")
+ require("luci.uvl.datatypes")
+ local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
+ local ok, err = uci:load(conf)
+ if not ok then
+ print("Can not load config:", err)
+ os.exit(1)
+ else
+ local function _guess_datatype(v)
+ if type(v) == "table" then v = v[1] end
+ for _, type in ipairs({
+ "boolean", "integer", "float", "ip4addr", "ip6addr",
+ "macaddr", "directory", "file"
+ }) do
+ if luci.uvl.datatypes[type](v) then
+ return type
+ end
+ end
+ return "string"
+ end
+ local co = uci:get_all(conf)
+ local ct = { }
+ local ca = { }
+ local so = { }
+ local to = { }
+ -- count section types
+ for _, section in pairs(co) do
+ ct[section['.type']] = ( ct[section['.type']] or 0 ) + 1
+ ca[section['.type']] = section['.anonymous']
+ so[section['.type']] = so[section['.type']] or { }
+ to[section['.type']] = to[section['.type']] or { }
+ for option, value in pairs(section) do
+ if option:sub(1,1) ~= "." then
+ so[section['.type']][option] = _guess_datatype(value)
+ to[section['.type']][option] = ( type(value) == "table" and "list" or "variable" )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- package name
+ print( "package %s" % conf )
+ -- write section schemes
+ for type, count in luci.util.kspairs(ct) do
+ print( "\nconfig section" )
+ print( "\toption name '%s'" % type )
+ print( "\toption title 'Section %s'" % type )
+ print( "\toption package '%s'"% conf )
+ print( "\toption named %s" % ( ca[type] and 'false' or 'true' ) )
+ print( "\toption unique %s" % ( ct[type] > 1 and 'false' or ( ca[type] and 'false' or 'true' ) ) )
+ print( "\toption dynamic false" )
+ print( "\toption required false" )
+ -- write option schemes
+ for opt, val in luci.util.kspairs(so[type]) do
+ print( "\nconfig variable" )
+ print( "\toption name '%s'" % opt )
+ print( "\toption title 'Option %s'" % opt )
+ print( "\toption section '%s.%s'" %{ conf, type } )
+ print( "\toption datatype '%s'" % so[type][opt] )
+ if to[type][opt] ~= "variable" then
+ print( "\toption type '%s'" % to[type][opt] )
+ end
+ end
+ print("")
+ end
+ end
local options, arguments = getopt( arg )
-if #arguments == 0 or options.help then
+if #arguments ~= 2 or options.help then
uvl - UCI Validation Layer
uvl --help
uvl [--silent] [--schemedir=DIR]
[--no-strict-sections] [--no-strict-options] [--no-strict-validators]
- [--no-strict-lists] config[.section[.option]]
+ [--no-strict-lists] {verify|genspec} config[.section[.option]]
Don't invalidate lists that are stored options.
+ verify
+ Validate given configuration, section or option.
+ genspec
+ Generate a scheme skeleton from given configuration.
+elseif arguments[1] == "verify" then
( options['no-strict-sections'] and false or true )
type(options.schemedir) == "string" and options.schemedir or nil
- local cso = luci.util.split( arguments[1], "." )
+ local cso = luci.util.split( arguments[2], "." )
local ok, err = uvl:validate( unpack(cso) )
if ok then
if not options.silent then print( err and err:string() or "Unknown error" ) end
os.exit( 1 )
+ genspec( arguments[2] )