* Method called whenever a peer has disconnected from the tunnel.
+ * Implementations of this callback must NOT call
+ * GNUNET_MESH_tunnel_destroy immediately, but instead schedule those
+ * to run in some other task later. However, calling
+ * "GNUNET_MESH_notify_transmit_ready_cancel" is allowed.
* @param cls closure
* @param peer peer identity the tunnel stopped working with
* Method called whenever a peer has connected to the tunnel.
- * TODO: change to typedef int? to let client allow the new peer or not
* @param cls closure
* @param peer peer identity the tunnel was created to, NULL on timeout
* @param atsi performance data for the connection
+ *
+ * TODO: change to return int to let client allow the new peer or not?
typedef void (*GNUNET_MESH_PeerConnectHandler) (void *cls,
const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity