--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+- The basic OpenSSL library E<lt>-E<gt> provider functions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ #include <openssl/core_numbers.h>
+ /*
+ * None of these are actual functions, but are displayed like this for
+ * the function signatures for functions that are offered as function
+ * pointers in OSSL_DISPATCH arrays.
+ */
+ /* Functions offered by libcrypto to the providers */
+ const OSSL_ITEM *core_get_param_types(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov);
+ int core_get_params(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov, OSSL_PARAM params[]);
+ int core_thread_start(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov,
+ OSSL_thread_stop_handler_fn handfn);
+ void core_put_error(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov,
+ uint32_t reason, const char *file, int line);
+ void core_add_error_vdata(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov,
+ int num, va_list args);
+ OPENSSL_CTX *core_get_library_context(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov);
+ /*
+ * Some OpenSSL functionality is directly offered to providers via
+ * dispatch
+ */
+ void *CRYPTO_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_memdup(const void *str, size_t siz,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ char *CRYPTO_strdup(const char *str, const char *file, int line);
+ char *CRYPTO_strndup(const char *str, size_t s,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ void CRYPTO_free(void *ptr, const char *file, int line);
+ void CRYPTO_clear_free(void *ptr, size_t num,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_realloc(void *addr, size_t num,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_clear_realloc(void *addr, size_t old_num, size_t num,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_secure_malloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line);
+ void *CRYPTO_secure_zalloc(size_t num, const char *file, int line);
+ void CRYPTO_secure_free(void *ptr, const char *file, int line);
+ void CRYPTO_secure_clear_free(void *ptr, size_t num,
+ const char *file, int line);
+ int CRYPTO_secure_allocated(const void *ptr);
+ void OPENSSL_cleanse(void *ptr, size_t len);
+ unsigned char *OPENSSL_hexstr2buf(const char *str, long *len);
+ /* Functions offered by the provider to libcrypto */
+ void provider_teardown(void *provctx);
+ const OSSL_ITEM *provider_get_param_types(void *provctx);
+ int provider_get_params(void *provctx, OSSL_PARAM params[]);
+ const OSSL_ALGORITHM *provider_query_operation(void *provctx,
+ int operation_id,
+ const int *no_store);
+ const OSSL_ITEM *provider_get_reason_strings(void *provctx);
+All "functions" mentioned here are passed as function pointers between
+F<libcrypto> and the provider in B<OSSL_DISPATCH> arrays, in the call
+of the provider initialization function. See L<provider(7)/Provider>
+for a description of the initialization function.
+All these "functions" have a corresponding function type definition
+named B<OSSL_{name}_fn>, and a helper function to retrieve the
+function pointer from a B<OSSL_DISPATCH> element named
+For example, the "function" core_get_param_types() has these:
+ typedef OSSL_ITEM *
+ (OSSL_core_get_param_types_fn)(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_NAME_core_get_param_types_fn
+ OSSL_get_core_get_param_types(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf);
+B<OSSL_DISPATCH> arrays are indexed by numbers that are provided as
+macros in L<openssl-core_numbers.h(7)>, as follows:
+For I<in> (the B<OSSL_DISPATCH> array passed from F<libcrypto> to the
+ core_get_param_types OSSL_FUNC_CORE_GET_PARAM_TYPES
+ core_get_params OSSL_FUNC_CORE_GET_PARAMS
+ core_thread_start OSSL_FUNC_CORE_THREAD_START
+ core_put_error OSSL_FUNC_CORE_PUT_ERROR
+ core_add_error_vdata OSSL_FUNC_CORE_ADD_ERROR_VDATA
+ core_get_library_context OSSL_FUNC_CORE_GET_LIBRARY_CONTEXT
+For I<*out> (the B<OSSL_DISPATCH> array passed from the provider to
+ provider_get_param_types OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GET_PARAM_TYPES
+ provider_get_params OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GET_PARAMS
+ provider_query_operation OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_QUERY_OPERATION
+ provider_get_reason_strings OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GET_REASON_STRINGS
+=head2 Core functions
+core_get_param_types() returns a constant array of descriptor
+B<OSSL_PARAM>, for parameters that core_get_params() can handle.
+core_get_params() retrieves I<prov> parameters from the core.
+See L</Core parameters> below for a description of currently known
+=for comment core_thread_start() TBA
+core_put_error() is used to report an error back to the core, with
+reference to the provider object I<prov>.
+The I<reason> is a number defined by the provider and used to index
+the reason strings table that's returned by
+I<file> and I<line> may also be passed to indicate exactly where the
+error occured or was reported.
+This corresponds to the OpenSSL function L<ERR_put_error(3)>.
+core_add_error_vdata() is used to add additional text data to an
+error already reported with core_put_error().
+It takes I<num> strings in a B<va_list> and concatenates them.
+Provider authors will have to write the corresponding variadic
+argument function.
+core_get_library_context() retrieves the library context in which the
+B<OSSL_PROVIDER> object I<prov> is stored.
+This may sometimes be useful if the provider wishes to store a
+reference to its context in the same library context.
+CRYPTO_malloc(), CRYPTO_zalloc(), CRYPTO_memdup(), CRYPTO_strdup(),
+CRYPTO_strndup(), CRYPTO_free(), CRYPTO_clear_free(),
+CRYPTO_realloc(), CRYPTO_clear_realloc(), CRYPTO_secure_malloc(),
+CRYPTO_secure_zalloc(), CRYPTO_secure_free(),
+CRYPTO_secure_clear_free(), CRYPTO_secure_allocated(),
+OPENSSL_cleanse(), and OPENSSL_hexstr2buf() correspond exactly to the
+public functions with the same name.
+As a matter of fact, the pointers in the B<OSSL_DISPATCH> array are
+direct pointers to those public functions.
+=head2 Provider functions
+provider_teardown() is called when a provider is shut down and removed
+from the core's provider store.
+It must free the passed I<provctx>.
+provider_get_param_types() should return a constant array of
+descriptor B<OSSL_PARAM>, for parameters that provider_get_params()
+can handle.
+provider_get_params() should process the B<OSSL_PARAM> array
+I<params>, setting the values of the parameters it understands.
+provider_query_operation() should return a constant B<OSSL_ALGORITHM>
+that corresponds to the given I<operation_id>.
+It should indicate if the core may store a reference to this array by
+setting I<*no_store> to 0 (core may store a reference) or 1 (core may
+not store a reference).
+provider_get_reason_strings() should return a constant B<OSSL_ITEM>
+array that provides reason strings for reason codes the provider may
+use when reporting errors using core_put_error().
+None of these functions are mandatory, but a provider is fairly
+useless without at least provider_query_operation(), and
+provider_get_param_types() is fairly useless if not accompanied by
+=head2 Core parameters
+core_get_params() understands the following known parameters:
+=over 4
+=item "openssl-version"
+This is a B<OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR> type of parameter, pointing at the
+OpenSSL libraries' full version string, i.e. the string expanded from
+=item "provider-name"
+This is a B<OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR> type of parameter, pointing at the
+OpenSSL libraries' idea of what the calling provider is called.
+Additionally, provider specific configuration parameters from the
+config file are available, in dotted name form.
+The dotted name form is a concatenation of section names and final
+config command name separated by periods.
+For example, let's say we have the following config example:
+ openssl_conf = openssl_init
+ [openssl_init]
+ providers = providers_sect
+ [providers_sect]
+ foo = foo_sect
+ [foo_sect]
+ activate = 1
+ data1 = 2
+ data2 = str
+ more = foo_more
+ [foo_more]
+ data3 = foo,bar
+The provider will have these additional parameters available:
+=over 4
+=item "activate"
+pointing at the string "1"
+=item "data1"
+pointing at the string "2"
+=item "data2"
+pointing at the string "str"
+=item "more.data3"
+pointing at the string "foo,bar"
+For more information on handling parameters, see L<OSSL_PARAM(3)> as
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+This is an example of a simple provider made available as a
+dynamically loadable module.
+It implements the fictitious algorithm C<FOO> for the fictitious
+operation C<BAR>.
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #include <openssl/core.h>
+ #include <openssl/core_numbers.h>
+ /* Errors used in this provider */
+ #define E_MALLOC 1
+ static const OSSL_ITEM reasons[] = {
+ { E_MALLOC, "memory allocation failure" }.
+ { 0, NULL } /* Termination */
+ };
+ /*
+ * To ensure we get the function signature right, forward declare
+ * them using function types provided by openssl/core_numbers.h
+ */
+ OSSL_OP_bar_newctx_fn foo_newctx;
+ OSSL_OP_bar_freectx_fn foo_freectx;
+ OSSL_OP_bar_init_fn foo_init;
+ OSSL_OP_bar_update_fn foo_update;
+ OSSL_OP_bar_final_fn foo_final;
+ OSSL_provider_query_operation_fn p_query;
+ OSSL_provider_get_reason_strings_fn p_reasons;
+ OSSL_provider_teardown_fn p_teardown;
+ OSSL_provider_init_fn OSSL_provider_init;
+ OSSL_core_put_error *c_put_error = NULL;
+ /* Provider context */
+ struct prov_ctx_st {
+ }
+ /* operation context for the algorithm FOO */
+ struct foo_ctx_st {
+ struct prov_ctx_st *provctx;
+ int b;
+ };
+ static void *foo_newctx(void *provctx)
+ {
+ struct foo_ctx_st *fooctx = malloc(sizeof(*fooctx));
+ if (fooctx != NULL)
+ fooctx->provctx = provctx;
+ else
+ c_put_error(provctx->prov, E_MALLOC, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return fooctx;
+ }
+ static void foo_freectx(void *fooctx)
+ {
+ free(fooctx);
+ }
+ static int foo_init(void *vfooctx)
+ {
+ struct foo_ctx_st *fooctx = vfooctx;
+ fooctx->b = 0x33;
+ }
+ static int foo_update(void *vfooctx, unsigned char *in, size_t inl)
+ {
+ struct foo_ctx_st *fooctx = vfooctx;
+ /* did you expect something serious? */
+ if (inl == 0)
+ return 1;
+ for (; inl-- > 0; in++)
+ *in ^= fooctx->b;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static int foo_final(void *vfooctx)
+ {
+ struct foo_ctx_st *fooctx = vfooctx;
+ fooctx->b = 0x66;
+ }
+ static const OSSL_DISPATCH foo_fns[] = {
+ { OSSL_FUNC_BAR_NEWCTX, (void (*)(void))foo_newctx },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_BAR_FREECTX, (void (*)(void))foo_freectx },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_BAR_INIT, (void (*)(void))foo_init },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_BAR_UPDATE, (void (*)(void))foo_update },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_BAR_FINAL, (void (*)(void))foo_final },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ static const OSSL_ALGORITHM bars[] = {
+ { "FOO", "provider=chumbawamba", foo_fns },
+ };
+ static const OSSL_ALGORITHM *p_query(void *provctx, int operation_id,
+ int *no_store)
+ {
+ switch (operation_id) {
+ case OSSL_OP_BAR:
+ return bars;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static const OSSL_ITEM *p_reasons(void *provctx)
+ {
+ return reasons;
+ }
+ static void p_teardown(void *provctx)
+ {
+ free(provctx);
+ }
+ static const OSSL_DISPATCH prov_fns[] = {
+ { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_TEARDOWN, (void (*)(void))p_teardown },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_QUERY_OPERATION, (void (*)(void))p_query },
+ { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GET_REASON_STRINGS, (void (*)(void))p_reasons },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ int OSSL_provider_init(const OSSL_PROVIDER *provider,
+ const OSSL_DISPATCH *in,
+ const OSSL_DISPATCH **out,
+ void **provctx)
+ {
+ struct prov_ctx_st *pctx = NULL;
+ for (; in->function_id != 0; in++)
+ switch (in->function_id) {
+ c_put_error = OSSL_get_core_put_error(in);
+ break;
+ }
+ *out = prov_fns;
+ if ((pctx = malloc(sizeof(*pctx))) == NULL) {
+ /*
+ * ALEA IACTA EST, if the core retrieves the reason table
+ * regardless, that string will be displayed, otherwise not.
+ */
+ c_put_error(provider, E_MALLOC, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+This relies on a few things existing in F<openssl/core_numbers.h>:
+ #define OSSL_OP_BAR 4711
+ typedef void *(OSSL_OP_bar_newctx_fn)(void *provctx);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_get_bar_newctx(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf)
+ { return (OSSL_OP_bar_newctx_fn *)opf->function; }
+ typedef void (OSSL_OP_bar_freectx_fn)(void *ctx);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_get_bar_newctx(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf)
+ { return (OSSL_OP_bar_freectx_fn *)opf->function; }
+ #define OSSL_FUNC_BAR_INIT 3
+ typedef void *(OSSL_OP_bar_init_fn)(void *ctx);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_get_bar_init(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf)
+ { return (OSSL_OP_bar_init_fn *)opf->function; }
+ typedef void *(OSSL_OP_bar_update_fn)(void *ctx,
+ unsigned char *in, size_t inl);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_get_bar_update(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf)
+ { return (OSSL_OP_bar_update_fn *)opf->function; }
+ typedef void *(OSSL_OP_bar_final_fn)(void *ctx);
+ static ossl_inline OSSL_get_bar_final(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf)
+ { return (OSSL_OP_bar_final_fn *)opf->function; }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 HISTORY
+The concept of providers and everything surrounding them was
+introduced in OpenSSL 3.0.
+Copyright 2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
+this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at