altbootcmd=run ${subbootcmds}
bootcmd=run ${subbootcmds}
-configure=run set_uimage; run set_tftppath; km_setboardid && saveenv && reset
+configure=run set_uimage; run set_tftppath; km_setboardid && run try_import_nfs_path && saveenv && reset
subbootcmds=tftpfdt tftpkernel nfsargs add_default boot
nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${toolchain}/${arch}
tftpfdt=if run set_fdthigh || test ${arch} != arm; then if tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} ${tftppath}/fdt_0x${IVM_BoardId}_0x${IVM_HWKey}.dtb; then; else tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} ${tftppath}/${hostname}.dtb; fi; else true; fi
set_uimage=printenv uimage || setenv uimage uImage
set_tftppath=if test ${hostname} = kmcoge5un; then setenv tftppath CI5UN; else if test ${hostname} = kmcoge5ne; then setenv tftppath CI5NE; else setenv tftppath ${IVM_Symbol}; fi; fi
+try_import_nfs_path=if tftpboot 0x200000 ${tftppath}/nfs-path.txt; then env import -t 0x200000 ${filesize}; else echo no auto nfs path imported; echo you can set nfsargs in /tftpboot/${tftppath}/nfs-path.txt and rerun develop; fi
altbootcmd=run ${subbootcmds}
bootcmd=run ${subbootcmds}
-subbootcmds=tftpfdt tftpkernel setrootfsaddr tftpramfs flashargs add_default addpanic addramfs boot
+subbootcmds=save_and_reset_once tftpfdt tftpkernel setrootfsaddr tftpramfs flashargs add_default addpanic addramfs boot
+save_and_reset_once=setenv save_and_reset_once true && save && reset
nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath}
-configure=run set_uimage; run set_tftppath; km_setboardid && saveenv && reset
+configure=run set_uimage; run set_tftppath; km_setboardid && run try_import_rootfssize && saveenv && reset
setrootfsaddr=setexpr value ${pnvramaddr} - ${rootfssize} && setenv rootfsaddr 0x${value}
tftpfdt=if run set_fdthigh || test ${arch} != arm; then if tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} ${tftppath}/fdt_0x${IVM_BoardId}_0x${IVM_HWKey}.dtb; then; else tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} ${tftppath}/${hostname}.dtb; fi; else true; fi
tftpkernel=tftpboot ${load_addr_r} ${tftppath}/${uimage}
tftpramfs=tftpboot ${rootfsaddr} ${tftppath}/rootfsImage
set_uimage=printenv uimage || setenv uimage uImage
set_tftppath=if test ${hostname} = kmcoge5un; then setenv tftppath CI5UN; else if test ${hostname} = kmcoge5ne; then setenv tftppath CI5NE; else setenv tftppath ${IVM_Symbol}; fi; fi
+try_import_rootfssize=if tftpboot 0x200000 ${tftppath}/rootfssize.txt; then env import -t 0x200000 ${filesize}; else echo no auto rootfs size; echo you can set rootfssize in /tftpboot/${tftppath}/rootfssize.txt and rerun ramfs; fi