+++ /dev/null
- C grammar defintion for use with JavaCC
- Contributed by Doug South (dsouth@squirrel.com.au) 21/3/97
- This parser assumes that the C source file has been preprocessed : all
- #includes have been included and all macros have been expanded. I accomplish
- this with "gcc -P -E <source file> > <output file>".
- There is a problem with compiler specific types, such as __signed, __const,
- __inline__, etc. These types can be added as typedef types before the parser
- is run on a file. See main() for an example. I have also found a strange little
- compiler specific "type" if you can call it that. It is __attribute__, but it
- does not seem to be used as a type. I found that just deleting the __attribute__
- and the following "offensive" code works.
- This grammar also prints out all the types defined while parsing the file. This
- is done via a call to printTypes() when the parser is complete. If you do not want
- this, just comment out the printTypes() method call in the production rule
- TranslationUnit(), which BTW is the root node for parsing a C source file.
- I have not in anyway extensively tested this grammar, in fact it is barely tested,
- but I imagine it is better to have a starting point for a C grammar other than from
- scratch. It has not been optimized in anyway, my main aim was to get a parser that
- works. Lookahead may not be optimum at choice points and may even be insufficient at
- times. I choose to err on the side of not optimum if I made a choice at all.
- If you use this grammar, I would appreciate hearing from you. I will try to maintain
- this grammar to the best of my ability, but at this point in time, this is only a side
- hobby (unless someone wants to pay me for doing JavaCC work!). In that regards, I am
- interested in hearing bugs and comments.
- Insert the appropriate code to enable C source trees from this grammar.
-3/2/06: Modified by Tom Copeland
-- STRING_LITERAL now handles embedded escaped newlines, thanks to J.Chris Findlay for the patch
-- Works with JavaCC 4.0
-- Preprocessor directives are now simply SKIP'd, so no need to run C files through GCC first
-31/8/10: Modified heavily by Christian Grothoff
-- No more tracking of type names (so we can run without preprocessing)
-- Support certain gcc-isms (unsigned long long, 33LL, etc.)
-- No support for certain older C constructs
-- Support for magic "GNUNET_PACKED" construct (extra "IDENTIFIER" in struct)
-import java.util.*;
- public class CParser{
- // Run the parser
- public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
- CParser parser ;
- if(args.length == 0){
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Reading from standard input . . .");
- parser = new CParser(System.in);
- }
- else if(args.length == 1){
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Reading from file " + args[0] + " . . ." );
- try {
- parser = new CParser(new java.io.FileInputStream(args[0]));
- }
- catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException e){
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1: File " + args[0] + " not found.");
- return ;
- }
- }
- else {
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Usage is one of:");
- System.out.println(" java CParser < inputfile");
- System.out.println("OR");
- System.out.println(" java CParser inputfile");
- return ;
- }
- try {
- parser.TranslationUnit();
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Java program parsed successfully.");
- }
- catch(ParseException e){
- System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Encountered errors during parse.");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
-SKIP : {
- " "
-| "\t"
-| "\n"
-| "\r"
-| <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n")>
-| <"/*" (~["*"])* "*" ("*" | ~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*")* "/">
- "\n" : DEFAULT
- "\\\n"
- |
- "\\\r\n"
- |
- < ~[] >
-TOKEN : {
- <INTEGER_LITERAL: <DECIMAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])? | <HEX_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])? | <OCTAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])?>
-| <#DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* >
-| <#HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+>
-| <#OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])*>
-| <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ <EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]>
-| <#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+>
-| <CHARACTER_LITERAL: "\'" (~["\'","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"])) "\'">
-| <STRING_LITERAL: "\"" ( ~["\"","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] | ( ["\n","\r"] | "\r\n")))* "\"" ( ( ["\r","\n"," "] )* "\"" ( ~["\"","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] | ( ["\n","\r"] | "\r\n")))* "\"" )* >
-TOKEN : {
- <CONTINUE: "continue"> |
- <VOLATILE: "volatile"> |
- <REGISTER: "register"> |
- <UNSIGNED: "unsigned"> |
- <TYPEDEF: "typedef"> |
- <DFLT: "default"> |
- <DOUBLE: "double"> |
- <SIZEOF: "sizeof"> |
- <SWITCH: "switch"> |
- <RETURN: "return"> |
- <EXTERN: "extern"> |
- <STRUCT: "struct"> |
- <STATIC: "static"> |
- <SIGNED: "signed"> |
- <WHILE: "while"> |
- <BREAK: "break"> |
- <UNION: "union"> |
- <CONST: "const"> |
- <FLOAT: "float"> |
- <SHORT: "short"> |
- <ELSE: "else"> |
- <CASE: "case"> |
- <LONG: "long"> |
- <ENUM: "enum"> |
- <AUTO: "auto"> |
- <VOID: "void"> |
- <CHAR: "char"> |
- <GOTO: "goto"> |
- <FOR: "for"> |
- <INT: "int"> |
- <IF: "if"> |
- <DO: "do">
-TOKEN : {
-| <#LETTER: ["$","A"-"Z","_","a"-"z"]>
-| <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
-void TranslationUnit() : {}
- (ExternalDeclaration())+
-void ExternalDeclaration() : {}
- (StorageClassSpecifier())*
- (
- LOOKAHEAD (FunctionDeclaration()) FunctionDeclaration() |
- LOOKAHEAD (StructOrUnionSpecifier()) StructOrUnionSpecifier() |
- LOOKAHEAD (VariableDeclaration()) VariableDeclaration() |
- LOOKAHEAD (TypeDeclaration()) TypeDeclaration ()
- )
-void FunctionDeclaration() : {}
- TypeSpecifier ()
- "(" [ ParameterList () ] ")"
- ( ";" | CompoundStatement() )
-void StorageClassSpecifier() : {}
- ( <STATIC> | <EXTERN> )
-void TypeDeclaration() : {}
- ( LOOKAHEAD (DataType() ";") DataType () | FunctionType() ) ";"
-void DataType() : {}
- StructOrUnionSpecifier () <IDENTIFIER>
-void FunctionType() : {}
- TypeSpecifier () "(" "*" <IDENTIFIER> ")" "(" [ ParameterList() ] ")"
-void ParameterList() : {}
- ParameterDeclaration() ( LOOKAHEAD (2) "," ParameterDeclaration() )* [ "," "..." ]
-void ParameterDeclaration() : {}
- TypeSpecifier() <IDENTIFIER> [ Array () ]
-void VariableDeclaration() : {}
- VariableClassSpecifier ()
- TypeSpecifier ()
- InitDeclaratorList() ";"
-void LocalVariableDeclaration() : {}
- [ <STATIC> ] VariableDeclaration ()
-void VariableClassSpecifier() : {}
- ( <AUTO> | <REGISTER> )*
-void TypeSpecifier() : {}
- [ <CONST> ]
- ( <VOID>
- | <CHAR>
- | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
- | <INT>
- | <LONG> [ <LONG> ]
- | <FLOAT> | <DOUBLE>
- | (<SIGNED> | <UNSIGNED>) [ <CHAR>
- | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
- | <INT>
- | <LONG> [ <LONG> ] ]
- | StructOrUnionSpecifier()
- | EnumSpecifier()
- )
- [ Pointer () ]
- [ Array () ]
-/* this is needed for 'va_arg' where a type is an argument
- -- and we cannot disambiguate the use of 'FOO'
- after a 'typedef int FOO' from the variable 'FOO';
- hence this hack */
-void NoIdentifierTypeSpecifier() : {}
- [ <CONST> ]
- ( <VOID>
- | <CHAR>
- | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
- | <INT>
- | <LONG> [ <LONG> ]
- | <FLOAT> | <DOUBLE>
- | (<SIGNED> | <UNSIGNED>) [ <CHAR>
- | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
- | <INT>
- | <LONG> [ <LONG> ] ]
- | StructOrUnionSpecifier()
- | EnumSpecifier()
- )
- [ Pointer () ]
- [ Array () ]
-void StructOrUnionSpecifier() : {}
- StructOrUnion() [ <IDENTIFIER> ] "{" StructDeclarationList() "}" |
- StructOrUnion() <IDENTIFIER>
-void StructOrUnion() : {}
- ( <STRUCT> | <UNION> )
-void StructDeclarationList() : {}
- (StructDeclaration())+
-void InitDeclaratorList() : {}
- InitDeclarator() ("," InitDeclarator())*
-void InitDeclarator() : {}
- <IDENTIFIER> [ Array () ] [ "=" Initializer() ]
-void StructDeclaration() : {}
- TypeSpecifier() <IDENTIFIER> [ Array() | ":" ConstantExpression() ] [ <IDENTIFIER> ] ";"
-void EnumSpecifier() : {}
- <ENUM> ( LOOKAHEAD(3) [ <IDENTIFIER> ] "{" EnumeratorList() "}" | <IDENTIFIER> )
-void EnumeratorList() : {}
- Enumerator() ("," Enumerator())*
-void Enumerator() : {}
- <IDENTIFIER> [ "=" ConstantExpression() ]
-void Pointer() : {}
- "*" [ <CONST> ] [ Pointer() ]
-void IdentifierList() : {}
-void Initializer() : {}
- ( AssignmentExpression() |
- "{" InitializerList() [","] "}" )
-void InitializerList() : {}
- Initializer() (LOOKAHEAD(2) "," Initializer())*
-void Array() : {}
- "[" [ConstantExpression()] "]"
-void Statement() : {}
- ( LOOKAHEAD(2) LabeledStatement() |
- ExpressionStatement() |
- CompoundStatement() |
- SelectionStatement() |
- IterationStatement() |
- JumpStatement() )
-void LabeledStatement() : {}
- ( <IDENTIFIER> ":" Statement() |
- <CASE> ConstantExpression() ":" Statement() |
- <DFLT> ":" Statement() )
-void ExpressionStatement() : {}
- [ Expression() ] ";"
-void CompoundStatement() : {}
- "{" ( LOOKAHEAD (LocalVariableDeclaration()) LocalVariableDeclaration () |
- Statement() )*
- "}"
-void SelectionStatement() : {}
- ( <IF> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) <ELSE> Statement() ] |
- <SWITCH> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() )
-void IterationStatement() : {}
- ( <WHILE> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() |
- <DO> Statement() <WHILE> "(" Expression() ")" ";" |
- <FOR> "(" [ Expression() ] ";" [ Expression() ] ";" [ Expression() ] ")" Statement() )
-void JumpStatement() : {}
- ( <GOTO> <IDENTIFIER> ";" |
- <CONTINUE> ";" |
- <BREAK> ";" |
- <RETURN> [ Expression() ] ";" )
-void Expression() : {}
- AssignmentExpression() ( "," AssignmentExpression() )*
-void AssignmentExpression() : {}
- LOOKAHEAD(UnaryExpression() AssignmentOperator()) UnaryExpression() AssignmentOperator() AssignmentExpression() |
- LOOKAHEAD(3) ConditionalExpression()
-void AssignmentOperator() : {}
- ( "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" )
-void ConditionalExpression() : {}
- LogicalORExpression() [ "?" Expression() ":" ConditionalExpression() ]
-void ConstantExpression() : {}
- ConditionalExpression()
-void LogicalORExpression() : {}
- LogicalANDExpression() [ "||" LogicalORExpression() ]
-void LogicalANDExpression() : {}
- InclusiveORExpression() [ "&&" LogicalANDExpression() ]
-void InclusiveORExpression() : {}
- ExclusiveORExpression() [ "|" InclusiveORExpression() ]
-void ExclusiveORExpression() : {}
- ANDExpression() [ "^" ExclusiveORExpression() ]
-void ANDExpression() : {}
- EqualityExpression() [ "&" ANDExpression() ]
-void EqualityExpression() : {}
- RelationalExpression() [ ( "==" | "!=" ) EqualityExpression() ]
-void RelationalExpression() : {}
- ShiftExpression() [ ( "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" ) RelationalExpression() ]
-void ShiftExpression() : {}
- AdditiveExpression() [ ( "<<" | ">>" ) ShiftExpression() ]
-void AdditiveExpression() : {}
- MultiplicativeExpression() [ ( "+" | "-" ) AdditiveExpression() ]
-void MultiplicativeExpression() : {}
- CastExpression() [ ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) MultiplicativeExpression() ]
-void CastExpression() : {}
- ( LOOKAHEAD("(" TypeSpecifier() ")" CastExpression() ) "(" TypeSpecifier() ")" CastExpression() |
- UnaryExpression() )
-void UnaryExpression() : {}
- ( LOOKAHEAD(3) PostfixExpression() |
- "++" UnaryExpression() |
- "--" UnaryExpression() |
- UnaryOperator() CastExpression() |
- <SIZEOF> ( LOOKAHEAD(UnaryExpression() ) UnaryExpression() | "(" TypeSpecifier() ")" ) )
-void UnaryOperator() : {}
- ( "&" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "!" )
-void PostfixExpression() : {}
- PrimaryExpression() ( "[" Expression() "]" |
- "(" [ LOOKAHEAD(ArgumentExpressionList() ) ArgumentExpressionList() ] ")" |
- "." <IDENTIFIER> |
- "->" <IDENTIFIER> |
- "++" |
- "--" )*
-void PrimaryExpression() : {}
- Constant() |
- "(" Expression() ")"
-void ArgumentExpressionList() : {}
- AssignmentOrTypeExpression() ( "," AssignmentOrTypeExpression() )*
-void AssignmentOrTypeExpression() : {}
- NoIdentifierTypeSpecifier() |
- AssignmentExpression()
-void Constant() : {}
--- /dev/null
+ C grammar defintion for use with JavaCC
+ Contributed by Doug South (dsouth@squirrel.com.au) 21/3/97
+ This parser assumes that the C source file has been preprocessed : all
+ #includes have been included and all macros have been expanded. I accomplish
+ this with "gcc -P -E <source file> > <output file>".
+ There is a problem with compiler specific types, such as __signed, __const,
+ __inline__, etc. These types can be added as typedef types before the parser
+ is run on a file. See main() for an example. I have also found a strange little
+ compiler specific "type" if you can call it that. It is __attribute__, but it
+ does not seem to be used as a type. I found that just deleting the __attribute__
+ and the following "offensive" code works.
+ This grammar also prints out all the types defined while parsing the file. This
+ is done via a call to printTypes() when the parser is complete. If you do not want
+ this, just comment out the printTypes() method call in the production rule
+ TranslationUnit(), which BTW is the root node for parsing a C source file.
+ I have not in anyway extensively tested this grammar, in fact it is barely tested,
+ but I imagine it is better to have a starting point for a C grammar other than from
+ scratch. It has not been optimized in anyway, my main aim was to get a parser that
+ works. Lookahead may not be optimum at choice points and may even be insufficient at
+ times. I choose to err on the side of not optimum if I made a choice at all.
+ If you use this grammar, I would appreciate hearing from you. I will try to maintain
+ this grammar to the best of my ability, but at this point in time, this is only a side
+ hobby (unless someone wants to pay me for doing JavaCC work!). In that regards, I am
+ interested in hearing bugs and comments.
+ Insert the appropriate code to enable C source trees from this grammar.
+3/2/06: Modified by Tom Copeland
+- STRING_LITERAL now handles embedded escaped newlines, thanks to J.Chris Findlay for the patch
+- Works with JavaCC 4.0
+- Preprocessor directives are now simply SKIP'd, so no need to run C files through GCC first
+31/8/10: Modified heavily by Christian Grothoff
+- No more tracking of type names (so we can run without preprocessing)
+- Support certain gcc-isms (unsigned long long, 33LL, etc.)
+- No support for certain older C constructs
+- Support for magic "GNUNET_PACKED" construct (extra "IDENTIFIER" in struct)
+import java.util.*;
+ public class CParser{
+ // Run the parser
+ public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
+ CParser parser ;
+ if(args.length == 0){
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Reading from standard input . . .");
+ parser = new CParser(System.in);
+ }
+ else if(args.length == 1){
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Reading from file " + args[0] + " . . ." );
+ try {
+ parser = new CParser(new java.io.FileInputStream(args[0]));
+ }
+ catch(java.io.FileNotFoundException e){
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1: File " + args[0] + " not found.");
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Usage is one of:");
+ System.out.println(" java CParser < inputfile");
+ System.out.println("OR");
+ System.out.println(" java CParser inputfile");
+ return ;
+ }
+ try {
+ parser.TranslationUnit();
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Java program parsed successfully.");
+ }
+ catch(ParseException e){
+ System.out.println("C Parser Version 0.1Alpha: Encountered errors during parse.");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SKIP : {
+ " "
+| "\t"
+| "\n"
+| "\r"
+| <"//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n")>
+| <"/*" (~["*"])* "*" ("*" | ~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*")* "/">
+ "\n" : DEFAULT
+ "\\\n"
+ |
+ "\\\r\n"
+ |
+ < ~[] >
+TOKEN : {
+ <INTEGER_LITERAL: <DECIMAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])? | <HEX_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])? | <OCTAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])? (["l","L"])?>
+| <#DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* >
+| <#HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+>
+| <#OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])*>
+| <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ <EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]>
+| <#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+>
+| <CHARACTER_LITERAL: "\'" (~["\'","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"])) "\'">
+| <STRING_LITERAL: "\"" ( ~["\"","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] | ( ["\n","\r"] | "\r\n")))* "\"" ( ( ["\r","\n"," "] )* "\"" ( ~["\"","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"] | ( ["\n","\r"] | "\r\n")))* "\"" )* >
+TOKEN : {
+ <CONTINUE: "continue"> |
+ <VOLATILE: "volatile"> |
+ <REGISTER: "register"> |
+ <UNSIGNED: "unsigned"> |
+ <TYPEDEF: "typedef"> |
+ <DFLT: "default"> |
+ <DOUBLE: "double"> |
+ <SIZEOF: "sizeof"> |
+ <SWITCH: "switch"> |
+ <RETURN: "return"> |
+ <EXTERN: "extern"> |
+ <STRUCT: "struct"> |
+ <STATIC: "static"> |
+ <SIGNED: "signed"> |
+ <WHILE: "while"> |
+ <BREAK: "break"> |
+ <UNION: "union"> |
+ <CONST: "const"> |
+ <FLOAT: "float"> |
+ <SHORT: "short"> |
+ <ELSE: "else"> |
+ <CASE: "case"> |
+ <LONG: "long"> |
+ <ENUM: "enum"> |
+ <AUTO: "auto"> |
+ <VOID: "void"> |
+ <CHAR: "char"> |
+ <GOTO: "goto"> |
+ <FOR: "for"> |
+ <INT: "int"> |
+ <IF: "if"> |
+ <DO: "do">
+TOKEN : {
+| <#LETTER: ["$","A"-"Z","_","a"-"z"]>
+| <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
+void TranslationUnit() : {}
+ (ExternalDeclaration())+
+void ExternalDeclaration() : {}
+ (StorageClassSpecifier())*
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD (FunctionDeclaration()) FunctionDeclaration() |
+ LOOKAHEAD (StructOrUnionSpecifier()) StructOrUnionSpecifier() |
+ LOOKAHEAD (VariableDeclaration()) VariableDeclaration() |
+ LOOKAHEAD (TypeDeclaration()) TypeDeclaration ()
+ )
+void FunctionDeclaration() : {}
+ TypeSpecifier ()
+ "(" [ ParameterList () ] ")"
+ ( ";" | CompoundStatement() )
+void StorageClassSpecifier() : {}
+ ( <STATIC> | <EXTERN> )
+void TypeDeclaration() : {}
+ ( LOOKAHEAD (DataType() ";") DataType () | FunctionType() ) ";"
+void DataType() : {}
+ StructOrUnionSpecifier () <IDENTIFIER>
+void FunctionType() : {}
+ TypeSpecifier () "(" "*" <IDENTIFIER> ")" "(" [ ParameterList() ] ")"
+void ParameterList() : {}
+ ParameterDeclaration() ( LOOKAHEAD (2) "," ParameterDeclaration() )* [ "," "..." ]
+void ParameterDeclaration() : {}
+ TypeSpecifier() <IDENTIFIER> [ Array () ]
+void VariableDeclaration() : {}
+ VariableClassSpecifier ()
+ TypeSpecifier ()
+ InitDeclaratorList() ";"
+void LocalVariableDeclaration() : {}
+ [ <STATIC> ] VariableDeclaration ()
+void VariableClassSpecifier() : {}
+ ( <AUTO> | <REGISTER> )*
+void TypeSpecifier() : {}
+ [ <CONST> ]
+ ( <VOID>
+ | <CHAR>
+ | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
+ | <INT>
+ | <LONG> [ <LONG> ]
+ | <FLOAT> | <DOUBLE>
+ | (<SIGNED> | <UNSIGNED>) [ <CHAR>
+ | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
+ | <INT>
+ | <LONG> [ <LONG> ] ]
+ | StructOrUnionSpecifier()
+ | EnumSpecifier()
+ )
+ [ Pointer () ]
+ [ Array () ]
+/* this is needed for 'va_arg' where a type is an argument
+ -- and we cannot disambiguate the use of 'FOO'
+ after a 'typedef int FOO' from the variable 'FOO';
+ hence this hack */
+void NoIdentifierTypeSpecifier() : {}
+ [ <CONST> ]
+ ( <VOID>
+ | <CHAR>
+ | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
+ | <INT>
+ | <LONG> [ <LONG> ]
+ | <FLOAT> | <DOUBLE>
+ | (<SIGNED> | <UNSIGNED>) [ <CHAR>
+ | <SHORT> [ <INT> ]
+ | <INT>
+ | <LONG> [ <LONG> ] ]
+ | StructOrUnionSpecifier()
+ | EnumSpecifier()
+ )
+ [ Pointer () ]
+ [ Array () ]
+void StructOrUnionSpecifier() : {}
+ StructOrUnion() [ <IDENTIFIER> ] "{" StructDeclarationList() "}" |
+ StructOrUnion() <IDENTIFIER>
+void StructOrUnion() : {}
+ ( <STRUCT> | <UNION> )
+void StructDeclarationList() : {}
+ (StructDeclaration())+
+void InitDeclaratorList() : {}
+ InitDeclarator() ("," InitDeclarator())*
+void InitDeclarator() : {}
+ <IDENTIFIER> [ Array () ] [ "=" Initializer() ]
+void StructDeclaration() : {}
+ TypeSpecifier() <IDENTIFIER> [ Array() | ":" ConstantExpression() ] [ <IDENTIFIER> ] ";"
+void EnumSpecifier() : {}
+ <ENUM> ( LOOKAHEAD(3) [ <IDENTIFIER> ] "{" EnumeratorList() "}" | <IDENTIFIER> )
+void EnumeratorList() : {}
+ Enumerator() ("," Enumerator())*
+void Enumerator() : {}
+ <IDENTIFIER> [ "=" ConstantExpression() ]
+void Pointer() : {}
+ "*" [ <CONST> ] [ Pointer() ]
+void IdentifierList() : {}
+void Initializer() : {}
+ ( AssignmentExpression() |
+ "{" InitializerList() [","] "}" )
+void InitializerList() : {}
+ Initializer() (LOOKAHEAD(2) "," Initializer())*
+void Array() : {}
+ "[" [ConstantExpression()] "]"
+void Statement() : {}
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) LabeledStatement() |
+ ExpressionStatement() |
+ CompoundStatement() |
+ SelectionStatement() |
+ IterationStatement() |
+ JumpStatement() )
+void LabeledStatement() : {}
+ ( <IDENTIFIER> ":" Statement() |
+ <CASE> ConstantExpression() ":" Statement() |
+ <DFLT> ":" Statement() )
+void ExpressionStatement() : {}
+ [ Expression() ] ";"
+void CompoundStatement() : {}
+ "{" ( LOOKAHEAD (LocalVariableDeclaration()) LocalVariableDeclaration () |
+ Statement() )*
+ "}"
+void SelectionStatement() : {}
+ ( <IF> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) <ELSE> Statement() ] |
+ <SWITCH> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() )
+void IterationStatement() : {}
+ ( <WHILE> "(" Expression() ")" Statement() |
+ <DO> Statement() <WHILE> "(" Expression() ")" ";" |
+ <FOR> "(" [ Expression() ] ";" [ Expression() ] ";" [ Expression() ] ")" Statement() )
+void JumpStatement() : {}
+ ( <GOTO> <IDENTIFIER> ";" |
+ <CONTINUE> ";" |
+ <BREAK> ";" |
+ <RETURN> [ Expression() ] ";" )
+void Expression() : {}
+ AssignmentExpression() ( "," AssignmentExpression() )*
+void AssignmentExpression() : {}
+ LOOKAHEAD(UnaryExpression() AssignmentOperator()) UnaryExpression() AssignmentOperator() AssignmentExpression() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(3) ConditionalExpression()
+void AssignmentOperator() : {}
+ ( "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" )
+void ConditionalExpression() : {}
+ LogicalORExpression() [ "?" Expression() ":" ConditionalExpression() ]
+void ConstantExpression() : {}
+ ConditionalExpression()
+void LogicalORExpression() : {}
+ LogicalANDExpression() [ "||" LogicalORExpression() ]
+void LogicalANDExpression() : {}
+ InclusiveORExpression() [ "&&" LogicalANDExpression() ]
+void InclusiveORExpression() : {}
+ ExclusiveORExpression() [ "|" InclusiveORExpression() ]
+void ExclusiveORExpression() : {}
+ ANDExpression() [ "^" ExclusiveORExpression() ]
+void ANDExpression() : {}
+ EqualityExpression() [ "&" ANDExpression() ]
+void EqualityExpression() : {}
+ RelationalExpression() [ ( "==" | "!=" ) EqualityExpression() ]
+void RelationalExpression() : {}
+ ShiftExpression() [ ( "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" ) RelationalExpression() ]
+void ShiftExpression() : {}
+ AdditiveExpression() [ ( "<<" | ">>" ) ShiftExpression() ]
+void AdditiveExpression() : {}
+ MultiplicativeExpression() [ ( "+" | "-" ) AdditiveExpression() ]
+void MultiplicativeExpression() : {}
+ CastExpression() [ ( "*" | "/" | "%" ) MultiplicativeExpression() ]
+void CastExpression() : {}
+ ( LOOKAHEAD("(" TypeSpecifier() ")" CastExpression() ) "(" TypeSpecifier() ")" CastExpression() |
+ UnaryExpression() )
+void UnaryExpression() : {}
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(3) PostfixExpression() |
+ "++" UnaryExpression() |
+ "--" UnaryExpression() |
+ UnaryOperator() CastExpression() |
+ <SIZEOF> ( LOOKAHEAD(UnaryExpression() ) UnaryExpression() | "(" TypeSpecifier() ")" ) )
+void UnaryOperator() : {}
+ ( "&" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "~" | "!" )
+void PostfixExpression() : {}
+ PrimaryExpression() ( "[" Expression() "]" |
+ "(" [ LOOKAHEAD(ArgumentExpressionList() ) ArgumentExpressionList() ] ")" |
+ "." <IDENTIFIER> |
+ "->" <IDENTIFIER> |
+ "++" |
+ "--" )*
+void PrimaryExpression() : {}
+ Constant() |
+ "(" Expression() ")"
+void ArgumentExpressionList() : {}
+ AssignmentOrTypeExpression() ( "," AssignmentOrTypeExpression() )*
+void AssignmentOrTypeExpression() : {}
+ NoIdentifierTypeSpecifier() |
+ AssignmentExpression()
+void Constant() : {}