- <div *ngFor="let video of videos">
+ <div class="video" *ngFor="let video of videos">
<my-video-thumbnail [video]="video"></my-video-thumbnail>
+ <div class="video-info">
+ <div class="video-info-name">{{ video.name }}</div>
+ <span class="video-info-date-views">{{ video.createdAt | fromNow }} - {{ video.views | numberFormatter }} views</span>
+ </div>
+ <a class="edit-button" [routerLink]="[ '/videos', video.id, '/edit' ]">
+ <span class="icon icon-edit"></span>
+ Edit
+ </a>
+.video {
+ display: flex;
+ height: 130px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #C6C6C6;
+ my-video-thumbnail {
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+ .video-info {
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+ .video-info-name {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: $font-semibold;
+ }
+ .video-info-date-views {
+ font-size: 13px;
+ }
+ }
+ .edit-button {
+ @include peertube-button-link;
+ font-size: 15px;
+ font-weight: $font-semibold;
+ color: #585858;
+ background-color: #E5E5E5;
+ .icon.icon-edit {
+ display: inline-block;
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+ background-size: contain;
+ width: 21px;
+ height: 21px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ position: relative;
+ top: -2px;
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background-size: contain;
&.icon-menu {
- background-image: url('../assets/header/menu.svg');
+ background-image: url('../assets/images/header/menu.svg');
margin: 0 18px 0 24px;
.icon.icon-logo {
display: inline-block;
- background: url('../assets/logo.svg') no-repeat;
+ background: url('../assets/images/logo.svg') no-repeat;
width: 20px;
height: 24px;
&.icon-videos-trending {
position: relative;
top: -2px;
- background-image: url('../../assets/menu/trending.svg');
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&.icon-videos-recently-added {
height: 23px;
position: relative;
top: -1px;
- background-image: url('../../assets/menu/recently-added.svg');
+ background-image: url('../../assets/images/menu/recently-added.svg');
&.icon-administration {
width: 23px;
height: 23px;
- background-image: url('../../assets/menu/administration.svg');
+ background-image: url('../../assets/images/menu/administration.svg');
.icon.icon-search {
display: inline-block;
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+ background: url('../../../assets/images/header/search.svg') no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
width: 25px;
height: 21px;
.icon.icon-upload {
display: inline-block;
- background: url('../../../assets/header/upload.svg') no-repeat;
+ background: url('../../../assets/images/header/upload.svg') no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
width: 22px;
height: 24px;
getAvatarPath () {
if (this.account && this.account.avatar) return this.account.avatar.path
- return '/assets/default-avatar.png'
+ return '/assets/images/default-avatar.png'
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