--- /dev/null
+custom: https://framasoft.org/en/#soutenir
import { RATES_LIMIT, WEBSERVER } from '../../../initializers/constants'
import { Emailer } from '../../../lib/emailer'
import { Redis } from '../../../lib/redis'
-import { createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist } from '../../../lib/user'
+import { createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist, sendVerifyUserEmail } from '../../../lib/user'
import {
- asyncMiddleware(askSendVerifyUserEmail)
+ asyncMiddleware(reSendVerifyUserEmail)
return res.status(204).end()
-async function sendVerifyUserEmail (user: UserModel) {
- const verificationString = await Redis.Instance.setVerifyEmailVerificationString(user.id)
- const url = WEBSERVER.URL + '/verify-account/email?userId=' + user.id + '&verificationString=' + verificationString
- await Emailer.Instance.addVerifyEmailJob(user.email, url)
- return
-async function askSendVerifyUserEmail (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+async function reSendVerifyUserEmail (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const user = res.locals.user
await sendVerifyUserEmail(user)
const user = res.locals.user
user.emailVerified = true
+ if (req.body.isPendingEmail === true) {
+ user.email = user.pendingEmail
+ user.pendingEmail = null
+ }
await user.save()
return res.status(204).end()
import { AccountModel } from '../../../models/account/account'
import { CONFIG } from '../../../initializers/config'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../../../initializers/database'
+import { sendVerifyUserEmail } from '../../../lib/user'
const auditLogger = auditLoggerFactory('users-me')
async function updateMe (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const body: UserUpdateMe = req.body
+ let sendVerificationEmail = false
const user = res.locals.oauth.token.user
const oldUserAuditView = new UserAuditView(user.toFormattedJSON({}))
if (body.password !== undefined) user.password = body.password
- if (body.email !== undefined) user.email = body.email
if (body.nsfwPolicy !== undefined) user.nsfwPolicy = body.nsfwPolicy
if (body.webTorrentEnabled !== undefined) user.webTorrentEnabled = body.webTorrentEnabled
if (body.autoPlayVideo !== undefined) user.autoPlayVideo = body.autoPlayVideo
if (body.videosHistoryEnabled !== undefined) user.videosHistoryEnabled = body.videosHistoryEnabled
+ if (body.email !== undefined) {
+ user.pendingEmail = body.email
+ sendVerificationEmail = true
+ } else {
+ user.email = body.email
+ }
+ }
await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const userAccount = await AccountModel.load(user.Account.id)
auditLogger.update(getAuditIdFromRes(res), new UserAuditView(user.toFormattedJSON({})), oldUserAuditView)
+ if (sendVerificationEmail === true) {
+ await sendVerifyUserEmail(user, true)
+ }
return res.sendStatus(204)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+async function up (utils: {
+ transaction: Sequelize.Transaction,
+ queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface,
+ sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize,
+ db: any
+}): Promise<void> {
+ const data = {
+ type: Sequelize.STRING(400),
+ allowNull: true,
+ defaultValue: null
+ }
+ await utils.queryInterface.addColumn('user', 'pendingEmail', data)
+function down (options) {
+ throw new Error('Not implemented.')
+export {
+ up,
+ down
import * as uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4'
import { ActivityPubActorType } from '../../shared/models/activitypub'
-import { SERVER_ACTOR_NAME } from '../initializers/constants'
+import { SERVER_ACTOR_NAME, WEBSERVER } from '../initializers/constants'
import { AccountModel } from '../models/account/account'
import { UserModel } from '../models/account/user'
import { buildActorInstance, getAccountActivityPubUrl, setAsyncActorKeys } from './activitypub'
import { createWatchLaterPlaylist } from './video-playlist'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '../initializers/database'
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize/types'
+import { Redis } from './redis'
+import { Emailer } from './emailer'
type ChannelNames = { name: string, displayName: string }
async function createUserAccountAndChannelAndPlaylist (parameters: {
return accountCreated
+async function sendVerifyUserEmail (user: UserModel, isPendingEmail = false) {
+ const verificationString = await Redis.Instance.setVerifyEmailVerificationString(user.id)
+ let url = WEBSERVER.URL + '/verify-account/email?userId=' + user.id + '&verificationString=' + verificationString
+ if (isPendingEmail) url += '&isPendingEmail=true'
+ const email = isPendingEmail ? user.pendingEmail : user.email
+ await Emailer.Instance.addVerifyEmailJob(email, url)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- createLocalAccountWithoutKeys
+ createLocalAccountWithoutKeys,
+ sendVerifyUserEmail
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { ActorModel } from '../../models/activitypub/actor'
import { isActorPreferredUsernameValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/activitypub/actor'
import { isVideoChannelNameValid } from '../../helpers/custom-validators/video-channels'
-import { UserCreate } from '../../../shared/models/users'
import { UserRegister } from '../../../shared/models/users/user-register.model'
const usersAddValidator = [
const usersUpdateMeValidator = [
- body('displayName').optional().custom(isUserDisplayNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid display name'),
- body('description').optional().custom(isUserDescriptionValid).withMessage('Should have a valid description'),
- body('currentPassword').optional().custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid current password'),
- body('password').optional().custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid password'),
- body('email').optional().isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email attribute'),
- body('nsfwPolicy').optional().custom(isUserNSFWPolicyValid).withMessage('Should have a valid display Not Safe For Work policy'),
- body('autoPlayVideo').optional().custom(isUserAutoPlayVideoValid).withMessage('Should have a valid automatically plays video attribute'),
+ body('displayName')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserDisplayNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid display name'),
+ body('description')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserDescriptionValid).withMessage('Should have a valid description'),
+ body('currentPassword')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid current password'),
+ body('password')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid password'),
+ body('email')
+ .optional()
+ .isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email attribute'),
+ body('nsfwPolicy')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserNSFWPolicyValid).withMessage('Should have a valid display Not Safe For Work policy'),
+ body('autoPlayVideo')
+ .optional()
+ .custom(isUserAutoPlayVideoValid).withMessage('Should have a valid automatically plays video attribute'),
.custom(isUserVideosHistoryEnabledValid).withMessage('Should have a valid videos history enabled attribute'),
const usersVerifyEmailValidator = [
- param('id').isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- body('verificationString').not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid verification string'),
+ param('id')
+ .isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ body('verificationString')
+ .not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid verification string'),
+ body('isPendingEmail')
+ .optional()
+ .toBoolean(),
async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
logger.debug('Checking usersVerifyEmail parameters', { parameters: req.params })
email: string
+ @AllowNull(true)
+ @IsEmail
+ @Column(DataType.STRING(400))
+ pendingEmail: string
@Is('UserEmailVerified', value => throwIfNotValid(value, isUserEmailVerifiedValid, 'email verified boolean', true))
id: this.id,
username: this.username,
email: this.email,
+ pendingEmail: this.pendingEmail,
emailVerified: this.emailVerified,
nsfwPolicy: this.nsfwPolicy,
webTorrentEnabled: this.webTorrentEnabled,
it('Should not verify the email with an invalid verification string', async function () {
- await verifyEmail(server.url, userId, verificationString + 'b', 403)
+ await verifyEmail(server.url, userId, verificationString + 'b', false, 403)
it('Should verify the email', async function () {
import * as chai from 'chai'
import 'mocha'
import {
- registerUser, flushTests, getUserInformation, getMyUserInformation, killallServers,
- userLogin, login, flushAndRunServer, ServerInfo, verifyEmail, updateCustomSubConfig, wait, cleanupTests
+ cleanupTests,
+ flushAndRunServer,
+ getMyUserInformation,
+ getUserInformation,
+ login,
+ registerUser,
+ ServerInfo,
+ updateCustomSubConfig,
+ updateMyUser,
+ userLogin,
+ verifyEmail
} from '../../../../shared/extra-utils'
import { setAccessTokensToServers } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/users/login'
import { MockSmtpServer } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/miscs/email'
import { waitJobs } from '../../../../shared/extra-utils/server/jobs'
+import { User } from '../../../../shared/models/users'
const expect = chai.expect
describe('Test users account verification', function () {
let server: ServerInfo
let userId: number
+ let userAccessToken: string
let verificationString: string
let expectedEmailsLength = 0
const user1 = {
it('Should verify the user via email and allow login', async function () {
await verifyEmail(server.url, userId, verificationString)
- await login(server.url, server.client, user1)
+ const res = await login(server.url, server.client, user1)
+ userAccessToken = res.body.access_token
const resUserVerified = await getUserInformation(server.url, server.accessToken, userId)
+ it('Should be able to change the user email', async function () {
+ let updateVerificationString: string
+ {
+ await updateMyUser({
+ url: server.url,
+ accessToken: userAccessToken,
+ email: 'updated@example.com'
+ })
+ await waitJobs(server)
+ expectedEmailsLength++
+ expect(emails).to.have.lengthOf(expectedEmailsLength)
+ const email = emails[expectedEmailsLength - 1]
+ const verificationStringMatches = /verificationString=([a-z0-9]+)/.exec(email['text'])
+ updateVerificationString = verificationStringMatches[1]
+ }
+ {
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, userAccessToken)
+ const me: User = res.body
+ expect(me.email).to.equal('user_1@example.com')
+ expect(me.pendingEmail).to.equal('updated@example.com')
+ }
+ {
+ await verifyEmail(server.url, userId, updateVerificationString, true)
+ const res = await getMyUserInformation(server.url, userAccessToken)
+ const me: User = res.body
+ expect(me.email).to.equal('updated@example.com')
+ expect(me.pendingEmail).to.be.null
+ }
+ })
it('Should register user not requiring email verification if setting not enabled', async function () {
await updateCustomSubConfig(server.url, server.accessToken, {
-function verifyEmail (url: string, userId: number, verificationString: string, statusCodeExpected = 204) {
+function verifyEmail (url: string, userId: number, verificationString: string, isPendingEmail = false, statusCodeExpected = 204) {
const path = '/api/v1/users/' + userId + '/verify-email'
return makePostBodyRequest({
- fields: { verificationString },
+ fields: {
+ verificationString,
+ isPendingEmail
+ },
id: number
username: string
email: string
+ pendingEmail: string | null
emailVerified: boolean
nsfwPolicy: NSFWPolicyType