UUID_SRCS := $(patsubst %,uuid/%, $(UUID_SRC))
UUID_OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(UUID_SRCS))
-# for building out-of-tree we need to make sure that the directories to hold
-# the object tree are created
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, blkid e2fsck e2p ext2fs uuid):
- @mkdir -p "$@"
-# make sure that the directories are order-only prerequisites. Otherwise we
-# may have object files created after the timestamp of the directory was
-# updated which would lead to spurious rebuilds (as some of the dentries
-# may be older than the dir itself).
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(BLKID_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/blkid
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(E2FSCK_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/e2fsck
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(E2P_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/e2p
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(EXT2FS_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/ext2fs
-$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(UUID_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/uuid
$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%.o: $(subst $(top_builddir),$(top_srcdir),$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%.c)
$(compile.c) $(E2FSPROGS_CFLAGS)
+# for building out-of-tree we need to make sure that the directories to hold
+# the object tree are created
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, blkid e2fsck e2p ext2fs uuid):
+ @mkdir -p "$@"
+# make sure that the directories are order-only prerequisites. Otherwise we
+# may have object files created after the timestamp of the directory was
+# updated which would lead to spurious rebuilds (as some of the dentries
+# may be older than the dir itself).
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(BLKID_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/blkid
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(E2FSCK_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/e2fsck
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(E2P_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/e2p
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(EXT2FS_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/ext2fs
+$(patsubst %,$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/%, $(UUID_OBJS)):|$(E2FSPROGS_DIR)/uuid