- env: TEST_SUITE=api-4
- env: TEST_SUITE=cli
- env: TEST_SUITE=lint
- - env: TEST_SUITE=jest
- NODE_PENDING_JOB_WAIT=1000 travis_retry npm run travis -- "$TEST_SUITE"
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- "environments/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/environments/$1"
- },
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- "**/__tests__/**/*.+(ts|js)?(x)",
- "**/+(*.)+(spec|test).+(ts|js)?(x)"
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"typescript": "3.2",
+++ /dev/null
-import { RecentVideosRecommendationService } from '@app/videos/recommendations/recent-videos-recommendation.service'
-import { VideosProvider } from '@app/shared/video/video.service'
-import { EMPTY, of } from 'rxjs'
-import Mock = jest.Mock
-describe('"Recent Videos" Recommender', () => {
- describe('getRecommendations', () => {
- let videosService: VideosProvider
- let service: RecentVideosRecommendationService
- let getVideosMock: Mock<any>
- beforeEach(() => {
- getVideosMock = jest.fn(() => EMPTY)
- videosService = {
- getVideos: getVideosMock
- }
- service = new RecentVideosRecommendationService(videosService)
- })
- it('should filter out the given UUID from the results', async (done) => {
- const vids = [
- { uuid: 'uuid1' },
- { uuid: 'uuid2' }
- ]
- getVideosMock.mockReturnValueOnce(of({ videos: vids }))
- const result = await service.getRecommendations({ uuid: 'uuid1' }).toPromise()
- const uuids = result.map(v => v.uuid)
- expect(uuids).toEqual(['uuid2'])
- done()
- })
- it('should return 5 results when the given UUID is NOT in the first 5 results', async (done) => {
- const vids = [
- { uuid: 'uuid2' },
- { uuid: 'uuid3' },
- { uuid: 'uuid4' },
- { uuid: 'uuid5' },
- { uuid: 'uuid6' },
- { uuid: 'uuid7' }
- ]
- getVideosMock.mockReturnValueOnce(of({ videos: vids }))
- const result = await service.getRecommendations({ uuid: 'uuid1' }).toPromise()
- expect(result.length).toEqual(5)
- done()
- })
- it('should return 5 results when the given UUID IS PRESENT in the first 5 results', async (done) => {
- const vids = [
- { uuid: 'uuid1' },
- { uuid: 'uuid2' },
- { uuid: 'uuid3' },
- { uuid: 'uuid4' },
- { uuid: 'uuid5' },
- { uuid: 'uuid6' }
- ]
- getVideosMock
- .mockReturnValueOnce(of({ videos: vids }))
- const result = await service.getRecommendations({ uuid: 'uuid1' }).toPromise()
- expect(result.length).toEqual(5)
- done()
- })
- it('should fetch an extra result in case the given UUID is in the list', async (done) => {
- await service.getRecommendations({ uuid: 'uuid1' }).toPromise()
- let expectedSize = service.pageSize + 1
- let params = { currentPage: jasmine.anything(), itemsPerPage: expectedSize }
- expect(getVideosMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(params, jasmine.anything())
- done()
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-import { RecommendedVideosStore } from '@app/videos/recommendations/recommended-videos.store'
-import { RecommendationService } from '@app/videos/recommendations/recommendations.service'
-describe('RecommendedVideosStore', () => {
- describe('requestNewRecommendations', () => {
- let store: RecommendedVideosStore
- let service: RecommendationService
- beforeEach(() => {
- service = {
- getRecommendations: jest.fn(() => new Promise((r) => r()))
- }
- store = new RecommendedVideosStore(service)
- })
- it('should pull new videos from the service one time when given the same UUID twice', () => {
- store.requestNewRecommendations('some-uuid')
- store.requestNewRecommendations('some-uuid')
- // Requests aren't fulfilled until someone asks for them (ie: subscribes)
- store.recommendations$.subscribe()
- expect(service.getRecommendations).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1)
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-import 'jest-preset-angular';
+++ /dev/null
- "extends": "../tsconfig.json",
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- },
- "files": [
- "test.ts"
- ],
- "include": [
- "**/*.spec.ts",
- "**/*.d.ts"
- ]
( cd client
npm run lint
-elif [ "$1" = "jest" ]; then
- ( cd client
- npm run test
- )