struct sendbuf *write_pout;
int fd_in, arptype_in;
int fd_out;
- //int arptype_out;
- //int fd_main;
- //int fd_rtc;
DRIVER_TYPE drivertype; /* inited to DT_UNKNOWN on allocation by wi_alloc */
- //FILE *f_cap_in;
- //struct pcap_file_header pfh_in;
- //int sysfs_inject;
- //int channel;
- //int freq;
- //int rate;
- //int tx_power;
- //char *wlanctlng; /* XXX never set */
- //char *iwpriv;
- //char *iwconfig;
- //char *ifconfig;
char *iface;
- //char *main_if;
unsigned char pl_mac[6];
-//int inject_wlanng;
-//#include "radiotap.h"
-// mac of this node
-/*char mac[] =
- { 0x13, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 };
- */
/* wifi bitrate to use in 500kHz units */
54 * 2, 48 * 2, 36 * 2, 24 * 2, 18 * 2, 12 * 2, 9 * 2, 11 * 2, 11, // 5.5
2 * 2, 1 * 2 };
- #define OFFSET_FLAGS 0x10
- #define OFFSET_RATE 0x11
- */
-// this is where we store a summary of the
-// information from the radiotap header
- typedef struct
- {
- int m_nChannel;
- int m_nChannelFlags;
- int m_nRate;
- int m_nAntenna;
- int m_nRadiotapFlags;
- }__attribute__((packed)) PENUMBRA_RADIOTAP_DATA;
- */
static void
sigfunc_hw(int sig)
closeprog = 1;
- void
- Dump(u8 * pu8, int nLength)
- {
- char sz[256], szBuf[512], szChar[17], *buf, fFirst = 1;
- unsigned char baaLast[2][16];
- uint n, nPos = 0, nStart = 0, nLine = 0, nSameCount = 0;
- buf = szBuf;
- szChar[0] = '\0';
- for (n = 0; n < nLength; n++)
- {
- baaLast[(nLine & 1) ^ 1][n & 0xf] = pu8[n];
- if ((pu8[n] < 32) || (pu8[n] >= 0x7f))
- szChar[n & 0xf] = '.';
- else
- szChar[n & 0xf] = pu8[n];
- szChar[(n & 0xf) + 1] = '\0';
- nPos += sprintf(&sz[nPos], "%02X ", baaLast[(nLine & 1) ^ 1][n & 0xf]);
- if ((n & 15) != 15)
- continue;
- if ((memcmp(baaLast[0], baaLast[1], 16) == 0) && (!fFirst))
- {
- nSameCount++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (nSameCount)
- buf += sprintf(buf, "(repeated %d times)\n", nSameCount);
- buf += sprintf(buf, "%04x: %s %s\n", nStart, sz, szChar);
- nSameCount = 0;
- printf("%s", szBuf);
- buf = szBuf;
- }
- nPos = 0;
- nStart = n + 1;
- nLine++;
- fFirst = 0;
- sz[0] = '\0';
- szChar[0] = '\0';
- }
- if (nSameCount)
- buf += sprintf(buf, "(repeated %d times)\n", nSameCount);
- buf += sprintf(buf, "%04x: %s", nStart, sz);
- if (n & 0xf)
- {
- *buf++ = ' ';
- while (n & 0xf)
- {
- buf += sprintf(buf, " ");
- n++;
- }
- }
- buf += sprintf(buf, "%s\n", szChar);
- printf("%s", szBuf);
- }
- */
static void
unsigned long crc;
- if (len < 0)
+ if (0 > len)
return 0;
crc = calc_crc_osdep(buf, len);
>> 16) & 0xFF) == buf[2] && ((crc >> 24) & 0xFF) == buf[3]);
-/* Search a file recursively */
- static char *
- searchInside(const char * dir, const char * filename)
- {
- char * ret;
- char * curfile;
- struct stat sb;
- int len, lentot;
- DIR *dp;
- struct dirent *ep;
- dp = opendir(dir);
- if (dp == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- len = strlen(filename);
- lentot = strlen(dir) + 256 + 2;
- curfile = (char *) calloc(1, lentot);
- while ((ep = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
- {
- memset(curfile, 0, lentot);
- sprintf(curfile, "%s/%s", dir, ep->d_name);
- //Checking if it's the good file
- if ((int) strlen(ep->d_name) == len && !strcmp(ep->d_name, filename))
- {
- (void) closedir(dp);
- return curfile;
- }
- lstat(curfile, &sb);
- //If it's a directory and not a link, try to go inside to search
- if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode))
- {
- //Check if the directory isn't "." or ".."
- if (strcmp(".", ep->d_name) && strcmp("..", ep->d_name))
- {
- //Recursive call
- ret = searchInside(curfile, filename);
- if (ret != NULL)
- {
- (void) closedir(dp);
- free(curfile);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- (void) closedir(dp);
- free(curfile);
- return NULL;
- }
- */
-/* Search a wireless tool and return its path */
- static char *
- wiToolsPath(const char * tool)
- {
- char * path;
- int i, nbelems;
- static const char * paths[] =
- { "/sbin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin", "/bin", "/usr/bin",
- "/usr/local/bin", "/tmp" };
- nbelems = sizeof(paths) / sizeof(char *);
- for (i = 0; i < nbelems; i++)
- {
- path = searchInside(paths[i], tool);
- if (path != NULL)
- return path;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- */
static int
linux_get_channel(struct Hardware_Infos *dev)
memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(struct iwreq));
- /*
- if (dev->main_if)
- strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, dev->main_if, IFNAMSIZ );
- else*/
strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, dev->iface, IFNAMSIZ );
fd = dev->fd_in;
- /*
- if (dev->drivertype == DT_IPW2200)
- fd = dev->fd_main;
- */
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIWFREQ, &wrq) < 0)
+ if (0 > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIWFREQ, &wrq))
return (-1);
frequency = wrq.u.freq.m;
- if (frequency > 100000000)
+ if (100000000 < frequency )
frequency /= 100000;
- else if (frequency > 1000000)
+ else if (1000000 < frequency )
frequency /= 1000;
- if (frequency > 1000)
+ if (1000 < frequency)
chan = getChannelFromFrequency(frequency);
chan = frequency;
caplen = read(dev->fd_in, tmpbuf, count);
if (0 > caplen)
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ if (EAGAIN == errno)
return (0);
perror("read failed");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- /* XXX */
if (ri)
memset(ri, 0, sizeof(*ri));
- if (dev->arptype_in == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM)
+ if (ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM == dev->arptype_in )
/* skip the prism header */
if (tmpbuf[7] == 0x40)
return (0);
- if (dev->arptype_in == ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL)
+ if (ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL == dev->arptype_in)
struct ieee80211_radiotap_iterator iterator;
struct ieee80211_radiotap_header *rthdr;
caplen -= n;
//detect fcs at the end, even if the flag wasn't set and remove it
- if (fcs_removed == 0 && check_crc_buf_osdep(tmpbuf + n, caplen - 4) == 1)
+ if (0 == fcs_removed && 1== check_crc_buf_osdep(tmpbuf + n, caplen - 4))
caplen -= 4;
//usedrtap = 0;
ret = write(dev->fd_out, buf, count);
- if (ret < 0)
+ if (0 > ret)
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS || errno
/*if (usedrtap)
ret -= letoh16(*p_rtlen);
- if (ret < 0)
+ if (0 > ret)
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == ENOBUFS || errno
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, iface, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name) - 1);
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) < 0)
+ if (0 > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr))
printf("Interface %s: \n", iface);
perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed");
/* lookup the hardware type */
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0)
+ if (0 > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr))
printf("Interface %s: \n", iface);
perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR) failed");
memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(struct iwreq));
strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, iface, IFNAMSIZ);
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIWMODE, &wrq) < 0)
+ if (0 > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIWMODE, &wrq))
/* most probably not supported (ie for rtap ipw interface) *
* so just assume its correctly set... */
/* bind the raw socket to the interface */
- if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sll, sizeof(sll)) < 0)
+ if (0 > bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sll, sizeof(sll)))
printf("Interface %s: \n", iface);
perror("bind(ETH_P_ALL) failed");
/* lookup the hardware type */
- if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0)
+ if (0 > ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr))
printf("Interface %s: \n", iface);
perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR) failed");
!= ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM && ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family
- if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family == 1)
+ if (1 == ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family)
fprintf(stderr, "\nARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) ");
fprintf(stderr, "\nUnsupported hardware link type %4d ",
wlaninit(struct Hardware_Infos * dev, char *iface)
- //char *iwpriv;
char strbuf[512];
- //dev->inject_wlanng = 1;
- //dev->rate = 2; /* default to 1Mbps if nothing is set */
- /* open raw socks */
- /*
- dev->fd_in = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
- if (0 > dev->fd_in)
- {
- perror("socket(PF_PACKET) failed at fd_in");
- if (getuid() != 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "This program requires root privileges.\n");
- return (1);
- }
- */
- /*
- dev->fd_main = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons( ETH_P_ALL ) );
- if (0 > dev->fd_main)
- {
- perror("socket(PF_PACKET) failed at fd_main");
- if (getuid() != 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "This program requires root privileges.\n");
- return (1);
- }
- */
- /* Check iwpriv existence */
- /*
- iwpriv = wiToolsPath("iwpriv");
- dev->iwpriv = iwpriv;
- dev->iwconfig = wiToolsPath("iwconfig");
- dev->ifconfig = wiToolsPath("ifconfig");
- if (!iwpriv)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Can't find wireless tools, exiting.\n");
- goto close_in;
- }
- */
dev->fd_out = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if (0 > dev->fd_out)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) - 1,
"ls /sys/class/net/%s/phy80211/subsystem >/dev/null 2>/dev/null", iface);
- if (system(strbuf) == 0)
+ if (0 == system(strbuf))
dev->drivertype = DT_MAC80211_RT;
dev->iface = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof(char) *6);
strncpy(dev->iface, iface, sizeof(char) * 6);
- //dev->arptype_out = dev->arptype_in;
return 0;
close_out: close(dev->fd_out);
sendsize = ntohs(hdr->size) - sizeof(struct Radiotap_Send)
- sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader);
- if ((sendsize) > MAXLINE * 2)
+ if (MAXLINE * 2 < sendsize)
fprintf(stderr, "Function stdin_send: Packet too big for buffer\n");
- if (sendsize < sizeof(struct ieee80211_frame)
- + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader))
+ if ( sizeof(struct ieee80211_frame)
+ + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader) > sendsize)
fprintf(stderr, "Function stdin_send: packet too small\n");
0x13, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, // mac3 - in this case bssid
0x10, 0x86, //Sequence Control
- if (first == 0)
+ if (0 == first)
memcpy(&u8aIeeeHeader, u8aIeeeHeader_def, sizeof(struct ieee80211_frame));
memcpy(u8aIeeeHeader.i_addr2, dev->pl_mac, 6);
uid_t uid;
struct Hardware_Infos dev;
- //struct ifreq ifreq;
struct Radiotap_rx * rxinfo;
uint8_t * mac = dev.pl_mac;
int fdpin, fdpout;
/* not critical, continue anyway */
- /*printf("Device %s -> Ethernet %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n",
- ifreq.ifr_name, (int) mac[0], (int) mac[1], (int) mac[2], (int) mac[3],
- (int) mac[4], (int) mac[5]);*/
- //return 0;
unsigned char * datastart;
char readbuf[MAXLINE];
int readsize = 0;
- else
- {
- //eof
- //closeprog = 1;
- }
ret = hardwaremode(argc, argv);
-#if 0
- u8 u8aSendBuffer[500];
- char szErrbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
- int nCaptureHeaderLength = 0, n80211HeaderLength = 0, nLinkEncap = 0;
- int nOrdinal = 0, r, nDelay = 100000;
- int nRateIndex = 0, retval, bytes;
- pcap_t *ppcap = NULL;
- struct bpf_program bpfprogram;
- char * szProgram = "", fBrokenSocket = 0;
- u16 u16HeaderLen;
- char szHostname[PATH_MAX];
- if (gethostname(szHostname, sizeof (szHostname) - 1))
- {
- perror("unable to get hostname");
- }
- szHostname[sizeof (szHostname) - 1] = '\0';
- printf("Packetspammer (c)2007 Andy Green <> GPL2\n");
- while (1)
- {
- int nOptionIndex;
- static const struct option optiona[] =
- {
- { "delay", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
- { "fcs", no_argument, &flagMarkWithFCS, 1},
- { "help", no_argument, &flagHelp, 1},
- { "verbose", no_argument, &flagVerbose, 1},
- { 0, 0, 0, 0}
- };
- int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:hf",
- optiona, &nOptionIndex);
- if (c == -1)
- break;
- switch (c)
- {
- case 0: // long option
- break;
- case 'h': // help
- usage();
- case 'd': // delay
- nDelay = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'f': // mark as FCS attached
- flagMarkWithFCS = 1;
- break;
- case 'v': //Verbose / readable output to cout
- flagVerbose = 1;
- break;
- default:
- printf("unknown switch %c\n", c);
- usage();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (optind >= argc)
- usage();
- // open the interface in pcap
- szErrbuf[0] = '\0';
- ppcap = pcap_open_live(argv[optind], 800, 1, 20, szErrbuf);
- if (ppcap == NULL)
- {
- printf("Unable to open interface %s in pcap: %s\n",
- argv[optind], szErrbuf);
- return (1);
- }
- //get mac from interface
- /*int sock, j, k;
- char mac[32];
- sock=socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (-1==sock) {
- perror("can not open socket\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if (-1==ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr)) {
- perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR) ");
- return 1;
- }
- for (j=0, k=0; j<6; j++) {
- k+=snprintf(mac+k, sizeof(mac)-k-1, j ? ":%02X" : "%02X",
- (int)(unsigned int)(unsigned char)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[j]);
- }
- mac[sizeof(mac)-1]='\0';
- */
- //get header type
- nLinkEncap = pcap_datalink(ppcap);
- nCaptureHeaderLength = 0;
- switch (nLinkEncap)
- {
- printf("DLT_PRISM_HEADER Encap\n");
- nCaptureHeaderLength = 0x40;
- n80211HeaderLength = 0x20; // ieee80211 comes after this
- szProgram = "radio[0x4a:4]==0x13223344";
- break;
- case DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO:
- printf("DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO Encap\n");
- nCaptureHeaderLength = 0x40;
- n80211HeaderLength = 0x18; // ieee80211 comes after this
- szProgram = "ether[0x0a:4]==0x13223344";
- break;
- default:
- printf("!!! unknown encapsulation on %s !\n", argv[1]);
- return (1);
- }
- if (pcap_compile(ppcap, &bpfprogram, szProgram, 1, 0) == -1)
- {
- puts(szProgram);
- puts(pcap_geterr(ppcap));
- return (1);
- }
- else
- {
- if (pcap_setfilter(ppcap, &bpfprogram) == -1)
- {
- puts(szProgram);
- puts(pcap_geterr(ppcap));
- }
- else
- {
- printf("RX Filter applied\n");
- }
- pcap_freecode(&bpfprogram);
- }
- pcap_setnonblock(ppcap, 1, szErrbuf);
- printf(" (delay between packets %dus)\n", nDelay);
- memset(u8aSendBuffer, 0, sizeof(u8aSendBuffer));
- while (!fBrokenSocket)
- {
- u8 * pu8 = u8aSendBuffer;
- struct pcap_pkthdr * ppcapPacketHeader = NULL;
- struct ieee80211_radiotap_iterator rti;
- //init of the values
- prd.m_nRate = 255;
- prd.m_nChannel = 255;
- prd.m_nAntenna = 255;
- prd.m_nRadiotapFlags = 255;
- u8 * pu8Payload = u8aSendBuffer;
- int n, nRate;
- // receive
- retval = pcap_next_ex(ppcap, &ppcapPacketHeader,
- (const u_char**) &pu8Payload);
- if (retval < 0)
- {
- fBrokenSocket = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (retval != 1)
- goto do_tx;
- u16HeaderLen = (pu8Payload[2] + (pu8Payload[3] << 8));
- printf("rtap: ");
- Dump(pu8Payload, u16HeaderLen);
- if (ppcapPacketHeader->len < (u16HeaderLen + n80211HeaderLength))
- continue;
- bytes = ppcapPacketHeader->len - (u16HeaderLen + n80211HeaderLength);
- if (bytes < 0)
- continue;
- if (ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_init(&rti,
- (struct ieee80211_radiotap_header *) pu8Payload, bytes) < 0)
- continue;
- while ((n = ieee80211_radiotap_iterator_next(&rti)) == 0)
- {
- switch (rti.this_arg_index)
- {
- prd.m_nRate = (*rti.this_arg);
- break;
- prd.m_nChannel = le16_to_cpu(*((u16 *)rti.this_arg));
- prd.m_nChannelFlags = le16_to_cpu(*((u16 *)(rti.this_arg + 2)));
- break;
- prd.m_nAntenna = (*rti.this_arg) + 1;
- break;
- prd.m_nRadiotapFlags = *rti.this_arg;
- break;
- }
- }
- pu8Payload += u16HeaderLen + n80211HeaderLength;
- if (prd.m_nRadiotapFlags & IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_FCS)
- bytes -= 4;
- printf("RX: Rate: %2d.%dMbps, Freq: %d.%dGHz, "
- "Ant: %d, Flags: 0x%X\n", prd.m_nRate / 2, 5 * (prd.m_nRate & 1),
- prd.m_nChannel / 1000, prd.m_nChannel - ((prd.m_nChannel / 1000)
- * 1000), prd.m_nAntenna, prd.m_nRadiotapFlags);
- Dump(pu8Payload, bytes);
- do_tx:
- // transmit
- memcpy(u8aSendBuffer, u8aRadiotapHeader, sizeof(u8aRadiotapHeader));
- if (flagMarkWithFCS)
- nRate = pu8[OFFSET_RATE] = u8aRatesToUse[nRateIndex++];
- if (nRateIndex >= sizeof(u8aRatesToUse))
- nRateIndex = 0;
- pu8 += sizeof(u8aRadiotapHeader);
- memcpy(pu8, u8aIeeeHeader, sizeof(u8aIeeeHeader));
- pu8 += sizeof(u8aIeeeHeader);
- pu8 += sprintf((char *) u8aSendBuffer, "Packetspammer %02d"
- "broadcast packet"
- "#%05d -- :-D --%s ----", nRate / 2, nOrdinal++, szHostname);
- r = pcap_inject(ppcap, u8aSendBuffer, pu8 - u8aSendBuffer);
- if (r != (pu8 - u8aSendBuffer))
- {
- perror("Trouble injecting packet");
- return (1);
- }
- if (nDelay)
- usleep(nDelay);
- }
return ret;
maketest(NULL, NULL);
-#define DEBUG_wlan GNUNET_YES
+#define DEBUG_wlan GNUNET_NO
#define DEBUG_wlan_retransmission GNUNET_NO
struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageStreamTokenizer * suid_tokenizer;
- * encapsulation of packets received
+ * encapsulation of packets received from the wlan helper
struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageStreamTokenizer * data_tokenizer;
+ /**
+ * encapsulation of packets received
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageStreamTokenizer * fragment_tokenizer;
* stdout pipe handle for the gnunet-wlan-helper process
* Sessions currently pending for transmission
* to this peer, if any.
- struct Sessionqueue * pending_Sessions;
+ struct Sessionqueue * pending_Sessions_head;
* Sessions currently pending for transmission
* Queue of sessions, for the general session queue and the pending session queue
struct Sessionqueue
struct Sessionqueue * next;
* Queue for the fragments received
struct Receive_Fragment_Queue
struct Receive_Fragment_Queue * next;
struct Radiotap_rx rxinfo;
-struct Session_id_pair
+struct Session_id_fragment_triple
struct Session * session;
uint32_t message_id;
+ struct FragmentMessage * fm;
struct Plugin_Session_pair
struct Plugin * plugin;
* Queue for acks to send for fragments recived
-//TODO comments
struct AckSendQueue
+ /**
+ * next ack in the ack send queue
+ */
struct AckSendQueue * next;
+ /**
+ * previous ack in the ack send queue
+ */
struct AckSendQueue * prev;
+ /**
+ * pointer to the session this ack belongs to
+ */
struct Session * session;
* ID of message, to distinguish between the messages, picked randomly.
-static struct FragmentMessage * return_val;
static void
do_transmit(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc);
static void
queue_session(struct Plugin *plugin, struct Session * session)
- struct Sessionqueue * queue = plugin->pending_Sessions;
- struct Sessionqueue * lastitem = NULL;
+ struct Sessionqueue * queue = plugin->pending_Sessions_head;
if (session->pending_message != NULL)
// try next
- lastitem = queue;
queue = queue->next;
queue->content = session;
//insert at the tail
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail(plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail(plugin->pending_Sessions_head,
plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
-//TODO doxigen
* Function to schedule the write task, executed after a delay
+ * @param cls pointer to the plugin struct
+ * @param tc GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext pointer
static void
delay_fragment_task(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
-//TODO doxigen
* Function to calculate the time of the next periodic "hello-beacon"
+ * @param plugin pointer to the plugin struct
static void
set_next_beacon_time(struct Plugin * const plugin)
-//TODO doxigen
- static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative
- get_next_frag_timeout(struct FragmentMessage * fm)
- {
- return GNUNET_TIME_relative_min(GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(
- fm->next_ack), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(fm->timeout));
- }
- */
-//TODO doxigen
* Function to get the timeout value for acks for this session
+ * @param fm pointer to the FragmentMessage to get the next timeout
+ * @return time until the next ack should be received, in GNUNET_TIME_Relative
static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative
get_ack_timeout(struct FragmentMessage * fm)
- plugin->server_write_delay_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(next_send,
- &delay_fragment_task, plugin);
+ if (next_send.rel_value == GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_ZERO.rel_value)
+ {
+ if (plugin->server_write_task == GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
+ {
+ plugin->server_write_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_write_file(
+ GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL, plugin->server_stdin_handle,
+ &do_transmit, plugin);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ plugin->server_write_delay_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed(next_send,
+ &delay_fragment_task, plugin);
+ }
struct Sessionqueue * sessionqueue;
struct Sessionqueue * sessionqueue_alt;
struct PendingMessage * pm;
- sessionqueue = plugin->pending_Sessions;
+ sessionqueue = plugin->pending_Sessions_head;
while (sessionqueue != NULL)
session = sessionqueue->content;
GNUNET_assert(session != NULL);
+ "Found session %p from pending session queue\n", session
+ );
pm = session->pending_message;
#if DEBUG_wlan
if (pm == NULL)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions_head,
plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, sessionqueue);
sessionqueue_alt = sessionqueue;
sessionqueue = sessionqueue->next;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions_head,
plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, sessionqueue_alt);
#if DEBUG_wlan
if (maxack != 63)
- "Test bitfields %X and %X, maxack is %u, fm size %u\n",
- fm->ack_bitfield, tmpfield, maxack, fm->message_size);
+ "Test bitfields %X and %X, maxack is %u, fm size %u\n",
+ fm->ack_bitfield, tmpfield, maxack, fm->message_size);
if (fm->ack_bitfield == tmpfield)
static int
getRadiotapHeader(struct Plugin * plugin, struct Session * session,
struct Radiotap_Send * header)
return 0;
static void
send_hello_beacon(struct Plugin * plugin)
static void
send_ack(struct Plugin * plugin, struct AckSendQueue * ack)
"Sending ack for message_id %u with fragment field %u, size %u\n",
ack->message_id, ack->fragments_field, size
- - sizeof(struct Radiotap_Send));
+ - sizeof(struct Radiotap_Send));
msgheader = GNUNET_malloc(size);
static void
finish_sending(void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
"Sending GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_WLAN_FRAGMENT with message_id %u with fragment number %i, size: %u, offset %u, time until timeout %u\n",
fm->message_id_out, fm->message_pos, copysize
- + sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader), copyoffset,
+ + sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader), copyoffset,
GNUNET_assert(copyoffset < fm->message_size);
- //FIXME remove later
- GNUNET_assert(copystart < fm->msg + fm->message_size);
fragheader.header.size = htons(copysize
+ sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
fragheader.header.type = htons(GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_WLAN_FRAGMENT);
- /* }
- else
- {
- // there is no need to split
- copystart = fm->msg;
- copysize = fm->message_size;
- }*/
size += copysize;
size += sizeof(struct Radiotap_Send) + sizeof(struct ieee80211_frame)
+ sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader);
//could be faster if content is just send and not copyed before
//fragmentheader is needed
- //if (fm->message_size > WLAN_MTU)
- // {
fragheader.message_crc = htons(getcrc16(copystart, copysize));
memcpy(&ieeewlanheader[1], &fragheader,
sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
fragheaderptr = (struct FragmentationHeader *) &ieeewlanheader[1];
memcpy(&fragheaderptr[1], copystart, copysize);
- /* }
- else
- {
- memcpy(&ieeewlanheader[1], copystart, copysize);
- }*/
bytes = GNUNET_DISK_file_write(plugin->server_stdin_handle,
msgheader, size);
"do_transmit did nothing, should not happen!\n");
struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_HeapNode *node, void *element,
- struct Session_id_pair * pair = (struct Session_id_pair *) cls;
+ struct Session_id_fragment_triple * triple =
+ (struct Session_id_fragment_triple *) cls;
struct FragmentMessage * fm = (struct FragmentMessage*) element;
- if ((fm->session == pair->session)
- && (fm->message_id_out == pair->message_id))
+ if ((fm->session == triple->session) && (fm->message_id_out
+ == triple->message_id))
- return_val = fm;
+ triple->fm = fm;
return GNUNET_NO;
return GNUNET_YES;
get_fragment_message_from_session_and_id(struct Plugin * plugin,
struct Session * session, uint32_t message_id)
- struct Session_id_pair pair;
- pair.session = session;
- pair.message_id = message_id;
+ struct Session_id_fragment_triple triple;
+ triple.session = session;
+ triple.message_id = message_id;
- &search_fragment_message_from_session_and_id, &pair);
- return return_val;
+ &search_fragment_message_from_session_and_id, &triple);
+ return;
* @param plugin pointer to the plugin struct
* @param session session this fragment belongs to
-struct Receive_Message_Queue *
+static struct Receive_Message_Queue *
get_receive_message_from_session(struct Plugin * plugin,
struct Session * session)
+ * function to get the receive message of a session
+ * @param plugin pointer to the plugin struct
+ * @param session session this fragment belongs to
+ */
+static void
+check_receive_message_timeouts(struct Plugin * plugin, struct Session * session)
+ struct Receive_Message_Queue * rec_message = plugin->receive_messages_head;
+ while (rec_message != NULL)
+ {
+ if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(rec_message->timeout).rel_value
+ == 0)
+ {
+ free_receive_message(plugin, rec_message);
+ }
+ rec_message = rec_message->next;
+ }
static void
free_session(struct Plugin * plugin, struct Sessionqueue * queue)
- struct Sessionqueue * pendingsession = plugin->pending_Sessions;
+ struct Sessionqueue * pendingsession;
+ struct Sessionqueue * pendingsession_tmp;
struct PendingMessage * pm;
struct Receive_Message_Queue * receive_queue;
struct Plugin_Session_pair pair;
int check = 0;
GNUNET_assert(queue != NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert(queue->content != NULL);
//session found
//is this session pending for send
+ pendingsession = plugin->pending_Sessions_head;
while (pendingsession != NULL)
+ pendingsession_tmp = pendingsession->next;
if (pendingsession->content == queue->content)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions_head,
plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, pendingsession);
+ "Remove session %p from pending session queue\n", queue->content
+ );
if (check == 1)
check = 1;
- pendingsession = pendingsession->next;
+ pendingsession = pendingsession_tmp;
//is something of this session in the fragment queue?
* @param hdr pointer to the data
static void
-wlan_data_message_handler(struct Plugin * plugin,
- struct Session_light * session_light,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader * hdr)
+wlan_data_message_handler(void *cls, void *client,
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hdr)
+ struct Plugin * plugin = (struct Plugin*) cls;
+ struct Session_light * session_light = (struct Session_light *) client;
struct WlanHeader * wlanheader;
struct Session * session;
const char * tempmsg;
struct Receive_Fragment_Queue * rx_frag = rx_message->frag_head;
int packetsize = rx_message->rec_size;
int sum;
- int aktnum;
+ //int aktnum;
uint64_t bitfield = 0;
- char * msg;
+ //char * msg;
//check if first fragment is present
if (packetsize == MESSAGE_LENGHT_UNKNOWN)
"check_rec_finished_msg: A message for %p is complete\n", session);
- //TODO use mst
+ //TODO cleanup
//copy fragments together
- msg = GNUNET_malloc(packetsize);
+ //msg = GNUNET_malloc(packetsize);
rx_frag = rx_message->frag_head;
- aktnum = 0;
+ //aktnum = 0;
+ /*while (rx_frag != NULL)
+ {
+ memcpy(msg + aktnum, rx_frag->msg, rx_frag->size);
+ aktnum += rx_frag->size;
+ rx_frag = rx_frag->next;
+ }*/
while (rx_frag != NULL)
- memcpy(msg + aktnum, rx_frag->msg, rx_frag->size);
- aktnum += rx_frag->size;
+ if (rx_frag->next != NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_SERVER_mst_receive(plugin->fragment_tokenizer,
+ session_light, rx_frag->msg, rx_frag->size, GNUNET_NO,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //if it is the last fragment just kill all leftover
+ GNUNET_SERVER_mst_receive(plugin->fragment_tokenizer,
+ session_light, rx_frag->msg, rx_frag->size, GNUNET_YES,
+ }
rx_frag = rx_frag->next;
free_receive_message(plugin, rx_message);
//call wlan_process_helper to process the message
- wlan_data_message_handler(plugin, session_light,
- (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader*) msg);
+ //wlan_data_message_handler(plugin, session_light,
+ // (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader*) msg);
//wlan_data_helper (plugin, session_light, (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader*) msg);
- GNUNET_free(msg);
+ //GNUNET_free(msg);
// }
static void
process_data(void *cls, void *client, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hdr)
if (rx_message == NULL)
+ if (session->fragment_messages_in_count < MESSAGES_IN_QUEUE_PER_SESSION)
+ {
+ check_receive_message_timeouts(plugin, session);
+ }
if (session->fragment_messages_in_count < MESSAGES_IN_QUEUE_PER_SESSION)
rx_message->message_id_in = ntohl(fh->message_id);
rx_message->rec_size = MESSAGE_LENGHT_UNKNOWN;
rx_message->session = session;
- rx_message->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(
rx_message->received_fragments = 0;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert(plugin->receive_messages_head, plugin->receive_messages_teil, rx_message);
+ //reset timeout
+ rx_message->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(),
if (is_double_msg(rx_message, fh) != GNUNET_YES)
"WLAN client not in session list, fragment num %u, message id %u\n",
ntohs(fh->fragment_off_or_num), ntohl(fh->message_id));
- wlan_data_message_handler(plugin, session_light,
- (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) tempmsg);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_mst_receive(plugin->fragment_tokenizer, session_light,
+ tempmsg, ntohs(hdr->size) - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader),
+ //wlan_data_message_handler(plugin, session_light,
+ // (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) tempmsg);
session = session_light->session;
//test if a session was created
if (session == NULL)
const char *
macprinter(const u_int8_t * mac)
"Size of packet is too small; size: %u min size: %u\n", ntohs(
hdr->size), sizeof(struct ieee80211_frame)
- + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
+ + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
//GNUNET_break (0);
/* FIXME: restart SUID process */
struct Plugin *plugin = cls;
plugin->server_read_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- /*
- #if DEBUG_wlan
- "Start reading from STDIN\n");
- #endif
- */
if (plugin->data_tokenizer != NULL)
+ if (plugin->fragment_tokenizer != NULL)
+ GNUNET_SERVER_mst_destroy(plugin->fragment_tokenizer);
fm = (struct FragmentMessage *) GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_peek(
plugin->data_tokenizer = GNUNET_SERVER_mst_create(&process_data, plugin);
+ plugin->fragment_tokenizer = GNUNET_SERVER_mst_create(
+ &wlan_data_message_handler, plugin);
//plugin->sessions = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
- //plugin->pending_Sessions = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
+ //plugin->pending_Sessions_head = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
api = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginFunctions));
api->cls = plugin;
#PREFIX = gdbserver :2345
#PREFIX = xterm -T transport2 -e gdb --command=cmd --args
#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --main-stacksize=104857600
#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
-#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full
+PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full
#PREFIX = valgrind --tool=massif
#PREFIX = gdbserver :2345
#PREFIX = gdbserver :2346
#PREFIX = xterm -T transport1 -e gdb --command=cmd --args
#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --main-stacksize=104857600
#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes
-#PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full
+PREFIX = valgrind --leak-check=full
#PREFIX = valgrind --tool=massif
#PREFIX = gdbserver :2346