--- Remove voicemailbox and associated extensions from config
-- @param box Voicemailbox number or table
+-- @param ctx UCI context to use (optional)
-- @return Boolean indicating success
-function voicemail.remove(v)
+function voicemail.remove(v, ctx)
+ ctx = ctx or uci
local box = type(v) == "string" and v or v.number
- local ok1 = uci:delete_all("asterisk", "voicemail", {number=box})
- local ok2 = uci:delete_all("asterisk", "dialplanvoice", {voicebox=box})
+ local ok1 = ctx:delete_all("asterisk", "voicemail", {number=box})
+ local ok2 = ctx:delete_all("asterisk", "dialplanvoice", {voicebox=box})
+ return ( ok1 or ok2 ) and true or false
+--- LuCI Asterisk - MeetMe Conferences
+-- @type module
+meetme = luci.util.class()
+--- Parse a meetme section
+-- @param room Table containing the room info
+-- @return Table with parsed information
+function meetme.parse(r)
+ if r.room and #r.room > 0 then
+ local v = {
+ room = r.room,
+ pin = r.pin or '',
+ adminpin = r.adminpin or '',
+ description = r._description or '',
+ dialplans = { }
+ }
+ uci:foreach("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme",
+ function(s)
+ if s.dialplan and #s.dialplan > 0 and s.room == v.room then
+ v.dialplans[#v.dialplans+1] = s.dialplan
+ end
+ end)
+ return v
+ end
+--- Get a list of known meetme rooms
+-- @return Associative table of rooms and table of room numbers
+function meetme.rooms()
+ local mrooms = { }
+ local mnames = { }
+ uci:foreach("asterisk", "meetme",
+ function(r)
+ local v = meetme.parse(r)
+ if v then
+ mrooms[v.room] = v
+ mnames[#mnames+1] = v.room
+ end
+ end)
+ return mrooms, mnames
+--- Get a specific meetme room
+-- @param number Number of the room
+-- @return Table containing room information
+function meetme.room(n)
+ local room
+ uci:foreach("asterisk", "meetme",
+ function(r)
+ if r.room == tostring(n) then
+ room = meetme.parse(r)
+ end
+ end)
+ return room
+--- Find all meetme rooms within the given dialplan
+-- @param plan Dialplan name or table
+-- @return Associative table containing extensions mapped to room info
+function meetme.in_dialplan(p)
+ local plan = type(p) == "string" and p or p.name
+ local rooms = { }
+ uci:foreach("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme",
+ function(s)
+ if s.extension and #s.extension > 0 and s.dialplan == plan then
+ local room = meetme.room(s.room)
+ if room then
+ rooms[s.extension] = room
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ return rooms
+--- Remove meetme room and associated extensions from config
+-- @param room Voicemailbox number or table
+-- @param ctx UCI context to use (optional)
+-- @return Boolean indicating success
+function meetme.remove(v, ctx)
+ ctx = ctx or uci
+ local room = type(v) == "string" and v or v.number
+ local ok1 = ctx:delete_all("asterisk", "meetme", {room=room})
+ local ok2 = ctx:delete_all("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme", {room=room})
return ( ok1 or ok2 ) and true or false
-- voicemailboxes
plan.voicemailboxes = voicemail.in_dialplan(plan)
+ -- meetme conferences
+ plan.meetmerooms = meetme.in_dialplan(plan)
return plan
entry({"admin", "asterisk", "voicemail", "mailboxes"}, cbi("asterisk/voicemail"), "Mailboxes", 1)
entry({"admin", "asterisk", "voicemail", "settings"}, cbi("asterisk/voicemail_settings"), "Settings", 2)
- entry({"admin", "asterisk", "dialplans"}, call("handle_dialplan"), "Call Routing", 4)
+ entry({"admin", "asterisk", "meetme"}, cbi("asterisk/meetme"), "MeetMe", 4)
+ entry({"admin", "asterisk", "meetme", "rooms"}, cbi("asterisk/meetme"), "Rooms", 1)
+ entry({"admin", "asterisk", "meetme", "settings"}, cbi("asterisk/meetme_settings"), "Settings", 2)
+ entry({"admin", "asterisk", "dialplans"}, call("handle_dialplan"), "Call Routing", 5)
entry({"admin", "asterisk", "dialplans", "out"}, cbi("asterisk/dialplan_out"), nil, 1).leaf = true
entry({"admin", "asterisk", "dialplans", "zones"}, call("handle_dialzones"), "Dial Zones", 2).leaf = true
+ for k, v in pairs(luci.http.formvaluetable("delmeetme")) do
+ local plan = ast.dialplan.plan(k)
+ if #v > 0 and plan then
+ uci:delete_all("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme",
+ { extension=v, dialplan=plan.name })
+ end
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(luci.http.formvaluetable("addmeetme")) do
+ local plan = ast.dialplan.plan(k)
+ local meetme = ast.meetme.room(v)
+ if plan and meetme then
+ local mext = luci.http.formvalue("addmeetmeext.%s" % plan.name)
+ mext = ( mext and #mext > 0 ) and mext or meetme.room
+ uci:section("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme", nil, {
+ dialplan = plan.name,
+ extension = mext,
+ room = meetme.room
+ })
+ end
+ end
local aname = luci.http.formvalue("addplan")
if aname and #aname > 0 then
if aname:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") then
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+local ast = require "luci.asterisk"
+cbimap = Map("asterisk", "MeetMe - Rooms")
+meetme = cbimap:section(TypedSection, "meetme", "MeetMe Rooms")
+meetme.addremove = true
+meetme.anonymous = true
+meetme.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+meetme:option(Value, "_description", "Description", "Short room description")
+room = meetme:option(Value, "room", "Room Number", "Unique room identifier")
+function room.write(self, s, val)
+ if val and #val > 0 then
+ local old = self:cfgvalue(s)
+ self.map.uci:foreach("asterisk", "dialplanmeetme",
+ function(v)
+ if v.room == old then
+ self.map:set(v['.name'], "room", val)
+ end
+ end)
+ Value.write(self, s, val)
+ end
+meetme:option(Value, "pin", "PIN", "PIN required to access")
+meetme:option(Value, "adminpin", "Admin PIN", "PIN required for administration")
+function meetme.remove(self, s)
+ return ast.meetme.remove(self.map:get(s, "room"), self.map.uci)
+return cbimap
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+cbimap = Map("asterisk", "MeetMe - Common Settings",
+ "Common settings for MeetMe phone conferences.")
+meetme = cbimap:section(TypedSection, "meetmegeneral", "General MeetMe Options")
+meetme.addremove = false
+meetme.anonymous = true
+audiobuffers = meetme:option(ListValue, "audiobuffers",
+ "Number of 20ms audio buffers to use for conferences")
+for i = 2, 32 do audiobuffers:value(i) end
+return cbimap
+local ast = require "luci.asterisk"
cbimap = Map("asterisk", "Voicemail - Mailboxes")
voicemail = cbimap:section(TypedSection, "voicemail", "Voicemail Boxes")
context = voicemail:option(ListValue, "context", "Context")
-voicemail:option(Value, "number", "Mailbox Number", "Unique mailbox identifier")
+number = voicemail:option(Value, "number",
+ "Mailbox Number", "Unique mailbox identifier")
+function number.write(self, s, val)
+ if val and #val > 0 then
+ local old = self:cfgvalue(s)
+ self.map.uci:foreach("asterisk", "dialplanvoice",
+ function(v)
+ if v.voicebox == old then
+ self.map:set(v['.name'], "voicebox", val)
+ end
+ end)
+ Value.write(self, s, val)
+ end
voicemail:option(Value, "name", "Ownername", "Human readable display name")
voicemail:option(Value, "password", "Password", "Access protection")
voicemail:option(Value, "email", "eMail", "Where to send voice messages")
cbimap.uci:foreach("asterisk", "voicezone",
function(s) zone:value(s['.name']) end)
+function voicemail.remove(self, s)
+ return ast.voicemail.remove(self.map:get(s, "number"), self.map.uci)
return cbimap
Here you can manage your dial plans which are used to route outgoing calls from your local extensions.<br /><br />
Related tasks:<br />
<a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/dialplans/zones')%>" class="cbi-title-ref">Manage dialzones</a> |
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/voicemail/mailboxes')%>" class="cbi-title-ref">Manage voicemail boxes</a>
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/voicemail/mailboxes')%>" class="cbi-title-ref">Manage voicemail boxes</a> |
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/meetme/rooms')%>" class="cbi-title-ref">Manage meetme rooms</a>
<!-- tblsection -->
<fieldset class="cbi-section" id="cbi-asterisk-sip">
<td style="width:5%" class="cbi-value-field">
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin', 'asterisk', 'dialplans', 'out', zone.name)%>">
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/dialplans/out', zone.name)%>">
<img style="border:none" alt="Edit dialzone" title="Edit dialzone" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/edit.gif" />
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin', 'asterisk', 'dialplans')%>?delzone.<%=plan.name%>=<%=zone.name%>">
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/dialplans')%>?delzone.<%=plan.name%>=<%=zone.name%>">
<img style="border:none" alt="Remove from this dialplan" title="Remove from this dialplan" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/remove.gif" />
<td style="width:5%" class="cbi-value-field">
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin', 'asterisk', 'dialplans', 'out', box.name)%>">
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/voicemail/mailboxes')%>">
<img style="border:none" alt="Edit dialzone" title="Edit dialzone" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/edit.gif" />
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin', 'asterisk', 'dialplans')%>?delvbox.<%=plan.name%>=<%=ext%>">
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/dialplans')%>?delvbox.<%=plan.name%>=<%=ext%>">
<img style="border:none" alt="Remove from this dialplan" title="Remove from this dialplan" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/remove.gif" />
<% row = row + 1; end %>
<!-- /voicemail -->
+ <!-- meetme -->
+ <% local rooms_used = { } %>
+ <% for ext, room in luci.util.kspairs(plan.meetmerooms) do rooms_used[room.room] = true %>
+ <tr class="cbi-section-table-row <%=rowstyle(row)%>">
+ <td style="text-align: left; padding: 3px" class="cbi-section-table-cell">
+ <strong>└ MeetMe Room <em><%=room.room%></em></strong> (<%=room.description%>)
+ <p style="padding-left: 1em; margin-bottom:0">
+ Matches: <%=format_matches(ext)%>
+ </p>
+ </td>
+ <td style="width:5%" class="cbi-value-field">
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/meetme/rooms')%>">
+ <img style="border:none" alt="Edit dialzone" title="Edit dialzone" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/edit.gif" />
+ </a>
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/asterisk/dialplans')%>?delmeetme.<%=plan.name%>=<%=ext%>">
+ <img style="border:none" alt="Remove from this dialplan" title="Remove from this dialplan" src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/remove.gif" />
+ </a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <% row = row + 1; end %>
+ <!-- /meetme -->
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row">
<td style="text-align: left; padding: 3px" class="cbi-section-table-cell" colspan="2">
<hr style="margin-bottom:0.5em; border-width:0 0 1px 0" />
<input type="text" style="width:5%" name="addvboxext.<%=plan.name%>" />
<br /><br />
+ Add MeetMe Conference:<br />
+ <select style="width:20%" name="addmeetme.<%=plan.name%>" onchange="this.form['addmeetmeext.<%=plan.name%>'].value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
+ <option value="">-- please select --</option>
+ <% for ext, room in luci.util.kspairs(ast.meetme.rooms()) do %>
+ <%# if not rooms_used[room.room] then %>
+ <option value="<%=room.room%>"><%=room.room%> (<%=room.description%>)</option>
+ <%# end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </select>
+ as extension
+ <input type="text" style="width:5%" name="addmeetmeext.<%=plan.name%>" />
+ <br /><br />
<input type="submit" class="cbi-button cbi-button-add" value="Add item »" title="Add item ..."/>