Instance = util.class()
function Instance.__init__( self, host )
- self._host = host or sections.collectd.Hostname or sys.hostname()
- self._libdir = sections.collectd.PluginDir or "/usr/lib/collectd"
- self._rrddir = sections.collectd_rrdtool.DataDir or "/tmp/rrd"
+ self._host = host or sys.hostname()
+ self._libdir = "/usr/lib/collectd"
+ self._rrddir = "/tmp/rrd"
+ if sections and sections.collectd then
+ self._host = host or sections.collectd.Hostname or sys.hostname()
+ self._libdir = sections.collectd.PluginDir or "/usr/lib/collectd"
+ end
+ if sections and sections.collectd_rrdtool then
+ self._rrddir = sections.collectd_rrdtool.DataDir or "/tmp/rrd"
+ end
self._libdir = self._libdir:gsub("/$","")
self._rrddir = self._rrddir:gsub("/$","")