#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# System startup script for tinc
-# $Id: init.d,v 1.5 2000/05/15 17:15:52 zarq Exp $
+# $Id: init.d,v 1.6 2000/05/16 14:34:44 zarq Exp $
+# Based on Lubomir Bulej's Redhat init script.
my $DAEMON="/usr/sbin/tincd";
my $TCONF="/etc/tinc";
my $EXTRA="";
+# Put your VPN names in here.
my $NETS=""; # This is a space-separated list of networks to be started.
} elsif ( /^[ ]*(MyOwnVPNIP|MyVirtualIP)[ =]+([^ \#]+)/i ) {
+ } elsif ( /^[ ]*VpnMask[ =]+([^ \#]+)/i ) {
+ $VPNMASK=$1;
if(!defined($DEV)) {
if($VPN eq "") {
die "tinc: No argument to MyVirtualIP/MyOwnVPNIP";
+ if(defined($VPNMASK) && $VPNMASK eq "") {
+ die "tinc: Invalid argument to VpnMask";
+ }
$ADR = $VPN;
$ADR =~ s/^([^\/]+)\/.*$/$1/;
$LEN = $VPN;
system("ifconfig $DEV hw ether $MAC");
system("ifconfig $DEV $ADR netmask $MSK broadcast $BRD -arp");
system("start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/$NAME.$_[0].pid --exec $DAEMON -- -n $_[0] $EXTRA");
+ if(defined($VPNMASK)) {
+ system("route add -net $ADR netmask $VPNMASK dev $DEV");
+ }