scss: 'public/stylesheets/application.scss',
vendor: 'public/stylesheets/vendor',
js: 'public/javascripts/*.js',
- src: 'src/*.js',
- routes: 'routes/**/*.js',
+ routes: 'controllers/**/*.js',
main: './server.js',
browserified: 'public/javascripts/bundle.js',
img: 'public/images/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}',
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var express = require('express')
+ var router = express.Router()
+ router.use('/videos', require('./videos'))
+ router.use('/remotevideos', require('./remoteVideos'))
+ router.use('/pods', require('./pods'))
+ module.exports = router
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var express = require('express')
+ var router = express.Router()
+ var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
+ var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
+ var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.pods
+ var secureRequest = middleware.reqValidators.remote.secureRequest
+ var pods = require('../../../models/pods')
+ function listPods (req, res, next) {
+ pods.list(function (err, pods_list) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.json(pods_list)
+ })
+ }
+ function addPods (req, res, next) {
+ pods.add(, function (err, json) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.json(json)
+ })
+ }
+ function removePods (req, res, next) {
+ pods.remove(req.body.signature.url, function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.sendStatus(204)
+ })
+ }
+ function makeFriends (req, res, next) {
+ pods.hasFriends(function (err, has_friends) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ if (has_friends === true) {
+ // We need to quit our friends before make new ones
+ res.sendStatus(409)
+ } else {
+ pods.makeFriends(function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.sendStatus(204)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function quitFriends (req, res, next) {
+ pods.quitFriends(function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.sendStatus(204)
+ })
+ }
+ router.get('/', miscMiddleware.cache(false), listPods)
+ router.get('/makefriends', miscMiddleware.cache(false), makeFriends)
+ router.get('/quitfriends', miscMiddleware.cache(false), quitFriends)
+'/', reqValidator.podsAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addPods)
+ // Post because this is a secured request
+'/remove', secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, removePods)
+ module.exports = router
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var express = require('express')
+ var router = express.Router()
+ var pluck = require('lodash-node/compat/collection/pluck')
+ var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
+ var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
+ var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.remote
+ var videos = require('../../../models/videos')
+ function addRemoteVideos (req, res, next) {
+ videos.addRemotes(, function (err, videos) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.json(videos)
+ })
+ }
+ function removeRemoteVideo (req, res, next) {
+ videos.removeRemotes(req.body.signature.url, pluck(, 'magnetUri'), function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.sendStatus(204)
+ })
+ }
+'/add', reqValidator.secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, reqValidator.remoteVideosAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addRemoteVideos)
+'/remove', reqValidator.secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, reqValidator.remoteVideosRemove, miscMiddleware.cache(false), removeRemoteVideo)
+ module.exports = router
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var express = require('express')
+ var config = require('config')
+ var crypto = require('crypto')
+ var multer = require('multer')
+ var router = express.Router()
+ var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
+ var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
+ var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.videos
+ var videos = require('../../../models/videos')
+ var uploads = config.get('storage.uploads')
+ function listVideos (req, res, next) {
+ videos.list(function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.json(videos_list)
+ })
+ }
+ function searchVideos (req, res, next) {
+, function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.json(videos_list)
+ })
+ }
+ function addVideos (req, res, next) {
+ videos.add({ video: req.files.input_video[0], data: req.body }, function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ // TODO : include Location of the new video
+ res.sendStatus(201)
+ })
+ }
+ function getVideos (req, res, next) {
+ videos.get(, function (err, video) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ if (video === null) {
+ return res.sendStatus(404)
+ }
+ res.json(video)
+ })
+ }
+ function removeVideo (req, res, next) {
+ videos.remove(, function (err) {
+ if (err) return next(err)
+ res.sendStatus(204)
+ })
+ }
+ // multer configuration
+ var storage = multer.diskStorage({
+ destination: function (req, file, cb) {
+ cb(null, uploads)
+ },
+ filename: function (req, file, cb) {
+ var extension = ''
+ if (file.mimetype === 'video/webm') extension = 'webm'
+ else if (file.mimetype === 'video/mp4') extension = 'mp4'
+ else if (file.mimetype === 'video/ogg') extension = 'ogv'
+ crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16, function (err, raw) {
+ var fieldname = err ? undefined : raw.toString('hex')
+ cb(null, fieldname + '.' + extension)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ var reqFiles = multer({ storage: storage }).fields([{ name: 'input_video', maxCount: 1 }])
+ router.get('/', miscMiddleware.cache(false), listVideos)
+'/', reqFiles, reqValidator.videosAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addVideos)
+ router.get('/search/:name', reqValidator.videosSearch, miscMiddleware.cache(false), searchVideos)
+ router.get('/:id', reqValidator.videosGet, miscMiddleware.cache(false), getVideos)
+ router.delete('/:id', reqValidator.videosRemove, miscMiddleware.cache(false), removeVideo)
+ module.exports = router
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+ var routes = {
+ api: require('./api/' + constants.API_VERSION),
+ views: require('./views')
+ }
+ module.exports = routes
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ function getPartial (req, res) {
+ var directory =
+ var name =
+ res.render('partials/' + directory + '/' + name)
+ }
+ function getIndex (req, res) {
+ res.render('index')
+ }
+ var express = require('express')
+ var middleware = require('../middlewares').misc
+ var router = express.Router()
+ router.get('/partials/:directory/:name', middleware.cache(), getPartial)
+ router.get(/^\/(index)?$/, middleware.cache(), getIndex)
+ module.exports = router
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var validator = require('validator')
+ var customValidators = {}
+ customValidators.eachIsRemoteVideosAddValid = function (values) {
+ return values.every(function (val) {
+ return validator.isLength(, 1, 50) &&
+ validator.isLength(val.description, 1, 50) &&
+ validator.isLength(val.magnetUri, 10) &&
+ validator.isURL(val.podUrl)
+ })
+ }
+ customValidators.eachIsRemoteVideosRemoveValid = function (values) {
+ return values.every(function (val) {
+ return validator.isLength(val.magnetUri, 10)
+ })
+ }
+ customValidators.isArray = function (value) {
+ return Array.isArray(value)
+ }
+ // ----------- Export -----------
+ module.exports = customValidators
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ // Thanks
+ 'use strict'
+ var config = require('config')
+ var winston = require('winston')
+ var logDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.logs')
+ winston.emitErrs = true
+ var logger = new winston.Logger({
+ transports: [
+ new winston.transports.File({
+ level: 'debug',
+ filename: logDir + '/all-logs.log',
+ handleExceptions: true,
+ json: true,
+ maxsize: 5242880,
+ maxFiles: 5,
+ colorize: false
+ }),
+ new winston.transports.Console({
+ level: 'debug',
+ handleExceptions: true,
+ humanReadableUnhandledException: true,
+ json: false,
+ colorize: true
+ })
+ ],
+ exitOnError: true
+ })
+ module.exports = logger
+ = {
+ write: function (message, encoding) {
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var config = require('config')
+ var crypto = require('crypto')
+ var fs = require('fs')
+ var openssl = require('openssl-wrapper')
+ var request = require('request')
+ var replay = require('request-replay')
+ var ursa = require('ursa')
+ var constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+ var logger = require('./logger')
+ var utils = {}
+ var http = config.get('webserver.https') ? 'https' : 'http'
+ var host = config.get('')
+ var port = config.get('webserver.port')
+ var algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr'
+ // ----------- Private functions ----------
+ function makeRetryRequest (params, from_url, to_pod, signature, callbackEach) {
+ // Append the signature
+ if (signature) {
+ params.json.signature = {
+ url: from_url,
+ signature: signature
+ }
+ }
+ logger.debug('Make retry requests to %s.', to_pod.url)
+ replay(
+, function (err, response, body) {
+ callbackEach(err, response, body, params.url, to_pod)
+ }),
+ {
+ retries: constants.REQUEST_RETRIES,
+ factor: 3,
+ maxTimeout: Infinity,
+ }
+ ).on('replay', function (replay) {
+'Replaying request to %s. Request failed: %d %s. Replay number: #%d. Will retry in: %d ms.',
+ params.url, replay.error.code, replay.error.message, replay.number, replay.delay)
+ })
+ }
+ // ----------- Public attributes ----------
+ utils.certDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.certs')
+ // { path, data }
+ utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest = function (all_data, pods, callbackEach, callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = callbackEach
+ callbackEach = null
+ }
+ var url = http + '://' + host + ':' + port
+ var signature
+ // Add signature if it is specified in the params
+ if (all_data.method === 'POST' && && all_data.sign === true) {
+ var myKey = ursa.createPrivateKey(fs.readFileSync(utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem'))
+ signature = myKey.hashAndSign('sha256', url, 'utf8', 'hex')
+ }
+ // Make a request for each pod
+ async.each(pods, function (pod, callback_each_async) {
+ function callbackEachRetryRequest (err, response, body, url, pod) {
+ if (callbackEach !== null) {
+ callbackEach(err, response, body, url, pod, function () {
+ callback_each_async()
+ })
+ } else {
+ callback_each_async()
+ }
+ }
+ var params = {
+ url: pod.url + all_data.path,
+ method: all_data.method
+ }
+ // Add data with POST requst ?
+ if (all_data.method === 'POST' && {
+ // Encrypt data ?
+ if (all_data.encrypt === true) {
+ var crt = ursa.createPublicKey(pod.publicKey)
+ // TODO: ES6 with let
+ ;(function (crt_copy, copy_params, copy_url, copy_pod, copy_signature) {
+ utils.symetricEncrypt(JSON.stringify(, function (err, dataEncrypted) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var passwordEncrypted = crt_copy.encrypt(dataEncrypted.password, 'utf8', 'hex')
+ copy_params.json = {
+ data: dataEncrypted.crypted,
+ key: passwordEncrypted
+ }
+ makeRetryRequest(copy_params, copy_url, copy_pod, copy_signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
+ })
+ })(crt, params, url, pod, signature)
+ } else {
+ params.json = { data: }
+ makeRetryRequest(params, url, pod, signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeRetryRequest(params, url, pod, signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
+ }
+ }, callback)
+ }
+ utils.certsExist = function (callback) {
+ fs.exists(utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', function (exists) {
+ return callback(exists)
+ })
+ }
+ utils.createCerts = function (callback) {
+ utils.certsExist(function (exist) {
+ if (exist === true) {
+ var string = 'Certs already exist.'
+ logger.warning(string)
+ return callback(new Error(string))
+ }
+'Generating a RSA key...')
+ openssl.exec('genrsa', { 'out': utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', '2048': false }, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot create private key on this pod.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+'RSA key generated.')
+'Manage public key...')
+ openssl.exec('rsa', { 'in': utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', 'pubout': true, 'out': utils.certDir + '' }, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot create public key on this pod .', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+'Public key managed.')
+ return callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ utils.createCertsIfNotExist = function (callback) {
+ utils.certsExist(function (exist) {
+ if (exist === true) {
+ return callback(null)
+ }
+ utils.createCerts(function (err) {
+ return callback(err)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ utils.generatePassword = function (callback) {
+ crypto.randomBytes(32, function (err, buf) {
+ if (err) {
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ callback(null, buf.toString('utf8'))
+ })
+ }
+ utils.symetricEncrypt = function (text, callback) {
+ utils.generatePassword(function (err, password) {
+ if (err) {
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm, password)
+ var crypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex')
+ crypted +='hex')
+ callback(null, { crypted: crypted, password: password })
+ })
+ }
+ utils.symetricDecrypt = function (text, password) {
+ var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, password)
+ var dec = decipher.update(text, 'hex', 'utf8')
+ dec +='utf8')
+ return dec
+ }
+ utils.cleanForExit = function (webtorrent_process) {
+'Gracefully exiting')
+ process.kill(
+ }
+ module.exports = utils
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var config = require('config')
+ var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
+ var checker = {}
+ // Check the config files
+ checker.checkConfig = function () {
+ var required = [ 'listen.port',
+ 'webserver.https', '', 'webserver.port',
+ '', 'database.port', 'database.suffix',
+ 'storage.certs', 'storage.uploads', 'storage.logs',
+ 'network.friends' ]
+ var miss = []
+ for (var key of required) {
+ if (!config.has(key)) {
+ miss.push(key)
+ }
+ }
+ return miss
+ }
+ // Create directories for the storage if it doesn't exist
+ checker.createDirectoriesIfNotExist = function () {
+ var storages = config.get('storage')
+ for (var key of Object.keys(storages)) {
+ var path = storages[key]
+ try {
+ mkdirp.sync(__dirname + '/../' + path)
+ } catch (error) {
+ // Do not use logger
+ console.error('Cannot create ' + path + ':' + error)
+ process.exit(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------- Export -----------
+ module.exports = checker
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var constants = {}
+ function isTestInstance () {
+ return (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test')
+ }
+ // API version of our pod
+ constants.API_VERSION = 'v1'
+ // Score a pod has when we create it as a friend
+ constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE = 100
+ // Time to wait between requests to the friends
+ constants.INTERVAL = 60000
+ // Number of points we add/remove from a friend after a successful/bad request
+ constants.PODS_SCORE = {
+ MALUS: -10,
+ BONUS: 10
+ }
+ // Number of retries we make for the make retry requests (to friends...)
+ constants.REQUEST_RETRIES = 10
+ // Special constants for a test instance
+ if (isTestInstance() === true) {
+ constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE = 20
+ constants.INTERVAL = 10000
+ constants.REQUEST_RETRIES = 2
+ }
+ // ----------- Export -----------
+ module.exports = constants
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var config = require('config')
+ var mongoose = require('mongoose')
+ var constants = require('./constants')
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var dbname = 'peertube' + config.get('database.suffix')
+ var host = config.get('')
+ var port = config.get('database.port')
+ // ----------- Videos -----------
+ var videosSchema = mongoose.Schema({
+ name: String,
+ namePath: String,
+ description: String,
+ magnetUri: String,
+ podUrl: String
+ })
+ var VideosDB = mongoose.model('videos', videosSchema)
+ // ----------- Pods -----------
+ var podsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
+ url: String,
+ publicKey: String,
+ score: { type: Number, max: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE }
+ })
+ var PodsDB = mongoose.model('pods', podsSchema)
+ // ----------- PoolRequests -----------
+ var poolRequestsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
+ type: String,
+ id: String, // Special id to find duplicates (video created we want to remove...)
+ request: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
+ })
+ var PoolRequestsDB = mongoose.model('poolRequests', poolRequestsSchema)
+ // ----------- Connection -----------
+ mongoose.connect('mongodb://' + host + ':' + port + '/' + dbname)
+ mongoose.connection.on('error', function () {
+ logger.error('Mongodb connection error.')
+ process.exit(0)
+ })
+ mongoose.connection.on('open', function () {
+'Connected to mongodb.')
+ })
+ // ----------- Export -----------
+ module.exports = {
+ VideosDB: VideosDB,
+ PodsDB: PodsDB,
+ PoolRequestsDB: PoolRequestsDB
+ }
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var database = require('../initializers/database')
+ var pluck = require('lodash-node/compat/collection/pluck')
+ var PoolRequestsDB = database.PoolRequestsDB
+ var PodsDB = database.PodsDB
+ var utils = require('../helpers/utils')
+ var VideosDB = database.VideosDB
+ var poolRequests = {}
+ // ----------- Private -----------
+ var timer = null
+ function removePoolRequestsFromDB (ids) {
+ PoolRequestsDB.remove({ _id: { $in: ids } }, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot remove requests from the pool requests database.', { error: err })
+ return
+ }
+'Pool requests flushed.')
+ })
+ }
+ function makePoolRequests () {
+'Making pool requests to friends.')
+ PoolRequestsDB.find({}, { _id: 1, type: 1, request: 1 }, function (err, pool_requests) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ if (pool_requests.length === 0) return
+ var requests = {
+ add: {
+ ids: [],
+ requests: []
+ },
+ remove: {
+ ids: [],
+ requests: []
+ }
+ }
+ async.each(pool_requests, function (pool_request, callback_each) {
+ if (pool_request.type === 'add') {
+ requests.add.requests.push(pool_request.request)
+ requests.add.ids.push(pool_request._id)
+ } else if (pool_request.type === 'remove') {
+ requests.remove.requests.push(pool_request.request)
+ requests.remove.ids.push(pool_request._id)
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Unkown pool request type.')
+ }
+ callback_each()
+ }, function () {
+ // Send the add requests
+ if (requests.add.requests.length !== 0) {
+ makePoolRequest('add', requests.add.requests, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Errors when sent add pool requests.', { error: err })
+ removePoolRequestsFromDB(requests.add.ids)
+ })
+ }
+ // Send the remove requests
+ if (requests.remove.requests.length !== 0) {
+ makePoolRequest('remove', requests.remove.requests, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Errors when sent remove pool requests.', { error: err })
+ removePoolRequestsFromDB(requests.remove.ids)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ function updatePodsScore (good_pods, bad_pods) {
+'Updating %d good pods and %d bad pods scores.', good_pods.length, bad_pods.length)
+ PodsDB.update({ _id: { $in: good_pods } }, { $inc: { score: constants.PODS_SCORE.BONUS } }, { multi: true }).exec()
+ PodsDB.update({ _id: { $in: bad_pods } }, { $inc: { score: constants.PODS_SCORE.MALUS } }, { multi: true }, function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ removeBadPods()
+ })
+ }
+ function removeBadPods () {
+ PodsDB.find({ score: 0 }, { _id: 1, url: 1 }, function (err, pods) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ if (pods.length === 0) return
+ var urls = pluck(pods, 'url')
+ var ids = pluck(pods, '_id')
+ VideosDB.remove({ podUrl: { $in: urls } }, function (err, r) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove videos from a pod that we removing.', { error: err })
+ var videos_removed = r.result.n
+'Removed %d videos.', videos_removed)
+ PodsDB.remove({ _id: { $in: ids } }, function (err, r) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove bad pods.', { error: err })
+ var pods_removed = r.result.n
+'Removed %d pods.', pods_removed)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ function makePoolRequest (type, requests, callback) {
+ if (!callback) callback = function () {}
+ PodsDB.find({}, { _id: 1, url: 1, publicKey: 1 }).exec(function (err, pods) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var params = {
+ encrypt: true,
+ sign: true,
+ method: 'POST',
+ path: null,
+ data: requests
+ }
+ if (type === 'add') {
+ params.path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/remotevideos/add'
+ } else if (type === 'remove') {
+ params.path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/remotevideos/remove'
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Unkown pool request type.')
+ }
+ var bad_pods = []
+ var good_pods = []
+ utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(params, pods, callbackEachPodFinished, callbackAllPodsFinished)
+ function callbackEachPodFinished (err, response, body, url, pod, callback_each_pod_finished) {
+ if (err || (response.statusCode !== 200 && response.statusCode !== 204)) {
+ bad_pods.push(pod._id)
+ logger.error('Error sending secure request to %s pod.', url, { error: err || new Error('Status code not 20x') })
+ } else {
+ good_pods.push(pod._id)
+ }
+ return callback_each_pod_finished()
+ }
+ function callbackAllPodsFinished (err) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+ updatePodsScore(good_pods, bad_pods)
+ callback(null)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // ----------- Public -----------
+ poolRequests.activate = function () {
+'Pool requests activated.')
+ timer = setInterval(makePoolRequests, constants.INTERVAL)
+ }
+ poolRequests.addToPoolRequests = function (id, type, request) {
+ logger.debug('Add request to the pool requests.', { id: id, type: type, request: request })
+ PoolRequestsDB.findOne({ id: id }, function (err, entity) {
+ if (err) logger.error(err)
+ if (entity) {
+ if (entity.type === type) {
+ logger.error(new Error('Cannot insert two same requests.'))
+ return
+ }
+ // Remove the request of the other type
+ PoolRequestsDB.remove({ id: id }, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error(err)
+ })
+ } else {
+ PoolRequestsDB.create({ id: id, type: type, request: request }, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error(err)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ poolRequests.deactivate = function () {
+'Pool requests deactivated.')
+ clearInterval(timer)
+ }
+ poolRequests.forceSend = function () {
+'Force pool requests sending.')
+ makePoolRequests()
+ }
+ module.exports = poolRequests
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var config = require('config')
+ var ipc = require('node-ipc')
+ var pathUtils = require('path')
+ var spawn = require('electron-spawn')
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var host = config.get('')
+ var port = config.get('webserver.port')
+ var nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
+ var processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
+ ipc.config.silent = true
+ = nodeKey
+ var webtorrentnode = {}
+ // Useful for beautiful tests
+ webtorrentnode.silent = false
+ // Useful to kill it
+ = null
+ webtorrentnode.create = function (options, callback) {
+ if (typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options
+ options = {}
+ }
+ // Override options
+ if ( host =
+ if (options.port) {
+ port = options.port
+ nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
+ processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
+ = nodeKey
+ }
+ ipc.serve(function () {
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent)'IPC server ready.')
+ // Run a timeout of 30s after which we exit the process
+ var timeout_webtorrent_process = setTimeout(function () {
+ logger.error('Timeout : cannot run the webtorrent process. Please ensure you have electron-prebuilt npm package installed with xvfb-run.')
+ process.exit()
+ }, 30000)
+ ipc.server.on(processKey + '.ready', function () {
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent)'Webtorrent process ready.')
+ clearTimeout(timeout_webtorrent_process)
+ callback()
+ })
+ ipc.server.on(processKey + '.exception', function (data) {
+ logger.error('Received exception error from webtorrent process.', { exception: data.exception })
+ process.exit()
+ })
+ var webtorrent_process = spawn(__dirname + '/webtorrent.js', host, port, { detached: true })
+ webtorrent_process.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
+ // logger.debug('Webtorrent process stderr: ', data.toString())
+ })
+ webtorrent_process.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
+ // logger.debug('Webtorrent process:', data.toString())
+ })
+ = webtorrent_process
+ })
+ ipc.server.start()
+ }
+ webtorrentnode.seed = function (path, callback) {
+ var extension = pathUtils.extname(path)
+ var basename = pathUtils.basename(path, extension)
+ var data = {
+ _id: basename,
+ args: {
+ path: path
+ }
+ }
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to seed %s.', data._id)
+ // Finish signal
+ var event_key = nodeKey + '.seedDone.' + data._id
+ ipc.server.on(event_key, function listener (received) {
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process seeded torrent %s.', received.magnetUri)
+ // This is a fake object, we just use the magnetUri in this project
+ var torrent = {
+ magnetURI: received.magnetUri
+ }
+ callback(torrent)
+ })
+ ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.seed', data)
+ }
+ webtorrentnode.add = function (magnetUri, callback) {
+ var data = {
+ _id: magnetUri,
+ args: {
+ magnetUri: magnetUri
+ }
+ }
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to add ' + data._id)
+ // Finish signal
+ var event_key = nodeKey + '.addDone.' + data._id
+ ipc.server.on(event_key, function (received) {
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process added torrent.')
+ // This is a fake object, we just use the magnetUri in this project
+ var torrent = {
+ files: received.files
+ }
+ callback(torrent)
+ })
+ ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.add', data)
+ }
+ webtorrentnode.remove = function (magnetUri, callback) {
+ var data = {
+ _id: magnetUri,
+ args: {
+ magnetUri: magnetUri
+ }
+ }
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to stop seeding %s.', data._id)
+ // Finish signal
+ var event_key = nodeKey + '.removeDone.' + data._id
+ ipc.server.on(event_key, function (received) {
+ if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process removed torrent %s.', data._id)
+ var err = null
+ if (received.err) err = received.err
+ callback(err)
+ })
+ ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.remove', data)
+ }
+ module.exports = webtorrentnode
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ module.exports = function (args) {
+ var WebTorrent = require('webtorrent')
+ var ipc = require('node-ipc')
+ if (args.length !== 3) {
+ console.log('Wrong arguments number: ' + args.length + '/3')
+ process.exit(-1)
+ }
+ var host = args[1]
+ var port = args[2]
+ var nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
+ var processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
+ ipc.config.silent = true
+ = processKey
+ if (host === 'client' && port === '1') global.WEBTORRENT_ANNOUNCE = []
+ else global.WEBTORRENT_ANNOUNCE = 'ws://' + host + ':' + port + '/tracker/socket'
+ var wt = new WebTorrent({ dht: false })
+ function seed (data) {
+ var args = data.args
+ var path = args.path
+ var _id = data._id
+ wt.seed(path, { announceList: '' }, function (torrent) {
+ var to_send = {
+ magnetUri: torrent.magnetURI
+ }
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.seedDone.' + _id, to_send)
+ })
+ }
+ function add (data) {
+ var args = data.args
+ var magnetUri = args.magnetUri
+ var _id = data._id
+ wt.add(magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ var to_send = {
+ files: []
+ }
+ torrent.files.forEach(function (file) {
+ to_send.files.push({ path: file.path })
+ })
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.addDone.' + _id, to_send)
+ })
+ }
+ function remove (data) {
+ var args = data.args
+ var magnetUri = args.magnetUri
+ var _id = data._id
+ try {
+ wt.remove(magnetUri, callback)
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log('Cannot remove the torrent from WebTorrent', { err: err })
+ return callback(null)
+ }
+ function callback () {
+ var to_send = {}
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.removeDone.' + _id, to_send)
+ }
+ }
+ console.log('Configuration: ' + host + ':' + port)
+ console.log('Connecting to IPC...')
+ ipc.connectTo(nodeKey, function () {
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.seed', seed)
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.add', add)
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.remove', remove)
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(processKey + '.ready')
+ console.log('Ready.')
+ })
+ process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
+ ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(processKey + '.exception', { exception: e })
+ })
+ }
var ursa = require('ursa')
var fs = require('fs')
- var logger = require('../src/logger')
- var utils = require('../src/utils')
- var PodsDB = require('../src/database').PodsDB
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var utils = require('../helpers/utils')
+ var PodsDB = require('../initializers/database').PodsDB
var misc = {}
'use strict'
var checkErrors = require('./utils').checkErrors
- var logger = require('../../src/logger')
+ var logger = require('../../helpers/logger')
var pods = {}
'use strict'
var checkErrors = require('./utils').checkErrors
- var logger = require('../../src/logger')
+ var logger = require('../../helpers/logger')
var remote = {}
'use strict'
var util = require('util')
- var logger = require('../../src/logger')
+ var logger = require('../../helpers/logger')
var utils = {}
'use strict'
var checkErrors = require('./utils').checkErrors
- var VideosDB = require('../../src/database').VideosDB
- var logger = require('../../src/logger')
+ var VideosDB = require('../../initializers/database').VideosDB
+ var logger = require('../../helpers/logger')
var videos = {}
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var config = require('config')
+ var fs = require('fs')
+ var request = require('request')
+ var constants = require('../initializers/constants')
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var PodsDB = require('../initializers/database').PodsDB
+ var poolRequests = require('../lib/poolRequests')
+ var utils = require('../helpers/utils')
+ var pods = {}
+ var http = config.get('webserver.https') ? 'https' : 'http'
+ var host = config.get('')
+ var port = config.get('webserver.port')
+ // ----------- Private functions -----------
+ function getForeignPodsList (url, callback) {
+ var path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods'
+ request.get(url + path, function (err, response, body) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ callback(JSON.parse(body))
+ })
+ }
+ // ----------- Public functions -----------
+ pods.list = function (callback) {
+ PodsDB.find(function (err, pods_list) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get the list of the pods.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, pods_list)
+ })
+ }
+ // { url }
+ // TODO: check if the pod is not already a friend
+ pods.add = function (data, callback) {
+ var videos = require('./videos')
+'Adding pod: %s', data.url)
+ var params = {
+ url: data.url,
+ publicKey: data.publicKey,
+ score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE
+ }
+ PodsDB.create(params, function (err, pod) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot insert the pod.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ videos.addRemotes(data.videos)
+ fs.readFile(utils.certDir + '', 'utf8', function (err, cert) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot read cert file.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ videos.listOwned(function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get the list of owned videos.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, { cert: cert, videos: videos_list })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ pods.remove = function (url, callback) {
+ var videos = require('./videos')
+'Removing %s pod.', url)
+ videos.removeAllRemotesOf(url, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove all remote videos of %s.', url)
+ PodsDB.remove({ url: url }, function (err) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+'%s pod removed.', url)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ pods.addVideoToFriends = function (video) {
+ // To avoid duplicates
+ var id = + video.magnetUri
+ poolRequests.addToPoolRequests(id, 'add', video)
+ }
+ pods.removeVideoToFriends = function (video) {
+ // To avoid duplicates
+ var id = + video.magnetUri
+ poolRequests.addToPoolRequests(id, 'remove', video)
+ }
+ pods.makeFriends = function (callback) {
+ var videos = require('./videos')
+ var pods_score = {}
+'Make friends!')
+ fs.readFile(utils.certDir + '', 'utf8', function (err, cert) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot read public cert.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ var urls = config.get('network.friends')
+ async.each(urls, computeForeignPodsList, function () {
+ logger.debug('Pods scores computed.', { pods_score: pods_score })
+ var pods_list = computeWinningPods(urls, pods_score)
+ logger.debug('Pods that we keep computed.', { pods_to_keep: pods_list })
+ makeRequestsToWinningPods(cert, pods_list)
+ })
+ })
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function computeForeignPodsList (url, callback) {
+ // Let's give 1 point to the pod we ask the friends list
+ pods_score[url] = 1
+ getForeignPodsList(url, function (foreign_pods_list) {
+ if (foreign_pods_list.length === 0) return callback()
+ async.each(foreign_pods_list, function (foreign_pod, callback_each) {
+ var foreign_url = foreign_pod.url
+ if (pods_score[foreign_url]) pods_score[foreign_url]++
+ else pods_score[foreign_url] = 1
+ callback_each()
+ }, function () {
+ callback()
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ function computeWinningPods (urls, pods_score) {
+ // Build the list of pods to add
+ // Only add a pod if it exists in more than a half base pods
+ var pods_list = []
+ var base_score = urls.length / 2
+ Object.keys(pods_score).forEach(function (pod) {
+ if (pods_score[pod] > base_score) pods_list.push({ url: pod })
+ })
+ return pods_list
+ }
+ function makeRequestsToWinningPods (cert, pods_list) {
+ // Stop pool requests
+ poolRequests.deactivate()
+ // Flush pool requests
+ poolRequests.forceSend()
+ // Get the list of our videos to send to our new friends
+ videos.listOwned(function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var data = {
+ url: http + '://' + host + ':' + port,
+ publicKey: cert,
+ videos: videos_list
+ }
+ utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(
+ { method: 'POST', path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/', data: data },
+ pods_list,
+ function eachRequest (err, response, body, url, pod, callback_each_request) {
+ // We add the pod if it responded correctly with its public certificate
+ if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
+ pods.add({ url: pod.url, publicKey: body.cert, score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE }, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
+ videos.addRemotes(body.videos, function (err) {
+ if (err) logger.error('Error with adding videos of pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
+ logger.debug('Adding remote videos from %s.', pod.url, { videos: body.videos })
+ return callback_each_request()
+ })
+ })
+ } else {
+ logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err || new Error('Status not 200') })
+ return callback_each_request()
+ }
+ },
+ function endRequests (err) {
+ // Now we made new friends, we can re activate the pool of requests
+ poolRequests.activate()
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('There was some errors when we wanted to make friends.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ logger.debug('makeRequestsToWinningPods finished.')
+ return callback(null)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ pods.quitFriends = function (callback) {
+ // Stop pool requests
+ poolRequests.deactivate()
+ // Flush pool requests
+ poolRequests.forceSend()
+ PodsDB.find(function (err, pods) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+ var request = {
+ method: 'POST',
+ path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/remove',
+ sign: true,
+ encrypt: true,
+ data: {
+ url: 'me' // Fake data
+ }
+ }
+ // Announce we quit them
+ utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(request, pods, function () {
+ PodsDB.remove(function (err) {
+ poolRequests.activate()
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+'Broke friends, so sad :(')
+ var videos = require('./videos')
+ videos.removeAllRemotes(function (err) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+'Removed all remote videos.')
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ pods.hasFriends = function (callback) {
+ PodsDB.count(function (err, count) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+ var has_friends = (count !== 0)
+ callback(null, has_friends)
+ })
+ }
+ module.exports = pods
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var config = require('config')
+ var dz = require('dezalgo')
+ var fs = require('fs')
+ var webtorrent = require('../lib/webTorrentNode')
+ var logger = require('../helpers/logger')
+ var pods = require('./pods')
+ var VideosDB = require('../initializers/database').VideosDB
+ var videos = {}
+ var http = config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'https' : 'http'
+ var host = config.get('')
+ var port = config.get('webserver.port')
+ // ----------- Private functions -----------
+ function seedVideo (path, callback) {
+'Seeding %s...', path)
+ webtorrent.seed(path, function (torrent) {
+'%s seeded (%s).', path, torrent.magnetURI)
+ return callback(null, torrent)
+ })
+ }
+ // ----------- Public attributes ----------
+ videos.uploadDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.uploads')
+ // ----------- Public functions -----------
+ videos.list = function (callback) {
+ VideosDB.find(function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, videos_list)
+ })
+ }
+ videos.listOwned = function (callback) {
+ // If namePath is not null this is *our* video
+ VideosDB.find({ namePath: { $ne: null } }, function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, videos_list)
+ })
+ }
+ videos.add = function (data, callback) {
+ var video_file =
+ var video_data =
+'Adding %s video.', video_file.path)
+ seedVideo(video_file.path, function (err, torrent) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot seed this video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ var params = {
+ name:,
+ namePath: video_file.filename,
+ description: video_data.description,
+ magnetUri: torrent.magnetURI,
+ podUrl: http + '://' + host + ':' + port
+ }
+ VideosDB.create(params, function (err, video) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot insert this video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends
+ params.namePath = null
+ pods.addVideoToFriends(params)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ videos.remove = function (id, callback) {
+ // Maybe the torrent is not seeded, but we catch the error to don't stop the removing process
+ function removeTorrent (magnetUri, callback) {
+ try {
+ webtorrent.remove(magnetUri, callback)
+ } catch (err) {
+ logger.warn('Cannot remove the torrent from WebTorrent', { err: err })
+ return callback(null)
+ }
+ }
+ VideosDB.findById(id, function (err, video) {
+ if (err || !video) {
+ if (!err) err = new Error('Cannot find this video.')
+ logger.error('Cannot find this video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ if (video.namePath === null) {
+ var error_string = 'Cannot remove the video of another pod.'
+ logger.error(error_string)
+ return callback(new Error(error_string))
+ }
+'Removing %s video',
+ removeTorrent(video.magnetUri, function () {
+ VideosDB.findByIdAndRemove(id, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot remove the torrent.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ fs.unlink(videos.uploadDir + video.namePath, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot remove this video file.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ var params = {
+ name:,
+ magnetUri: video.magnetUri
+ }
+ pods.removeVideoToFriends(params)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ // Use the magnet Uri because the _id field is not the same on different servers
+ videos.removeRemotes = function (fromUrl, magnetUris, callback) {
+ if (callback === undefined) callback = function () {}
+ VideosDB.find({ magnetUri: { $in: magnetUris } }, function (err, videos) {
+ if (err || !videos) {
+ logger.error('Cannot find the torrent URI of these remote videos.')
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ var to_remove = []
+ async.each(videos, function (video, callback_async) {
+ callback_async = dz(callback_async)
+ if (video.podUrl !== fromUrl) {
+ logger.error('The pod %s has not the rights on the video of %s.', fromUrl, video.podUrl)
+ } else {
+ to_remove.push(video._id)
+ }
+ callback_async()
+ }, function () {
+ VideosDB.remove({ _id: { $in: to_remove } }, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot remove the remote videos.')
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+'Removed remote videos from %s.', fromUrl)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ videos.removeAllRemotes = function (callback) {
+ VideosDB.remove({ namePath: null }, function (err) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ }
+ videos.removeAllRemotesOf = function (fromUrl, callback) {
+ VideosDB.remove({ podUrl: fromUrl }, function (err) {
+ if (err) return callback(err)
+ callback(null)
+ })
+ }
+ // { name, magnetUri, podUrl }
+ // TODO: avoid doublons
+ videos.addRemotes = function (videos, callback) {
+ if (callback === undefined) callback = function () {}
+ var to_add = []
+ async.each(videos, function (video, callback_each) {
+ callback_each = dz(callback_each)
+ logger.debug('Add remote video from pod: %s', video.podUrl)
+ var params = {
+ name:,
+ namePath: null,
+ description: video.description,
+ magnetUri: video.magnetUri,
+ podUrl: video.podUrl
+ }
+ to_add.push(params)
+ callback_each()
+ }, function () {
+ VideosDB.create(to_add, function (err, videos) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot insert this remote video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, videos)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ videos.get = function (id, callback) {
+ VideosDB.findById(id, function (err, video) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get this video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, video)
+ })
+ }
+ = function (name, callback) {
+ VideosDB.find({ name: new RegExp(name) }, function (err, videos) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot search the videos.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ return callback(null, videos)
+ })
+ }
+ videos.seedAll = function (callback) {
+ VideosDB.find({ namePath: { $ne: null } }, function (err, videos_list) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos to seed.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ async.each(videos_list, function (video, each_callback) {
+ seedVideo(videos.uploadDir + video.namePath, function (err) {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Cannot seed this video.', { error: err })
+ return callback(err)
+ }
+ each_callback(null)
+ })
+ }, callback)
+ })
+ }
+ module.exports = videos
"scripts": {
"start": "grunt dev",
- "test": "grunt build && standard && mocha test"
+ "test": "grunt build && standard && mocha tests"
"dependencies": {
"async": "^1.2.1",
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var express = require('express')
- var router = express.Router()
- router.use('/videos', require('./videos'))
- router.use('/remotevideos', require('./remoteVideos'))
- router.use('/pods', require('./pods'))
- module.exports = router
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var express = require('express')
- var router = express.Router()
- var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
- var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
- var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.pods
- var secureRequest = middleware.reqValidators.remote.secureRequest
- var pods = require('../../../src/pods')
- function listPods (req, res, next) {
- pods.list(function (err, pods_list) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.json(pods_list)
- })
- }
- function addPods (req, res, next) {
- pods.add(, function (err, json) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.json(json)
- })
- }
- function removePods (req, res, next) {
- pods.remove(req.body.signature.url, function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.sendStatus(204)
- })
- }
- function makeFriends (req, res, next) {
- pods.hasFriends(function (err, has_friends) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- if (has_friends === true) {
- // We need to quit our friends before make new ones
- res.sendStatus(409)
- } else {
- pods.makeFriends(function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.sendStatus(204)
- })
- }
- })
- }
- function quitFriends (req, res, next) {
- pods.quitFriends(function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.sendStatus(204)
- })
- }
- router.get('/', miscMiddleware.cache(false), listPods)
- router.get('/makefriends', miscMiddleware.cache(false), makeFriends)
- router.get('/quitfriends', miscMiddleware.cache(false), quitFriends)
-'/', reqValidator.podsAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addPods)
- // Post because this is a secured request
-'/remove', secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, removePods)
- module.exports = router
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var express = require('express')
- var router = express.Router()
- var pluck = require('lodash-node/compat/collection/pluck')
- var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
- var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
- var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.remote
- var videos = require('../../../src/videos')
- function addRemoteVideos (req, res, next) {
- videos.addRemotes(, function (err, videos) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.json(videos)
- })
- }
- function removeRemoteVideo (req, res, next) {
- videos.removeRemotes(req.body.signature.url, pluck(, 'magnetUri'), function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.sendStatus(204)
- })
- }
-'/add', reqValidator.secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, reqValidator.remoteVideosAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addRemoteVideos)
-'/remove', reqValidator.secureRequest, miscMiddleware.decryptBody, reqValidator.remoteVideosRemove, miscMiddleware.cache(false), removeRemoteVideo)
- module.exports = router
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var express = require('express')
- var config = require('config')
- var crypto = require('crypto')
- var multer = require('multer')
- var router = express.Router()
- var middleware = require('../../../middlewares')
- var miscMiddleware = middleware.misc
- var reqValidator = middleware.reqValidators.videos
- var videos = require('../../../src/videos')
- var uploads = config.get('storage.uploads')
- function listVideos (req, res, next) {
- videos.list(function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.json(videos_list)
- })
- }
- function searchVideos (req, res, next) {
-, function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.json(videos_list)
- })
- }
- function addVideos (req, res, next) {
- videos.add({ video: req.files.input_video[0], data: req.body }, function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- // TODO : include Location of the new video
- res.sendStatus(201)
- })
- }
- function getVideos (req, res, next) {
- videos.get(, function (err, video) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- if (video === null) {
- return res.sendStatus(404)
- }
- res.json(video)
- })
- }
- function removeVideo (req, res, next) {
- videos.remove(, function (err) {
- if (err) return next(err)
- res.sendStatus(204)
- })
- }
- // multer configuration
- var storage = multer.diskStorage({
- destination: function (req, file, cb) {
- cb(null, uploads)
- },
- filename: function (req, file, cb) {
- var extension = ''
- if (file.mimetype === 'video/webm') extension = 'webm'
- else if (file.mimetype === 'video/mp4') extension = 'mp4'
- else if (file.mimetype === 'video/ogg') extension = 'ogv'
- crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16, function (err, raw) {
- var fieldname = err ? undefined : raw.toString('hex')
- cb(null, fieldname + '.' + extension)
- })
- }
- })
- var reqFiles = multer({ storage: storage }).fields([{ name: 'input_video', maxCount: 1 }])
- router.get('/', miscMiddleware.cache(false), listVideos)
-'/', reqFiles, reqValidator.videosAdd, miscMiddleware.cache(false), addVideos)
- router.get('/search/:name', reqValidator.videosSearch, miscMiddleware.cache(false), searchVideos)
- router.get('/:id', reqValidator.videosGet, miscMiddleware.cache(false), getVideos)
- router.delete('/:id', reqValidator.videosRemove, miscMiddleware.cache(false), removeVideo)
- module.exports = router
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var constants = require('../src/constants')
- var routes = {
- api: require('./api/' + constants.API_VERSION),
- views: require('./views')
- }
- module.exports = routes
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- function getPartial (req, res) {
- var directory =
- var name =
- res.render('partials/' + directory + '/' + name)
- }
- function getIndex (req, res) {
- res.render('index')
- }
- var express = require('express')
- var middleware = require('../middlewares').misc
- var router = express.Router()
- router.get('/partials/:directory/:name', middleware.cache(), getPartial)
- router.get(/^\/(index)?$/, middleware.cache(), getIndex)
- module.exports = router
var app = express()
// ----------- Checker -----------
- var checker = require('./src/checker')
+ var checker = require('./initializers/checker')
var miss = checker.checkConfig()
if (miss.length !== 0) {
// ----------- PeerTube modules -----------
var config = require('config')
- var constants = require('./src/constants')
- var customValidators = require('./src/customValidators')
- var logger = require('./src/logger')
- var poolRequests = require('./src/poolRequests')
- var routes = require('./routes')
- var utils = require('./src/utils')
- var videos = require('./src/videos')
- var webtorrent = require('./src/webTorrentNode')
+ var constants = require('./initializers/constants')
+ var customValidators = require('./helpers/customValidators')
+ var logger = require('./helpers/logger')
+ var poolRequests = require('./lib/poolRequests')
+ var routes = require('./controllers')
+ var utils = require('./helpers/utils')
+ var videos = require('./models/videos')
+ var webtorrent = require('./lib/webTorrentNode')
// Get configurations
var port = config.get('listen.port')
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var config = require('config')
- var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
- var checker = {}
- // Check the config files
- checker.checkConfig = function () {
- var required = [ 'listen.port',
- 'webserver.https', '', 'webserver.port',
- '', 'database.port', 'database.suffix',
- 'storage.certs', 'storage.uploads', 'storage.logs',
- 'network.friends' ]
- var miss = []
- for (var key of required) {
- if (!config.has(key)) {
- miss.push(key)
- }
- }
- return miss
- }
- // Create directories for the storage if it doesn't exist
- checker.createDirectoriesIfNotExist = function () {
- var storages = config.get('storage')
- for (var key of Object.keys(storages)) {
- var path = storages[key]
- try {
- mkdirp.sync(__dirname + '/../' + path)
- } catch (error) {
- // Do not use logger
- console.error('Cannot create ' + path + ':' + error)
- process.exit(0)
- }
- }
- }
- // ----------- Export -----------
- module.exports = checker
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var constants = {}
- function isTestInstance () {
- return (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test')
- }
- // API version of our pod
- constants.API_VERSION = 'v1'
- // Score a pod has when we create it as a friend
- constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE = 100
- // Time to wait between requests to the friends
- constants.INTERVAL = 60000
- // Number of points we add/remove from a friend after a successful/bad request
- constants.PODS_SCORE = {
- MALUS: -10,
- BONUS: 10
- }
- // Number of retries we make for the make retry requests (to friends...)
- constants.REQUEST_RETRIES = 10
- // Special constants for a test instance
- if (isTestInstance() === true) {
- constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE = 20
- constants.INTERVAL = 10000
- constants.REQUEST_RETRIES = 2
- }
- // ----------- Export -----------
- module.exports = constants
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var validator = require('validator')
- var customValidators = {}
- customValidators.eachIsRemoteVideosAddValid = function (values) {
- return values.every(function (val) {
- return validator.isLength(, 1, 50) &&
- validator.isLength(val.description, 1, 50) &&
- validator.isLength(val.magnetUri, 10) &&
- validator.isURL(val.podUrl)
- })
- }
- customValidators.eachIsRemoteVideosRemoveValid = function (values) {
- return values.every(function (val) {
- return validator.isLength(val.magnetUri, 10)
- })
- }
- customValidators.isArray = function (value) {
- return Array.isArray(value)
- }
- // ----------- Export -----------
- module.exports = customValidators
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var config = require('config')
- var mongoose = require('mongoose')
- var constants = require('./constants')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var dbname = 'peertube' + config.get('database.suffix')
- var host = config.get('')
- var port = config.get('database.port')
- // ----------- Videos -----------
- var videosSchema = mongoose.Schema({
- name: String,
- namePath: String,
- description: String,
- magnetUri: String,
- podUrl: String
- })
- var VideosDB = mongoose.model('videos', videosSchema)
- // ----------- Pods -----------
- var podsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
- url: String,
- publicKey: String,
- score: { type: Number, max: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE }
- })
- var PodsDB = mongoose.model('pods', podsSchema)
- // ----------- PoolRequests -----------
- var poolRequestsSchema = mongoose.Schema({
- type: String,
- id: String, // Special id to find duplicates (video created we want to remove...)
- request: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
- })
- var PoolRequestsDB = mongoose.model('poolRequests', poolRequestsSchema)
- // ----------- Connection -----------
- mongoose.connect('mongodb://' + host + ':' + port + '/' + dbname)
- mongoose.connection.on('error', function () {
- logger.error('Mongodb connection error.')
- process.exit(0)
- })
- mongoose.connection.on('open', function () {
-'Connected to mongodb.')
- })
- // ----------- Export -----------
- module.exports = {
- VideosDB: VideosDB,
- PodsDB: PodsDB,
- PoolRequestsDB: PoolRequestsDB
- }
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- // Thanks
- 'use strict'
- var config = require('config')
- var winston = require('winston')
- var logDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.logs')
- winston.emitErrs = true
- var logger = new winston.Logger({
- transports: [
- new winston.transports.File({
- level: 'debug',
- filename: logDir + '/all-logs.log',
- handleExceptions: true,
- json: true,
- maxsize: 5242880,
- maxFiles: 5,
- colorize: false
- }),
- new winston.transports.Console({
- level: 'debug',
- handleExceptions: true,
- humanReadableUnhandledException: true,
- json: false,
- colorize: true
- })
- ],
- exitOnError: true
- })
- module.exports = logger
- = {
- write: function (message, encoding) {
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var config = require('config')
- var fs = require('fs')
- var request = require('request')
- var constants = require('./constants')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var PodsDB = require('./database').PodsDB
- var poolRequests = require('./poolRequests')
- var utils = require('./utils')
- var pods = {}
- var http = config.get('webserver.https') ? 'https' : 'http'
- var host = config.get('')
- var port = config.get('webserver.port')
- // ----------- Private functions -----------
- function getForeignPodsList (url, callback) {
- var path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods'
- request.get(url + path, function (err, response, body) {
- if (err) throw err
- callback(JSON.parse(body))
- })
- }
- // ----------- Public functions -----------
- pods.list = function (callback) {
- PodsDB.find(function (err, pods_list) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get the list of the pods.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, pods_list)
- })
- }
- // { url }
- // TODO: check if the pod is not already a friend
- pods.add = function (data, callback) {
- var videos = require('./videos')
-'Adding pod: %s', data.url)
- var params = {
- url: data.url,
- publicKey: data.publicKey,
- score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE
- }
- PodsDB.create(params, function (err, pod) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot insert the pod.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- videos.addRemotes(data.videos)
- fs.readFile(utils.certDir + '', 'utf8', function (err, cert) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot read cert file.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- videos.listOwned(function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get the list of owned videos.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, { cert: cert, videos: videos_list })
- })
- })
- })
- }
- pods.remove = function (url, callback) {
- var videos = require('./videos')
-'Removing %s pod.', url)
- videos.removeAllRemotesOf(url, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove all remote videos of %s.', url)
- PodsDB.remove({ url: url }, function (err) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
-'%s pod removed.', url)
- callback(null)
- })
- })
- }
- pods.addVideoToFriends = function (video) {
- // To avoid duplicates
- var id = + video.magnetUri
- poolRequests.addToPoolRequests(id, 'add', video)
- }
- pods.removeVideoToFriends = function (video) {
- // To avoid duplicates
- var id = + video.magnetUri
- poolRequests.addToPoolRequests(id, 'remove', video)
- }
- pods.makeFriends = function (callback) {
- var videos = require('./videos')
- var pods_score = {}
-'Make friends!')
- fs.readFile(utils.certDir + '', 'utf8', function (err, cert) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot read public cert.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- var urls = config.get('network.friends')
- async.each(urls, computeForeignPodsList, function () {
- logger.debug('Pods scores computed.', { pods_score: pods_score })
- var pods_list = computeWinningPods(urls, pods_score)
- logger.debug('Pods that we keep computed.', { pods_to_keep: pods_list })
- makeRequestsToWinningPods(cert, pods_list)
- })
- })
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- function computeForeignPodsList (url, callback) {
- // Let's give 1 point to the pod we ask the friends list
- pods_score[url] = 1
- getForeignPodsList(url, function (foreign_pods_list) {
- if (foreign_pods_list.length === 0) return callback()
- async.each(foreign_pods_list, function (foreign_pod, callback_each) {
- var foreign_url = foreign_pod.url
- if (pods_score[foreign_url]) pods_score[foreign_url]++
- else pods_score[foreign_url] = 1
- callback_each()
- }, function () {
- callback()
- })
- })
- }
- function computeWinningPods (urls, pods_score) {
- // Build the list of pods to add
- // Only add a pod if it exists in more than a half base pods
- var pods_list = []
- var base_score = urls.length / 2
- Object.keys(pods_score).forEach(function (pod) {
- if (pods_score[pod] > base_score) pods_list.push({ url: pod })
- })
- return pods_list
- }
- function makeRequestsToWinningPods (cert, pods_list) {
- // Stop pool requests
- poolRequests.deactivate()
- // Flush pool requests
- poolRequests.forceSend()
- // Get the list of our videos to send to our new friends
- videos.listOwned(function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) throw err
- var data = {
- url: http + '://' + host + ':' + port,
- publicKey: cert,
- videos: videos_list
- }
- utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(
- { method: 'POST', path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/', data: data },
- pods_list,
- function eachRequest (err, response, body, url, pod, callback_each_request) {
- // We add the pod if it responded correctly with its public certificate
- if (!err && response.statusCode === 200) {
- pods.add({ url: pod.url, publicKey: body.cert, score: constants.FRIEND_BASE_SCORE }, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
- videos.addRemotes(body.videos, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error('Error with adding videos of pod.', pod.url, { error: err })
- logger.debug('Adding remote videos from %s.', pod.url, { videos: body.videos })
- return callback_each_request()
- })
- })
- } else {
- logger.error('Error with adding %s pod.', pod.url, { error: err || new Error('Status not 200') })
- return callback_each_request()
- }
- },
- function endRequests (err) {
- // Now we made new friends, we can re activate the pool of requests
- poolRequests.activate()
- if (err) {
- logger.error('There was some errors when we wanted to make friends.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- logger.debug('makeRequestsToWinningPods finished.')
- return callback(null)
- }
- )
- })
- }
- }
- pods.quitFriends = function (callback) {
- // Stop pool requests
- poolRequests.deactivate()
- // Flush pool requests
- poolRequests.forceSend()
- PodsDB.find(function (err, pods) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
- var request = {
- method: 'POST',
- path: '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/pods/remove',
- sign: true,
- encrypt: true,
- data: {
- url: 'me' // Fake data
- }
- }
- // Announce we quit them
- utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(request, pods, function () {
- PodsDB.remove(function (err) {
- poolRequests.activate()
- if (err) return callback(err)
-'Broke friends, so sad :(')
- var videos = require('./videos')
- videos.removeAllRemotes(function (err) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
-'Removed all remote videos.')
- callback(null)
- })
- })
- })
- })
- }
- pods.hasFriends = function (callback) {
- PodsDB.count(function (err, count) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
- var has_friends = (count !== 0)
- callback(null, has_friends)
- })
- }
- module.exports = pods
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var constants = require('./constants')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var database = require('./database')
- var pluck = require('lodash-node/compat/collection/pluck')
- var PoolRequestsDB = database.PoolRequestsDB
- var PodsDB = database.PodsDB
- var utils = require('./utils')
- var VideosDB = database.VideosDB
- var poolRequests = {}
- // ----------- Private -----------
- var timer = null
- function removePoolRequestsFromDB (ids) {
- PoolRequestsDB.remove({ _id: { $in: ids } }, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot remove requests from the pool requests database.', { error: err })
- return
- }
-'Pool requests flushed.')
- })
- }
- function makePoolRequests () {
-'Making pool requests to friends.')
- PoolRequestsDB.find({}, { _id: 1, type: 1, request: 1 }, function (err, pool_requests) {
- if (err) throw err
- if (pool_requests.length === 0) return
- var requests = {
- add: {
- ids: [],
- requests: []
- },
- remove: {
- ids: [],
- requests: []
- }
- }
- async.each(pool_requests, function (pool_request, callback_each) {
- if (pool_request.type === 'add') {
- requests.add.requests.push(pool_request.request)
- requests.add.ids.push(pool_request._id)
- } else if (pool_request.type === 'remove') {
- requests.remove.requests.push(pool_request.request)
- requests.remove.ids.push(pool_request._id)
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unkown pool request type.')
- }
- callback_each()
- }, function () {
- // Send the add requests
- if (requests.add.requests.length !== 0) {
- makePoolRequest('add', requests.add.requests, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error('Errors when sent add pool requests.', { error: err })
- removePoolRequestsFromDB(requests.add.ids)
- })
- }
- // Send the remove requests
- if (requests.remove.requests.length !== 0) {
- makePoolRequest('remove', requests.remove.requests, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error('Errors when sent remove pool requests.', { error: err })
- removePoolRequestsFromDB(requests.remove.ids)
- })
- }
- })
- })
- }
- function updatePodsScore (good_pods, bad_pods) {
-'Updating %d good pods and %d bad pods scores.', good_pods.length, bad_pods.length)
- PodsDB.update({ _id: { $in: good_pods } }, { $inc: { score: constants.PODS_SCORE.BONUS } }, { multi: true }).exec()
- PodsDB.update({ _id: { $in: bad_pods } }, { $inc: { score: constants.PODS_SCORE.MALUS } }, { multi: true }, function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- removeBadPods()
- })
- }
- function removeBadPods () {
- PodsDB.find({ score: 0 }, { _id: 1, url: 1 }, function (err, pods) {
- if (err) throw err
- if (pods.length === 0) return
- var urls = pluck(pods, 'url')
- var ids = pluck(pods, '_id')
- VideosDB.remove({ podUrl: { $in: urls } }, function (err, r) {
- if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove videos from a pod that we removing.', { error: err })
- var videos_removed = r.result.n
-'Removed %d videos.', videos_removed)
- PodsDB.remove({ _id: { $in: ids } }, function (err, r) {
- if (err) logger.error('Cannot remove bad pods.', { error: err })
- var pods_removed = r.result.n
-'Removed %d pods.', pods_removed)
- })
- })
- })
- }
- function makePoolRequest (type, requests, callback) {
- if (!callback) callback = function () {}
- PodsDB.find({}, { _id: 1, url: 1, publicKey: 1 }).exec(function (err, pods) {
- if (err) throw err
- var params = {
- encrypt: true,
- sign: true,
- method: 'POST',
- path: null,
- data: requests
- }
- if (type === 'add') {
- params.path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/remotevideos/add'
- } else if (type === 'remove') {
- params.path = '/api/' + constants.API_VERSION + '/remotevideos/remove'
- } else {
- throw new Error('Unkown pool request type.')
- }
- var bad_pods = []
- var good_pods = []
- utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest(params, pods, callbackEachPodFinished, callbackAllPodsFinished)
- function callbackEachPodFinished (err, response, body, url, pod, callback_each_pod_finished) {
- if (err || (response.statusCode !== 200 && response.statusCode !== 204)) {
- bad_pods.push(pod._id)
- logger.error('Error sending secure request to %s pod.', url, { error: err || new Error('Status code not 20x') })
- } else {
- good_pods.push(pod._id)
- }
- return callback_each_pod_finished()
- }
- function callbackAllPodsFinished (err) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
- updatePodsScore(good_pods, bad_pods)
- callback(null)
- }
- })
- }
- // ----------- Public -----------
- poolRequests.activate = function () {
-'Pool requests activated.')
- timer = setInterval(makePoolRequests, constants.INTERVAL)
- }
- poolRequests.addToPoolRequests = function (id, type, request) {
- logger.debug('Add request to the pool requests.', { id: id, type: type, request: request })
- PoolRequestsDB.findOne({ id: id }, function (err, entity) {
- if (err) logger.error(err)
- if (entity) {
- if (entity.type === type) {
- logger.error(new Error('Cannot insert two same requests.'))
- return
- }
- // Remove the request of the other type
- PoolRequestsDB.remove({ id: id }, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error(err)
- })
- } else {
- PoolRequestsDB.create({ id: id, type: type, request: request }, function (err) {
- if (err) logger.error(err)
- })
- }
- })
- }
- poolRequests.deactivate = function () {
-'Pool requests deactivated.')
- clearInterval(timer)
- }
- poolRequests.forceSend = function () {
-'Force pool requests sending.')
- makePoolRequests()
- }
- module.exports = poolRequests
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var config = require('config')
- var crypto = require('crypto')
- var fs = require('fs')
- var openssl = require('openssl-wrapper')
- var request = require('request')
- var replay = require('request-replay')
- var ursa = require('ursa')
- var constants = require('./constants')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var utils = {}
- var http = config.get('webserver.https') ? 'https' : 'http'
- var host = config.get('')
- var port = config.get('webserver.port')
- var algorithm = 'aes-256-ctr'
- // ----------- Private functions ----------
- function makeRetryRequest (params, from_url, to_pod, signature, callbackEach) {
- // Append the signature
- if (signature) {
- params.json.signature = {
- url: from_url,
- signature: signature
- }
- }
- logger.debug('Make retry requests to %s.', to_pod.url)
- replay(
-, function (err, response, body) {
- callbackEach(err, response, body, params.url, to_pod)
- }),
- {
- retries: constants.REQUEST_RETRIES,
- factor: 3,
- maxTimeout: Infinity,
- }
- ).on('replay', function (replay) {
-'Replaying request to %s. Request failed: %d %s. Replay number: #%d. Will retry in: %d ms.',
- params.url, replay.error.code, replay.error.message, replay.number, replay.delay)
- })
- }
- // ----------- Public attributes ----------
- utils.certDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.certs')
- // { path, data }
- utils.makeMultipleRetryRequest = function (all_data, pods, callbackEach, callback) {
- if (!callback) {
- callback = callbackEach
- callbackEach = null
- }
- var url = http + '://' + host + ':' + port
- var signature
- // Add signature if it is specified in the params
- if (all_data.method === 'POST' && && all_data.sign === true) {
- var myKey = ursa.createPrivateKey(fs.readFileSync(utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem'))
- signature = myKey.hashAndSign('sha256', url, 'utf8', 'hex')
- }
- // Make a request for each pod
- async.each(pods, function (pod, callback_each_async) {
- function callbackEachRetryRequest (err, response, body, url, pod) {
- if (callbackEach !== null) {
- callbackEach(err, response, body, url, pod, function () {
- callback_each_async()
- })
- } else {
- callback_each_async()
- }
- }
- var params = {
- url: pod.url + all_data.path,
- method: all_data.method
- }
- // Add data with POST requst ?
- if (all_data.method === 'POST' && {
- // Encrypt data ?
- if (all_data.encrypt === true) {
- var crt = ursa.createPublicKey(pod.publicKey)
- // TODO: ES6 with let
- ;(function (crt_copy, copy_params, copy_url, copy_pod, copy_signature) {
- utils.symetricEncrypt(JSON.stringify(, function (err, dataEncrypted) {
- if (err) throw err
- var passwordEncrypted = crt_copy.encrypt(dataEncrypted.password, 'utf8', 'hex')
- copy_params.json = {
- data: dataEncrypted.crypted,
- key: passwordEncrypted
- }
- makeRetryRequest(copy_params, copy_url, copy_pod, copy_signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
- })
- })(crt, params, url, pod, signature)
- } else {
- params.json = { data: }
- makeRetryRequest(params, url, pod, signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
- }
- } else {
- makeRetryRequest(params, url, pod, signature, callbackEachRetryRequest)
- }
- }, callback)
- }
- utils.certsExist = function (callback) {
- fs.exists(utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', function (exists) {
- return callback(exists)
- })
- }
- utils.createCerts = function (callback) {
- utils.certsExist(function (exist) {
- if (exist === true) {
- var string = 'Certs already exist.'
- logger.warning(string)
- return callback(new Error(string))
- }
-'Generating a RSA key...')
- openssl.exec('genrsa', { 'out': utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', '2048': false }, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot create private key on this pod.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
-'RSA key generated.')
-'Manage public key...')
- openssl.exec('rsa', { 'in': utils.certDir + 'peertube.key.pem', 'pubout': true, 'out': utils.certDir + '' }, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot create public key on this pod .', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
-'Public key managed.')
- return callback(null)
- })
- })
- })
- }
- utils.createCertsIfNotExist = function (callback) {
- utils.certsExist(function (exist) {
- if (exist === true) {
- return callback(null)
- }
- utils.createCerts(function (err) {
- return callback(err)
- })
- })
- }
- utils.generatePassword = function (callback) {
- crypto.randomBytes(32, function (err, buf) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err)
- }
- callback(null, buf.toString('utf8'))
- })
- }
- utils.symetricEncrypt = function (text, callback) {
- utils.generatePassword(function (err, password) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err)
- }
- var cipher = crypto.createCipher(algorithm, password)
- var crypted = cipher.update(text, 'utf8', 'hex')
- crypted +='hex')
- callback(null, { crypted: crypted, password: password })
- })
- }
- utils.symetricDecrypt = function (text, password) {
- var decipher = crypto.createDecipher(algorithm, password)
- var dec = decipher.update(text, 'hex', 'utf8')
- dec +='utf8')
- return dec
- }
- utils.cleanForExit = function (webtorrent_process) {
-'Gracefully exiting')
- process.kill(
- }
- module.exports = utils
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var config = require('config')
- var dz = require('dezalgo')
- var fs = require('fs')
- var webtorrent = require('./webTorrentNode')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var pods = require('./pods')
- var VideosDB = require('./database').VideosDB
- var videos = {}
- var http = config.get('webserver.https') === true ? 'https' : 'http'
- var host = config.get('')
- var port = config.get('webserver.port')
- // ----------- Private functions -----------
- function seedVideo (path, callback) {
-'Seeding %s...', path)
- webtorrent.seed(path, function (torrent) {
-'%s seeded (%s).', path, torrent.magnetURI)
- return callback(null, torrent)
- })
- }
- // ----------- Public attributes ----------
- videos.uploadDir = __dirname + '/../' + config.get('storage.uploads')
- // ----------- Public functions -----------
- videos.list = function (callback) {
- VideosDB.find(function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, videos_list)
- })
- }
- videos.listOwned = function (callback) {
- // If namePath is not null this is *our* video
- VideosDB.find({ namePath: { $ne: null } }, function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, videos_list)
- })
- }
- videos.add = function (data, callback) {
- var video_file =
- var video_data =
-'Adding %s video.', video_file.path)
- seedVideo(video_file.path, function (err, torrent) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot seed this video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- var params = {
- name:,
- namePath: video_file.filename,
- description: video_data.description,
- magnetUri: torrent.magnetURI,
- podUrl: http + '://' + host + ':' + port
- }
- VideosDB.create(params, function (err, video) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot insert this video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends
- params.namePath = null
- pods.addVideoToFriends(params)
- callback(null)
- })
- })
- }
- videos.remove = function (id, callback) {
- // Maybe the torrent is not seeded, but we catch the error to don't stop the removing process
- function removeTorrent (magnetUri, callback) {
- try {
- webtorrent.remove(magnetUri, callback)
- } catch (err) {
- logger.warn('Cannot remove the torrent from WebTorrent', { err: err })
- return callback(null)
- }
- }
- VideosDB.findById(id, function (err, video) {
- if (err || !video) {
- if (!err) err = new Error('Cannot find this video.')
- logger.error('Cannot find this video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- if (video.namePath === null) {
- var error_string = 'Cannot remove the video of another pod.'
- logger.error(error_string)
- return callback(new Error(error_string))
- }
-'Removing %s video',
- removeTorrent(video.magnetUri, function () {
- VideosDB.findByIdAndRemove(id, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot remove the torrent.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- fs.unlink(videos.uploadDir + video.namePath, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot remove this video file.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- var params = {
- name:,
- magnetUri: video.magnetUri
- }
- pods.removeVideoToFriends(params)
- callback(null)
- })
- })
- })
- })
- }
- // Use the magnet Uri because the _id field is not the same on different servers
- videos.removeRemotes = function (fromUrl, magnetUris, callback) {
- if (callback === undefined) callback = function () {}
- VideosDB.find({ magnetUri: { $in: magnetUris } }, function (err, videos) {
- if (err || !videos) {
- logger.error('Cannot find the torrent URI of these remote videos.')
- return callback(err)
- }
- var to_remove = []
- async.each(videos, function (video, callback_async) {
- callback_async = dz(callback_async)
- if (video.podUrl !== fromUrl) {
- logger.error('The pod %s has not the rights on the video of %s.', fromUrl, video.podUrl)
- } else {
- to_remove.push(video._id)
- }
- callback_async()
- }, function () {
- VideosDB.remove({ _id: { $in: to_remove } }, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot remove the remote videos.')
- return callback(err)
- }
-'Removed remote videos from %s.', fromUrl)
- callback(null)
- })
- })
- })
- }
- videos.removeAllRemotes = function (callback) {
- VideosDB.remove({ namePath: null }, function (err) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
- callback(null)
- })
- }
- videos.removeAllRemotesOf = function (fromUrl, callback) {
- VideosDB.remove({ podUrl: fromUrl }, function (err) {
- if (err) return callback(err)
- callback(null)
- })
- }
- // { name, magnetUri, podUrl }
- // TODO: avoid doublons
- videos.addRemotes = function (videos, callback) {
- if (callback === undefined) callback = function () {}
- var to_add = []
- async.each(videos, function (video, callback_each) {
- callback_each = dz(callback_each)
- logger.debug('Add remote video from pod: %s', video.podUrl)
- var params = {
- name:,
- namePath: null,
- description: video.description,
- magnetUri: video.magnetUri,
- podUrl: video.podUrl
- }
- to_add.push(params)
- callback_each()
- }, function () {
- VideosDB.create(to_add, function (err, videos) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot insert this remote video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, videos)
- })
- })
- }
- videos.get = function (id, callback) {
- VideosDB.findById(id, function (err, video) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get this video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, video)
- })
- }
- = function (name, callback) {
- VideosDB.find({ name: new RegExp(name) }, function (err, videos) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot search the videos.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- return callback(null, videos)
- })
- }
- videos.seedAll = function (callback) {
- VideosDB.find({ namePath: { $ne: null } }, function (err, videos_list) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get list of the videos to seed.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- async.each(videos_list, function (video, each_callback) {
- seedVideo(videos.uploadDir + video.namePath, function (err) {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot seed this video.', { error: err })
- return callback(err)
- }
- each_callback(null)
- })
- }, callback)
- })
- }
- module.exports = videos
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var config = require('config')
- var ipc = require('node-ipc')
- var pathUtils = require('path')
- var spawn = require('electron-spawn')
- var logger = require('./logger')
- var host = config.get('')
- var port = config.get('webserver.port')
- var nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
- var processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
- ipc.config.silent = true
- = nodeKey
- var webtorrentnode = {}
- // Useful for beautiful tests
- webtorrentnode.silent = false
- // Useful to kill it
- = null
- webtorrentnode.create = function (options, callback) {
- if (typeof options === 'function') {
- callback = options
- options = {}
- }
- // Override options
- if ( host =
- if (options.port) {
- port = options.port
- nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
- processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
- = nodeKey
- }
- ipc.serve(function () {
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent)'IPC server ready.')
- // Run a timeout of 30s after which we exit the process
- var timeout_webtorrent_process = setTimeout(function () {
- logger.error('Timeout : cannot run the webtorrent process. Please ensure you have electron-prebuilt npm package installed with xvfb-run.')
- process.exit()
- }, 30000)
- ipc.server.on(processKey + '.ready', function () {
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent)'Webtorrent process ready.')
- clearTimeout(timeout_webtorrent_process)
- callback()
- })
- ipc.server.on(processKey + '.exception', function (data) {
- logger.error('Received exception error from webtorrent process.', { exception: data.exception })
- process.exit()
- })
- var webtorrent_process = spawn(__dirname + '/webtorrent.js', host, port, { detached: true })
- webtorrent_process.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
- // logger.debug('Webtorrent process stderr: ', data.toString())
- })
- webtorrent_process.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
- // logger.debug('Webtorrent process:', data.toString())
- })
- = webtorrent_process
- })
- ipc.server.start()
- }
- webtorrentnode.seed = function (path, callback) {
- var extension = pathUtils.extname(path)
- var basename = pathUtils.basename(path, extension)
- var data = {
- _id: basename,
- args: {
- path: path
- }
- }
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to seed %s.', data._id)
- // Finish signal
- var event_key = nodeKey + '.seedDone.' + data._id
- ipc.server.on(event_key, function listener (received) {
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process seeded torrent %s.', received.magnetUri)
- // This is a fake object, we just use the magnetUri in this project
- var torrent = {
- magnetURI: received.magnetUri
- }
- callback(torrent)
- })
- ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.seed', data)
- }
- webtorrentnode.add = function (magnetUri, callback) {
- var data = {
- _id: magnetUri,
- args: {
- magnetUri: magnetUri
- }
- }
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to add ' + data._id)
- // Finish signal
- var event_key = nodeKey + '.addDone.' + data._id
- ipc.server.on(event_key, function (received) {
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process added torrent.')
- // This is a fake object, we just use the magnetUri in this project
- var torrent = {
- files: received.files
- }
- callback(torrent)
- })
- ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.add', data)
- }
- webtorrentnode.remove = function (magnetUri, callback) {
- var data = {
- _id: magnetUri,
- args: {
- magnetUri: magnetUri
- }
- }
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Node wants to stop seeding %s.', data._id)
- // Finish signal
- var event_key = nodeKey + '.removeDone.' + data._id
- ipc.server.on(event_key, function (received) {
- if (!webtorrentnode.silent) logger.debug('Process removed torrent %s.', data._id)
- var err = null
- if (received.err) err = received.err
- callback(err)
- })
- ipc.server.broadcast(processKey + '.remove', data)
- }
- module.exports = webtorrentnode
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- module.exports = function (args) {
- var WebTorrent = require('webtorrent')
- var ipc = require('node-ipc')
- if (args.length !== 3) {
- console.log('Wrong arguments number: ' + args.length + '/3')
- process.exit(-1)
- }
- var host = args[1]
- var port = args[2]
- var nodeKey = 'webtorrentnode' + port
- var processKey = 'webtorrent' + port
- ipc.config.silent = true
- = processKey
- if (host === 'client' && port === '1') global.WEBTORRENT_ANNOUNCE = []
- else global.WEBTORRENT_ANNOUNCE = 'ws://' + host + ':' + port + '/tracker/socket'
- var wt = new WebTorrent({ dht: false })
- function seed (data) {
- var args = data.args
- var path = args.path
- var _id = data._id
- wt.seed(path, { announceList: '' }, function (torrent) {
- var to_send = {
- magnetUri: torrent.magnetURI
- }
- ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.seedDone.' + _id, to_send)
- })
- }
- function add (data) {
- var args = data.args
- var magnetUri = args.magnetUri
- var _id = data._id
- wt.add(magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- var to_send = {
- files: []
- }
- torrent.files.forEach(function (file) {
- to_send.files.push({ path: file.path })
- })
- ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.addDone.' + _id, to_send)
- })
- }
- function remove (data) {
- var args = data.args
- var magnetUri = args.magnetUri
- var _id = data._id
- try {
- wt.remove(magnetUri, callback)
- } catch (err) {
- console.log('Cannot remove the torrent from WebTorrent', { err: err })
- return callback(null)
- }
- function callback () {
- var to_send = {}
- ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(nodeKey + '.removeDone.' + _id, to_send)
- }
- }
- console.log('Configuration: ' + host + ':' + port)
- console.log('Connecting to IPC...')
- ipc.connectTo(nodeKey, function () {
- ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.seed', seed)
- ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.add', add)
- ipc.of[nodeKey].on(processKey + '.remove', remove)
- ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(processKey + '.ready')
- console.log('Ready.')
- })
- process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
- ipc.of[nodeKey].emit(processKey + '.exception', { exception: e })
- })
- }
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var chai = require('chai')
- var expect = chai.expect
- var request = require('supertest')
- var utils = require('./utils')
- describe('Test parameters validator', function () {
- var app = null
- var url = ''
- function makePostRequest (path, fields, attach, done, fail) {
- var status_code = 400
- if (fail !== undefined && fail === false) status_code = 200
- var req = request(url)
- .post(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (field) {
- var value = fields[field]
- req.field(field, value)
- })
- req.expect(status_code, done)
- }
- function makePostBodyRequest (path, fields, done, fail) {
- var status_code = 400
- if (fail !== undefined && fail === false) status_code = 200
- request(url)
- .post(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .send(fields)
- .expect(status_code, done)
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(20000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.flushTests(next)
- },
- function (next) {
- utils.runServer(1, function (app1, url1) {
- app = app1
- url = url1
- next()
- })
- }
- ], done)
- })
- describe('Of the pods API', function () {
- var path = '/api/v1/pods/'
- describe('When adding a pod', function () {
- it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
- var data = {}
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without public key', function (done) {
- var data = {
- data: {
- url: ''
- }
- }
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without an url', function (done) {
- var data = {
- data: {
- publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- }
- }
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
- })
- it('Should fail with an incorrect url', function (done) {
- var data = {
- data: {
- url: '',
- publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- }
- }
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, function () {
- = 'http://coucou'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, function () {
- = 'coucou'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', function (done) {
- var data = {
- data: {
- url: '',
- publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- }
- }
- makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done, false)
- })
- })
- })
- describe('Of the videos API', function () {
- var path = '/api/v1/videos/'
- describe('When searching a video', function () {
- it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .get(path + '/search/')
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(400, done)
- })
- })
- describe('When adding a video', function () {
- it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
- var data = {}
- var attach = {}
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without name', function (done) {
- var data = {
- description: 'my super description'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail with a long name', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'My very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long name',
- description: 'my super description'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without description', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'my super name'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail with a long description', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'my super name',
- description: 'my super description which is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very' +
- 'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very' +
- 'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without an input file', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'my super name',
- description: 'my super description'
- }
- var attach = {}
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without an incorrect input file', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'my super name',
- description: 'my super description'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/../fixtures/video_short_fake.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
- })
- it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', function (done) {
- var data = {
- name: 'my super name',
- description: 'my super description'
- }
- var attach = {
- 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
- }
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, function () {
- attach.input_video = __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.mp4'
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, function () {
- attach.input_video = __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.ogv'
- makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done, true)
- }, true)
- }, true)
- })
- })
- describe('When getting a video', function () {
- it('Should return the list of the videos with nothing', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(200)
- .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
- .end(function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should fail without a mongodb id', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .get(path + 'coucou')
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(400, done)
- })
- it('Should return 404 with an incorrect video', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .get(path + '123456789012345678901234')
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(404, done)
- })
- it('Should succeed with the correct parameters')
- })
- describe('When removing a video', function () {
- it('Should have 404 with nothing', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .delete(path)
- .expect(404, done)
- })
- it('Should fail without a mongodb id', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .delete(path + 'hello')
- .expect(400, done)
- })
- it('Should fail with a video which does not exist', function (done) {
- request(url)
- .delete(path + '123456789012345678901234')
- .expect(404, done)
- })
- it('Should fail with a video of another pod')
- it('Should succeed with the correct parameters')
- })
- })
- describe('Of the remote videos API', function () {
- describe('When making a secure request', function () {
- it('Should check a secure request')
- })
- describe('When adding a video', function () {
- it('Should check when adding a video')
- })
- describe('When removing a video', function () {
- it('Should check when removing a video')
- })
- })
- after(function (done) {
- process.kill(
- // Keep the logs if the test failed
- if (this.ok) {
- utils.flushTests(done)
- } else {
- done()
- }
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-this is a fake video mouahahah
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var chai = require('chai')
- var expect = chai.expect
- var utils = require('./utils')
- describe('Test advanced friends', function () {
- var apps = []
- var urls = []
- function makeFriends (pod_number, callback) {
- return utils.makeFriends(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
- }
- function quitFriends (pod_number, callback) {
- return utils.quitFriends(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
- }
- function getFriendsList (pod_number, end) {
- return utils.getFriendsList(urls[pod_number - 1], end)
- }
- function uploadVideo (pod_number, callback) {
- var name = 'my super video'
- var description = 'my super description'
- var fixture = 'video_short.webm'
- return utils.uploadVideo(urls[pod_number - 1], name, description, fixture, callback)
- }
- function getVideos (pod_number, callback) {
- return utils.getVideosList(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(30000)
- utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(6, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
- apps = apps_run
- urls = urls_run
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should make friends with two pod each in a different group', function (done) {
- this.timeout(20000)
- async.series([
- // Pod 3 makes friend with the first one
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(3, next)
- },
- // Pod 4 makes friend with the second one
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(4, next)
- },
- // Now if the fifth wants to make friends with the third et the first
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(5, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 11000)
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- // It should have 0 friends
- getFriendsList(5, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should quit all friends', function (done) {
- this.timeout(10000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- quitFriends(1, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- quitFriends(2, next)
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- async.each([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], function (i, callback) {
- getFriendsList(i, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should make friends with the pods 1, 2, 3', function (done) {
- this.timeout(150000)
- async.series([
- // Pods 1, 2, 3 and 4 become friends
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(2, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(1, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(4, next)
- },
- // Kill pod 4
- function (next) {
- apps[3].kill()
- next()
- },
- // Expulse pod 4 from pod 1 and 2
- function (next) {
- uploadVideo(1, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- uploadVideo(2, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 11000)
- },
- function (next) {
- uploadVideo(1, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- uploadVideo(2, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 20000)
- },
- // Rerun server 4
- function (next) {
- utils.runServer(4, function (app, url) {
- apps[3] = app
- next()
- })
- },
- function (next) {
- getFriendsList(4, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- // Pod 4 didn't know pod 1 and 2 removed it
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(3)
- next()
- })
- },
- // Pod 6 ask pod 1, 2 and 3
- function (next) {
- makeFriends(6, next)
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- getFriendsList(6, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- // Pod 4 should not be our friend
- var result = res.body
- expect(result.length).to.equal(3)
- for (var pod of result) {
- expect(pod.url).not.equal(urls[3])
- }
- done()
- })
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should pod 1 quit friends', function (done) {
- this.timeout(25000)
- async.series([
- // Upload a video on server 3 for aditionnal tests
- function (next) {
- uploadVideo(3, next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 15000)
- },
- function (next) {
- quitFriends(1, next)
- },
- // Remove pod 1 from pod 2
- function (next) {
- getVideos(1, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(2)
- next()
- })
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- getVideos(2, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(3)
- done()
- })
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should make friends between pod 1 and 2 and exchange their videos', function (done) {
- this.timeout(20000)
- makeFriends(1, function () {
- setTimeout(function () {
- getVideos(1, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(5)
- done()
- })
- }, 5000)
- })
- })
- after(function (done) {
- apps.forEach(function (app) {
- process.kill(
- })
- if (this.ok) {
- utils.flushTests(done)
- } else {
- done()
- }
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var chai = require('chai')
- var expect = chai.expect
- var request = require('supertest')
- var utils = require('./utils')
- describe('Test basic friends', function () {
- var apps = []
- var urls = []
- function testMadeFriends (urls, url_to_test, callback) {
- var friends = []
- for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
- if (urls[i] === url_to_test) continue
- friends.push(urls[i])
- }
- utils.getFriendsList(url_to_test, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- var result_urls = [ result[0].url, result[1].url ]
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(2)
- expect(result_urls[0]).to.not.equal(result_urls[1])
- var error_string = 'Friends url do not correspond for ' + url_to_test
- expect(friends).to.contain(result_urls[0], error_string)
- expect(friends).to.contain(result_urls[1], error_string)
- callback()
- })
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(20000)
- utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
- apps = apps_run
- urls = urls_run
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should not have friends', function (done) {
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- utils.getFriendsList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(0)
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- })
- it('Should make friends', function (done) {
- this.timeout(10000)
- var path = '/api/v1/pods/makefriends'
- async.series([
- // The second pod make friend with the third
- function (next) {
- request(urls[1])
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(204)
- .end(next)
- },
- // Wait for the request between pods
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 1000)
- },
- // The second pod should have the third as a friend
- function (next) {
- utils.getFriendsList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(result[0].url)[2])
- next()
- })
- },
- // Same here, the third pod should have the second pod as a friend
- function (next) {
- utils.getFriendsList(urls[2], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(result[0].url)[1])
- next()
- })
- },
- // Finally the first pod make friend with the second pod
- function (next) {
- request(urls[0])
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(204)
- .end(next)
- },
- // Wait for the request between pods
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 1000)
- }
- ],
- // Now each pod should be friend with the other ones
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- testMadeFriends(urls, url, callback)
- }, done)
- })
- })
- it('Should not be allowed to make friend again', function (done) {
- utils.makeFriends(urls[1], 409, done)
- })
- it('Should quit friends of pod 2', function (done) {
- async.series([
- // Pod 1 quit friends
- function (next) {
- utils.quitFriends(urls[1], next)
- },
- // Pod 1 should not have friends anymore
- function (next) {
- utils.getFriendsList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(0)
- next()
- })
- },
- // Other pods shouldn't have pod 1 too
- function (next) {
- async.each([ urls[0], urls[2] ], function (url, callback) {
- utils.getFriendsList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var result = res.body
- expect(result)'array')
- expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(result[0].url)[1])
- callback()
- })
- }, next)
- }
- ], done)
- })
- it('Should allow pod 2 to make friend again', function (done) {
- utils.makeFriends(urls[1], function () {
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- testMadeFriends(urls, url, callback)
- }, done)
- })
- })
- after(function (done) {
- apps.forEach(function (app) {
- process.kill(
- })
- if (this.ok) {
- utils.flushTests(done)
- } else {
- done()
- }
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- // Order of the tests we want to execute
- require('./checkParams')
- require('./friendsBasic')
- require('./singlePod')
- require('./multiplePods')
- require('./friendsAdvanced')
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var chai = require('chai')
- var expect = chai.expect
- var utils = require('./utils')
- var webtorrent = require(__dirname + '/../../src/webTorrentNode')
- webtorrent.silent = true
- describe('Test multiple pods', function () {
- var apps = []
- var urls = []
- var to_remove = []
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(30000)
- async.series([
- // Run servers
- function (next) {
- utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
- apps = apps_run
- urls = urls_run
- next()
- })
- },
- // The second pod make friend with the third
- function (next) {
- utils.makeFriends(urls[1], next)
- },
- // Wait for the request between pods
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 10000)
- },
- // Pod 1 make friends too
- function (next) {
- utils.makeFriends(urls[0], next)
- },
- function (next) {
- webtorrent.create({ host: 'client', port: '1' }, next)
- }
- ], done)
- })
- it('Should not have videos for all pods', function (done) {
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- })
- describe('Should upload the video and propagate on each pod', function () {
- it('Should upload the video on pod 1 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
- this.timeout(15000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.uploadVideo(urls[0], 'my super name for pod 1', 'my super description for pod 1', 'video_short1.webm', next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 11000)
- }],
- // All pods should have this video
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- var base_magnet = null
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var videos = res.body
- expect(videos)'array')
- expect(videos.length).to.equal(1)
- var video = videos[0]
- expect('my super name for pod 1')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 1')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
- if (base_magnet === null) {
- base_magnet = video.magnetUri
- } else {
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
- }
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should upload the video on pod 2 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
- this.timeout(15000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.uploadVideo(urls[1], 'my super name for pod 2', 'my super description for pod 2', 'video_short2.webm', next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 11000)
- }],
- // All pods should have this video
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- var base_magnet = null
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var videos = res.body
- expect(videos)'array')
- expect(videos.length).to.equal(2)
- var video = videos[1]
- expect('my super name for pod 2')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 2')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9002')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
- if (base_magnet === null) {
- base_magnet = video.magnetUri
- } else {
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
- }
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should upload two videos on pod 3 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
- this.timeout(30000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.uploadVideo(urls[2], 'my super name for pod 3', 'my super description for pod 3', 'video_short3.webm', next)
- },
- function (next) {
- utils.uploadVideo(urls[2], 'my super name for pod 3-2', 'my super description for pod 3-2', 'video_short.webm', next)
- },
- function (next) {
- setTimeout(next, 22000)
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- var base_magnet = null
- // All pods should have this video
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var videos = res.body
- expect(videos)'array')
- expect(videos.length).to.equal(4)
- var video = videos[2]
- expect('my super name for pod 3')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 3')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9003')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- video = videos[3]
- expect('my super name for pod 3-2')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 3-2')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9003')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
- if (base_magnet === null) {
- base_magnet = video.magnetUri
- } else {
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
- }
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- }
- )
- })
- })
- describe('Should seed the uploaded video', function () {
- it('Should add the file 1 by asking pod 3', function (done) {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(200000)
- utils.getVideosList(urls[2], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var video = res.body[0]
- to_remove.push(res.body[2]._id)
- to_remove.push(res.body[3]._id)
- webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- expect(torrent.files).to.exist
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should add the file 2 by asking pod 1', function (done) {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(200000)
- utils.getVideosList(urls[0], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var video = res.body[1]
- webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- expect(torrent.files).to.exist
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should add the file 3 by asking pod 2', function (done) {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(200000)
- utils.getVideosList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var video = res.body[2]
- webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- expect(torrent.files).to.exist
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should add the file 3-2 by asking pod 1', function (done) {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(200000)
- utils.getVideosList(urls[0], function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var video = res.body[3]
- webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- expect(torrent.files).to.exist
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should remove the file 3 and 3-2 by asking pod 3', function (done) {
- this.timeout(15000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.removeVideo(urls[2], to_remove[0], next)
- },
- function (next) {
- utils.removeVideo(urls[2], to_remove[1], next)
- }],
- function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- setTimeout(done, 11000)
- }
- )
- })
- it('Should have videos 1 and 3 on each pod', function (done) {
- async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- var videos = res.body
- expect(videos)'array')
- expect(videos.length).to.equal(2)
- expect(videos[0]._id)[1]._id)
- expect(videos[0]._id)[0])
- expect(videos[1]._id)[0])
- expect(videos[0]._id)[1])
- expect(videos[1]._id)[1])
- callback()
- })
- }, done)
- })
- })
- after(function (done) {
- apps.forEach(function (app) {
- process.kill(
- })
- process.kill(
- // Keep the logs if the test failed
- if (this.ok) {
- utils.flushTests(done)
- } else {
- done()
- }
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var async = require('async')
- var chai = require('chai')
- var fs = require('fs')
- var expect = chai.expect
- var webtorrent = require(__dirname + '/../../src/webTorrentNode')
- webtorrent.silent = true
- var utils = require('./utils')
- describe('Test a single pod', function () {
- var app = null
- var url = ''
- var video_id = -1
- before(function (done) {
- this.timeout(20000)
- async.series([
- function (next) {
- utils.flushTests(next)
- },
- function (next) {
- utils.runServer(1, function (app1, url1) {
- app = app1
- url = url1
- next()
- })
- },
- function (next) {
- webtorrent.create({ host: 'client', port: '1' }, next)
- }
- ], done)
- })
- it('Should not have videos', function (done) {
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should upload the video', function (done) {
- this.timeout(5000)
- utils.uploadVideo(url, 'my super name', 'my super description', 'video_short.webm', done)
- })
- it('Should seed the uploaded video', function (done) {
- // Yes, this could be long
- this.timeout(60000)
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(1)
- var video = res.body[0]
- expect('my super name')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- video_id = video._id
- webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
- expect(torrent.files).to.exist
- expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
- expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should search the video', function (done) {
- utils.searchVideo(url, 'my', function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(1)
- var video = res.body[0]
- expect('my super name')
- expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
- expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
- expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should not find a search', function (done) {
- utils.searchVideo(url, 'hello', function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- })
- it('Should remove the video', function (done) {
- utils.removeVideo(url, video_id, function (err) {
- if (err) throw err
- fs.readdir(__dirname + '/../../test1/uploads/', function (err, files) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(files.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- })
- })
- it('Should not have videos', function (done) {
- utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- expect(res.body)'array')
- expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
- done()
- })
- })
- after(function (done) {
- process.kill(
- process.kill(
- // Keep the logs if the test failed
- if (this.ok) {
- utils.flushTests(done)
- } else {
- done()
- }
- })
- })
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var child_process = require('child_process')
- var exec = child_process.exec
- var fork = child_process.fork
- var request = require('supertest')
- module.exports = {
- flushTests: flushTests,
- getFriendsList: getFriendsList,
- getVideosList: getVideosList,
- makeFriends: makeFriends,
- quitFriends: quitFriends,
- removeVideo: removeVideo,
- flushAndRunMultipleServers: flushAndRunMultipleServers,
- runServer: runServer,
- searchVideo: searchVideo,
- uploadVideo: uploadVideo
- }
- // ---------------------- Export functions --------------------
- function flushTests (callback) {
- exec(__dirname + '/../../scripts/', callback)
- }
- function getFriendsList (url, end) {
- var path = '/api/v1/pods/'
- request(url)
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(200)
- .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
- .end(end)
- }
- function getVideosList (url, end) {
- var path = '/api/v1/videos'
- request(url)
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(200)
- .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
- .end(end)
- }
- function makeFriends (url, expected_status, callback) {
- if (!callback) {
- callback = expected_status
- expected_status = 204
- }
- var path = '/api/v1/pods/makefriends'
- // The first pod make friend with the third
- request(url)
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(expected_status)
- .end(function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- // Wait for the request between pods
- setTimeout(callback, 1000)
- })
- }
- function quitFriends (url, callback) {
- var path = '/api/v1/pods/quitfriends'
- // The first pod make friend with the third
- request(url)
- .get(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(204)
- .end(function (err, res) {
- if (err) throw err
- // Wait for the request between pods
- setTimeout(callback, 1000)
- })
- }
- function removeVideo (url, id, end) {
- var path = '/api/v1/videos'
- request(url)
- .delete(path + '/' + id)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(204)
- .end(end)
- }
- function flushAndRunMultipleServers (total_servers, serversRun) {
- var apps = []
- var urls = []
- var i = 0
- function anotherServerDone (number, app, url) {
- apps[number - 1] = app
- urls[number - 1] = url
- i++
- if (i === total_servers) {
- serversRun(apps, urls)
- }
- }
- flushTests(function () {
- for (var j = 1; j <= total_servers; j++) {
- (function (k) { // TODO: ES6 with let
- // For the virtual buffer
- setTimeout(function () {
- runServer(k, function (app, url) {
- anotherServerDone(k, app, url)
- })
- }, 1000 * k)
- })(j)
- }
- })
- }
- function runServer (number, callback) {
- var port = 9000 + number
- var server_run_string = {
- 'Connected to mongodb': false,
- 'Server listening on port': false
- }
- // Share the environment
- var env = Object.create(process.env)
- env.NODE_ENV = 'test'
- env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE = number
- var options = {
- silent: true,
- env: env,
- detached: true
- }
- var app = fork(__dirname + '/../../server.js', [], options)
- app.stdout.on('data', function onStdout (data) {
- var dont_continue = false
- // Check if all required sentences are here
- for (var key of Object.keys(server_run_string)) {
- if (data.toString().indexOf(key) !== -1) server_run_string[key] = true
- if (server_run_string[key] === false) dont_continue = true
- }
- // If no, there is maybe one thing not already initialized (mongodb...)
- if (dont_continue === true) return
- app.stdout.removeListener('data', onStdout)
- callback(app, 'http://localhost:' + port)
- })
- }
- function searchVideo (url, search, end) {
- var path = '/api/v1/videos'
- request(url)
- .get(path + '/search/' + search)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .expect(200)
- .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
- .end(end)
- }
- function uploadVideo (url, name, description, fixture, end) {
- var path = '/api/v1/videos'
- request(url)
- .post(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- .field('name', name)
- .field('description', description)
- .attach('input_video', __dirname + '/fixtures/' + fixture)
- .expect(201)
- .end(end)
- }
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- // Order of the tests we want to execute
- require('./api/')
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var chai = require('chai')
+ var expect = chai.expect
+ var request = require('supertest')
+ var utils = require('./utils')
+ describe('Test parameters validator', function () {
+ var app = null
+ var url = ''
+ function makePostRequest (path, fields, attach, done, fail) {
+ var status_code = 400
+ if (fail !== undefined && fail === false) status_code = 200
+ var req = request(url)
+ .post(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (field) {
+ var value = fields[field]
+ req.field(field, value)
+ })
+ req.expect(status_code, done)
+ }
+ function makePostBodyRequest (path, fields, done, fail) {
+ var status_code = 400
+ if (fail !== undefined && fail === false) status_code = 200
+ request(url)
+ .post(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .send(fields)
+ .expect(status_code, done)
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.flushTests(next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ utils.runServer(1, function (app1, url1) {
+ app = app1
+ url = url1
+ next()
+ })
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ describe('Of the pods API', function () {
+ var path = '/api/v1/pods/'
+ describe('When adding a pod', function () {
+ it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
+ var data = {}
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without public key', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ data: {
+ url: ''
+ }
+ }
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without an url', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ data: {
+ publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
+ }
+ }
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail with an incorrect url', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ data: {
+ url: '',
+ publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
+ }
+ }
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, function () {
+ = 'http://coucou'
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, function () {
+ = 'coucou'
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ data: {
+ url: '',
+ publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
+ }
+ }
+ makePostBodyRequest(path, data, done, false)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Of the videos API', function () {
+ var path = '/api/v1/videos/'
+ describe('When searching a video', function () {
+ it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .get(path + '/search/')
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(400, done)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('When adding a video', function () {
+ it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
+ var data = {}
+ var attach = {}
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without name', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail with a long name', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'My very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long name',
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without description', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'my super name'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail with a long description', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ description: 'my super description which is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very' +
+ 'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very' +
+ 'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without an input file', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ var attach = {}
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without an incorrect input file', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/../fixtures/video_short_fake.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done)
+ })
+ it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', function (done) {
+ var data = {
+ name: 'my super name',
+ description: 'my super description'
+ }
+ var attach = {
+ 'input_video': __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.webm'
+ }
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, function () {
+ attach.input_video = __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.mp4'
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, function () {
+ attach.input_video = __dirname + '/fixtures/video_short.ogv'
+ makePostRequest(path, data, attach, done, true)
+ }, true)
+ }, true)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('When getting a video', function () {
+ it('Should return the list of the videos with nothing', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(200)
+ .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
+ .end(function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should fail without a mongodb id', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .get(path + 'coucou')
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(400, done)
+ })
+ it('Should return 404 with an incorrect video', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .get(path + '123456789012345678901234')
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(404, done)
+ })
+ it('Should succeed with the correct parameters')
+ })
+ describe('When removing a video', function () {
+ it('Should have 404 with nothing', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .delete(path)
+ .expect(404, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail without a mongodb id', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .delete(path + 'hello')
+ .expect(400, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail with a video which does not exist', function (done) {
+ request(url)
+ .delete(path + '123456789012345678901234')
+ .expect(404, done)
+ })
+ it('Should fail with a video of another pod')
+ it('Should succeed with the correct parameters')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Of the remote videos API', function () {
+ describe('When making a secure request', function () {
+ it('Should check a secure request')
+ })
+ describe('When adding a video', function () {
+ it('Should check when adding a video')
+ })
+ describe('When removing a video', function () {
+ it('Should check when removing a video')
+ })
+ })
+ after(function (done) {
+ process.kill(
+ // Keep the logs if the test failed
+ if (this.ok) {
+ utils.flushTests(done)
+ } else {
+ done()
+ }
+ })
+ })
--- /dev/null
+this is a fake video mouahahah
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var chai = require('chai')
+ var expect = chai.expect
+ var utils = require('./utils')
+ describe('Test advanced friends', function () {
+ var apps = []
+ var urls = []
+ function makeFriends (pod_number, callback) {
+ return utils.makeFriends(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
+ }
+ function quitFriends (pod_number, callback) {
+ return utils.quitFriends(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
+ }
+ function getFriendsList (pod_number, end) {
+ return utils.getFriendsList(urls[pod_number - 1], end)
+ }
+ function uploadVideo (pod_number, callback) {
+ var name = 'my super video'
+ var description = 'my super description'
+ var fixture = 'video_short.webm'
+ return utils.uploadVideo(urls[pod_number - 1], name, description, fixture, callback)
+ }
+ function getVideos (pod_number, callback) {
+ return utils.getVideosList(urls[pod_number - 1], callback)
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(6, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
+ apps = apps_run
+ urls = urls_run
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should make friends with two pod each in a different group', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ async.series([
+ // Pod 3 makes friend with the first one
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(3, next)
+ },
+ // Pod 4 makes friend with the second one
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(4, next)
+ },
+ // Now if the fifth wants to make friends with the third et the first
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(5, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 11000)
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ // It should have 0 friends
+ getFriendsList(5, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should quit all friends', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(10000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ quitFriends(1, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ quitFriends(2, next)
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ async.each([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], function (i, callback) {
+ getFriendsList(i, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should make friends with the pods 1, 2, 3', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(150000)
+ async.series([
+ // Pods 1, 2, 3 and 4 become friends
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(2, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(1, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(4, next)
+ },
+ // Kill pod 4
+ function (next) {
+ apps[3].kill()
+ next()
+ },
+ // Expulse pod 4 from pod 1 and 2
+ function (next) {
+ uploadVideo(1, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ uploadVideo(2, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 11000)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ uploadVideo(1, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ uploadVideo(2, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 20000)
+ },
+ // Rerun server 4
+ function (next) {
+ utils.runServer(4, function (app, url) {
+ apps[3] = app
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ getFriendsList(4, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ // Pod 4 didn't know pod 1 and 2 removed it
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(3)
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ // Pod 6 ask pod 1, 2 and 3
+ function (next) {
+ makeFriends(6, next)
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ getFriendsList(6, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ // Pod 4 should not be our friend
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(3)
+ for (var pod of result) {
+ expect(pod.url).not.equal(urls[3])
+ }
+ done()
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should pod 1 quit friends', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(25000)
+ async.series([
+ // Upload a video on server 3 for aditionnal tests
+ function (next) {
+ uploadVideo(3, next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 15000)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ quitFriends(1, next)
+ },
+ // Remove pod 1 from pod 2
+ function (next) {
+ getVideos(1, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(2)
+ next()
+ })
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ getVideos(2, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(3)
+ done()
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should make friends between pod 1 and 2 and exchange their videos', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ makeFriends(1, function () {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ getVideos(1, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(5)
+ done()
+ })
+ }, 5000)
+ })
+ })
+ after(function (done) {
+ apps.forEach(function (app) {
+ process.kill(
+ })
+ if (this.ok) {
+ utils.flushTests(done)
+ } else {
+ done()
+ }
+ })
+ })
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var chai = require('chai')
+ var expect = chai.expect
+ var request = require('supertest')
+ var utils = require('./utils')
+ describe('Test basic friends', function () {
+ var apps = []
+ var urls = []
+ function testMadeFriends (urls, url_to_test, callback) {
+ var friends = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
+ if (urls[i] === url_to_test) continue
+ friends.push(urls[i])
+ }
+ utils.getFriendsList(url_to_test, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ var result_urls = [ result[0].url, result[1].url ]
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(2)
+ expect(result_urls[0]).to.not.equal(result_urls[1])
+ var error_string = 'Friends url do not correspond for ' + url_to_test
+ expect(friends).to.contain(result_urls[0], error_string)
+ expect(friends).to.contain(result_urls[1], error_string)
+ callback()
+ })
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
+ apps = apps_run
+ urls = urls_run
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should not have friends', function (done) {
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ utils.getFriendsList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(0)
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ })
+ it('Should make friends', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(10000)
+ var path = '/api/v1/pods/makefriends'
+ async.series([
+ // The second pod make friend with the third
+ function (next) {
+ request(urls[1])
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(204)
+ .end(next)
+ },
+ // Wait for the request between pods
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 1000)
+ },
+ // The second pod should have the third as a friend
+ function (next) {
+ utils.getFriendsList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(result[0].url)[2])
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ // Same here, the third pod should have the second pod as a friend
+ function (next) {
+ utils.getFriendsList(urls[2], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(result[0].url)[1])
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ // Finally the first pod make friend with the second pod
+ function (next) {
+ request(urls[0])
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(204)
+ .end(next)
+ },
+ // Wait for the request between pods
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 1000)
+ }
+ ],
+ // Now each pod should be friend with the other ones
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ testMadeFriends(urls, url, callback)
+ }, done)
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should not be allowed to make friend again', function (done) {
+ utils.makeFriends(urls[1], 409, done)
+ })
+ it('Should quit friends of pod 2', function (done) {
+ async.series([
+ // Pod 1 quit friends
+ function (next) {
+ utils.quitFriends(urls[1], next)
+ },
+ // Pod 1 should not have friends anymore
+ function (next) {
+ utils.getFriendsList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(0)
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ // Other pods shouldn't have pod 1 too
+ function (next) {
+ async.each([ urls[0], urls[2] ], function (url, callback) {
+ utils.getFriendsList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var result = res.body
+ expect(result)'array')
+ expect(result.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(result[0].url)[1])
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, next)
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ it('Should allow pod 2 to make friend again', function (done) {
+ utils.makeFriends(urls[1], function () {
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ testMadeFriends(urls, url, callback)
+ }, done)
+ })
+ })
+ after(function (done) {
+ apps.forEach(function (app) {
+ process.kill(
+ })
+ if (this.ok) {
+ utils.flushTests(done)
+ } else {
+ done()
+ }
+ })
+ })
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ // Order of the tests we want to execute
+ require('./checkParams')
+ require('./friendsBasic')
+ require('./singlePod')
+ require('./multiplePods')
+ require('./friendsAdvanced')
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var chai = require('chai')
+ var expect = chai.expect
+ var utils = require('./utils')
+ var webtorrent = require(__dirname + '/../../lib/webTorrentNode')
+ webtorrent.silent = true
+ describe('Test multiple pods', function () {
+ var apps = []
+ var urls = []
+ var to_remove = []
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ async.series([
+ // Run servers
+ function (next) {
+ utils.flushAndRunMultipleServers(3, function (apps_run, urls_run) {
+ apps = apps_run
+ urls = urls_run
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ // The second pod make friend with the third
+ function (next) {
+ utils.makeFriends(urls[1], next)
+ },
+ // Wait for the request between pods
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 10000)
+ },
+ // Pod 1 make friends too
+ function (next) {
+ utils.makeFriends(urls[0], next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ webtorrent.create({ host: 'client', port: '1' }, next)
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ it('Should not have videos for all pods', function (done) {
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ })
+ describe('Should upload the video and propagate on each pod', function () {
+ it('Should upload the video on pod 1 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(15000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.uploadVideo(urls[0], 'my super name for pod 1', 'my super description for pod 1', 'video_short1.webm', next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 11000)
+ }],
+ // All pods should have this video
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ var base_magnet = null
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var videos = res.body
+ expect(videos)'array')
+ expect(videos.length).to.equal(1)
+ var video = videos[0]
+ expect('my super name for pod 1')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 1')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
+ if (base_magnet === null) {
+ base_magnet = video.magnetUri
+ } else {
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
+ }
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should upload the video on pod 2 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(15000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.uploadVideo(urls[1], 'my super name for pod 2', 'my super description for pod 2', 'video_short2.webm', next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 11000)
+ }],
+ // All pods should have this video
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ var base_magnet = null
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var videos = res.body
+ expect(videos)'array')
+ expect(videos.length).to.equal(2)
+ var video = videos[1]
+ expect('my super name for pod 2')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 2')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9002')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
+ if (base_magnet === null) {
+ base_magnet = video.magnetUri
+ } else {
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
+ }
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should upload two videos on pod 3 and propagate on each pod', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(30000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.uploadVideo(urls[2], 'my super name for pod 3', 'my super description for pod 3', 'video_short3.webm', next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ utils.uploadVideo(urls[2], 'my super name for pod 3-2', 'my super description for pod 3-2', 'video_short.webm', next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ setTimeout(next, 22000)
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var base_magnet = null
+ // All pods should have this video
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var videos = res.body
+ expect(videos)'array')
+ expect(videos.length).to.equal(4)
+ var video = videos[2]
+ expect('my super name for pod 3')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 3')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9003')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ video = videos[3]
+ expect('my super name for pod 3-2')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description for pod 3-2')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9003')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ // All pods should have the same magnet Uri
+ if (base_magnet === null) {
+ base_magnet = video.magnetUri
+ } else {
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.equal.magnetUri
+ }
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('Should seed the uploaded video', function () {
+ it('Should add the file 1 by asking pod 3', function (done) {
+ // Yes, this could be long
+ this.timeout(200000)
+ utils.getVideosList(urls[2], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var video = res.body[0]
+ to_remove.push(res.body[2]._id)
+ to_remove.push(res.body[3]._id)
+ webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ expect(torrent.files).to.exist
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should add the file 2 by asking pod 1', function (done) {
+ // Yes, this could be long
+ this.timeout(200000)
+ utils.getVideosList(urls[0], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var video = res.body[1]
+ webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ expect(torrent.files).to.exist
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should add the file 3 by asking pod 2', function (done) {
+ // Yes, this could be long
+ this.timeout(200000)
+ utils.getVideosList(urls[1], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var video = res.body[2]
+ webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ expect(torrent.files).to.exist
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should add the file 3-2 by asking pod 1', function (done) {
+ // Yes, this could be long
+ this.timeout(200000)
+ utils.getVideosList(urls[0], function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var video = res.body[3]
+ webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ expect(torrent.files).to.exist
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should remove the file 3 and 3-2 by asking pod 3', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(15000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.removeVideo(urls[2], to_remove[0], next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ utils.removeVideo(urls[2], to_remove[1], next)
+ }],
+ function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ setTimeout(done, 11000)
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('Should have videos 1 and 3 on each pod', function (done) {
+ async.each(urls, function (url, callback) {
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ var videos = res.body
+ expect(videos)'array')
+ expect(videos.length).to.equal(2)
+ expect(videos[0]._id)[1]._id)
+ expect(videos[0]._id)[0])
+ expect(videos[1]._id)[0])
+ expect(videos[0]._id)[1])
+ expect(videos[1]._id)[1])
+ callback()
+ })
+ }, done)
+ })
+ })
+ after(function (done) {
+ apps.forEach(function (app) {
+ process.kill(
+ })
+ process.kill(
+ // Keep the logs if the test failed
+ if (this.ok) {
+ utils.flushTests(done)
+ } else {
+ done()
+ }
+ })
+ })
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var async = require('async')
+ var chai = require('chai')
+ var fs = require('fs')
+ var expect = chai.expect
+ var webtorrent = require(__dirname + '/../../lib/webTorrentNode')
+ webtorrent.silent = true
+ var utils = require('./utils')
+ describe('Test a single pod', function () {
+ var app = null
+ var url = ''
+ var video_id = -1
+ before(function (done) {
+ this.timeout(20000)
+ async.series([
+ function (next) {
+ utils.flushTests(next)
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ utils.runServer(1, function (app1, url1) {
+ app = app1
+ url = url1
+ next()
+ })
+ },
+ function (next) {
+ webtorrent.create({ host: 'client', port: '1' }, next)
+ }
+ ], done)
+ })
+ it('Should not have videos', function (done) {
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should upload the video', function (done) {
+ this.timeout(5000)
+ utils.uploadVideo(url, 'my super name', 'my super description', 'video_short.webm', done)
+ })
+ it('Should seed the uploaded video', function (done) {
+ // Yes, this could be long
+ this.timeout(60000)
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(1)
+ var video = res.body[0]
+ expect('my super name')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ video_id = video._id
+ webtorrent.add(video.magnetUri, function (torrent) {
+ expect(torrent.files).to.exist
+ expect(torrent.files.length).to.equal(1)
+ expect(torrent.files[0].path)'')
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should search the video', function (done) {
+ utils.searchVideo(url, 'my', function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(1)
+ var video = res.body[0]
+ expect('my super name')
+ expect(video.description).to.equal('my super description')
+ expect(video.podUrl).to.equal('http://localhost:9001')
+ expect(video.magnetUri).to.exist
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should not find a search', function (done) {
+ utils.searchVideo(url, 'hello', function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should remove the video', function (done) {
+ utils.removeVideo(url, video_id, function (err) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ fs.readdir(__dirname + '/../../test1/uploads/', function (err, files) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(files.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ it('Should not have videos', function (done) {
+ utils.getVideosList(url, function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ expect(res.body)'array')
+ expect(res.body.length).to.equal(0)
+ done()
+ })
+ })
+ after(function (done) {
+ process.kill(
+ process.kill(
+ // Keep the logs if the test failed
+ if (this.ok) {
+ utils.flushTests(done)
+ } else {
+ done()
+ }
+ })
+ })
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var child_process = require('child_process')
+ var exec = child_process.exec
+ var fork = child_process.fork
+ var request = require('supertest')
+ module.exports = {
+ flushTests: flushTests,
+ getFriendsList: getFriendsList,
+ getVideosList: getVideosList,
+ makeFriends: makeFriends,
+ quitFriends: quitFriends,
+ removeVideo: removeVideo,
+ flushAndRunMultipleServers: flushAndRunMultipleServers,
+ runServer: runServer,
+ searchVideo: searchVideo,
+ uploadVideo: uploadVideo
+ }
+ // ---------------------- Export functions --------------------
+ function flushTests (callback) {
+ exec(__dirname + '/../../scripts/', callback)
+ }
+ function getFriendsList (url, end) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/pods/'
+ request(url)
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(200)
+ .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
+ .end(end)
+ }
+ function getVideosList (url, end) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/videos'
+ request(url)
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(200)
+ .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
+ .end(end)
+ }
+ function makeFriends (url, expected_status, callback) {
+ if (!callback) {
+ callback = expected_status
+ expected_status = 204
+ }
+ var path = '/api/v1/pods/makefriends'
+ // The first pod make friend with the third
+ request(url)
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(expected_status)
+ .end(function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ // Wait for the request between pods
+ setTimeout(callback, 1000)
+ })
+ }
+ function quitFriends (url, callback) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/pods/quitfriends'
+ // The first pod make friend with the third
+ request(url)
+ .get(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(204)
+ .end(function (err, res) {
+ if (err) throw err
+ // Wait for the request between pods
+ setTimeout(callback, 1000)
+ })
+ }
+ function removeVideo (url, id, end) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/videos'
+ request(url)
+ .delete(path + '/' + id)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(204)
+ .end(end)
+ }
+ function flushAndRunMultipleServers (total_servers, serversRun) {
+ var apps = []
+ var urls = []
+ var i = 0
+ function anotherServerDone (number, app, url) {
+ apps[number - 1] = app
+ urls[number - 1] = url
+ i++
+ if (i === total_servers) {
+ serversRun(apps, urls)
+ }
+ }
+ flushTests(function () {
+ for (var j = 1; j <= total_servers; j++) {
+ (function (k) { // TODO: ES6 with let
+ // For the virtual buffer
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ runServer(k, function (app, url) {
+ anotherServerDone(k, app, url)
+ })
+ }, 1000 * k)
+ })(j)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function runServer (number, callback) {
+ var port = 9000 + number
+ var server_run_string = {
+ 'Connected to mongodb': false,
+ 'Server listening on port': false
+ }
+ // Share the environment
+ var env = Object.create(process.env)
+ env.NODE_ENV = 'test'
+ env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE = number
+ var options = {
+ silent: true,
+ env: env,
+ detached: true
+ }
+ var app = fork(__dirname + '/../../server.js', [], options)
+ app.stdout.on('data', function onStdout (data) {
+ var dont_continue = false
+ // Check if all required sentences are here
+ for (var key of Object.keys(server_run_string)) {
+ if (data.toString().indexOf(key) !== -1) server_run_string[key] = true
+ if (server_run_string[key] === false) dont_continue = true
+ }
+ // If no, there is maybe one thing not already initialized (mongodb...)
+ if (dont_continue === true) return
+ app.stdout.removeListener('data', onStdout)
+ callback(app, 'http://localhost:' + port)
+ })
+ }
+ function searchVideo (url, search, end) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/videos'
+ request(url)
+ .get(path + '/search/' + search)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .expect(200)
+ .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
+ .end(end)
+ }
+ function uploadVideo (url, name, description, fixture, end) {
+ var path = '/api/v1/videos'
+ request(url)
+ .post(path)
+ .set('Accept', 'application/json')
+ .field('name', name)
+ .field('description', description)
+ .attach('input_video', __dirname + '/fixtures/' + fixture)
+ .expect(201)
+ .end(end)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ // Order of the tests we want to execute
+ require('./api/')