return "N/A";
+static int
+dns_send_packet(int fd, struct iovec *iov, int iov_len)
+ static size_t cmsg_data[( CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo)) / sizeof(size_t)) + 1];
+ static struct sockaddr_in a = {
+ .sin_family = AF_INET,
+ .sin_port = htons(MCAST_PORT),
+ };
+ static struct msghdr m = {
+ .msg_name = (struct sockaddr *) &a,
+ .msg_namelen = sizeof(a),
+ .msg_control = cmsg_data,
+ .msg_controllen = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo)),
+ };
+ struct in_pktinfo *pkti;
+ struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
+ m.msg_iov = iov;
+ m.msg_iovlen = iov_len;
+ memset(cmsg_data, 0, sizeof(cmsg_data));
+ cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&m);
+ cmsg->cmsg_len = m.msg_controllen;
+ cmsg->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IP;
+ cmsg->cmsg_type = IP_PKTINFO;
+ pkti = (struct in_pktinfo*) CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
+ pkti->ipi_ifindex = iface_index;
+ a.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MCAST_ADDR);
+ return sendmsg(fd, &m, 0);
dns_send_question(struct uloop_fd *u, char *question, int type)
- static size_t cmsg_data[( CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo)) / sizeof(size_t)) + 1];
static struct dns_header h = {
.questions = cpu_to_be16(1),
.iov_len = sizeof(q),
- static struct sockaddr_in a = {
- .sin_family = AF_INET,
- .sin_port = htons(MCAST_PORT),
- };
- static struct msghdr m = {
- .msg_name = (struct sockaddr *) &a,
- .msg_namelen = sizeof(a),
- .msg_iov = iov,
- .msg_iovlen = ARRAY_SIZE(iov),
- .msg_control = cmsg_data,
- .msg_controllen = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(struct in_pktinfo)),
- };
- struct in_pktinfo *pkti;
- struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
int len;
- a.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MCAST_ADDR);
q.type = __cpu_to_be16(type);
len = dn_comp(question, (void *) name_buffer, sizeof(name_buffer), NULL, NULL);
iov[1].iov_len = len;
- memset(cmsg_data, 0, sizeof(cmsg_data));
- cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&m);
- cmsg->cmsg_len = m.msg_controllen;
- cmsg->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IP;
- cmsg->cmsg_type = IP_PKTINFO;
- pkti = (struct in_pktinfo*) CMSG_DATA(cmsg);
- pkti->ipi_ifindex = iface_index;
- if (sendmsg(u->fd, &m, 0) < 0)
+ if (dns_send_packet(u->fd, iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to send question\n");
DBG(1, "Q <- %s %s\n", dns_type_string(type), question);
uint8_t buffer[256];
struct dns_header h = { 0 };
- struct msghdr m = { 0 };
struct iovec *iov;
- struct sockaddr_in in = { 0 };
int len, i;
if (!dns_answer_cnt)
- in.sin_family = AF_INET;
- in.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(MCAST_ADDR);
- in.sin_port = htons(MCAST_PORT);
h.answers = __cpu_to_be16(dns_answer_cnt);
h.flags = __cpu_to_be16(0x8400);
if (!iov)
- m.msg_name = ∈
- m.msg_namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- m.msg_iov = iov;
- m.msg_iovlen = (dns_answer_cnt * 3) + 1;
iov[0].iov_base = &h;
iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct dns_header);
DBG(1, "A <- %s %s\n", dns_type_string(dns_reply[i].type), answer);
- if (sendmsg(u->fd, &m, 0) < 0)
+ if (dns_send_packet(u->fd, iov, (dns_answer_cnt * 3) + 1) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to send question\n");
for (i = 0; i < dns_answer_cnt; i++) {