+++ /dev/null
- * Test File for zklaim c implementation
- */
-#include "zklaim.h"
-#include "zklaim_ecc.h"
-#include "zklaim_hash.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <gcrypt.h>
-// to boost up valgrind
-int worker() {
- gcry_sexp_t priv, pub;
- zklaim_gen_pk(&priv);
- zklaim_get_pub(priv, &pub);
- unsigned char *pubbuf;
- size_t publen;
- zklaim_pub2buf(pub, &pubbuf, &publen);
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("============================== ISSUER =====================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- //zklaim_ctx* ctx = zklaim_context_init();
- //zklaim_proving_key* pk = zklaim_proving_key_get(ctx);
- /*
- * - 1 -
- * initialize data structures
- */
- printf("[ISSUER] initializing context\n");
- zklaim_ctx *ctx = zklaim_context_new();
- if (sizeof(ctx->pub_key) != publen) {
- printf("size mismatch!");
- return 1;
- }
- // TODO: there should be a zklaim method for this
- memcpy(ctx->pub_key, pubbuf, sizeof(ctx->pub_key));
- free(pubbuf);
- //print_sexp(pub);
- /*
- * - 2 -
- * setup the first payload
- */
- printf("[ISSUER] Setting up payloads..\n");
- zklaim_payload pl, pl2;
- memset(&pl, 0, sizeof(zklaim_payload));
- pl.data0_ref = 18;
- pl.data0_op = (enum zklaim_op) (zklaim_greater | zklaim_eq);
- pl.data1_ref = 1;
- pl.data1_op = zklaim_eq;
- pl.data2_ref = 2;
- pl.data2_op = zklaim_eq;
- pl.data3_ref = 3;
- pl.data3_op = zklaim_eq;
- pl.data4_ref = 600;
- pl.data4_op = zklaim_less;
- pl.priv = 0;
- memset(&pl2, 0, sizeof(zklaim_payload));
- pl2.data0_ref = 0;
- pl2.data0_op = zklaim_noop;
- pl2.data1_ref = 0;
- pl2.data1_op = zklaim_noop;
- pl2.data2_ref = 0;
- pl2.data2_op = zklaim_noop;
- pl2.data3_ref = 0;
- pl2.data3_op = zklaim_noop;
- pl2.data4_ref = 9223372036854775807;
- pl2.data4_op = zklaim_less_or_eq;
- pl2.priv = 0;
- // fill in the values
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl, 23, 0);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl, 1, 1);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl, 2, 2);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl, 3, 3);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl, 599, 4);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl2, 0, 0);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl2, 0, 1);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl2, 0, 2);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl2, 0, 3);
- zklaim_set_attr(&pl2, 9223372036854775807, 4);
- /*
- * - 3 -
- * add payload to context
- */
- printf("[ISSUER] adding payloads to context\n");
- zklaim_add_pl(ctx, pl);
- //zklaim_add_pl(ctx, pl2);
- //zklaim_add_pl(ctx, pl2);
- zklaim_hash_ctx(ctx);
- printf("[ISSUER] performing trusted setup in order to generate keys\n");
- printf("-> trusted setup result: %s\n", (zklaim_trusted_setup(ctx) ? "failed" : "passed"));
- //unsigned char* buf;
- //size_t vksize = zklaim_verification_key_serialize(ctx, &buf);
- //printf("serialized vk size: %zuB\n", vksize);
- // write key to disk
- //FILE* f = fopen("/tmp/vk1", "w");
- //fwrite(buf, vksize, 1, f);
- //fclose(f);
- //zklaim_verification_key_deserialize(ctx2, buf, vksize);
- //free(buf);
- //size_t pksize = zklaim_proving_key_serialize(ctx, &buf);
- //printf("serialized pk size: %.2fMB\n", ((float) pksize)/1000/1000);
- //zklaim_proving_key_deserialize(ctx, buf, pksize);
- //zklaim_print(ctx);
- //zklaim_ctx_sign(ctx, priv);
- printf("-> signing context: %s\n", zklaim_ctx_sign(ctx, priv) ? "failed" : "passed");
- unsigned char* ctx_issuer;
- printf("\n[ISSUER] serializing context\n");
- size_t len = zklaim_ctx_serialize(ctx, &ctx_issuer);
- /*
- * - 4 -
- * generate proof
- */
- //printf("\n-> signing context: %s\n", zklaim_ctx_sign(ctx, priv) ? "failed" : "passed");
- //unsigned char* proof;
- //size_t proof_size = zklaim_proof_serialize(ctx, &proof);
- //printf("serialized proof size: %zuB\n", proof_size);
- //zklaim_proof* zkproof_imported;
- //zklaim_proof_deserialize(ctx, proof, proof_size);
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("============================== PROVER =====================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- zklaim_ctx* ctx_prover = zklaim_context_new();
- printf("\n[PROVER] deserializing context\n");
- printf("-> deserialisation status: %s\n\n", zklaim_ctx_deserialize(ctx_prover, ctx_issuer, len) ? "failed" : "passed");
- zklaim_print(ctx_prover);
- ctx_prover->pk = ctx->pk;
- int res = zklaim_ctx_verify(ctx_prover);
- printf("[PROVER] verification result: %d %s\n", res, (res ? "failed" : "passed"));
- printf(" ^--- failure with code 3 (ZKLAIM_INVALID_PROOF) is ok for the prover, as signature passes, but (non-existing) proof fails\n\n");
- printf("[PROVER] resetting operations and reference values to create taylored proof\n");
- printf("[PROVER] generating proof\n");
- ctx_prover->pk = (unsigned char*) calloc(1, ctx->pk_size);
- ctx_prover->pk_size = ctx->pk_size;
- memcpy(ctx_prover->pk, ctx->pk, ctx_prover->pk_size);
- // set custom prover reference values here:
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data0_ref = 20;
- //ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data0_op = zklaim_less;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data4_ref = 0;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data4_op = zklaim_noop;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data1_ref = 0;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data1_op = zklaim_noop;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data2_ref = 0;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data2_op = zklaim_noop;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data3_ref = 0;
- ctx_prover->pl_ctx_head->pl.data3_op = zklaim_noop;
- zklaim_print(ctx_prover);
- printf("-> proof generation status: %s\n\n", (zklaim_proof_generate(ctx_prover) ? "failed" : "passed"));
- printf("[PROVER] blinding attributes\n");
- zklaim_clear_pres(ctx_prover);
- printf("[PROVER] serializing context\n\n");
- unsigned char *ctx_prover_buf;
- len = zklaim_ctx_serialize(ctx_prover, &ctx_prover_buf);
- /*
- * - 5 -
- * verify proof
- */
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("============================= VERIFIER ====================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- printf("===========================================================================\n");
- zklaim_ctx* ctx_verifier = zklaim_context_new();
- printf("\n[VERIFIER] deserializing context\n");
- printf("-> deserialisation status: %s\n\n", zklaim_ctx_deserialize(ctx_verifier, ctx_prover_buf, len) ? "failed" : "passed");
- printf("[VERIFIER] verifying proof and context\n");
- res = zklaim_ctx_verify(ctx_verifier);
- printf("verification result: %d %s\n\n", res, (res ? "failed" : "passed"));
- zklaim_print(ctx_verifier);
- free(ctx_prover_buf);
- free(ctx_issuer);
- zklaim_ctx_free(ctx);
- gcry_sexp_release(priv);
- gcry_sexp_release(pub);
- zklaim_ctx_free(ctx_prover);
- zklaim_ctx_free(ctx_verifier);
- return ZKLAIM_OK;
-int main() {
- return worker();
--- /dev/null
+ This file is part of GNUnet. Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Christian Grothoff
+ (and other contributing authors)
+ GNUnet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file abe/abe.c
+ * @brief functions for Attribute-Based Encryption
+ * @author Martin Schanzenbach
+ */
+#include "platform.h"
+#include <zklaim/zklaim.h>
+#include "gnunet_crypto_lib.h"
+struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context
+ zklaim_ctx* ctx;
+ gcry_sexp_t priv;
+ gcry_sexp_t pub;
+struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Payload
+ zklaim_payload pl;
+struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context*
+ struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context *ctx;
+ unsigned char *pubbuf;
+ size_t publen;
+ ctx = GNUNET_new (struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context);
+ ctx->ctx = zklaim_context_new();
+ zklaim_pub2buf(ctx->pub, &pubbuf, &publen);
+ zklaim_gen_pk(&ctx->priv);
+ zklaim_get_pub(ctx->priv, &ctx->pub);
+ if (sizeof(ctx->ctx->pub_key) != publen) {
+ printf("size mismatch!");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(ctx->ctx->pub_key, pubbuf, sizeof(ctx->ctx->pub_key));
+ free(pubbuf);
+ return ctx;
+GNUNET_ZKLAIM_add_payload (struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context *ctx,
+ struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Payload *pl)
+ zklaim_add_pl (ctx->ctx, pl->pl);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+GNUNET_ZKLAIM_finalize (struct GNUNET_ZKLAIM_Context *ctx)
+ zklaim_hash_ctx (ctx->ctx);
+ zklaim_ctx_sign (ctx->ctx, ctx->priv);
+ return 1;