* FS [Christian]
- - implement transport API to pretty-print transport address
- + asynchronous transport lookup and non-CPS iterator in peerinfo require
- some work to ensure printing in the proper order...
- SET_KEY is triggered every 2.5 minutes (after session is up); should
just do PING (not SET_KEY + PING)
* GUIs to implement:
- gtk (RC-pre1)
+ how to integrate scheduler with GTK event loop!
- - 'server' uses 'GNUNET_PEERINFO_iterate', should probably switch to notification API
- (for more instant / up-to-date hostlists at lower cost) [OPTIMIZATION]
- does not seem to work with timeouts (especially if service is not running)
- only connect() sockets that are ready (select()) [Nils]
[On W32, we need to select after calling socket before
doing connect etc.]
- - add stats (# bytes available, # bytes used, # PUTs, # GETs, # GETs satisfied)
* FS:
- persistence support (publish, unindex, search, download)
- non-anonymous FS service (needs DHT)
and keeps the code clean), but we should filter strictly *impossible*
incoming addresses! This is for efficiency, not correctness.
- should use hash map to look up Neighbours
+ - 'server' uses 'GNUNET_PEERINFO_iterate', should probably switch to notification API
+ (for more instant / up-to-date hostlists at lower cost) [OPTIMIZATION]
Minor features:
* TCP:
- [./transport/plugin_transport_tcp.c:391]: (style) struct or union member 'Plugin::address_update_task' is never used (related to issue above)
- [./transport/gnunet-service-transport.c:173]: (style) struct or union member 'TransportPlugin::rebuild' is never used (related to TCP not refreshing external addresses?)
+ - add stats (# bytes available, # bytes used, # PUTs, # GETs, # GETs satisfied)