struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon;
+ * Prototype of a function that will be called whenever
+ * a daemon was started by the testing library.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param id identifier for the daemon, NULL on error
+ * @param d handle for the daemon
+ * @param emsg error message (NULL on success)
+ */
+typedef void (*GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyHostkeyCreated)(void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *id,
+ struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *d,
+ const char *emsg);
* Prototype of a function that will be called whenever
- * Configuration file has been copied, start ARM on target system.
+ * Configuration file has been copied, generate hostkey.
+ /**
+ * Create the hostkey for the peer.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Hostkey generated, wait for topology to be finished.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Topology has been created, now start ARM.
+ */
* ARM has been started, check that it has properly daemonized and
* then try to connect to the CORE service (which should be
typedef void (*GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyCompletion)(void *cls,
const char *emsg);
+ * Prototype of a function that will be called with the
+ * number of connections created for a particular topology.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param num_connections the number of connections created
+ */
+typedef void (*GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyConnections)(void *cls,
+ unsigned int num_connections);
* Handle for a GNUnet daemon (technically a set of
* daemons; the handle is really for the master ARM
char *cfgfile;
+ /**
+ * Callback to inform initiator that the peer's
+ * hostkey has been created.
+ */
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyHostkeyCreated hostkey_callback;
+ /**
+ * Closure for hostkey creation callback.
+ */
+ void *hostkey_cls;
* Function to call when the peer is running.
struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
+ /**
+ * Handle to a pipe for reading the hostkey.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_DISK_PipeHandle *pipe_stdout;
* Set to GNUNET_YES once the peer is up.
* @param cfg configuration to use
* @param hostname name of the machine where to run GNUnet
* (use NULL for localhost).
+ * @param hostkey_callback function to call once the hostkey has been
+ * generated for this peer, but it hasn't yet been started
+ * (NULL to start immediately, otherwise waits on GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_continue_start)
+ * @param hostkey_cls closure for hostkey callback
* @param cb function to call with the result
* @param cb_cls closure for cb
* @return handle to the daemon (actual start will be completed asynchronously)
struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *
GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_start (struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Handle *sched,
- const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
- const char *hostname,
- GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyDaemonRunning cb,
- void *cb_cls);
+ const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
+ const char *hostname,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyHostkeyCreated hostkey_callback,
+ void *hostkey_cls,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyDaemonRunning cb,
+ void *cb_cls);
+ * Continues GNUnet daemon startup when user wanted to be notified
+ * once a hostkey was generated (for creating friends files, blacklists,
+ * etc.).
+ *
+ * @param daemon the daemon to finish starting
+ */
+GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_continue_startup(struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *daemon);
+ * Restart (stop and start) a GNUnet daemon.
+ *
+ * @param d the daemon that should be restarted
+ * @param cb function called once the daemon is (re)started
+ * @param cb_cls closure for cb
+ */
+GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_restart (struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *d,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyDaemonRunning cb, void *cb_cls);
+ * Get a certain testing daemon handle.
+ *
+ * @param pg handle to the set of running peers
+ * @param position the number of the peer to return
+ */
struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *
GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_get (struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg, unsigned int position);
* @param d the daemon that should be stopped
* @param cb function called once the daemon was stopped
* @param cb_cls closure for cb
+ * @param delete_files GNUNET_YES to remove files, GNUNET_NO
+ * to leave them (i.e., for a restart)
void GNUNET_TESTING_daemon_stop (struct GNUNET_TESTING_Daemon *d,
GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyCompletion cb,
- void * cb_cls);
+ void * cb_cls, int delete_files);
* @param sched scheduler to use
* @param cfg configuration template to use
* @param total number of daemons to start
+ * @param hostkey_callback function to call on each peers hostkey generation
+ * if NULL, peers will be started by this call, if non-null,
+ * GNUNET_TESTING_daemons_continue_startup must be called after
+ * successful hostkey generation
+ * @param hostkey_cls closure for hostkey callback
* @param cb function to call on each daemon that was started
* @param cb_cls closure for cb
* @param connect_callback function to call each time two hosts are connected
* @param connect_callback_cls closure for connect_callback
- * @param hostnames space-separated list of hostnames to use,
- * NULL to use localhost only
+ * @param hostnames space-separated list of hostnames to use; can be NULL (to run
+ * everything on localhost).
* @return NULL on error, otherwise handle to control peer group
struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *
GNUNET_TESTING_daemons_start (struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Handle *sched,
- const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
- unsigned int total,
- GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyDaemonRunning cb,
- void *cb_cls,
- GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyConnection connect_callback,
- void *connect_callback_cls,
- const char *hostnames);
+ const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg,
+ unsigned int total,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyHostkeyCreated hostkey_callback,
+ void *hostkey_cls,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyDaemonRunning cb,
+ void *cb_cls,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyConnection
+ connect_callback, void *connect_callback_cls,
+ const char *hostnames);
+ * Function which continues a peer group starting up
+ * after successfully generating hostkeys for each peer.
+ *
+ * @param pg the peer group to continue starting
+ *
+ */
+GNUNET_TESTING_daemons_continue_startup(struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg);
+ * Restart all peers in the given group.
+ *
+ * @param pg the handle to the peer group
+ * @param timeout how long to wait on failure
+ * @param callback function to call on completion (or failure)
+ * @param callback_cls closure for the callback function
+ */
+GNUNET_TESTING_daemons_restart (struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg,
+ GNUNET_TESTING_NotifyCompletion callback,
+ void *callback_cls);
- * Create a topology out for a group of started peers.
+ * Options for connecting a topology.
+ */
+enum GNUNET_TESTING_TopologyOption
+ /**
+ * Try to connect all peers specified in the topology.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Choose a random subset of connections to create.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Create at least X connections for each peer.
+ */
+ /**
+ * Using a depth first search, create one connection
+ * per peer. If any are missed (graph disconnected)
+ * start over at those peers until all have at least one
+ * connection.
+ */
+ /**
+ * No options specified.
+ */
+ * Takes a peer group and creates a topology based on the
+ * one specified. Creates a topology means generates friend
+ * files for the peers so they can only connect to those allowed
+ * by the topology. This will only have an effect once peers
+ * are started if the FRIENDS_ONLY option is set in the base
+ * config. Also takes an optional restrict topology which
+ * disallows direct TCP connections UNLESS they are specified in
+ * the restricted topology.
+ *
+ * @param pg the peer group struct representing the running peers
+ * @param topology which topology to connect the peers in
+ * @param restrict_topology allow only direct TCP connections in this topology
- * @param pg the peergroup that has already been started
- * @param topology the topology to connect the peers into
+ * @return the maximum number of connections were all allowed peers
+ * connected to each other
GNUNET_TESTING_create_topology (struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg,
- enum GNUNET_TESTING_Topology topology);
+ enum GNUNET_TESTING_Topology topology,
+ enum GNUNET_TESTING_Topology restrict_topology);
+ * @param pg the peer group struct representing the running peers
+ * @param topology which topology to connect the peers in
+ * @param options options for connecting the topology
+ * @param option_modifier modifier for options that take a parameter
+ */
+GNUNET_TESTING_connect_topology (struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg,
+ enum GNUNET_TESTING_Topology topology,
+ enum GNUNET_TESTING_TopologyOption options,
+ double option_modifier);
* Start "count" GNUnet daemons with a particular topology.