Could not read $filename for message codes:
Please provide a \$GNUNET_PREFIX environment variable to replace "/usr".
-Try also '$0 -h' for help
+Try also '$0 -h' for help.
That master process is simply an extra gnunet-logread that you run in a
separate window and adorn it with the '-f' flag. The submitting processes
instead need to be given a '-n' flag. That is because from the GNUnet logs
-it isn't clear which process events belong too. For example you may be
+it isn't clear which process events belong to. For example you may be
having events taking place in the 'util' subsystem of gnunet-psyc-service
just as much as in the 'util' subsystem of gnunet-multicast-service. In
order to make sense of them it is necessary to manually add that info. This
int droppable;
GCC_check_connections ();
+ fc = fwd ? &c->fwd_fc : &c->bck_fc;
+ if (0 == fc->queue_max)
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
size = ntohs (message->size);
data = GNUNET_malloc (size);
GNUNET_memcpy (data, message, size);
"--> %s (%s %4u) on conn %s (%p) %s [%5u]\n",
GC_m2s (type), GC_m2s (payload_type), payload_id, GCC_2s (c), c,
GC_f2s(fwd), size);
- fc = fwd ? &c->fwd_fc : &c->bck_fc;
- if (0 == fc->queue_max)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return NULL;
- }
droppable = GNUNET_NO == force;
switch (type)
GNUNET_ATS_connectivity_suggest_cancel (peer->connectivity_suggestion);
peer->connectivity_suggestion = NULL;
- while (NULL != peer->queue_head)
+ /* Following check was 'while' instead of 'if', but GCP_queue_destroy
+ * frees 'peer->queue_head' so the while checks on freed memory.
+ * Not sure if 'if' is what you wanted, but 'while' can't be
+ * correct. --lynX
+ */
+ if (NULL != peer->queue_head)
GCP_queue_destroy (peer->queue_head, GNUNET_YES, GNUNET_NO, 0);
+ GNUNET_assert(cs != 0);
allow_per_connection = to_allow/cs;
to_allow -= allow_per_connection;
GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, service_name, "SOCKSPORT", &port0))
port0 = 9050;
/* A typical Tor client should usually try port 9150 for the TBB too, but
- * GUNNet can probably assume a system Tor instalation. */
- if (GNUNET_OK !=
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (cfg, service_name, "SOCKSHOST", &host0))
- host0 = "";
+ * GUNNet can probably assume a system Tor installation. */
if (port0 > 65535 || port0 <= 0)
return NULL;
if ((GNUNET_OK !=
GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, service_name, "PORT", &port1))
|| (port1 > 65535) || (port1 <= 0) ||
return NULL;
- socks5 = GNUNET_CONNECTION_create_from_connect (cfg, host0, port0);
- GNUNET_free (host0);
+ if (GNUNET_OK !=
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (cfg, service_name, "SOCKSHOST", &host0))
+ host0 = NULL; /* you don't want to feed a static string to free(), right? */
+ socks5 = GNUNET_CONNECTION_create_from_connect (cfg, host0 || "", port0);
+ if (host0) GNUNET_free (host0);
/* Sets to NULL if they do not exist */
GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (cfg, service_name, "SOCKSUSER", &user);