#define GNUNET_assert_at(cond, f, l) do { if (! (cond)) { GNUNET_log(GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, _("Assertion failed at %s:%d.\n"), f, l); GNUNET_abort_(); } } while(0)
+ * @ingroup logging
+ * Use this for fatal errors that cannot be handled
+ *
+ * @param cond Condition to evaluate
+ * @param comp Component string to use for logging
+ */
+#define GNUNET_assert_from(cond, comp) do { if (! (cond)) { GNUNET_log_from(GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, comp, _("Assertion failed at %s:%d.\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__); GNUNET_abort_(); } } while(0)
* @ingroup logging
* Use this for internal assertion violations that are