struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginEnvironment *env;
- * List of open sessions.
+ * List of open sessions. head
- struct Session *sessions;
+ struct Sessionqueue *sessions;
+ /**
+ * List of open sessions. tail
+ */
+ struct Sessionqueue *sessions_tail;
* encapsulation to the local wlan server prog
struct Sessionqueue * pending_Sessions;
- * Sessions currently pending for transmission
- * to this peer, if any.
+ * Sessions currently pending for transmission
+ * to this peer (tail), if any.
+ */
+ struct Sessionqueue * pending_Sessions_tail;
+ /**
+ * number of pending sessions
- struct Sessionqueue * all_Sessions;
+ uint pendingsessions;
* encapsulation of the data
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageStreamTokenizer * datatoken;
+ //struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageStreamTokenizer * datatoken;
* peer mac address
* get the next message number, at the moment just a random one
+//TODO doxigen
* start next message number generator
+//TODO doxigen
get_Session (struct Plugin *plugin,
const char * addr)
- struct Sessionqueue * queue = plugin->all_Sessions;
+ struct Sessionqueue * queue = plugin->sessions;
struct Sessionqueue * lastitem = NULL;
// new session
queue = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
- if (plugin->all_Sessions == NULL){
- //is first session
- plugin->all_Sessions = queue;
- } else {
- lastitem->next = queue;
- queue->prev = lastitem;
- }
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert(plugin->sessions, plugin->sessions_tail, queue);
queue->content = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Session));
queue->content->plugin = plugin;
GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert ((queue->content)->pending_messages_head,
+ plugin->pendingsessions ++;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after(plugin->pending_Sessions, plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
return queue->content;
// Session is not in the queue
queue = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
- if (plugin->pending_Sessions == NULL){
- //is first session
- plugin->pending_Sessions = queue;
- } else {
- lastitem->next = queue;
- queue->prev = lastitem;
- }
queue->content = session;
+ //insert at the tail
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ plugin->pending_Sessions_tail,
+ plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
+ plugin->pendingsessions ++;
+//TODO doxigen
+static void
+free_acks (struct PendingMessage * pm){
+ struct FragmentQueue * fq;
+ while (pm->head != NULL){
+ fq = pm->head;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(pm->head, pm->tail, fq);
+ GNUNET_free(fq);
+ }
struct FragmentQueue * akt = NULL;
int exit = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute nextsend;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout;
+ struct Sessionqueue * nextsession = NULL;
+ timeout.value = FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT;
+ nextsend = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_forever();
queue = plugin->pending_Sessions;
- //check if the are some pending sessions/messages ...
+ // check if the are some pending sessions/messages ...
GNUNET_assert(queue != NULL);
session = queue->content;
pm = session->pending_messages_head;
GNUNET_assert(pm != NULL);
- //check if msg is valid to send
- if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(pm->timeout).value > 0){
- // split msg if to large
- if (pm->message_size > WLAN_MTU) {
- size += sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader);
- // check for retransmission
- if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration(pm->last_ack).value > FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT) {
- // TODO retransmit
- // be positive and try again later :-D
- pm->last_ack = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get();
- // find first missing fragment
- exit = 0;
- akt = pm->head;
- pm->message_pos = 0;
- //test if ack was already received
- if (akt != NULL) {
- while (exit == 0){
- //if fragment is present, take next
- if (akt->fragment_num == pm->message_pos) {
- pm->message_pos ++;
- }
- //next ack is bigger then the fragment number
- //in case there is something like this: (acks) 1, 2, 5, 6, ...
- //and we send 3 again, the next number should be 4
- if (akt->fragment_num > pm->message_pos) {
- exit = 1;
- }
- akt = akt->next;
- //test if this was the last ack
- if (akt == NULL){
- exit = 1;
- }
- }
- }
+ // get next valid session
+ // check if this session is only waiting to receive the acks for an already send fragments to finish it
+ // timeout is not reached
+ for (i = 0; i < plugin->pendingsessions; i++){
+ // check if the are some pending sessions/messages ...
+ GNUNET_assert(queue != NULL);
+ session = queue->content;
+ GNUNET_assert(session != NULL);
+ pm = session->pending_messages_head;
+ GNUNET_assert(pm != NULL);
+ //save next session
+ nextsession = queue->next;
+ // test if message timed out
+ while (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(pm->timeout).value == 0){
+ //remove message
+ //free the acks
+ free_acks (pm);
+ //call the cont func that it did not work
+ if (pm->transmit_cont != NULL)
+ pm->transmit_cont (pm->transmit_cont_cls,
+ &(session->target), GNUNET_SYSERR);
+ //remove the message
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (session->pending_messages_head,
+ session->pending_messages_tail,
+ pm);
+ GNUNET_free(pm);
+ //test if there are no more messages pending for this session
+ if (session->pending_messages_head == NULL){
+ //test if tail is null too
+ GNUNET_assert(session->pending_messages_tail == NULL);
+ plugin->pendingsessions --;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions, plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
+ GNUNET_free(queue);
+ queue = NULL;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ pm = session->pending_messages_head;
+ }
+ }
+ // restore next session if necessary
+ if (queue == NULL){
+ queue = nextsession;
+ nextsession = NULL;
+ //there are no more messages in this session
+ continue;
+ }
+ nextsession = NULL;
+ // test if retransmit is needed
+ if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration(pm->last_ack).value < FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT) {
+ // get last offset for this message
+ copyoffset = pm->message_size /(WLAN_MTU - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
+ // one more is the end
+ copyoffset ++;
+ // test if it is not the end
+ if (copyoffset > pm->message_pos){
+ nextsession = queue;
+ break;
+ }
+ nextsend = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_min(GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add(pm->last_ack, timeout), nextsend);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (plugin->pending_Sessions, plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
+ //insert at the tail
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (plugin->pending_Sessions,
+ plugin->pending_Sessions_tail,
+ plugin->pending_Sessions_tail, queue);
+ //get next pending session
+ queue = queue->next;
+ } else {
+ // retransmit
+ nextsession = queue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- }
- copyoffset = (WLAN_MTU - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader)) * pm->message_pos;
- fragheader.fragment_off_or_num = pm->message_pos;
- fragheader.message_id = session->message_id_out;
+ //test if there is one session to send something
+ if (nextsession != NULL){
+ queue = nextsession;
- // start should be smaller then the packet size
- //TODO send some other data if everything was send but not all acks are present
- GNUNET_assert(copyoffset < pm->message_size);
- copystart = pm->msg + copyoffset;
+ // check if the are some pending sessions/messages ...
+ GNUNET_assert(queue != NULL);
- //size of the fragment is either the MTU - overhead
- //or the missing part of the message in case this is the last fragment
- copysize = GNUNET_MIN(pm->message_size - copyoffset,
- WLAN_MTU - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
- fragheader.header.size = copysize;
- fragheader.header.type = GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_WLAN_FRAGMENT;
+ session = queue->content;
+ GNUNET_assert(session != NULL);
- //get the next missing fragment
+ pm = session->pending_messages_head;
+ GNUNET_assert(pm != NULL);
+ } else {
+ //nothing to send at the moment
+ plugin->server_read_task =
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (plugin->env->sched,
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining(nextsend),
+ &do_transmit, plugin);
+ }
+ if (pm->message_size > WLAN_MTU) {
+ size += sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader);
+ // check for retransmission
+ if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration(pm->last_ack).value > FRAGMENT_TIMEOUT) {
+ // TODO retransmit
+ // be positive and try again later :-D
+ pm->last_ack = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get();
+ // find first missing fragment
exit = 0;
akt = pm->head;
- pm->message_pos ++;
- //test if ack was already received
- if (akt != NULL) {
- while (exit == 0){
- //if fragment is present, take next
- if (akt->fragment_num == pm->message_pos) {
- pm->message_pos ++;
- }
- //next ack is bigger then the fragment number
- //in case there is something like this: (acks) 1, 2, 5, 6, ...
- //and we send 3 again, the next number should be 4
- if (akt->fragment_num > pm->message_pos) {
- exit = 1;
- }
- akt = akt->next;
- //test if this was the last ack
- if (akt == NULL){
- exit = 1;
- }
+ pm->message_pos = 0;
+ //test if ack 0 was already received
+ while (akt != NULL){
+ //if fragment is present, take next
+ if (akt->fragment_num == pm->message_pos) {
+ pm->message_pos ++;
+ //next ack is bigger then the fragment number
+ //in case there is something like this: (acks) 1, 2, 5, 6, ...
+ //and we send 3 again, the next number should be 4
+ if (akt->fragment_num > pm->message_pos) {
+ break;
+ }
+ akt = akt->next;
- } else {
- // there is no need to split
- copystart = pm->msg;
- copysize = pm->message_size;
- }
- size += copysize;
- size += sizeof(struct RadiotapHeader) + sizeof(struct IeeeHeader)
- + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader);
- msgheader = GNUNET_malloc(size);
- msgheader->size = htons(size - sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
- radioHeader = (struct RadiotapHeader*) &msgheader[1];
- getRadiotapHeader(radioHeader);
+ }
- wlanheader = (struct IeeeHeader *) &radioHeader[1];
- getWlanHeader(wlanheader);
+ copyoffset = (WLAN_MTU - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader)) * pm->message_pos;
+ fragheader.fragment_off_or_num = pm->message_pos;
+ fragheader.message_id = session->message_id_out;
+ // start should be smaller then the packet size
+ //TODO send some other data if everything was send but not all acks are present
+ GNUNET_assert(copyoffset < pm->message_size);
+ copystart = pm->msg + copyoffset;
+ //size of the fragment is either the MTU - overhead
+ //or the missing part of the message in case this is the last fragment
+ copysize = GNUNET_MIN(pm->message_size - copyoffset,
+ WLAN_MTU - sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
+ fragheader.header.size = copysize;
+ fragheader.header.type = GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_WLAN_FRAGMENT;
+ //get the next missing fragment
+ exit = 0;
+ akt = pm->head;
+ pm->message_pos ++;
+ //test if ack was already received
+ while (akt != NULL){
+ //if fragment is present, take next
+ if (akt->fragment_num == pm->message_pos) {
+ pm->message_pos ++;
+ }
+ //next ack is bigger then the fragment number
+ //in case there is something like this: (acks) 1, 2, 5, 6, ...
+ //and we send 3 again, the next number should be 4
+ if (akt->fragment_num > pm->message_pos) {
+ break;
+ }
+ akt = akt->next;
+ }
- //could be faster if content is just send and not copyed before
- //fragmentheader is needed
- if (pm->message_size > WLAN_MTU){
- fragheader.message_crc = getcrc16(copystart, copysize);
- memcpy(&wlanheader[1],&fragheader, sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
- memcpy(&wlanheader[1] + sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader),copystart,copysize);
} else {
- memcpy(&wlanheader[1],copystart,copysize);
+ // there is no need to split
+ copystart = pm->msg;
+ copysize = pm->message_size;
+ size += copysize;
+ size += sizeof(struct RadiotapHeader) + sizeof(struct IeeeHeader)
+ + sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader);
+ msgheader = GNUNET_malloc(size);
+ msgheader->size = htons(size - sizeof(struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
- bytes = GNUNET_DISK_file_write(plugin->server_stdin_handle, msgheader, size);
+ radioHeader = (struct RadiotapHeader*) &msgheader[1];
+ getRadiotapHeader(radioHeader);
+ wlanheader = (struct IeeeHeader *) &radioHeader[1];
+ getWlanHeader(wlanheader);
- } else {
- //remove message
- //TODO free the queues (acks)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (session->pending_messages_head,
- session->pending_messages_tail,
- pm);
- GNUNET_free(pm);
+ //could be faster if content is just send and not copyed before
+ //fragmentheader is needed
+ if (pm->message_size > WLAN_MTU){
+ fragheader.message_crc = getcrc16(copystart, copysize);
+ memcpy(&wlanheader[1],&fragheader, sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader));
+ memcpy(&wlanheader[1] + sizeof(struct FragmentationHeader),copystart,copysize);
+ } else {
+ memcpy(&wlanheader[1],copystart,copysize);
+ bytes = GNUNET_DISK_file_write(plugin->server_stdin_handle, msgheader, size);
wlan_plugin_disconnect (void *cls,
const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target)
- // struct Plugin *plugin = cls;
- // FIXME make something usefull :-D
+ struct Plugin *plugin = cls;
+ struct Sessionqueue * queue = plugin->sessions;
+ struct Sessionqueue * lastitem = NULL;
+ struct PendingMessage * pm;
+ // just look at all the session for the needed one
+ while (queue != NULL){
+ // content is never NULL
+ GNUNET_assert (queue->content == NULL);
+ if (memcmp(target, &(queue->content->target), sizeof(struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)) == 0)
+ {
+ // sesion found
+ // remove PendingMessage
+ while (queue->content->pending_messages_head != NULL){
+ pm = queue->content->pending_messages_head;
+ free_acks(pm);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(queue->content->pending_messages_head,queue->content->pending_messages_tail, pm);
+ GNUNET_free(pm);
+ }
+ GNUNET_free(queue->content);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(plugin->sessions, plugin->sessions_tail, queue);
+ GNUNET_free(queue);
+ return;
+ }
+ // try next
+ lastitem = queue;
+ queue = queue->next;
+ }
const void *addr,
size_t addrlen)
- /* struct Plugin *plugin = cls; */
+ //struct Plugin *plugin = cls;
/* check if the address is plausible; if so,
add it to our list! */
GNUNET_assert(cls !=NULL);
+ //FIXME mitm is not checked
//Mac Adress has 6 bytes
if (addrlen == 6){
/* TODO check for bad addresses like milticast, broadcast, etc */
plugin = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Plugin));
plugin->env = env;
+ plugin->pendingsessions = 0;
plugin->consoltoken = GNUNET_SERVER_mst_create(&wlan_process_helper,plugin);
- //plugin->all_Sessions = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
+ //plugin->sessions = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
//plugin->pending_Sessions = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Sessionqueue));
api = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginFunctions));