local shm = luci.uvl.UVL():get_scheme(arg[1])
for s, o in luci.util.kspairs(shm.sections) do
- print( string.format( '%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), o.title ) )
+ print( string.format( '%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), o.title or s ) )
if o.description and #o.description > 0 then
print( string.format(
for v, o in luci.util.kspairs(shm.variables[s]) do
print( string.format(
- '%s_%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), v:gsub("_",""), o.title
+ '%s_%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), v:gsub("_",""), o.title or v
) )
if o.description and #o.description > 0 then