+local function emergeblocks_callback(pos, action, num_calls_remaining, ctx)
+ if ctx.total_blocks == 0 then
+ ctx.total_blocks = num_calls_remaining + 1
+ ctx.current_blocks = 0
+ end
+ ctx.current_blocks = ctx.current_blocks + 1
+ if ctx.current_blocks == ctx.total_blocks then
+ core.chat_send_player(ctx.requestor_name,
+ string.format("Finished emerging %d blocks in %.2fms.",
+ ctx.total_blocks, (os.clock() - ctx.start_time) * 1000))
+ end
+local function emergeblocks_progress_update(ctx)
+ if ctx.current_blocks ~= ctx.total_blocks then
+ core.chat_send_player(ctx.requestor_name,
+ string.format("emergeblocks update: %d/%d blocks emerged (%.1f%%)",
+ ctx.current_blocks, ctx.total_blocks,
+ (ctx.current_blocks / ctx.total_blocks) * 100))
+ core.after(2, emergeblocks_progress_update, ctx)
+ end
core.register_chatcommand("emergeblocks", {
params = "(here [radius]) | (<pos1> <pos2>)",
description = "starts loading (or generating, if inexistent) map blocks "
return false, p2
- core.emerge_area(p1, p2)
+ local context = {
+ current_blocks = 0,
+ total_blocks = 0,
+ start_time = os.clock(),
+ requestor_name = name
+ }
+ core.emerge_area(p1, p2, emergeblocks_callback, context)
+ core.after(2, emergeblocks_progress_update, context)
return true, "Started emerge of area ranging from " ..
core.pos_to_string(p1, 1) .. " to " .. core.pos_to_string(p2, 1)
--- /dev/null
+-- Minetest: builtin/constants.lua
+-- Constants values for use with the Lua API
+-- Block emerge status constants (for use with core.emerge_area)
* `pos1` and `pos2` are optional and default to mapchunk minp and maxp.
* `minetest.clear_objects()`
* clear all objects in the environments
-* `minetest.emerge_area(pos1, pos2)`
- * queues all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive, for emerge
- * i.e. asynchronously loads blocks from disk, or if inexistent, generates them
+* `minetest.emerge_area(pos1, pos2, [callback], [param])`
+ * Queue all blocks in the area from `pos1` to `pos2`, inclusive, to be asynchronously
+ * fetched from memory, loaded from disk, or if inexistent, generates them.
+ * If `callback` is a valid Lua function, this will be called for each block emerged.
+ * The function signature of callback is:
+ * `function EmergeAreaCallback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param)`
+ * - `blockpos` is the *block* coordinates of the block that had been emerged
+ * - `action` could be one of the following constant values:
+ * - `calls_remaining` is the number of callbacks to be expected after this one
+ * - `param` is the user-defined parameter passed to emerge_area (or nil if the
+ * parameter was absent)
* `minetest.delete_area(pos1, pos2)`
* delete all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive
* `minetest.line_of_sight(pos1, pos2, stepsize)`: returns `boolean, pos`
lua_pop(L, 1);
+void ScriptApiEnv::on_emerge_area_completion(
+ v3s16 blockpos, int action, ScriptCallbackState *state)
+ Server *server = getServer();
+ // Note that the order of these locks is important! Envlock must *ALWAYS*
+ // be acquired before attempting to acquire scriptlock, or else ServerThread
+ // will try to acquire scriptlock after it already owns envlock, thus
+ // deadlocking EmergeThread and ServerThread
+ MutexAutoLock envlock(server->m_env_mutex);
+ int error_handler = PUSH_ERROR_HANDLER(L);
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->callback_ref);
+ luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
+ push_v3s16(L, blockpos);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, action);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, state->refcount);
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->args_ref);
+ setOriginDirect(state->origin.c_str());
+ try {
+ PCALL_RES(lua_pcall(L, 4, 0, error_handler));
+ } catch (LuaError &e) {
+ server->setAsyncFatalError(e.what());
+ }
+ lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop error handler
+ if (state->refcount == 0) {
+ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->callback_ref);
+ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, state->args_ref);
+ }
#include "irr_v3d.h"
class ServerEnvironment;
-struct MapgenParams;
+struct ScriptCallbackState;
-class ScriptApiEnv
- : virtual public ScriptApiBase
+class ScriptApiEnv : virtual public ScriptApiBase {
- // On environment step
+ // Called on environment step
void environment_Step(float dtime);
- // After generating a piece of map
- void environment_OnGenerated(v3s16 minp, v3s16 maxp,u32 blockseed);
- //called on player event
- void player_event(ServerActiveObject* player, std::string type);
+ // Called after generating a piece of map
+ void environment_OnGenerated(v3s16 minp, v3s16 maxp, u32 blockseed);
+ // Called on player event
+ void player_event(ServerActiveObject *player, std::string type);
+ // Called after emerge of a block queued from core.emerge_area()
+ void on_emerge_area_completion(v3s16 blockpos, int action,
+ ScriptCallbackState *state);
void initializeEnvironment(ServerEnvironment *env);
lua_pop(L, 1); // Pop error handler
+void LuaEmergeAreaCallback(v3s16 blockpos, EmergeAction action, void *param)
+ ScriptCallbackState *state = (ScriptCallbackState *)param;
+ assert(state != NULL);
+ assert(state->script != NULL);
+ assert(state->refcount > 0);
+ state->refcount--;
+ state->script->on_emerge_area_completion(blockpos, action, state);
+ if (state->refcount == 0)
+ delete state;
// Exported functions
// set_node(pos, node)
return 1;
-// emerge_area(p1, p2)
-// emerge mapblocks in area p1..p2
+// emerge_area(p1, p2, [callback, context])
+// emerge mapblocks in area p1..p2, calls callback with context upon completion
int ModApiEnvMod::l_emerge_area(lua_State *L)
+ EmergeCompletionCallback callback = NULL;
+ ScriptCallbackState *state = NULL;
EmergeManager *emerge = getServer(L)->getEmergeManager();
v3s16 bpmin = getNodeBlockPos(read_v3s16(L, 1));
v3s16 bpmax = getNodeBlockPos(read_v3s16(L, 2));
sortBoxVerticies(bpmin, bpmax);
+ size_t num_blocks = VoxelArea(bpmin, bpmax).getVolume();
+ assert(num_blocks != 0);
+ if (lua_isfunction(L, 3)) {
+ callback = LuaEmergeAreaCallback;
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 3);
+ int callback_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 4);
+ int args_ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ state = new ScriptCallbackState;
+ state->script = getServer(L)->getScriptIface();
+ state->callback_ref = callback_ref;
+ state->args_ref = args_ref;
+ state->refcount = num_blocks;
+ state->origin = getScriptApiBase(L)->getOrigin();
+ }
for (s16 z = bpmin.Z; z <= bpmax.Z; z++)
for (s16 y = bpmin.Y; y <= bpmax.Y; y++)
for (s16 x = bpmin.X; x <= bpmax.X; x++) {
- v3s16 chunkpos(x, y, z);
- emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(PEER_ID_INEXISTENT, chunkpos, false, true);
+ emerge->enqueueBlockEmergeEx(v3s16(x, y, z), PEER_ID_INEXISTENT,
return 0;
static void Initialize(lua_State *L, int top);
-class LuaABM : public ActiveBlockModifier
+class LuaABM : public ActiveBlockModifier {
int m_id;
u32 active_object_count, u32 active_object_count_wider);
+struct ScriptCallbackState {
+ GameScripting *script;
+ int callback_ref;
+ int args_ref;
+ unsigned int refcount;
+ std::string origin;
#endif /* L_ENV_H_ */
// Bind address
Address m_bind_addr;
+ // Environment mutex (envlock)
+ Mutex m_env_mutex;
friend class EmergeThread;
// Environment
ServerEnvironment *m_env;
- Mutex m_env_mutex;
// server connection
con::Connection m_con;