RSA_set0_key, RSA_set0_factors, RSA_set0_crt_params, RSA_get0_key,
RSA_get0_factors, RSA_get0_crt_params,
RSA_get0_n, RSA_get0_e, RSA_get0_d, RSA_get0_p, RSA_get0_q,
-RSA_get0_dmp1, RSA_get0_dmq1, RSA_get0_iqmp,
+RSA_get0_dmp1, RSA_get0_dmq1, RSA_get0_iqmp, RSA_get0_pss_params,
RSA_test_flags, RSA_set_flags, RSA_get0_engine, RSA_get_multi_prime_extra_count,
RSA_get0_multi_prime_factors, RSA_get0_multi_prime_crt_params,
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_dmp1(const RSA *r);
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_dmq1(const RSA *r);
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_iqmp(const RSA *r);
+ const RSA_PSS_PARAMS *RSA_get0_pss_params(const RSA *r);
void RSA_clear_flags(RSA *r, int flags);
int RSA_test_flags(const RSA *r, int flags);
void RSA_set_flags(RSA *r, int flags);
RSA_get0_n(), RSA_get0_e(), RSA_get0_d(), RSA_get0_p(), RSA_get0_q(),
RSA_get0_dmp1(), RSA_get0_dmq1(), and RSA_get0_iqmp(), respectively.
+RSA_get0_pss_params() is used to retrieve the RSA-PSS parameters.
RSA_set_flags() sets the flags in the B<flags> parameter on the RSA
object. Multiple flags can be passed in one go (bitwise ORed together).
Any flags that are already set are left set. RSA_test_flags() tests to
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_dmp1(const RSA *r);
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_dmq1(const RSA *r);
const BIGNUM *RSA_get0_iqmp(const RSA *r);
+const RSA_PSS_PARAMS *RSA_get0_pss_params(const RSA *r);
void RSA_clear_flags(RSA *r, int flags);
int RSA_test_flags(const RSA *r, int flags);
void RSA_set_flags(RSA *r, int flags);
-typedef struct rsa_pss_params_st {
+struct rsa_pss_params_st {
X509_ALGOR *hashAlgorithm;
X509_ALGOR *maskGenAlgorithm;
ASN1_INTEGER *saltLength;
ASN1_INTEGER *trailerField;
/* Decoded hash algorithm from maskGenAlgorithm */
X509_ALGOR *maskHash;