--- /dev/null
+ This file is part of GNUnet.
+ (C) 2009, 2010 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * @file transport/gnunet-service-transport_ats.c
+ * @brief automatic transport selection
+ * @author Matthias Wachs
+ *
+ */
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_ats.h"
+#include "gnunet_transport_service.h"
+#include "gnunet_statistics_service.h"
+#include "gnunet_container_lib.h"
+/* LP/MIP problem object */
+typedef struct
+ double _opaque_prob[100];
+} glp_prob;
+typedef struct
+{ /* integer optimizer control parameters */
+ int msg_lev; /* message level (see glp_smcp) */
+ int br_tech; /* branching technique: */
+#define GLP_BR_FFV 1 /* first fractional variable */
+#define GLP_BR_LFV 2 /* last fractional variable */
+#define GLP_BR_MFV 3 /* most fractional variable */
+#define GLP_BR_DTH 4 /* heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin */
+#define GLP_BR_PCH 5 /* hybrid pseudocost heuristic */
+ int bt_tech; /* backtracking technique: */
+#define GLP_BT_DFS 1 /* depth first search */
+#define GLP_BT_BFS 2 /* breadth first search */
+#define GLP_BT_BLB 3 /* best local bound */
+#define GLP_BT_BPH 4 /* best projection heuristic */
+ double tol_int; /* mip.tol_int */
+ double tol_obj; /* mip.tol_obj */
+ int tm_lim; /* mip.tm_lim (milliseconds) */
+ int out_frq; /* mip.out_frq (milliseconds) */
+ int out_dly; /* mip.out_dly (milliseconds) */
+ /* mip.cb_func */
+ void *cb_info; /* mip.cb_info */
+ int cb_size; /* mip.cb_size */
+ int pp_tech; /* preprocessing technique: */
+#define GLP_PP_NONE 0 /* disable preprocessing */
+#define GLP_PP_ROOT 1 /* preprocessing only on root level */
+#define GLP_PP_ALL 2 /* preprocessing on all levels */
+ double mip_gap; /* relative MIP gap tolerance */
+ int mir_cuts; /* MIR cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
+ int gmi_cuts; /* Gomory's cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
+ int cov_cuts; /* cover cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
+ int clq_cuts; /* clique cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
+ int presolve; /* enable/disable using MIP presolver */
+ int binarize; /* try to binarize integer variables */
+ int fp_heur; /* feasibility pump heuristic */
+#if 1 /* 28/V-2010 */
+ int alien; /* use alien solver */
+ double foo_bar[29]; /* (reserved) */
+} glp_iocp;
+typedef struct
+{ /* simplex method control parameters */
+ int msg_lev; /* message level: */
+#define GLP_MSG_OFF 0 /* no output */
+#define GLP_MSG_ERR 1 /* warning and error messages only */
+#define GLP_MSG_ON 2 /* normal output */
+#define GLP_MSG_ALL 3 /* full output */
+#define GLP_MSG_DBG 4 /* debug output */
+ int meth; /* simplex method option: */
+#define GLP_PRIMAL 1 /* use primal simplex */
+#define GLP_DUALP 2 /* use dual; if it fails, use primal */
+#define GLP_DUAL 3 /* use dual simplex */
+ int pricing; /* pricing technique: */
+#define GLP_PT_STD 0x11 /* standard (Dantzig rule) */
+#define GLP_PT_PSE 0x22 /* projected steepest edge */
+ int r_test; /* ratio test technique: */
+#define GLP_RT_STD 0x11 /* standard (textbook) */
+#define GLP_RT_HAR 0x22 /* two-pass Harris' ratio test */
+ double tol_bnd; /* spx.tol_bnd */
+ double tol_dj; /* spx.tol_dj */
+ double tol_piv; /* spx.tol_piv */
+ double obj_ll; /* spx.obj_ll */
+ double obj_ul; /* spx.obj_ul */
+ int it_lim; /* spx.it_lim */
+ int tm_lim; /* spx.tm_lim (milliseconds) */
+ int out_frq; /* spx.out_frq */
+ int out_dly; /* spx.out_dly (milliseconds) */
+ int presolve; /* enable/disable using LP presolver */
+ double foo_bar[36]; /* (reserved) */
+} glp_smcp;
+/* optimization direction flag: */
+#define GLP_MIN 1 /* minimization */
+#define GLP_MAX 2 /* maximization */
+/* kind of structural variable: */
+#define GLP_CV 1 /* continuous variable */
+#define GLP_IV 2 /* integer variable */
+#define GLP_BV 3 /* binary variable */
+/* type of auxiliary/structural variable: */
+#define GLP_FR 1 /* free variable */
+#define GLP_LO 2 /* variable with lower bound */
+#define GLP_UP 3 /* variable with upper bound */
+#define GLP_DB 4 /* double-bounded variable */
+#define GLP_FX 5 /* fixed variable */
+/* solution indicator: */
+#define GLP_SOL 1 /* basic solution */
+#define GLP_IPT 2 /* interior-point solution */
+#define GLP_MIP 3 /* mixed integer solution */
+/* solution status: */
+#define GLP_UNDEF 1 /* solution is undefined */
+#define GLP_FEAS 2 /* solution is feasible */
+#define GLP_INFEAS 3 /* solution is infeasible */
+#define GLP_NOFEAS 4 /* no feasible solution exists */
+#define GLP_OPT 5 /* solution is optimal */
+#define GLP_UNBND 6 /* solution is unbounded */
+/* return codes: */
+#define GLP_EBADB 0x01 /* invalid basis */
+#define GLP_ESING 0x02 /* singular matrix */
+#define GLP_ECOND 0x03 /* ill-conditioned matrix */
+#define GLP_EBOUND 0x04 /* invalid bounds */
+#define GLP_EFAIL 0x05 /* solver failed */
+#define GLP_EOBJLL 0x06 /* objective lower limit reached */
+#define GLP_EOBJUL 0x07 /* objective upper limit reached */
+#define GLP_EITLIM 0x08 /* iteration limit exceeded */
+#define GLP_ETMLIM 0x09 /* time limit exceeded */
+#define GLP_ENOPFS 0x0A /* no primal feasible solution */
+#define GLP_ENODFS 0x0B /* no dual feasible solution */
+#define GLP_EROOT 0x0C /* root LP optimum not provided */
+#define GLP_ESTOP 0x0D /* search terminated by application */
+#define GLP_EMIPGAP 0x0E /* relative mip gap tolerance reached */
+#define GLP_ENOFEAS 0x0F /* no primal/dual feasible solution */
+#define GLP_ENOCVG 0x10 /* no convergence */
+#define GLP_EINSTAB 0x11 /* numerical instability */
+#define GLP_EDATA 0x12 /* invalid data */
+#define GLP_ERANGE 0x13 /* result out of range */
+/* enable/disable flag: */
+#define GLP_ON 1 /* enable something */
+#define GLP_OFF 0 /* disable something */
+ * Wrappers for GLPK Functions
+ */
+void *
+_lp_create_prob (void)
+ return glp_create_prob ();
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return NULL;
+_lp_set_obj_dir (glp_prob *P, int dir)
+ return glp_set_obj_dir (P, dir);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_set_prob_name (glp_prob *P, const char *name)
+ glp_set_prob_name (P, name);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_add_cols (glp_prob *P, int ncs)
+ return glp_add_cols (P, ncs);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+_lp_add_rows (glp_prob *P, int nrs)
+ return glp_add_rows (P, nrs);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+_lp_set_row_bnds (glp_prob *P, int i, int type, double lb, double ub)
+ glp_set_row_bnds (P, i, type, lb, ub);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_init_smcp (void *parm)
+ glp_init_smcp (parm);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_set_col_name (glp_prob *P, int j, const char *name)
+ glp_set_col_name (P, j, name);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_set_col_bnds (glp_prob *P, int j, int type, double lb, double ub)
+ glp_set_col_bnds (P, j, type, lb, ub);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_set_obj_coef (glp_prob *P, int j, double coef)
+ glp_set_obj_coef (P, j, coef);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+_lp_delete_prob (void *P)
+ glp_delete_prob (P);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static int
+_lp_simplex (glp_prob *P, void *parm)
+ return glp_simplex (P, parm);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+static void
+_lp_load_matrix (glp_prob *P, int ne, const int ia[], const int ja[],
+ const double ar[])
+ glp_load_matrix (P, ne, ia, ja, ar);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static void
+_lp_set_mat_row (glp_prob *P, int i, int len, const int ind[],
+ const double val[])
+ glp_set_mat_row (P, i, len, ind, val);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static int
+_lp_write_lp (glp_prob *P, const void *parm, const char *fname)
+ return glp_write_lp (P, parm, fname);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+static void
+_lp_init_iocp (void *parm)
+ glp_init_iocp (parm);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static int
+_lp_intopt (glp_prob *P, const void *parm)
+ return glp_intopt (P, parm);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+static int
+_lp_get_status (glp_prob *P)
+ return glp_get_status (P);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+static int
+_lp_mip_status (glp_prob *P)
+ return glp_mip_status (P);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+static void
+_lp_set_col_kind (glp_prob *P, int j, int kind)
+ glp_set_col_kind (P, j, kind);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static void
+_lp_free_env (void)
+ glp_free_env ();
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+static const char *
+_lp_get_col_name (glp_prob *P, int j)
+ return glp_get_col_name (P, j);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return NULL;
+static double
+_lp_mip_obj_val (glp_prob *P)
+ return glp_mip_obj_val (P);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0.0;
+static double
+_lp_get_col_prim (glp_prob *P, int j)
+ return glp_get_col_prim (P, j);
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0.0;
+static int
+_lp_print_sol (glp_prob *P, const char *fname)
+ // Function not implemented
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return 0;
+ * Dummy functions for CFLAGS
+ */
+static void
+_dummy2 ();
+static void
+_dummy ()
+ return;
+ _lp_get_col_name (NULL, 0);
+ _lp_mip_obj_val (NULL);
+ _lp_get_col_prim (NULL, 0);
+ _lp_set_mat_row (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ _dummy2 ();
+static void
+_dummy2 ()
+ ats_modify_problem_state (NULL, 0);
+ qm[1].atis_index = 0;
+ _dummy ();
+ t++;
+ * ATS Functions
+ */
+ * Initialize ATS
+ * @param cfg configuration handle to retrieve configuration (to be removed)
+ * @return
+ */
+struct ATS_Handle *
+ats_init (double D, double U, double R, int v_b_min, int v_n_min,
+ int max_iterations, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative max_duration,
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_AddressNotification address_not,
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ResultCallback res_cb)
+ struct ATS_Handle *ats = NULL;
+ ats = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ATS_Handle));
+ ats->prob = NULL;
+ ats->addr_notification = address_not;
+ ats->result_cb = res_cb;
+ ats->max_iterations = max_iterations;
+ ats->max_exec_duration = max_duration;
+ ats->D = D;
+ ats->U = U;
+ ats->R = R;
+ ats->v_b_min = v_b_min;
+ ats->v_n_min = v_n_min;
+ ats->dump_min_peers = 0;
+ ats->dump_min_addr = 0;
+ ats->dump_overwrite = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->mechanisms = NULL;
+ ats->peers = NULL;
+ ats->successful_executions = 0;
+ ats->invalid_executions = 0;
+ return ats;
+/** solve the bandwidth distribution problem
+ * @param max_it maximum iterations
+ * @param max_dur maximum duration in ms
+ * @param D weight for diversity
+ * @param U weight for utility
+ * @param R weight for relativity
+ * @param v_b_min minimal bandwidth per peer
+ * @param v_n_min minimum number of connections
+ * @param stat result struct
+ * @return GNUNET_SYSERR if glpk is not available, number of mechanisms used
+ */
+ats_create_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats, struct ATS_internals *stat,
+ struct ATS_peer *peers, int c_p,
+ struct ATS_mechanism *mechanisms, int c_m)
+ if ((c_p == 0) || (c_m == 0))
+ ats->prob = _lp_create_prob ();
+ int c;
+ int c_c_ressources = available_ressources;
+ int c_q_metrics = available_quality_metrics;
+ double Q[c_q_metrics + 1];
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ Q[c] = 1;
+ }
+ if (ats->v_n_min > c_p)
+ ats->v_n_min = c_p;
+ "Creating problem with: %i peers, %i mechanisms, %i resource entries, %i quality metrics \n",
+ c_p, c_m, c_c_ressources, c_q_metrics);
+ int size =
+ 1 + 3 + 10 * c_m + c_p + (c_q_metrics * c_m) + c_q_metrics +
+ c_c_ressources * c_m;
+ int row_index;
+ int array_index = 1;
+ int *ia = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (int));
+ int *ja = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (int));
+ double *ar = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (double));
+ _lp_set_prob_name (ats->prob, "gnunet ats bandwidth distribution");
+ _lp_set_obj_dir (ats->prob, GLP_MAX);
+ /* adding columns */
+ char *name;
+ _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 2 * c_m);
+ /* adding b_t cols */
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "p_%s_b%i",
+ GNUNET_i2s (&(mechanisms[c].peer->peer)), c);
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, c, name);
+ GNUNET_free (name);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, c, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _lp_set_col_kind (ats->prob, c, GLP_CV);
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, c, 0);
+ }
+ /* adding n_t cols */
+ for (c = c_m + 1; c <= 2 * c_m; c++)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "p_%s_n%i",
+ GNUNET_i2s (&(mechanisms[c - c_m].peer->peer)), (c - c_m));
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, c, name);
+ GNUNET_free (name);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, c, GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0);
+ _lp_set_col_kind (ats->prob, c, GLP_IV);
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, c, 0);
+ }
+ /* feasibility constraints */
+ /* Constraint 1: one address per peer */
+ row_index = 1;
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_p);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_p; c++)
+ {
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 1.0, 1.0);
+ struct ATS_mechanism *m = peers[c].m_head;
+ while (m != NULL)
+ {
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = (c_m + m->col_index);
+ ar[array_index] = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
+ ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ m = m->next;
+ }
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ /* Constraint 2: only active mechanism gets bandwidth assigned */
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_m);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ /* b_t - n_t * M <= 0 */
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0);
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = -M;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ /* Constraint 3: minimum bandwidth */
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_m);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ /* b_t - n_t * b_min <= 0 */
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = -ats->v_b_min;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ int c2;
+ /* Constraint 4: max ressource capacity */
+ /* V cr: bt * ct_r <= cr_max
+ * */
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, available_ressources);
+ double ct_max = VERY_BIG_DOUBLE_VALUE;
+ double ct_min = 0.0;
+ stat->begin_cr = array_index;
+ for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
+ {
+ ct_max = ressources[c].c_max;
+ ct_min = ressources[c].c_min;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] %f..%f\n",
+ row_index, ct_min, ct_max);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_DB, ct_min, ct_max);
+ for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_m; c2++)
+ {
+ double value = 0;
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c2;
+ value = mechanisms[c2].ressources[c].c;
+ ar[array_index] = value;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
+ ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ stat->end_cr = array_index--;
+ /* Constraint 5: min number of connections */
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ // b_t - n_t * b_min >= 0
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, ats->v_n_min, 0.0);
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ row_index++;
+ // optimisation constraints
+ // adding columns
+ // Constraint 6: optimize for diversity
+ int col_d;
+ col_d = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_d, "d");
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_d, ats->D);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_d, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
+ stat->col_d = col_d;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = col_d;
+ ar[array_index] = -1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ // Constraint 7: optimize for quality
+ int col_qm;
+ col_qm = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, c_q_metrics);
+ stat->col_qm = col_qm;
+ //GNUNET_assert (col_qm == (2*c_mechs) + 3 + 1);
+ for (c = 0; c < c_q_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "Q_%s", qm[c].name);
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_qm + c, name);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_qm + c, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ GNUNET_free (name);
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_qm + c, Q[c]);
+ }
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, available_quality_metrics);
+ stat->begin_qm = row_index;
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ double value = 1;
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
+ for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_m; c2++)
+ {
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c2;
+ if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY)
+ {
+ double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
+ v0 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ v1 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ v2 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ value = 100.0 / ((v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0);
+ value = 1;
+ }
+ if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE)
+ {
+ double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
+ v0 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
+ if (v0 < 1)
+ v0 = 1;
+ v1 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v1 = 1;
+ v2 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
+ if (v2 < 1)
+ v2 = 1;
+ value = (v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0;
+ if (value >= 1)
+ value = (double) 10 / value;
+ else
+ value = 10;
+ }
+ ar[array_index] = (mechanisms[c2].peer->f) * value;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: %s [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, qm[c - 1].name, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
+ ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = col_qm + c - 1;
+ ar[array_index] = -1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ stat->end_qm = row_index - 1;
+ // Constraint 8: optimize bandwidth utility
+ int col_u;
+ col_u = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_u, "u");
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_u, ats->U);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_u, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
+ stat->col_u = col_u;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
+ {
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = c;
+ ar[array_index] = mechanisms[c].peer->f;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = col_u;
+ ar[array_index] = -1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ // Constraint 9: optimize relativity
+ int col_r;
+ col_r = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
+ _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_r, "r");
+ _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_r, ats->R);
+ _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_r, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_p);
+ stat->col_r = col_r;
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_p; c++)
+ {
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
+ struct ATS_mechanism *m = peers[c].m_head;
+ while (m != NULL)
+ {
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = m->col_index;
+ ar[array_index] = 1 / mechanisms[c].peer->f;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
+ ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ m = m->next;
+ }
+ ia[array_index] = row_index;
+ ja[array_index] = col_r;
+ ar[array_index] = -1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ /* Loading the matrix */
+ _lp_load_matrix (ats->prob, array_index - 1, ia, ja, ar);
+ stat->c_mechs = c_m;
+ stat->c_peers = c_p;
+ stat->solution = 0;
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
+ /* clean up */
+ GNUNET_free (ja);
+ GNUNET_free (ia);
+ GNUNET_free (ar);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+ats_delete_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Deleting problem\n");
+ int c;
+ for (c = 0; c < (ats->internal).c_mechs; c++)
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ats->mechanisms[c].rc);
+ if (ats->mechanisms != NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (ats->mechanisms);
+ ats->mechanisms = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ats->peers != NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_free (ats->peers);
+ ats->peers = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ats->prob != NULL)
+ {
+ _lp_delete_prob (ats->prob);
+ ats->prob = NULL;
+ }
+ ats->internal.begin_cr = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ats->internal.begin_qm = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ats->internal.c_mechs = 0;
+ ats->internal.c_peers = 0;
+ ats->internal.end_cr = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ats->internal.end_qm = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ats->internal.solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ats->internal.valid = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ats_modify_problem_state (struct ATS_Handle *ats, enum ATS_problem_state s)
+ if (ats == NULL)
+ return;
+ switch (s)
+ {
+ case ATS_NEW:
+ ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_NO;
+ break;
+ ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_YES;
+ ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ats_solve_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats, unsigned int max_it,
+ unsigned int max_dur, unsigned int c_peers,
+ unsigned int c_mechs, struct ATS_internals *stat)
+ int result = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ int lp_solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ int mlp_solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ // Solving simplex
+ glp_smcp opt_lp;
+ _lp_init_smcp (&opt_lp);
+ opt_lp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
+ opt_lp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
+ // setting iteration limit
+ opt_lp.it_lim = max_it;
+ // maximum duration
+ opt_lp.tm_lim = max_dur;
+ if (ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES)
+ opt_lp.presolve = GLP_ON;
+ result = _lp_simplex (ats->prob, &opt_lp);
+ lp_solution = _lp_get_status (ats->prob);
+ if ((result == GLP_ETMLIM) || (result == GLP_EITLIM))
+ {
+ ats->internal.valid = GNUNET_NO;
+ "ATS exceeded time or iteration limit!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ats_evaluate_results (result, lp_solution, "LP") == GNUNET_YES)
+ {
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required = GNUNET_YES;
+ opt_lp.presolve = GLP_ON;
+ result = _lp_simplex (ats->prob, &opt_lp);
+ lp_solution = _lp_get_status (ats->prob);
+ // TODO: Remove if this does not appear until release
+ "" "EXECUTED SIMPLEX WITH PRESOLVER! %i \n", lp_solution);
+ if (ats_evaluate_results (result, lp_solution, "LP") != GNUNET_YES)
+ {
+ "After execution simplex with presolver: STILL INVALID!\n");
+ char *filename;
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.mlp",
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs,
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
+ _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
+ GNUNET_free (filename);
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
+ return;
+ }
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
+ }
+ // Solving mlp
+ glp_iocp opt_mlp;
+ _lp_init_iocp (&opt_mlp);
+ // maximum duration
+ opt_mlp.tm_lim = max_dur;
+ // output level
+ opt_mlp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
+ opt_mlp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
+ result = _lp_intopt (ats->prob, &opt_mlp);
+ mlp_solution = _lp_mip_status (ats->prob);
+ stat->solution = mlp_solution;
+ if (ats_evaluate_results (result, mlp_solution, "MLP") == GNUNET_YES)
+ {
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // TODO: Remove if this does not appear until release
+ "MLP solution for %i peers, %i mechs is invalid: %i\n",
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, mlp_solution);
+ stat->valid = GNUNET_NO;
+ }
+ if (_lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1) != 1)
+ {
+ int c;
+ for (c = 1; c <= available_quality_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3 + c),
+ _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3 + c));
+ }
+ _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1),
+ _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1));
+ _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 2),
+ _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 2));
+ _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3),
+ _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3));
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "objective value: %f\n",
+ _lp_mip_obj_val (ats->prob));
+ }
+ats_shutdown (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
+ ats_delete_problem (ats);
+ _lp_free_env ();
+ GNUNET_free (ats);
+ats_update_problem_qm (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
+ int array_index;
+ int row_index;
+ int c, c2;
+ int c_q_metrics = available_quality_metrics;
+ int *ja =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
+ double *ar =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Updating problem quality metrics\n");
+ row_index = ats->internal.begin_qm;
+ for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ array_index = 1;
+ double value = 1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
+ for (c2 = 1; c2 <= ats->internal.c_mechs; c2++)
+ {
+ ja[array_index] = c2;
+ GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].addr != NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer != NULL);
+ if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY)
+ {
+ double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
+ v0 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ v1 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ v2 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v0 = 0.1;
+ value = 100.0 / ((v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0);
+ //value = 1;
+ }
+ if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE)
+ {
+ double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
+ v0 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
+ if (v0 < 1)
+ v0 = 1;
+ v1 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
+ if (v1 < 1)
+ v1 = 1;
+ v2 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
+ if (v2 < 1)
+ v2 = 1;
+ value = (v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0;
+ if (value >= 1)
+ value = (double) 10 / value;
+ else
+ value = 10;
+ }
+ ar[array_index] = (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer->f) * value;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: %s [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, qm[c - 1].name, row_index, ja[array_index],
+ ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ ja[array_index] = ats->internal.col_qm + c - 1;
+ ar[array_index] = -1;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, row_index, ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, array_index, ja, ar);
+ array_index = 1;
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
+ats_calculate_bandwidth_distribution (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative creation;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative solving;
+ int c_m;
+ int c_p;
+ char *text = "unmodified";
+ int dur;
+ if (INT_MAX < ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value)
+ dur = INT_MAX;
+ else
+ dur = (int) ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value;
+ ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required = GNUNET_NO;
+ start = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
+ if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES) || (ats->prob == NULL) ||
+ (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_NO))
+ {
+ text = "new";
+ ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
+ ats_delete_problem (ats);
+ ats->addr_notification (&ats->peers, &c_p, &ats->mechanisms, &c_m);
+ "Service returned: %i peer, %i mechs\n", c_p, c_m);
+ ats_create_problem (ats, &ats->internal, ats->peers, c_p, ats->mechanisms,
+ c_m);
+ "Peers/Addresses were modified... new problem: %i peer, %i mechs\n",
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs);
+ }
+ else if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_NO) &&
+ (ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES))
+ {
+ text = "modified resources";
+ ats_update_problem_cr (ats);
+ }
+ else if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_NO) &&
+ (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES))
+ {
+ text = "modified quality";
+ ats_update_problem_qm (ats);
+ //ats_update_problem_qm_TEST ();
+ }
+ else
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Problem is %s\n", text);
+ creation =
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (start, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ());
+ start = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
+ ats->internal.solution = GLP_UNDEF;
+ if (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES)
+ {
+ ats_solve_problem (ats, ats->max_iterations,
+ ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value, ats->internal.c_peers,
+ ats->internal.c_mechs, &ats->internal);
+ }
+ solving =
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (start, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ());
+ if (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES)
+ {
+ /* Telling about new distribution */
+ ats->result_cb ();
+ int msg_type = GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG;
+ GNUNET_log (msg_type,
+ "MLP %s: creation time: %llu, execution time: %llu, %i peers, %i mechanisms, simplex rerun: %s, solution %s\n",
+ text, creation.rel_value, solving.rel_value,
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs,
+ (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required ==
+ GNUNET_NO) ? "NO" : "YES",
+ (ats->internal.solution == 5) ? "OPTIMAL" : "INVALID");
+ ats->successful_executions++;
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS successful executions",
+ ats->successful_executions, GNUNET_NO);
+ if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES) || (ats->prob == NULL))
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_NEW, GNUNET_NO);
+ else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_NO))
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_COST_UPDATED,
+ else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_NO) &&
+ (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO))
+ else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO))
+ else if (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO)
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_UNMODIFIED,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ats->internal.c_peers != 0)
+ {
+ ats->invalid_executions++;
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS invalid executions",
+ ats->invalid_executions, GNUNET_NO);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS successful executions",
+ ats->successful_executions, GNUNET_NO);
+ }
+ }
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS duration",
+ solving.rel_value + creation.rel_value, GNUNET_NO);
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS mechanisms", ats->internal.c_mechs,
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS peers", ats->internal.c_peers,
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS solution", ats->internal.solution,
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS timestamp", start.abs_value,
+ if ((ats->save_mlp == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_peers) &&
+ (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_addr))
+ {
+ char *filename;
+ if (ats->dump_overwrite == GNUNET_NO)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%s_%llu.mlp",
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, text,
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
+ _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i.mlp", ats->internal.c_peers,
+ ats->internal.c_mechs);
+ _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
+ }
+ GNUNET_free (filename);
+ }
+ if ((ats->save_solution == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_peers) &&
+ (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_addr))
+ {
+ char *filename;
+ if (ats->dump_overwrite == GNUNET_NO)
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%s_%llu.sol",
+ ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, text,
+ GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
+ _lp_print_sol (ats->prob, filename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i.sol", ats->internal.c_peers,
+ ats->internal.c_mechs);
+ _lp_print_sol (ats->prob, filename);
+ }
+ GNUNET_free (filename);
+ }
+ ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_NO;
+ ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_NO;
+ * Evaluate the result of the last simplex or mlp solving
+ * @param result return value returned by the solver
+ * @param solution solution state
+ * @param problem mlp or lp
+ * @return GNUNET_NO if solution is invalid, GNUNET_YES if solution is
+ * valid
+ */
+ats_evaluate_results (int result, int solution, char *problem)
+ int cont = GNUNET_NO;
+ int error_kind = GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG;
+ switch (result)
+ {
+ case GNUNET_SYSERR: /* GNUNET problem, not GLPK related */
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s, GLPK solving not executed\n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_ESTOP: /* search terminated by application */
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s , Search terminated by application\n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_EITLIM: /* iteration limit exceeded */
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "%s Iteration limit exceeded\n",
+ problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_ETMLIM: /* time limit exceeded */
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "%s Time limit exceeded\n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_ENOPFS: /* no primal feasible solution */
+ case GLP_ENODFS: /* no dual feasible solution */
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s No feasible solution\n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_EBADB: /* invalid basis */
+ case GLP_ESING: /* singular matrix */
+ case GLP_ECOND: /* ill-conditioned matrix */
+ case GLP_EBOUND: /* invalid bounds */
+ case GLP_EFAIL: /* solver failed */
+ case GLP_EOBJLL: /* objective lower limit reached */
+ case GLP_EOBJUL: /* objective upper limit reached */
+ case GLP_EROOT: /* root LP optimum not provided */
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s Invalid Input data: %i\n", problem, result);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s Problem has been solved\n", problem);
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (solution)
+ {
+ case GLP_UNDEF:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s solution is undefined\n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_OPT:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s solution is optimal\n", problem);
+ cont = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ case GLP_FEAS:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind,
+ "%s solution is %s feasible, however, its optimality (or non-optimality) has not been proven\n",
+ problem, (0 == strcmp (problem, "LP") ? "" : "integer"));
+ cont = GNUNET_YES;
+ break;
+ case GLP_NOFEAS:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem has no %sfeasible solution\n", problem,
+ (0 == strcmp (problem, "LP") ? "" : "integer "));
+ break;
+ case GLP_INFEAS:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem is infeasible \n", problem);
+ break;
+ case GLP_UNBND:
+ GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem is unbounded \n", problem);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return cont;
+ats_update_problem_cr (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
+ int array_index;
+ int row_index;
+ int c, c2;
+ double ct_max, ct_min;
+ int *ja =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
+ double *ar =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Updating problem quality metrics\n");
+ row_index = ats->internal.begin_cr;
+ array_index = 1;
+ for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
+ {
+ ct_max = ressources[c].c_max;
+ ct_min = ressources[c].c_min;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] %f..%f\n",
+ row_index, ct_min, ct_max);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_DB, ct_min, ct_max);
+ for (c2 = 1; c2 <= ats->internal.c_mechs; c2++)
+ {
+ double value = 0;
+ GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].addr != NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer != NULL);
+ ja[array_index] = c2;
+ value = ats->mechanisms[c2].ressources[c].c;
+ ar[array_index] = value;
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
+ array_index, row_index, ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
+ array_index++;
+ }
+ _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, array_index, ja, ar);
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
+ats_set_logging_options (struct ATS_Handle *ats,
+ struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *stats,
+ const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
+ int minimum_addresses;
+ int minimum_peers;
+ int overwrite_dump;
+ int log_solution;
+ int log_problem;
+ unsigned long long value;
+ if (ats == NULL)
+ return;
+ log_problem =
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MLP");
+ log_solution =
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_SOLUTION");
+ overwrite_dump =
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_OVERWRITE");
+ if (GNUNET_OK ==
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MIN_PEERS",
+ &value))
+ minimum_peers = (int) value;
+ if (GNUNET_OK ==
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MIN_ADDRS",
+ &value))
+ minimum_addresses = (int) value;
+ ats->stats = stats;
+ ats->dump_min_addr = minimum_addresses;
+ ats->dump_min_peers = minimum_peers;
+ ats->dump_overwrite = overwrite_dump;
+ ats->save_mlp = log_problem;
+ ats->save_solution = log_solution;
+#if 0
+static void
+ats_update_problem_qm_TEST ()
+ int row_index;
+ int c int c2;
+ int c_old;
+ int changed = 0;
+ int old_ja[ats->internal.c_mechs + 2];
+ double old_ar[ats->internal.c_mechs + 2];
+ int *ja =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
+ double *ar =
+ GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
+ available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
+ "Updating problem quality metrics TEST\n");
+ if (ats->internal.begin_qm > 0)
+ row_index = ats->internal.begin_qm;
+ else
+ return;
+ for (c = 0; c < available_quality_metrics; c++)
+ {
+ c_old = _lp_get_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, old_ja, old_ar);
+ _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
+ for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_old; c2++)
+ {
+ ja[c2] = old_ja[c2];
+ if ((changed < 3) && (c2 > 2) && (old_ar[c2] != -1))
+ {
+ ar[c2] = old_ar[c2] + 5 - changed;
+ changed++;
+ }
+ else
+ ar[c2] = old_ar[c2];
+ "[index]=[%i]: old [%i,%i]=%f new [%i,%i]=%f\n", c2,
+ row_index, old_ja[c2], old_ar[c2], row_index, ja[c2], ar[c2]);
+ }
+ _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, c_old, ja, ar);
+ row_index++;
+ }
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
+ GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
+/* end of transport_ats.c */
This file is part of GNUnet.
- (C) 2009, 2010 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+ (C) 2010,2011 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- * @file transport/gnunet-service-transport.c
- * @brief low-level P2P messaging
+ * @file transport/gnunet-service-transport-new.c
+ * @brief
* @author Christian Grothoff
- *
#include "platform.h"
-#include "gnunet_client_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_container_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_constants.h"
-#include "gnunet_getopt_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_hello_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_os_lib.h"
+#include "gnunet_util_lib.h"
+#include "gnunet_statistics_service.h"
+#include "gnunet_transport_service.h"
#include "gnunet_peerinfo_service.h"
-#include "gnunet_plugin_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_protocols.h"
-#include "gnunet_service_lib.h"
-#include "gnunet_signatures.h"
-#include "gnunet_transport_plugin.h"
-#include "gnunet-service-transport_ats.h"
-#include "transport.h"
- * Should we do some additional checks (to validate behavior
- * of clients)?
- */
- * How many messages can we have pending for a given client process
- * before we start to drop incoming messages? We typically should
- * have only one client and so this would be the primary buffer for
- * messages, so the number should be chosen rather generously.
- *
- * The expectation here is that most of the time the queue is large
- * enough so that a drop is virtually never required. Note that
- * this value must be about as large as 'TOTAL_MSGS' in the
- * 'test_transport_api_reliability.c', otherwise that testcase may
- * fail.
- */
-#define MAX_PENDING (128 * 1024)
- * Size of the per-transport blacklist hash maps.
- */
- * How often should we try to reconnect to a peer using a particular
- * transport plugin before giving up? Note that the plugin may be
- * added back to the list after PLUGIN_RETRY_FREQUENCY expires.
- */
- * Limit on the number of ready-to-run tasks when validating
- * HELLOs. If more tasks are ready to run, we will drop
- * HELLOs instead of validating them.
- */
-#define MAX_HELLO_LOAD 4
- * How often must a peer violate bandwidth quotas before we start
- * to simply drop its messages?
- */
- * How long until a HELLO verification attempt should time out?
- * Must be rather small, otherwise a partially successful HELLO
- * validation (some addresses working) might not be available
- * before a client's request for a connection fails for good.
- * Besides, if a single request to an address takes a long time,
- * then the peer is unlikely worthwhile anyway.
- */
- * How long is a PONG signature valid? We'll recycle a signature until
- * 1/4 of this time is remaining. PONGs should expire so that if our
- * external addresses change an adversary cannot replay them indefinitely.
- * OTOH, we don't want to spend too much time generating PONG signatures,
- * so they must have some lifetime to reduce our CPU usage.
- */
- * Priority to use for PONG messages.
- */
- * How often do we re-add (cheaper) plugins to our list of plugins
- * to try for a given connected peer?
- */
- * After how long do we expire an address in a HELLO that we just
- * validated? This value is also used for our own addresses when we
- * create a HELLO.
- */
- * How long before an existing address expires should we again try to
- * validate it? Must be (significantly) smaller than
- */
- * List of addresses of other peers
- */
-struct ForeignAddressList
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct ForeignAddressList *next;
- /**
- * Which ready list does this entry belong to.
- */
- struct ReadyList *ready_list;
- /**
- * How long until we auto-expire this address (unless it is
- * re-confirmed by the transport)?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expires;
- /**
- * Task used to re-validate addresses, updates latencies and
- * verifies liveness.
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier revalidate_task;
- /**
- * The address.
- */
- const void *addr;
- /**
- * Session (or NULL if no valid session currently exists or if the
- * plugin does not use sessions).
- */
- struct Session *session;
- struct ATS_ressource_entry *ressources;
- struct ATS_quality_entry *quality;
- /**
- * What was the last latency observed for this address, plugin and peer?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency;
- /**
- * If we did not successfully transmit a message to the given peer
- * via this connection during the specified time, we should consider
- * the connection to be dead. This is used in the case that a TCP
- * transport simply stalls writing to the stream but does not
- * formerly get a signal that the other peer died.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
- /**
- * How often have we tried to connect using this plugin? Used to
- * discriminate against addresses that do not work well.
- * FIXME: not yet used, but should be!
- */
- unsigned int connect_attempts;
- /**
- * DV distance to this peer (1 if no DV is used).
- * FIXME: need to set this from transport plugins!
- */
- uint32_t distance;
- /**
- * Length of addr.
- */
- uint16_t addrlen;
- /**
- * Have we ever estimated the latency of this address? Used to
- * ensure that the first time we add an address, we immediately
- * probe its latency.
- */
- int8_t estimated;
- /**
- * Are we currently connected via this address? The first time we
- * successfully transmit or receive data to a peer via a particular
- * address, we set this to GNUNET_YES. If we later get an error
- * (disconnect notification, transmission failure, timeout), we set
- * it back to GNUNET_NO.
- */
- int8_t connected;
- /**
- * Is this plugin currently busy transmitting to the specific target?
- * GNUNET_NO if not (initial, default state is GNUNET_NO). Internal
- * messages do not count as 'in transmit'.
- */
- int8_t in_transmit;
- /**
- * Has this address been validated yet?
- */
- int8_t validated;
- * Entry in linked list of network addresses for ourselves. Also
- * includes a cached signature for 'struct TransportPongMessage's.
- */
-struct OwnAddressList
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct OwnAddressList *next;
- /**
- * How long until the current signature expires? (ZERO if the
- * signature was never created).
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute pong_sig_expires;
- /**
- * Signature for a 'struct TransportPongMessage' for this address.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature pong_signature;
- /**
- * Length of addr.
- */
- uint32_t addrlen;
- * Entry in linked list of all of our plugins.
- */
-struct TransportPlugin
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct TransportPlugin *next;
- /**
- * API of the transport as returned by the plugin's
- * initialization function.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginFunctions *api;
- /**
- * Short name for the plugin (i.e. "tcp").
- */
- char *short_name;
- /**
- * Name of the library (i.e. "gnunet_plugin_transport_tcp").
- */
- char *lib_name;
- /**
- * List of our known addresses for this transport.
- */
- struct OwnAddressList *addresses;
- /**
- * Environment this transport service is using
- * for this plugin.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginEnvironment env;
- /**
- * ID of task that is used to clean up expired addresses.
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier address_update_task;
- /**
- * Set to GNUNET_YES if we need to scrap the existing list of
- * "addresses" and start fresh when we receive the next address
- * update from a transport. Set to GNUNET_NO if we should just add
- * the new address to the list and wait for the commit call.
- */
- int rebuild;
- struct ATS_plugin *rc;
- /**
- * Hashmap of blacklisted peers for this particular transport.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *blacklist;
-struct NeighbourMapEntry;
- * For each neighbour we keep a list of messages
- * that we still want to transmit to the neighbour.
- */
-struct MessageQueue
- /**
- * This is a doubly linked list.
- */
- struct MessageQueue *next;
- /**
- * This is a doubly linked list.
- */
- struct MessageQueue *prev;
- /**
- * The message(s) we want to transmit, GNUNET_MessageHeader(s)
- * stuck together in memory. Allocated at the end of this struct.
- */
- const char *message_buf;
- /**
- * Size of the message buf
- */
- size_t message_buf_size;
- /**
- * Client responsible for queueing the message;
- * used to check that a client has no two messages
- * pending for the same target. Can be NULL.
- */
- struct TransportClient *client;
- /**
- * Using which specific address should we send this message?
- */
- struct ForeignAddressList *specific_address;
- /**
- * Peer ID of the Neighbour this entry belongs to.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity neighbour_id;
- /**
- * Plugin that we used for the transmission.
- * NULL until we scheduled a transmission.
- */
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
- /**
- * At what time should we fail?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
- /**
- * Internal message of the transport system that should not be
- * included in the usual SEND-SEND_OK transmission confirmation
- * traffic management scheme. Typically, "internal_msg" will
- * be set whenever "client" is NULL (but it is not strictly
- * required).
- */
- int internal_msg;
- /**
- * How important is the message?
- */
- unsigned int priority;
- * For a given Neighbour, which plugins are available
- * to talk to this peer and what are their costs?
- */
-struct ReadyList
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct ReadyList *next;
- /**
- * Which of our transport plugins does this entry
- * represent?
- */
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
- /**
- * Transport addresses, latency, and readiness for
- * this particular plugin.
- */
- struct ForeignAddressList *addresses;
- /**
- * To which neighbour does this ready list belong to?
- */
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour;
- * Entry in neighbours.
- */
-struct NeighbourMapEntry
- /**
- * Which of our transports is connected to this peer
- * and what is their status?
- */
- struct ReadyList *plugins;
- /**
- * Head of list of messages we would like to send to this peer;
- * must contain at most one message per client.
- */
- struct MessageQueue *messages_head;
- /**
- * Tail of list of messages we would like to send to this peer; must
- * contain at most one message per client.
- */
- struct MessageQueue *messages_tail;
- /**
- * Head of list of messages of messages we expected the continuation
- * to be called to destroy the message
- */
- struct MessageQueue *cont_head;
- /**
- * Tail of list of messages of messages we expected the continuation
- * to be called to destroy the message
- */
- struct MessageQueue *cont_tail;
- /**
- * Buffer for at most one payload message used when we receive
- * payload data before our PING-PONG has succeeded. We then
- * store such messages in this intermediary buffer until the
- * connection is fully up.
- */
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *pre_connect_message_buffer;
- /**
- * Context for peerinfo iteration.
- * NULL after we are done processing peerinfo's information.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_IteratorContext *piter;
- /**
- * Public key for this peer. Valid only if the respective flag is set below.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded publicKey;
- /**
- * Identity of this neighbour.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity id;
- /**
- * ID of task scheduled to run when this peer is about to
- * time out (will free resources associated with the peer).
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier timeout_task;
- /**
- * ID of task scheduled to run when we should retry transmitting
- * the head of the message queue. Actually triggered when the
- * transmission is timing out (we trigger instantly when we have
- * a chance of success).
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier retry_task;
- /**
- * How long until we should consider this peer dead
- * (if we don't receive another message in the
- * meantime)?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute peer_timeout;
- /**
- * Tracker for inbound bandwidth.
- */
- struct GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_Tracker in_tracker;
- /**
- * The latency we have seen for this particular address for
- * this particular peer. This latency may have been calculated
- * over multiple transports. This value reflects how long it took
- * us to receive a response when SENDING via this particular
- * transport/neighbour/address combination!
- *
- * FIXME: we need to periodically send PINGs to update this
- * latency (at least more often than the current "huge" (11h?)
- * update interval).
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency;
- /**
- * How often has the other peer (recently) violated the
- * inbound traffic limit? Incremented by 10 per violation,
- * decremented by 1 per non-violation (for each
- * time interval).
- */
- unsigned int quota_violation_count;
- /**
- * DV distance to this peer (1 if no DV is used).
- */
- uint32_t distance;
- /**
- * Have we seen an PONG from this neighbour in the past (and
- * not had a disconnect since)?
- */
- int received_pong;
- /**
- * Do we have a valid public key for this neighbour?
- */
- int public_key_valid;
- /**
- * Are we already in the process of disconnecting this neighbour?
- */
- int in_disconnect;
- /**
- * Performance data for the peer.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *ats;
- * Message used to ask a peer to validate receipt (to check an address
- * from a HELLO). Followed by the address we are trying to validate,
- * or an empty address if we are just sending a PING to confirm that a
- * connection which the receiver (of the PING) initiated is still valid.
- */
-struct TransportPingMessage
- /**
- */
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader header;
- /**
- * Challenge code (to ensure fresh reply).
- */
- uint32_t challenge GNUNET_PACKED;
- /**
- * Who is the intended recipient?
- */
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target;
- * Message used to validate a HELLO. The challenge is included in the
- * confirmation to make matching of replies to requests possible. The
- * signature signs our public key, an expiration time and our address.<p>
- *
- * This message is followed by our transport address that the PING tried
- * to confirm (if we liked it). The address can be empty (zero bytes)
- * if the PING had not address either (and we received the request via
- * a connection that we initiated).
- */
-struct TransportPongMessage
- /**
- */
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader header;
- /**
- * Challenge code from PING (showing freshness). Not part of what
- * is signed so that we can re-use signatures.
- */
- uint32_t challenge GNUNET_PACKED;
- /**
- * Signature.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature signature;
- /**
- * What are we signing and why? Two possible reason codes can be here:
- * plausible address for this peer (pid is set to identity of signer); or
- * an address we used to connect to the peer with the given pid.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose purpose;
- /**
- * When does this signature expire?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_AbsoluteNBO expiration;
- /**
- * Either the identity of the peer Who signed this message, or the
- * identity of the peer that we're connected to using the given
- * address (depending on purpose.type).
- */
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid;
- /**
- * Size of address appended to this message (part of what is
- * being signed, hence not redundant).
- */
- uint32_t addrlen;
- * Linked list of messages to be transmitted to the client. Each
- * entry is followed by the actual message.
- */
-struct ClientMessageQueueEntry
- /**
- * This is a doubly-linked list.
- */
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *next;
- /**
- * This is a doubly-linked list.
- */
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *prev;
- * Client connected to the transport service.
- */
-struct TransportClient
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct TransportClient *next;
- /**
- * Handle to the client.
- */
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client;
- /**
- * Linked list of messages yet to be transmitted to
- * the client.
- */
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *message_queue_head;
- /**
- * Tail of linked list of messages yet to be transmitted to the
- * client.
- */
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *message_queue_tail;
- /**
- * Current transmit request handle.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONNECTION_TransmitHandle *th;
- /**
- * Is a call to "transmit_send_continuation" pending? If so, we
- * must not free this struct (even if the corresponding client
- * disconnects) and instead only remove it from the linked list and
- * set the "client" field to NULL.
- */
- int tcs_pending;
- /**
- * Length of the list of messages pending for this client.
- */
- unsigned int message_count;
- * Context of currently active requests to peerinfo
- * for validation of HELLOs.
- */
-struct CheckHelloValidatedContext;
- * Entry in map of all HELLOs awaiting validation.
- */
-struct ValidationEntry
- /**
- * NULL if this entry is not part of a larger HELLO validation.
- */
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc;
- /**
- * The address, actually a pointer to the end
- * of this struct. Do not free!
- */
- const void *addr;
- /**
- * Name of the transport.
- */
- char *transport_name;
- /**
- * The public key of the peer.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded publicKey;
- /**
- * ID of task that will clean up this entry if we don't succeed
- * with the validation first.
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier timeout_task;
- /**
- * At what time did we send this validation?
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute send_time;
- /**
- * Session being validated (or NULL for none).
- */
- struct Session *session;
- /**
- * Challenge number we used.
- */
- uint32_t challenge;
- /**
- * Length of addr.
- */
- uint16_t addrlen;
- * Context of currently active requests to peerinfo
- * for validation of HELLOs.
- */
-struct CheckHelloValidatedContext
- /**
- * This is a doubly-linked list.
- */
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *next;
- /**
- * This is a doubly-linked list.
- */
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *prev;
- /**
- * Hello that we are validating.
- */
- const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
- /**
- * Context for peerinfo iteration.
- * NULL after we are done processing peerinfo's information.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_IteratorContext *piter;
- /**
- * Was a HELLO known for this peer to peerinfo?
- */
- int hello_known;
- /**
- * Number of validation entries currently referring to this
- * CHVC.
- */
- unsigned int ve_count;
- * All zero hash for comparison.
- */
-static GNUNET_HashCode null_hash;
- * Our HELLO message.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *our_hello;
- * Our public key.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded my_public_key;
- * Our identity.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity my_identity;
- * Our private key.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *my_private_key;
- * Our configuration.
- */
-const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg;
- * Linked list of all clients to this service.
- */
-static struct TransportClient *clients;
- * All loaded plugins.
- */
-static struct TransportPlugin *plugins;
- * Handle to peerinfo service.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_Handle *peerinfo;
- * All known neighbours and their HELLOs.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *neighbours;
- * Number of neighbours we'd like to have.
- */
-static uint32_t max_connect_per_transport;
- * Head of linked list.
- */
-static struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc_head;
- * Tail of linked list.
- */
-static struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc_tail;
- * Map of PeerIdentities to 'struct ValidationEntry*'s (addresses
- * of the given peer that we are currently validating).
- */
-static struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *validation_map;
- * Handle for reporting statistics.
- */
-static struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *stats;
- * Identifier of 'refresh_hello' task.
- */
-static GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier hello_task;
- * Identifier of ats scheduler task.
- */
-static GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier ats_task;
- * Is transport service shutting down ?
- */
-static int shutdown_in_progress;
- * Handle for ats information
- */
-static struct ATS_Handle *ats;
- * Time of last ats execution
- */
-struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute last_ats_execution;
- * Minimum interval between two ATS executions
- */
-struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative ats_minimum_interval;
- * Regular interval when ATS execution is triggered
- */
-struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative ats_regular_interval;
- * The peer specified by the given neighbour has timed-out or a plugin
- * has disconnected. We may either need to do nothing (other plugins
- * still up), or trigger a full disconnect and clean up. This
- * function updates our state and do the necessary notifications.
- * Also notifies our clients that the neighbour is now officially
- * gone.
- *
- * @param n the neighbour list entry for the peer
- * @param check should we just check if all plugins
- * disconnected or must we ask all plugins to
- * disconnect?
- */
-static void
-disconnect_neighbour (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n, int check);
- * Check the ready list for the given neighbour and if a plugin is
- * ready for transmission (and if we have a message), do so!
- *
- * @param nexi target peer for which to transmit
- */
-static void
-try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n);
-struct ForeignAddressList *
-get_preferred_ats_address (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n);
- * Find an entry in the neighbour list for a particular peer.
- *
- * @return NULL if not found.
- */
-static struct NeighbourMapEntry *
-find_neighbour (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *key)
- return GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (neighbours, &key->hashPubKey);
-static int
-update_addr_value (struct ForeignAddressList *fal, uint32_t value,
- int ats_index)
- int c;
- int set = GNUNET_NO;
- for (c = 0; c < available_quality_metrics; c++)
- {
- if (ats_index == qm[c].atis_index)
- {
- fal->quality[c].values[0] = fal->quality[c].values[1];
- fal->quality[c].values[1] = fal->quality[c].values[2];
- fal->quality[c].values[2] = value;
- set = GNUNET_YES;
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_QUALITY_UPDATED);
- }
- }
- if (set == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
- {
- if (ats_index == ressources[c].atis_index)
- {
- fal->ressources[c].c = value;
- set = GNUNET_YES;
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_COST_UPDATED);
- }
- }
- }
- return set;
-static int
-update_addr_ats (struct ForeignAddressList *fal,
- const struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *ats_data,
- int ats_count)
- int c1, set;
- set = GNUNET_NO;
- for (c1 = 0; c1 < ats_count; c1++)
- {
- set =
- update_addr_value (fal, ntohl (ats_data[c1].value),
- ntohl (ats_data[c1].type));
- }
- return set;
- * Find an entry in the transport list for a particular transport.
- *
- * @return NULL if not found.
- */
-static struct TransportPlugin *
-find_transport (const char *short_name)
- struct TransportPlugin *head = plugins;
- while ((head != NULL) && (0 != strcmp (short_name, head->short_name)))
- head = head->next;
- return head;
- * Is a particular peer blacklisted for a particular transport?
- *
- * @param peer the peer to check for
- * @param plugin the plugin used to connect to the peer
- *
- * @return GNUNET_YES if the peer is blacklisted, GNUNET_NO if not
- */
-static int
-is_blacklisted (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin)
- if (plugin->blacklist != NULL)
- {
- if (GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_contains
- (plugin->blacklist, &peer->hashPubKey) == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Peer `%s:%s' is blacklisted!\n",
- plugin->short_name, GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- if (stats != NULL)
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, "# blacklisted peers refused", 1,
- return GNUNET_YES;
- }
- }
- return GNUNET_NO;
-static void
-add_peer_to_blacklist (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer, char *transport_name)
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
- plugin = find_transport (transport_name);
- if (plugin == NULL) /* Nothing to do */
- return;
- "Adding peer `%s' with plugin `%s' to blacklist\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer), transport_name);
- if (plugin->blacklist == NULL)
- plugin->blacklist =
- GNUNET_assert (plugin->blacklist != NULL);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (plugin->blacklist, &peer->hashPubKey, NULL,
- * Read the blacklist file, containing transport:peer entries.
- * Provided the transport is loaded, set up hashmap with these
- * entries to blacklist peers by transport.
- *
- */
-static void
-read_blacklist_file (const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
- char *fn;
- char *data;
- size_t pos;
- size_t colon_pos;
- int tsize;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid;
- struct stat frstat;
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded enc;
- unsigned int entries_found;
- char *transport_name;
- if (GNUNET_OK !=
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_filename (cfg, "TRANSPORT",
- {
- "Option `%s' in section `%s' not specified!\n",
- return;
- }
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_DISK_file_test (fn))
- GNUNET_DISK_fn_write (fn, NULL, 0,
- if (0 != STAT (fn, &frstat))
- {
- _("Could not read blacklist file `%s'\n"), fn);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- return;
- }
- if (frstat.st_size == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, _("Blacklist file `%s' is empty.\n"),
- fn);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- return;
- }
- /* FIXME: use mmap */
- data = GNUNET_malloc_large (frstat.st_size);
- GNUNET_assert (data != NULL);
- if (frstat.st_size != GNUNET_DISK_fn_read (fn, data, frstat.st_size))
- {
- _("Failed to read blacklist from `%s'\n"), fn);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- GNUNET_free (data);
- return;
- }
- entries_found = 0;
- pos = 0;
- while ((pos < frstat.st_size) && isspace ((unsigned char) data[pos]))
- pos++;
- while ((frstat.st_size >= sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded)) &&
- (pos <=
- frstat.st_size - sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded)))
- {
- colon_pos = pos;
- while ((colon_pos < frstat.st_size) && (data[colon_pos] != ':') &&
- !isspace ((unsigned char) data[colon_pos]))
- colon_pos++;
- if (colon_pos >= frstat.st_size)
- {
- _
- ("Syntax error in blacklist file at offset %llu, giving up!\n"),
- (unsigned long long) colon_pos);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- GNUNET_free (data);
- return;
- }
- if (isspace ((unsigned char) data[colon_pos]))
- {
- _
- ("Syntax error in blacklist file at offset %llu, skipping bytes.\n"),
- (unsigned long long) colon_pos);
- pos = colon_pos;
- while ((pos < frstat.st_size) && isspace ((unsigned char) data[pos]))
- pos++;
- continue;
- }
- tsize = colon_pos - pos;
- if ((pos >= frstat.st_size) || (pos + tsize >= frstat.st_size) ||
- (tsize == 0))
- {
- _
- ("Syntax error in blacklist file at offset %llu, giving up!\n"),
- (unsigned long long) colon_pos);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- GNUNET_free (data);
- return;
- }
- if (tsize < 1)
- continue;
- transport_name = GNUNET_malloc (tsize + 1);
- memcpy (transport_name, &data[pos], tsize);
- pos = colon_pos + 1;
- "Read transport name %s in blacklist file.\n", transport_name);
- memcpy (&enc, &data[pos], sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded));
- if (!isspace
- ((unsigned char)
- enc.encoding[sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded) - 1]))
- {
- _
- ("Syntax error in blacklist file at offset %llu, skipping bytes.\n"),
- (unsigned long long) pos);
- pos++;
- while ((pos < frstat.st_size) && (!isspace ((unsigned char) data[pos])))
- pos++;
- GNUNET_free_non_null (transport_name);
- continue;
- }
- enc.encoding[sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded) - 1] = '\0';
- if (GNUNET_OK !=
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_from_string ((char *) &enc, &pid.hashPubKey))
- {
- _
- ("Syntax error in blacklist file at offset %llu, skipping bytes `%s'.\n"),
- (unsigned long long) pos, &enc);
- }
- else
- {
- if (0 != memcmp (&pid, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- entries_found++;
- add_peer_to_blacklist (&pid, transport_name);
- }
- else
- {
- _("Found myself `%s' in blacklist (useless, ignored)\n"),
- GNUNET_i2s (&pid));
- }
- }
- pos = pos + sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_HashAsciiEncoded);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (transport_name);
- while ((pos < frstat.st_size) && isspace ((unsigned char) data[pos]))
- pos++;
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, "# Transport entries blacklisted",
- entries_found, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_free (data);
- GNUNET_free (fn);
- * Function called to notify a client about the socket being ready to
- * queue more data. "buf" will be NULL and "size" zero if the socket
- * was closed for writing in the meantime.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param size number of bytes available in buf
- * @param buf where the callee should write the message
- * @return number of bytes written to buf
- */
-static size_t
-transmit_to_client_callback (void *cls, size_t size, void *buf)
- struct TransportClient *client = cls;
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *q;
- uint16_t msize;
- size_t tsize;
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg;
- char *cbuf;
- client->th = NULL;
- if (buf == NULL)
- {
- "Transmission to client failed, closing connection.\n");
- /* fatal error with client, free message queue! */
- while (NULL != (q = client->message_queue_head))
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes discarded (could not transmit to client)"),
- ntohs (((const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *)
- &q[1])->size), GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (client->message_queue_head,
- client->message_queue_tail, q);
- GNUNET_free (q);
- }
- client->message_count = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- cbuf = buf;
- tsize = 0;
- while (NULL != (q = client->message_queue_head))
- {
- msg = (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) &q[1];
- msize = ntohs (msg->size);
- if (msize + tsize > size)
- break;
- "Transmitting message of type %u to client.\n",
- ntohs (msg->type));
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (client->message_queue_head,
- client->message_queue_tail, q);
- memcpy (&cbuf[tsize], msg, msize);
- tsize += msize;
- GNUNET_free (q);
- client->message_count--;
- }
- if (NULL != q)
- {
- GNUNET_assert (msize >= sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
- client->th =
- GNUNET_SERVER_notify_transmit_ready (client->client, msize,
- &transmit_to_client_callback,
- client);
- GNUNET_assert (client->th != NULL);
- }
- return tsize;
- * Convert an address to a string.
- *
- * @param plugin name of the plugin responsible for the address
- * @param addr binary address
- * @param addr_len number of bytes in addr
- * @return NULL on error, otherwise address string
- */
-static const char *
-a2s (const char *plugin, const void *addr, uint16_t addr_len)
- struct TransportPlugin *p;
- if (plugin == NULL)
- return NULL;
- p = find_transport (plugin);
- if ((p == NULL) || (addr_len == 0) || (addr == NULL))
- return NULL;
- return p->api->address_to_string (NULL, addr, addr_len);
- * Iterator to free entries in the validation_map.
- *
- * @param cls closure (unused)
- * @param key current key code
- * @param value value in the hash map (validation to abort)
- * @return GNUNET_YES (always)
- */
-static int
-abort_validation (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct ValidationEntry *va = value;
- if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != va->timeout_task)
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (va->timeout_task);
- GNUNET_free (va->transport_name);
- if (va->chvc != NULL)
- {
- va->chvc->ve_count--;
- if (va->chvc->ve_count == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (chvc_head, chvc_tail, va->chvc);
- GNUNET_free (va->chvc);
- }
- va->chvc = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_free (va);
- return GNUNET_YES;
- * HELLO validation cleanup task (validation failed).
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct ValidationEntry' that failed
- * @param tc scheduler context (unused)
- */
-static void
-timeout_hello_validation (void *cls,
- const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct ValidationEntry *va = cls;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid;
- va->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# address validation timeouts"), 1,
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&va->publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &pid.hashPubKey);
- GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (validation_map,
- &pid.hashPubKey, va));
- abort_validation (NULL, NULL, va);
- * Send the specified message to the specified client. Since multiple
- * messages may be pending for the same client at a time, this code
- * makes sure that no message is lost.
- *
- * @param client client to transmit the message to
- * @param msg the message to send
- * @param may_drop can this message be dropped if the
- * message queue for this client is getting far too large?
- */
-static void
-transmit_to_client (struct TransportClient *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg, int may_drop)
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *q;
- uint16_t msize;
- /* Client==NULL when GNUNET_SERVER_Client disconnected and was
- * freed in client_disconnect_notification
- */
- if (client->client == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
- }
- if ((client->message_count >= MAX_PENDING) && (GNUNET_YES == may_drop))
- {
- _
- ("Dropping message of type %u and size %u, have %u messages pending (%u is the soft limit)\n"),
- ntohs (msg->type), ntohs (msg->size), client->message_count,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# messages dropped due to slow client"), 1,
- return;
- }
- msize = ntohs (msg->size);
- GNUNET_assert (msize >= sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader));
- q = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ClientMessageQueueEntry) + msize);
- memcpy (&q[1], msg, msize);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail (client->message_queue_head,
- client->message_queue_tail, q);
- client->message_count++;
- if (client->th == NULL)
- {
- client->th =
- GNUNET_SERVER_notify_transmit_ready (client->client, msize,
- &transmit_to_client_callback,
- client);
- GNUNET_assert (client->th != NULL);
- }
- * Transmit a 'SEND_OK' notification to the given client for the
- * given neighbour.
- *
- * @param client who to notify
- * @param n neighbour to notify about, can be NULL (on failure)
- * @param target target of the transmission
- * @param result status code for the transmission request
- */
-static void
-transmit_send_ok (struct TransportClient *client, struct NeighbourMapEntry *n,
- const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target, int result)
- struct SendOkMessage send_ok_msg;
- send_ok_msg.header.size = htons (sizeof (send_ok_msg));
- send_ok_msg.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_SEND_OK);
- send_ok_msg.success = htonl (result);
- if (n != NULL)
- send_ok_msg.latency = GNUNET_TIME_relative_hton (n->latency);
- else
- send_ok_msg.latency =
- send_ok_msg.peer = *target;
- transmit_to_client (client, &send_ok_msg.header, GNUNET_NO);
- * Mark the given FAL entry as 'connected' (and hence preferred for
- * sending); also mark all others for the same peer as 'not connected'
- * (since only one can be preferred).
- *
- * @param fal address to set to 'connected'
- */
-static void
-mark_address_connected (struct ForeignAddressList *fal);
- * We should re-try transmitting to the given peer,
- * hopefully we've learned something in the meantime.
- */
-static void
-retry_transmission_task (void *cls,
- const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = cls;
- n->retry_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- * Function called by the GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction
- * upon "completion" of a send request. This tells the API
- * that it is now legal to send another message to the given
- * peer.
- *
- * @param cls closure, identifies the entry on the
- * message queue that was transmitted and the
- * client responsible for queuing the message
- * @param target the peer receiving the message
- * @param result GNUNET_OK on success, if the transmission
- * failed, we should not tell the client to transmit
- * more messages
- */
-static void
-transmit_send_continuation (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target,
- int result)
- struct MessageQueue *mq = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# bytes pending with plugins"),
- -(int64_t) mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- if (result == GNUNET_OK)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes successfully transmitted by plugins"),
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes with transmission failure by plugins"),
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- if (mq->specific_address != NULL)
- {
- if (result == GNUNET_OK)
- {
- mq->specific_address->timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- if (mq->specific_address->validated == GNUNET_YES)
- mark_address_connected (mq->specific_address);
- }
- else
- {
- if (mq->specific_address->connected == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- "Marking address `%s' as no longer connected (due to transmission problem)\n",
- a2s (mq->specific_address->ready_list->plugin->short_name,
- mq->specific_address->addr,
- mq->specific_address->addrlen));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"),
- -1, GNUNET_NO);
- mq->specific_address->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- }
- if (!mq->internal_msg)
- mq->specific_address->in_transmit = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- n = find_neighbour (&mq->neighbour_id);
- if (n != NULL)
- {
- if (mq->client != NULL)
- transmit_send_ok (mq->client, n, target, result);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (n->cont_head, n->cont_tail, mq);
- if (result == GNUNET_OK)
- try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- else if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK == n->retry_task)
- n->retry_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&retry_transmission_task, n);
- }
- else
- GNUNET_log_from (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "transmit_send_continuation",
- "Neighbour `%s' no longer exists\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&mq->neighbour_id));
- GNUNET_free (mq);
- * Check the ready list for the given neighbour and if a plugin is
- * ready for transmission (and if we have a message), do so!
- *
- * @param neighbour target peer for which to transmit
- */
-static void
-try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- struct MessageQueue *mq;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout;
- ssize_t ret;
- int force_address;
- if (n->messages_head == NULL)
- {
- "Transmission queue for `%4s' is empty\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- return; /* nothing to do */
- }
- rl = NULL;
- mq = n->messages_head;
- force_address = GNUNET_YES;
- if (mq->specific_address == NULL)
- {
- /* TODO: ADD ATS */
- mq->specific_address = get_preferred_ats_address (n);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# transport selected peer address freely"), 1,
- force_address = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (mq->specific_address == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# transport failed to selected peer address"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- timeout = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (mq->timeout);
- if (timeout.rel_value == 0)
- {
- "No destination address available to transmit message of size %u to peer `%4s'\n",
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_i2s (&mq->neighbour_id));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes in message queue for other peers"),
- -(int64_t) mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes discarded (no destination address available)"),
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- if (mq->client != NULL)
- transmit_send_ok (mq->client, n, &n->id, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (n->messages_head, n->messages_tail, mq);
- GNUNET_free (mq);
- return; /* nobody ready */
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# message delivery deferred (no address)"), 1,
- if (n->retry_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (n->retry_task);
- n->retry_task =
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (timeout, &retry_transmission_task, n);
- "No validated destination address available to transmit message of size %u to peer `%4s', will wait %llums to find an address.\n",
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_i2s (&mq->neighbour_id),
- timeout.rel_value);
- /* FIXME: might want to trigger peerinfo lookup here
- * (unless that's already pending...) */
- return;
- }
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (n->messages_head, n->messages_tail, mq);
- if (mq->specific_address->connected == GNUNET_NO)
- mq->specific_address->connect_attempts++;
- rl = mq->specific_address->ready_list;
- mq->plugin = rl->plugin;
- if (!mq->internal_msg)
- mq->specific_address->in_transmit = GNUNET_YES;
- "Sending message of size %u for `%4s' to `%s' via plugin `%s'\n",
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_i2s (&n->id),
- (mq->specific_address->addr !=
- NULL) ? a2s (mq->plugin->short_name, mq->specific_address->addr,
- mq->specific_address->addrlen) : "<inbound>",
- rl->plugin->short_name);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes in message queue for other peers"),
- -(int64_t) mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# bytes pending with plugins"),
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (n->cont_head, n->cont_tail, mq);
- ret =
- rl->plugin->api->send (rl->plugin->api->cls, &mq->neighbour_id,
- mq->message_buf, mq->message_buf_size,
- mq->priority,
- mq->specific_address->session,
- mq->specific_address->addr,
- mq->specific_address->addrlen, force_address,
- &transmit_send_continuation, mq);
- if (ret == -1)
- {
- /* failure, but 'send' would not call continuation in this case,
- * so we need to do it here! */
- transmit_send_continuation (mq, &mq->neighbour_id, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- }
- * Send the specified message to the specified peer.
- *
- * @param client source of the transmission request (can be NULL)
- * @param peer_address ForeignAddressList where we should send this message
- * @param priority how important is the message
- * @param timeout how long do we have to transmit?
- * @param message_buf message(s) to send GNUNET_MessageHeader(s)
- * @param message_buf_size total size of all messages in message_buf
- * @param is_internal is this an internal message; these are pre-pended and
- * also do not count for plugins being "ready" to transmit
- * @param neighbour handle to the neighbour for transmission
- */
-static void
-transmit_to_peer (struct TransportClient *client,
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_address,
- unsigned int priority, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
- const char *message_buf, size_t message_buf_size,
- int is_internal, struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour)
- struct MessageQueue *mq;
- if (client != NULL)
- {
- /* check for duplicate submission */
- mq = neighbour->messages_head;
- while (NULL != mq)
- {
- if (mq->client == client)
- {
- /* client transmitted to same peer twice
- * before getting SEND_OK! */
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
- }
- mq = mq->next;
- }
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes in message queue for other peers"),
- message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- mq = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct MessageQueue) + message_buf_size);
- mq->specific_address = peer_address;
- mq->client = client;
- /* FIXME: this memcpy can be up to 7% of our total runtime! */
- memcpy (&mq[1], message_buf, message_buf_size);
- mq->message_buf = (const char *) &mq[1];
- mq->message_buf_size = message_buf_size;
- memcpy (&mq->neighbour_id, &neighbour->id,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- mq->internal_msg = is_internal;
- mq->priority = priority;
- mq->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (timeout);
- if (is_internal)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (neighbour->messages_head,
- neighbour->messages_tail, mq);
- else
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (neighbour->messages_head,
- neighbour->messages_tail,
- neighbour->messages_tail, mq);
- try_transmission_to_peer (neighbour);
- * Send a plain PING (without address or our HELLO) to the given
- * foreign address to try to establish a connection (and validate
- * that the other peer is really who he claimed he is).
- *
- * @param n neighbour to PING
- */
-static void
-transmit_plain_ping (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- struct ValidationEntry *ve;
- struct TransportPingMessage ping;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
- struct ForeignAddressList *fal;
- if (!n->public_key_valid)
- {
- /* This should not happen since the other peer
- * should send us a HELLO prior to sending his
- * PING */
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- "Could not transmit plain PING to `%s': public key not known\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- return;
- }
- "Looking for addresses to transmit plain PING to `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- for (rl = n->plugins; rl != NULL; rl = rl->next)
- {
- plugin = rl->plugin;
- for (fal = rl->addresses; fal != NULL; fal = fal->next)
- {
- if (!fal->connected)
- continue;
- ve = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ValidationEntry));
- ve->transport_name = GNUNET_strdup (plugin->short_name);
- ve->challenge =
- ve->send_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- ve->session = fal->session;
- memcpy (&ve->publicKey, &n->publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded));
- ve->timeout_task =
- &timeout_hello_validation, ve);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (validation_map, &n->id.hashPubKey, ve,
- ping.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage));
- ping.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PING);
- ping.challenge = htonl (ve->challenge);
- memcpy (&ping.target, &n->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PING without HELLO messages sent"), 1,
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Transmitting plain PING to `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- HELLO_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT, (const char *) &ping,
- sizeof (ping), GNUNET_YES, n);
- }
- }
- * Mark the given FAL entry as 'connected' (and hence preferred for
- * sending); also mark all others for the same peer as 'not connected'
- * (since only one can be preferred).
- *
- * @param fal address to set to 'connected'
- */
-static void
-mark_address_connected (struct ForeignAddressList *fal)
- struct ForeignAddressList *pos;
- struct ForeignAddressList *inbound;
- struct ForeignAddressList *outbound;
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_YES == fal->validated);
- if (fal->connected == GNUNET_YES)
- return; /* nothing to do */
- inbound = NULL;
- outbound = NULL;
- pos = fal->ready_list->addresses;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- /* Already have inbound address, and this is also an inbound address, don't switch!! */
- if ((GNUNET_YES == pos->connected) && (0 == pos->addrlen) &&
- (0 == fal->addrlen))
- return;
- if ((0 == pos->addrlen) && (GNUNET_YES == pos->connected))
- inbound = pos;
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- pos = fal->ready_list->addresses;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- /* Already have outbound address, and this is also an outbound address, don't switch!! */
- if ((GNUNET_YES == pos->connected) && (0 < pos->addrlen) &&
- (0 < fal->addrlen))
- return;
- if ((0 < pos->addrlen) && (GNUNET_YES == pos->connected))
- outbound = pos;
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- if (inbound != NULL)
- fprintf (stderr, "Peer: %s, have inbound connection.\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity));
- if (outbound != NULL)
- fprintf (stderr, "Peer: %s, have outbound connection.\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity));
- /* Have an inbound connection to this peer which is valid; our id is lower, ignore outbound connection! */
- if ((inbound != NULL) && (0 != fal->addrlen) &&
- (1 ==
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_xorcmp (&inbound->ready_list->neighbour->id.
- hashPubKey, &my_identity.hashPubKey,
- &null_hash)))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Peer: %s, had inbound connection, ignoring outbound!\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity));
- return;
- }
- else if ((outbound != NULL) && (0 == fal->addrlen) &&
- ((-1 ==
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_xorcmp (&outbound->ready_list->neighbour->
- id.hashPubKey, &my_identity.hashPubKey,
- &null_hash))))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Peer: %s, have outbound connection, ignoring inbound!\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity));
- return;
- }
- pos = fal->ready_list->addresses;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- if ((GNUNET_YES == pos->connected) && (0 < pos->addrlen))
- {
- "Marking address `%s' as no longer connected (due to connect on other address)\n",
- a2s (pos->ready_list->plugin->short_name, pos->addr,
- pos->addrlen));
- fprintf (stderr, "Peer: %s, setting %s connection to disconnected.\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity),
- (0 == pos->addrlen) ? "INBOUND" : "OUTBOUND");
- pos->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"),
- -1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_NO == fal->connected);
- fal->connected = GNUNET_YES;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"), 1,
- * Find an address in any of the available transports for
- * the given neighbour that would be good for message
- * transmission. This is essentially the transport selection
- * routine.
- *
- * @param neighbour for whom to select an address
- * @return selected address, NULL if we have none
- */
-struct ForeignAddressList *
-find_ready_address (struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour)
- struct ReadyList *head = neighbour->plugins;
- struct ForeignAddressList *addresses;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- struct ForeignAddressList *best_address;
- /* Hack to prefer unix domain sockets */
- struct ForeignAddressList *unix_address = NULL;
- best_address = NULL;
- while (head != NULL)
- {
- addresses = head->addresses;
- while (addresses != NULL)
- {
- if ((addresses->timeout.abs_value < now.abs_value) &&
- (addresses->connected == GNUNET_YES))
- {
- "Marking long-time inactive connection to `%4s' as down.\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"),
- -1, GNUNET_NO);
- addresses->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- addresses = addresses->next;
- }
- addresses = head->addresses;
- while (addresses != NULL)
- {
- if (addresses->addr != NULL)
- "Have address `%s' for peer `%4s' (status: %d, %d, %d, %u, %llums, %u)\n",
- a2s (head->plugin->short_name, addresses->addr,
- addresses->addrlen), GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id),
- addresses->connected, addresses->in_transmit,
- addresses->validated, addresses->connect_attempts,
- (unsigned long long) addresses->timeout.abs_value,
- (unsigned int) addresses->distance);
- if (0 == strcmp (head->plugin->short_name, "unix"))
- {
- if ((unix_address == NULL) ||
- ((unix_address != NULL) &&
- (addresses->latency.rel_value < unix_address->latency.rel_value)))
- unix_address = addresses;
- }
- if (((best_address == NULL) || (addresses->connected == GNUNET_YES) ||
- (best_address->connected == GNUNET_NO)) &&
- (addresses->in_transmit == GNUNET_NO) && ((best_address == NULL) ||
- (addresses->
- latency.rel_value <
- best_address->
- latency.rel_value)))
- best_address = addresses;
- /* FIXME: also give lower-latency addresses that are not
- * connected a chance some times... */
- addresses = addresses->next;
- }
- if (unix_address != NULL)
- break;
- head = head->next;
- }
- if (unix_address != NULL)
- {
- best_address = unix_address;
- "Found UNIX address, forced this address\n");
- }
- if (best_address != NULL)
- {
- "Best address found (`%s') has latency of %llu ms.\n",
- (best_address->addrlen >
- 0) ? a2s (best_address->ready_list->plugin->short_name,
- best_address->addr,
- best_address->addrlen) : "<inbound>",
- best_address->latency.rel_value);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# transmission attempts failed (no address)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- return best_address;
- * FIXME: document.
- */
-struct GeneratorContext
- struct TransportPlugin *plug_pos;
- struct OwnAddressList *addr_pos;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration;
- * FIXME: document.
- */
-static size_t
-address_generator (void *cls, size_t max, void *buf)
- struct GeneratorContext *gc = cls;
- size_t ret;
- while ((gc->addr_pos == NULL) && (gc->plug_pos != NULL))
- {
- gc->plug_pos = gc->plug_pos->next;
- gc->addr_pos = (gc->plug_pos != NULL) ? gc->plug_pos->addresses : NULL;
- }
- if (NULL == gc->plug_pos)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- ret =
- GNUNET_HELLO_add_address (gc->plug_pos->short_name, gc->expiration,
- &gc->addr_pos[1], gc->addr_pos->addrlen, buf,
- max);
- gc->addr_pos = gc->addr_pos->next;
- return ret;
-static int
-transmit_our_hello_if_pong (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *npos = value;
- if (GNUNET_YES != npos->received_pong)
- return GNUNET_OK;
- "Transmitting updated `%s' to neighbour `%4s'\n", "HELLO",
- GNUNET_i2s (&npos->id));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# transmitted my HELLO to other peers"), 1,
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, NULL, 0, HELLO_ADDRESS_EXPIRATION,
- (const char *) our_hello, GNUNET_HELLO_size (our_hello),
- GNUNET_NO, npos);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Construct our HELLO message from all of the addresses of
- * all of the transports.
- *
- * @param cls unused
- * @param tc scheduler context
- */
-static void
-refresh_hello_task (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
- struct TransportClient *cpos;
- struct GeneratorContext gc;
- gc.plug_pos = plugins;
- gc.addr_pos = plugins != NULL ? plugins->addresses : NULL;
- gc.expiration = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (HELLO_ADDRESS_EXPIRATION);
- hello = GNUNET_HELLO_create (&my_public_key, &address_generator, &gc);
- "Refreshed my `%s', new size is %d\n", "HELLO",
- GNUNET_HELLO_size (hello));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# refreshed my HELLO"), 1,
- cpos = clients;
- while (cpos != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Transmitting my HELLO to client!\n");
- transmit_to_client (cpos, (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) hello,
- cpos = cpos->next;
- }
- GNUNET_free_non_null (our_hello);
- our_hello = hello;
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_add_peer (peerinfo, our_hello);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours,
- &transmit_our_hello_if_pong, NULL);
- * Schedule task to refresh hello (unless such a
- * task exists already).
- */
-static void
-refresh_hello ()
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "refresh_hello() called!\n");
- if (hello_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- return;
- hello_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&refresh_hello_task, NULL);
- * Iterator over hash map entries that NULLs the session of validation
- * entries that match the given session.
- *
- * @param cls closure (the 'struct Session*' to match against)
- * @param key current key code (peer ID, not used)
- * @param value value in the hash map ('struct ValidationEntry*')
- * @return GNUNET_YES (we should continue to iterate)
- */
-static int
-remove_session_validations (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct Session *session = cls;
- struct ValidationEntry *ve = value;
- if (session == ve->session)
- ve->session = NULL;
- return GNUNET_YES;
- * We've been disconnected from the other peer (for some
- * connection-oriented transport). Either quickly
- * re-establish the connection or signal the disconnect
- * to the CORE.
- *
- * Only signal CORE level disconnect if ALL addresses
- * for the peer are exhausted.
- *
- * @param p overall plugin context
- * @param nl neighbour that was disconnected
- */
-static void
-try_fast_reconnect (struct TransportPlugin *p, struct NeighbourMapEntry *nl)
- /* FIXME-MW: fast reconnect / transport switching not implemented... */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "try_fast_reconnect not implemented!\n");
- /* Note: the idea here is to hide problems with transports (or
- * switching between plugins) from the core to eliminate the need to
- * re-negotiate session keys and the like; OTOH, we should tell core
- * quickly (much faster than timeout) `if a connection was lost and
- * could not be re-established (i.e. other peer went down or is
- * unable / refuses to communicate);
- *
- * So we should consider:
- * 1) ideally: our own willingness / need to connect
- * 2) prior failures to connect to this peer (by plugin)
- * 3) ideally: reasons why other peer terminated (as far as knowable)
- *
- * Most importantly, it must be POSSIBLE for another peer to terminate
- * a connection for a while (without us instantly re-establishing it).
- * Similarly, if another peer is gone we should quickly notify CORE.
- * OTOH, if there was a minor glitch (i.e. crash of gnunet-service-transport
- * on the other end), we should reconnect in such a way that BOTH CORE
- * services never even notice.
- * Furthermore, the same mechanism (or small variation) could be used
- * to switch to a better-performing plugin (ATS).
- *
- * Finally, this needs to be tested throughly... */
- /*
- * GNUNET_NO in the call below makes transport disconnect the peer,
- * even if only a single address (out of say, six) went away. This
- * function must be careful to ONLY disconnect if the peer is gone,
- * not just a specific address.
- *
- * More specifically, half the places it was used had it WRONG.
- */
- /* No reconnect, signal disconnect instead! */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Disconnecting peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&nl->id), "try_fast_reconnect");
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# disconnects due to try_fast_reconnect"), 1,
-#if DISCONNECT || 1
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- * Function that will be called whenever the plugin internally
- * cleans up a session pointer and hence the service needs to
- * discard all of those sessions as well. Plugins that do not
- * use sessions can simply omit calling this function and always
- * use NULL wherever a session pointer is needed.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param peer which peer was the session for
- * @param session which session is being destoyed
- */
-static void
-plugin_env_session_end (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- struct Session *session)
- struct TransportPlugin *p = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *nl;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- struct ForeignAddressList *pos;
- struct ForeignAddressList *prev;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Session ended with peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer), "plugin_env_session_end");
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (validation_map,
- &remove_session_validations, session);
- nl = find_neighbour (peer);
- if (nl == NULL)
- {
- "No neighbour record found for peer `%4s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- return; /* was never marked as connected */
- }
- rl = nl->plugins;
- while (rl != NULL)
- {
- if (rl->plugin == p)
- break;
- rl = rl->next;
- }
- if (rl == NULL)
- {
- "Plugin was associated with peer `%4s'\n", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# disconnects due to session end"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- return;
- }
- prev = NULL;
- pos = rl->addresses;
- while ((pos != NULL) && (pos->session != session))
- {
- prev = pos;
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- if (pos == NULL)
- {
- "Session was never marked as ready for peer `%4s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- int validations_pending =
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_contains (validation_map,
- &peer->hashPubKey);
- /* No session was marked as ready, but we have pending validations so do not disconnect from neighbour */
- if (validations_pending == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- "Not disconnecting from peer `%4s due to pending address validations\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- return;
- }
- //FIXME: This conflicts with inbound tcp connections and tcp nat ... debugging in progress
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# disconnects due to unready session"), 1,
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- return; /* was never marked as connected */
- }
- pos->session = NULL;
- if (GNUNET_YES == pos->connected)
- {
- pos->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"), -1,
- }
- if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != pos->revalidate_task)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (pos->revalidate_task);
- pos->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- if (pos->addrlen != 0)
- {
- if (nl->received_pong != GNUNET_NO)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# try_fast_reconnect thanks to plugin_env_session_end"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- if (GNUNET_YES == pos->connected)
- try_fast_reconnect (p, nl);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# disconnects due to missing pong"), 1,
- /* FIXME this is never true?! See: line 2416 */
- if (GNUNET_YES == pos->connected)
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* was inbound connection, free 'pos' */
- if (prev == NULL)
- rl->addresses = pos->next;
- else
- prev->next = pos->next;
- if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != pos->revalidate_task)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (pos->revalidate_task);
- pos->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- GNUNET_free_non_null (pos->ressources);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (pos->quality);
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_MODIFIED);
- if (GNUNET_YES != pos->connected)
- {
- /* nothing else to do, connection was never up... */
- GNUNET_free (pos);
- return;
- }
- pos->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"), -1,
- GNUNET_free (pos);
- if (nl->received_pong == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# disconnects due to NO pong"), 1,
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- return; /* nothing to do, never connected... */
- }
- /* check if we have any validated addresses left */
- pos = rl->addresses;
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- if (GNUNET_YES == pos->validated)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# try_fast_reconnect thanks to validated_address"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- try_fast_reconnect (p, nl);
- return;
- }
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- /* no valid addresses left, signal disconnect! */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Disconnecting peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer), "plugin_env_session_end");
- /* FIXME: This doesn't mean there are no addresses left for this PEER,
- * it means there aren't any left for this PLUGIN/PEER combination! So
- * calling disconnect_neighbour here with GNUNET_NO forces disconnect
- * when it isn't necessary. Using GNUNET_YES at least checks to see
- * if there are any addresses that work first, so as not to overdo it.
- * --NE
- */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# disconnects due to plugin_env_session_end"), 1,
- disconnect_neighbour (nl, GNUNET_YES);
- * Function that must be called by each plugin to notify the
- * transport service about the addresses under which the transport
- * provided by the plugin can be reached.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param add_remove GNUNET_YES to add, GNUNET_NO to remove the address
- * @param addr one of the addresses of the host, NULL for the last address
- * the specific address format depends on the transport
- * @param addrlen length of the address
- */
-static void
-plugin_env_notify_address (void *cls, int add_remove, const void *addr,
- size_t addrlen)
- struct TransportPlugin *p = cls;
- struct OwnAddressList *al;
- struct OwnAddressList *prev;
- GNUNET_assert (p->api != NULL);
- (add_remove ==
- GNUNET_YES) ? "Adding `%s':%s to the set of our addresses\n" :
- "Removing `%s':%s from the set of our addresses\n",
- a2s (p->short_name, addr, addrlen), p->short_name);
- GNUNET_assert (addr != NULL);
- if (GNUNET_NO == add_remove)
- {
- prev = NULL;
- al = p->addresses;
- while (al != NULL)
- {
- if ((addrlen == al->addrlen) && (0 == memcmp (addr, &al[1], addrlen)))
- {
- if (prev == NULL)
- p->addresses = al->next;
- else
- prev->next = al->next;
- GNUNET_free (al);
- refresh_hello ();
- return;
- }
- prev = al;
- al = al->next;
- }
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
- }
- al = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct OwnAddressList) + addrlen);
- al->next = p->addresses;
- p->addresses = al;
- al->addrlen = addrlen;
- memcpy (&al[1], addr, addrlen);
- refresh_hello ();
- * Notify all of our clients about a peer connecting.
- */
-static void
-notify_clients_connect (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency, uint32_t distance)
- struct ConnectInfoMessage *cim;
- struct TransportClient *cpos;
- uint32_t ats_count;
- size_t size;
- if (0 == memcmp (peer, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
- }
- "Notifying clients about connection with `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# peers connected"), 1,
- ats_count = 2;
- size =
- sizeof (struct ConnectInfoMessage) +
- ats_count * sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information);
- cim = GNUNET_malloc (size);
- cim->header.size = htons (size);
- cim->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_CONNECT);
- cim->ats_count = htonl (2);
- (&cim->ats)[0].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE);
- (&cim->ats)[0].value = htonl (distance);
- (&cim->ats)[1].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY);
- (&cim->ats)[1].value = htonl ((uint32_t) latency.rel_value);
- (&cim->ats)[2].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ARRAY_TERMINATOR);
- (&cim->ats)[2].value = htonl (0);
- memcpy (&cim->id, peer, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- /* notify ats about connecting peer */
- if ((ats != NULL) && (shutdown_in_progress == GNUNET_NO))
- {
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_MODIFIED);
- ats_calculate_bandwidth_distribution (ats);
- }
- cpos = clients;
- while (cpos != NULL)
- {
- transmit_to_client (cpos, &cim->header, GNUNET_NO);
- cpos = cpos->next;
- }
- GNUNET_free (cim);
- * Notify all of our clients about a peer disconnecting.
- */
-static void
-notify_clients_disconnect (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer)
- struct DisconnectInfoMessage dim;
- struct TransportClient *cpos;
- if (0 == memcmp (peer, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
- }
- "Notifying clients about lost connection to `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# peers connected"), -1,
- dim.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct DisconnectInfoMessage));
- dim.reserved = htonl (0);
- memcpy (&dim.peer, peer, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- /* notify ats about connecting peer */
- if ((ats != NULL) && (shutdown_in_progress == GNUNET_NO))
- {
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_MODIFIED);
- ats_calculate_bandwidth_distribution (ats);
- }
- cpos = clients;
- while (cpos != NULL)
- {
- transmit_to_client (cpos, &dim.header, GNUNET_NO);
- cpos = cpos->next;
- }
- * Find a ForeignAddressList entry for the given neighbour
- * that matches the given address and transport.
- *
- * @param neighbour which peer we care about
- * @param tname name of the transport plugin
- * @param session session to look for, NULL for 'any'; otherwise
- * can be used for the service to "learn" this session ID
- * if 'addr' matches
- * @param addr binary address
- * @param addrlen length of addr
- * @return NULL if no such entry exists
- */
-static struct ForeignAddressList *
-find_peer_address (struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour, const char *tname,
- struct Session *session, const char *addr, uint16_t addrlen)
- struct ReadyList *head;
- struct ForeignAddressList *pos;
- head = neighbour->plugins;
- while (head != NULL)
- {
- if (0 == strcmp (tname, head->plugin->short_name))
- break;
- head = head->next;
- }
- if (head == NULL)
- return NULL;
- pos = head->addresses;
- while ((pos != NULL) &&
- ((pos->addrlen != addrlen) ||
- (memcmp (pos->addr, addr, addrlen) != 0)))
- {
- if ((session != NULL) && (pos->session == session))
- return pos;
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- if ((session != NULL) && (pos != NULL))
- pos->session = session; /* learn it! */
- return pos;
- * Get the peer address struct for the given neighbour and
- * address. If it doesn't yet exist, create it.
- *
- * @param neighbour which peer we care about
- * @param tname name of the transport plugin
- * @param session session of the plugin, or NULL for none
- * @param addr binary address
- * @param addrlen length of addr
- * @return NULL if we do not have a transport plugin for 'tname'
- */
-static struct ForeignAddressList *
-add_peer_address (struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour, const char *tname,
- struct Session *session, const char *addr, uint16_t addrlen)
- struct ReadyList *head;
- struct ForeignAddressList *ret;
- int c;
- ret = find_peer_address (neighbour, tname, session, addr, addrlen);
- if (ret != NULL)
- return ret;
- head = neighbour->plugins;
- while (head != NULL)
- {
- if (0 == strcmp (tname, head->plugin->short_name))
- break;
- head = head->next;
- }
- if (head == NULL)
- return NULL;
- ret = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ForeignAddressList) + addrlen);
- ret->session = session;
- if ((addrlen > 0) && (addr != NULL))
- {
- ret->addr = (const char *) &ret[1];
- memcpy (&ret[1], addr, addrlen);
- }
- else
- {
- ret->addr = NULL;
- }
- ret->ressources =
- GNUNET_malloc (available_ressources *
- sizeof (struct ATS_ressource_entry));
- for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
- {
- struct ATS_ressource_entry *r = ret->ressources;
- r[c].index = c;
- r[c].atis_index = ressources[c].atis_index;
- if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "unix"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_unix;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "udp"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_udp;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "tcp"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_tcp;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "http"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_http;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "https"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_https;
- }
- else if (0 == strcmp (neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name, "wlan"))
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_wlan;
- }
- else
- {
- r[c].c = ressources[c].c_default;
- "Assigning default cost to peer `%s' addr plugin `%s'! This should not happen!\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id),
- neighbour->plugins->plugin->short_name);
- }
- }
- ret->quality =
- GNUNET_malloc (available_quality_metrics *
- sizeof (struct ATS_quality_entry));
- ret->addrlen = addrlen;
- ret->expires =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- ret->latency = GNUNET_TIME_relative_get_forever ();
- ret->distance = -1;
- ret->timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- ret->ready_list = head;
- ret->next = head->addresses;
- head->addresses = ret;
- return ret;
- * Closure for 'add_validated_address'.
- */
-struct AddValidatedAddressContext
- /**
- * Entry that has been validated.
- */
- const struct ValidationEntry *ve;
- /**
- * Flag set after we have added the address so
- * that we terminate the iteration next time.
- */
- int done;
- * Callback function used to fill a buffer of max bytes with a list of
- * addresses in the format used by HELLOs. Should use
- * "GNUNET_HELLO_add_address" as a helper function.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct AddValidatedAddressContext' with the validated address
- * @param max maximum number of bytes that can be written to buf
- * @param buf where to write the address information
- * @return number of bytes written, 0 to signal the
- * end of the iteration.
- */
-static size_t
-add_validated_address (void *cls, size_t max, void *buf)
- struct AddValidatedAddressContext *avac = cls;
- const struct ValidationEntry *ve = avac->ve;
- if (GNUNET_YES == avac->done)
- return 0;
- avac->done = GNUNET_YES;
- return GNUNET_HELLO_add_address (ve->transport_name,
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- ve->addrlen, buf, max);
- * Closure for 'check_address_exists'.
- */
-struct CheckAddressExistsClosure
- /**
- * Address to check for.
- */
- const void *addr;
- /**
- * Name of the transport.
- */
- const char *tname;
- /**
- * Session, or NULL.
- */
- struct Session *session;
- /**
- * Set to GNUNET_YES if the address exists.
- */
- int exists;
- /**
- * Length of addr.
- */
- uint16_t addrlen;
- * Iterator over hash map entries. Checks if the given
- * validation entry is for the same address as what is given
- * in the closure.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct CheckAddressExistsClosure*'
- * @param key current key code (ignored)
- * @param value value in the hash map ('struct ValidationEntry')
- * @return GNUNET_YES if we should continue to
- * iterate (mismatch), GNUNET_NO if not (entry matched)
- */
-static int
-check_address_exists (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct CheckAddressExistsClosure *caec = cls;
- struct ValidationEntry *ve = value;
- if ((0 == strcmp (caec->tname, ve->transport_name)) &&
- (caec->addrlen == ve->addrlen) &&
- (0 == memcmp (caec->addr, ve->addr, caec->addrlen)))
- {
- caec->exists = GNUNET_YES;
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if ((ve->session != NULL) && (caec->session == ve->session))
- {
- caec->exists = GNUNET_YES;
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- return GNUNET_YES;
-static void
-neighbour_timeout_task (void *cls,
- const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = cls;
- "Neighbour `%4s' has timed out!\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# disconnects due to timeout"), 1,
- n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- disconnect_neighbour (n, GNUNET_NO);
- * Schedule the job that will cause us to send a PING to the
- * foreign address to evaluate its validity and latency.
- *
- * @param fal address to PING
- */
-static void
-schedule_next_ping (struct ForeignAddressList *fal);
- * Add the given address to the list of foreign addresses
- * available for the given peer (check for duplicates).
- *
- * @param cls the respective 'struct NeighbourMapEntry' to update
- * @param tname name of the transport
- * @param expiration expiration time
- * @param addr the address
- * @param addrlen length of the address
- * @return GNUNET_OK (always)
- */
-static int
-add_to_foreign_address_list (void *cls, const char *tname,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
- const void *addr, uint16_t addrlen)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = cls;
- struct ForeignAddressList *fal;
- int try;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# valid peer addresses returned by PEERINFO"), 1,
- try = GNUNET_NO;
- fal = find_peer_address (n, tname, NULL, addr, addrlen);
- if (fal == NULL)
- {
- "Adding address `%s' (%s) for peer `%4s' due to PEERINFO data for %llums.\n",
- a2s (tname, addr, addrlen), tname, GNUNET_i2s (&n->id),
- expiration.abs_value);
- fal = add_peer_address (n, tname, NULL, addr, addrlen);
- if (fal == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# previously validated addresses lacking transport"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- else
- {
- fal->expires = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_max (expiration, fal->expires);
- schedule_next_ping (fal);
- }
- try = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- else
- {
- fal->expires = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_max (expiration, fal->expires);
- }
- if (fal == NULL)
- {
- "Failed to add new address for `%4s'\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- if (fal->validated == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- fal->validated = GNUNET_YES;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses considered valid"), 1,
- }
- if (try == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- "Have new addresses, will try to trigger transmissions.\n");
- try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- }
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Add addresses in validated HELLO "h" to the set of addresses
- * we have for this peer.
- *
- * @param cls closure ('struct NeighbourMapEntry*')
- * @param peer id of the peer, NULL for last call
- * @param h hello message for the peer (can be NULL)
- * @param err_msg NULL if successful, otherwise contains error message
- */
-static void
-add_hello_for_peer (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *h, const char *err_msg)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = cls;
- if (err_msg != NULL)
- {
- _("Error in communication with PEERINFO service: %s\n"),
- err_msg);
- /* return; */
- }
- if (peer == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), -1,
- n->piter = NULL;
- return;
- }
- if (h == NULL)
- return; /* no HELLO available */
- "Peerinfo had `%s' message for peer `%4s', adding existing addresses.\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- if (GNUNET_YES != n->public_key_valid)
- {
- GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (h, &n->publicKey);
- n->public_key_valid = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (h, GNUNET_NO, &add_to_foreign_address_list,
- n);
- * Create a fresh entry in our neighbour list for the given peer.
- * Will try to transmit our current HELLO to the new neighbour.
- * Do not call this function directly, use 'setup_peer_check_blacklist.
- *
- * @param peer the peer for which we create the entry
- * @param do_hello should we schedule transmitting a HELLO
- * @return the new neighbour list entry
- */
-static struct NeighbourMapEntry *
-setup_new_neighbour (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer, int do_hello)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- struct TransportPlugin *tp;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- GNUNET_assert (0 !=
- memcmp (peer, &my_identity,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)));
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Setting up state for neighbour `%4s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# active neighbours"), 1,
- n = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct NeighbourMapEntry));
- n->id = *peer;
- n->peer_timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_init (&n->in_tracker,
- tp = plugins;
- while (tp != NULL)
- {
- if ((tp->api->send != NULL) && (!is_blacklisted (peer, tp)))
- {
- rl = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ReadyList));
- rl->neighbour = n;
- rl->next = n->plugins;
- n->plugins = rl;
- rl->plugin = tp;
- rl->addresses = NULL;
- }
- tp = tp->next;
- }
- n->distance = -1;
- n->timeout_task =
- &neighbour_timeout_task, n);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (neighbours, &n->id.hashPubKey, n,
- if (do_hello)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peerinfo new neighbor iterate requests"), 1,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), 1,
- n->piter =
- &add_hello_for_peer, n);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# HELLO's sent to new neighbors"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- if (NULL != our_hello)
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, NULL, 0, HELLO_ADDRESS_EXPIRATION,
- (const char *) our_hello, GNUNET_HELLO_size (our_hello),
- GNUNET_NO, n);
- }
- return n;
- * Function called after we have checked if communicating
- * with a given peer is acceptable.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param n NULL if communication is not acceptable
- */
-typedef void (*SetupContinuation) (void *cls, struct NeighbourMapEntry * n);
- * Information kept for each client registered to perform
- * blacklisting.
- */
-struct Blacklisters
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct Blacklisters *next;
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct Blacklisters *prev;
- /**
- * Client responsible for this entry.
- */
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client;
- /**
- * Blacklist check that we're currently performing.
- */
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc;
- * Head of DLL of blacklisting clients.
- */
-static struct Blacklisters *bl_head;
- * Tail of DLL of blacklisting clients.
- */
-static struct Blacklisters *bl_tail;
- * Context we use when performing a blacklist check.
- */
-struct BlacklistCheck
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct BlacklistCheck *next;
- /**
- * This is a linked list.
- */
- struct BlacklistCheck *prev;
- /**
- * Peer being checked.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity peer;
- /**
- * Option for setup neighbour afterwards.
- */
- int do_hello;
- /**
- * Continuation to call with the result.
- */
- SetupContinuation cont;
- /**
- * Closure for cont.
- */
- void *cont_cls;
- /**
- * Current transmission request handle for this client, or NULL if no
- * request is pending.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONNECTION_TransmitHandle *th;
- /**
- * Our current position in the blacklisters list.
- */
- struct Blacklisters *bl_pos;
- /**
- * Current task performing the check.
- */
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskIdentifier task;
- * Head of DLL of active blacklisting queries.
- */
-static struct BlacklistCheck *bc_head;
- * Tail of DLL of active blacklisting queries.
- */
-static struct BlacklistCheck *bc_tail;
- * Perform next action in the blacklist check.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct BlacklistCheck*'
- * @param tc unused
- */
-static void
-do_blacklist_check (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc);
- * Transmit blacklist query to the client.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct BlacklistCheck'
- * @param size number of bytes allowed
- * @param buf where to copy the message
- * @return number of bytes copied to buf
- */
-static size_t
-transmit_blacklist_message (void *cls, size_t size, void *buf)
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc = cls;
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
- struct BlacklistMessage bm;
- bc->th = NULL;
- if (size == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_assert (bc->task == GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK);
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- "Failed to send blacklist test for peer `%s' to client\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&bc->peer));
- return 0;
- }
- "Sending blacklist test for peer `%s' to client\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&bc->peer));
- bl = bc->bl_pos;
- bm.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct BlacklistMessage));
- bm.is_allowed = htonl (0);
- bm.peer = bc->peer;
- memcpy (buf, &bm, sizeof (bm));
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (bl->client, GNUNET_OK);
- return sizeof (bm);
- * Perform next action in the blacklist check.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct BlacklistCheck*'
- * @param tc unused
- */
-static void
-do_blacklist_check (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc = cls;
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
- bl = bc->bl_pos;
- if (bl == NULL)
- {
- "No blacklist clients active, will now setup neighbour record for peer `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&bc->peer));
- bc->cont (bc->cont_cls, setup_new_neighbour (&bc->peer, bc->do_hello));
- GNUNET_free (bc);
- return;
- }
- if (bl->bc == NULL)
- {
- bl->bc = bc;
- bc->th =
- GNUNET_SERVER_notify_transmit_ready (bl->client,
- sizeof (struct BlacklistMessage),
- &transmit_blacklist_message, bc);
- }
- * Obtain a 'struct NeighbourMapEntry' for the given peer. If such an entry
- * does not yet exist, check the blacklist. If the blacklist says creating
- * one is acceptable, create one and call the continuation; otherwise
- * call the continuation with NULL.
- *
- * @param peer peer to setup or look up a struct NeighbourMapEntry for
- * @param do_hello should we also schedule sending our HELLO to the peer
- * if this is a new record
- * @param cont function to call with the 'struct NeigbhbourList*'
- * @param cont_cls closure for cont
- */
-static void
-setup_peer_check_blacklist (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- int do_hello, SetupContinuation cont,
- void *cont_cls)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc;
- n = find_neighbour (peer);
- if (n != NULL)
- {
- "Neighbour record exists for peer `%s'\n", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- if (cont != NULL)
- cont (cont_cls, n);
- return;
- }
- if (bl_head == NULL)
- {
- if (cont != NULL)
- cont (cont_cls, setup_new_neighbour (peer, do_hello));
- else
- setup_new_neighbour (peer, do_hello);
- return;
- }
- bc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct BlacklistCheck));
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (bc_head, bc_tail, bc);
- bc->peer = *peer;
- bc->do_hello = do_hello;
- bc->cont = cont;
- bc->cont_cls = cont_cls;
- bc->bl_pos = bl_head;
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- * Function called with the result of querying a new blacklister about
- * it being allowed (or not) to continue to talk to an existing neighbour.
- *
- * @param cls the original 'struct NeighbourMapEntry'
- * @param n NULL if we need to disconnect
- */
-static void
-confirm_or_drop_neighbour (void *cls, struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *orig = cls;
- if (n == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Disconnecting peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&orig->id), "confirm_or_drop_neighboUr");
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# disconnects due to blacklist"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- disconnect_neighbour (orig, GNUNET_NO);
- }
-struct TestConnectionContext
- int first;
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
-static int
-test_connection_ok (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct TestConnectionContext *tcc = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = value;
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc;
- bc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct BlacklistCheck));
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (bc_head, bc_tail, bc);
- bc->peer = n->id;
- bc->do_hello = GNUNET_NO;
- bc->cont = &confirm_or_drop_neighbour;
- bc->cont_cls = n;
- bc->bl_pos = tcc->bl;
- if (GNUNET_YES == tcc->first)
- {
- /* all would wait for the same client, no need to
- * create more than just the first task right now */
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- tcc->first = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Handle a request to start a blacklist.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_blacklist_init (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
- struct TestConnectionContext tcc;
- bl = bl_head;
- while (bl != NULL)
- {
- if (bl->client == client)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- bl = bl->next;
- }
- bl = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Blacklisters));
- bl->client = client;
- GNUNET_SERVER_client_keep (client);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (bl_head, bl_tail, bl_tail, bl);
- /* confirm that all existing connections are OK! */
- tcc.bl = bl;
- tcc.first = GNUNET_YES;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &test_connection_ok, &tcc);
- * Handle a request to blacklist a peer.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_blacklist_reply (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct BlacklistMessage *msg =
- (const struct BlacklistMessage *) message;
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc;
- bl = bl_head;
- while ((bl != NULL) && (bl->client != client))
- bl = bl->next;
- if (bl == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Blacklist client disconnected\n");
- /* FIXME: other error handling here!? */
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- bc = bl->bc;
- bl->bc = NULL;
- if (ntohl (msg->is_allowed) == GNUNET_SYSERR)
- {
- "Blacklist check failed, peer not allowed\n");
- bc->cont (bc->cont_cls, NULL);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (bc_head, bc_tail, bc);
- GNUNET_free (bc);
- }
- else
- {
- "Blacklist check succeeded, continuing with checks\n");
- bc->bl_pos = bc->bl_pos->next;
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- }
- /* check if any other bc's are waiting for this blacklister */
- bc = bc_head;
- while (bc != NULL)
- {
- if ((bc->bl_pos == bl) && (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK == bc->task))
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- bc = bc->next;
- }
- * Send periodic PING messages to a given foreign address.
- *
- * @param cls our 'struct PeriodicValidationContext*'
- * @param tc task context
- */
-static void
-send_periodic_ping (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_address = cls;
- struct TransportPlugin *tp;
- struct ValidationEntry *va;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour;
- struct TransportPingMessage ping;
- struct CheckAddressExistsClosure caec;
- char *message_buf;
- uint16_t hello_size;
- size_t slen;
- size_t tsize;
- peer_address->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- if ((tc->reason & GNUNET_SCHEDULER_REASON_SHUTDOWN) != 0)
- return;
- GNUNET_assert (peer_address != NULL);
- tp = peer_address->ready_list->plugin;
- neighbour = peer_address->ready_list->neighbour;
- if (GNUNET_YES != neighbour->public_key_valid)
- {
- /* no public key yet, try again later */
- schedule_next_ping (peer_address);
- return;
- }
- caec.addr = peer_address->addr;
- caec.addrlen = peer_address->addrlen;
- caec.tname = tp->short_name;
- caec.session = peer_address->session;
- caec.exists = GNUNET_NO;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (validation_map, &check_address_exists,
- &caec);
- if (caec.exists == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- /* During validation attempts we will likely trigger the other
- * peer trying to validate our address which in turn will cause
- * it to send us its HELLO, so we expect to hit this case rather
- * frequently. Only print something if we are very verbose. */
- "Some validation of address `%s' via `%s' for peer `%4s' already in progress.\n",
- (peer_address->addr != NULL) ? a2s (tp->short_name,
- peer_address->addr,
- peer_address->addrlen) :
- "<inbound>", tp->short_name, GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id));
- schedule_next_ping (peer_address);
- return;
- }
- va = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ValidationEntry) + peer_address->addrlen);
- va->transport_name = GNUNET_strdup (tp->short_name);
- va->challenge =
- va->send_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- va->session = peer_address->session;
- if (peer_address->addr != NULL)
- {
- va->addr = (const void *) &va[1];
- memcpy (&va[1], peer_address->addr, peer_address->addrlen);
- va->addrlen = peer_address->addrlen;
- }
- memcpy (&va->publicKey, &neighbour->publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded));
- va->timeout_task =
- &timeout_hello_validation, va);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (validation_map, &neighbour->id.hashPubKey,
- va,
- if (peer_address->validated != GNUNET_YES)
- hello_size = GNUNET_HELLO_size (our_hello);
- else
- hello_size = 0;
- tsize = sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + hello_size;
- if (peer_address->addr != NULL)
- {
- slen = strlen (tp->short_name) + 1;
- tsize += slen + peer_address->addrlen;
- }
- else
- {
- slen = 0; /* make gcc happy */
- }
- message_buf = GNUNET_malloc (tsize);
- ping.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PING);
- ping.challenge = htonl (va->challenge);
- memcpy (&ping.target, &neighbour->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- if (peer_address->validated != GNUNET_YES)
- {
- memcpy (message_buf, our_hello, hello_size);
- }
- if (peer_address->addr != NULL)
- {
- ping.header.size =
- htons (sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + peer_address->addrlen +
- slen);
- memcpy (&message_buf[hello_size + sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage)],
- tp->short_name, slen);
- memcpy (&message_buf
- [hello_size + sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + slen],
- peer_address->addr, peer_address->addrlen);
- }
- else
- {
- ping.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage));
- }
- memcpy (&message_buf[hello_size], &ping,
- sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage));
- "Performing re-validation of address `%s' via `%s' for peer `%4s' sending `%s' (%u bytes) and `%s'\n",
- (peer_address->addr !=
- NULL) ? a2s (peer_address->plugin->short_name,
- peer_address->addr,
- peer_address->addrlen) : "<inbound>",
- tp->short_name, GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id), "HELLO", hello_size,
- "PING");
- if (peer_address->validated != GNUNET_YES)
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# PING with HELLO messages sent"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- else
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PING without HELLO messages sent"), 1,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PING messages sent for re-validation"), 1,
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, peer_address, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
- neighbour);
- GNUNET_free (message_buf);
- schedule_next_ping (peer_address);
- * Schedule the job that will cause us to send a PING to the
- * foreign address to evaluate its validity and latency.
- *
- * @param fal address to PING
- */
-static void
-schedule_next_ping (struct ForeignAddressList *fal)
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delay;
- if (fal->revalidate_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (fal->revalidate_task);
- fal->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- delay = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (fal->expires);
- delay.rel_value /= 2; /* do before expiration */
- delay = GNUNET_TIME_relative_min (delay, LATENCY_EVALUATION_MAX_DELAY);
- if (GNUNET_YES != fal->estimated)
- {
- fal->estimated = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- if (GNUNET_YES == fal->connected)
- {
- delay =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_min (delay,
- }
- /* FIXME: also adjust delay based on how close the last
- * observed latency is to the latency of the best alternative */
- /* bound how fast we can go */
- delay = GNUNET_TIME_relative_max (delay, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS);
- /* randomize a bit (to avoid doing all at the same time) */
- delay.rel_value +=
- GNUNET_assert (fal->revalidate_task == GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK);
- fal->revalidate_task =
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (delay, &send_periodic_ping, fal);
- * Function that will be called if we receive some payload
- * from another peer.
- *
- * @param message the payload
- * @param n peer who claimed to be the sender
- */
-static void
-handle_payload_message (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- struct InboundMessage *im;
- struct TransportClient *cpos;
- uint16_t msize;
- msize = ntohs (message->size);
- if (n->received_pong == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- "Received message of type %u and size %u from `%4s', but no pong yet!\n",
- ntohs (message->type), ntohs (message->size),
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- GNUNET_free_non_null (n->pre_connect_message_buffer);
- n->pre_connect_message_buffer = GNUNET_malloc (msize);
- memcpy (n->pre_connect_message_buffer, message, msize);
- return;
- }
- "Received message of type %u and size %u from `%4s', sending to all clients.\n",
- ntohs (message->type), ntohs (message->size),
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- if (GNUNET_YES ==
- GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_consume (&n->in_tracker, (ssize_t) msize))
- {
- n->quota_violation_count++;
- "Bandwidth quota (%u b/s) violation detected (total of %u).\n",
- n->in_tracker.available_bytes_per_s__,
- n->quota_violation_count);
- /* Discount 32k per violation */
- GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_consume (&n->in_tracker, -32 * 1024);
- }
- else
- {
- if (n->quota_violation_count > 0)
- {
- /* try to add 32k back */
- GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_consume (&n->in_tracker, 32 * 1024);
- n->quota_violation_count--;
- }
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# payload received from other peers"), msize,
- /* transmit message to all clients */
- uint32_t ats_count = 2;
- size_t size =
- sizeof (struct InboundMessage) +
- ats_count * sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information) + msize;
- GNUNET_break (0);
- im = GNUNET_malloc (size);
- im->header.size = htons (size);
- im->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_RECV);
- im->peer = n->id;
- im->ats_count = htonl (ats_count);
- /* Setting ATS data */
- (&(im->ats))[0].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE);
- (&(im->ats))[0].value = htonl (n->distance);
- (&(im->ats))[1].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY);
- (&(im->ats))[1].value = htonl ((uint32_t) n->latency.rel_value);
- (&(im->ats))[ats_count].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ARRAY_TERMINATOR);
- (&(im->ats))[ats_count].value = htonl (0);
- memcpy (&((&(im->ats))[ats_count + 1]), message, msize);
- cpos = clients;
- while (cpos != NULL)
- {
- transmit_to_client (cpos, &im->header, GNUNET_YES);
- cpos = cpos->next;
- }
- GNUNET_free (im);
- * Iterator over hash map entries. Checks if the given validation
- * entry is for the same challenge as what is given in the PONG.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct TransportPongMessage*'
- * @param key peer identity
- * @param value value in the hash map ('struct ValidationEntry')
- * @return GNUNET_YES if we should continue to
- * iterate (mismatch), GNUNET_NO if not (entry matched)
- */
-static int
-check_pending_validation (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- const struct TransportPongMessage *pong = cls;
- struct ValidationEntry *ve = value;
- struct AddValidatedAddressContext avac;
- unsigned int challenge = ntohl (pong->challenge);
- struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- struct ForeignAddressList *fal;
- struct OwnAddressList *oal;
- struct TransportPlugin *tp;
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *prem;
- uint16_t ps;
- const char *addr;
- size_t slen;
- size_t alen;
- ps = ntohs (pong->header.size);
- if (ps < sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- addr = (const char *) &pong[1];
- slen = strlen (ve->transport_name) + 1;
- if ((ps - sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) < slen) ||
- (ve->challenge != challenge) || (addr[slen - 1] != '\0') ||
- (0 != strcmp (addr, ve->transport_name)) ||
- (ntohl (pong->purpose.size) !=
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose) + sizeof (uint32_t) +
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_TIME_AbsoluteNBO) +
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity) + ps -
- sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage)))
- {
- return GNUNET_YES;
- }
- alen = ps - sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) - slen;
- switch (ntohl (pong->purpose.purpose))
- {
- if ((ve->addrlen + slen != ntohl (pong->addrlen)) ||
- (0 != memcmp (&addr[slen], ve->addr, ve->addrlen)))
- {
- return GNUNET_YES; /* different entry, keep trying! */
- }
- if (0 != memcmp (&pong->pid, key, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (GNUNET_OK !=
- &pong->purpose, &pong->signature,
- &ve->publicKey))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- "Confirmed validity of address, peer `%4s' has address `%s' (%s).\n",
- GNUNET_h2s (key), a2s (ve->transport_name,
- (const struct sockaddr *) ve->addr,
- ve->addrlen), ve->transport_name);
- break;
- if (0 !=
- memcmp (&pong->pid, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- char *peer;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&peer, "%s", GNUNET_i2s (&pong->pid));
- "Received PONG for different identity: I am `%s', PONG identity: `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&my_identity), peer);
- GNUNET_free (peer);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (ve->addrlen != 0)
- {
- /* must have been for a different validation entry */
- return GNUNET_YES;
- }
- tp = find_transport (ve->transport_name);
- if (tp == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return GNUNET_YES;
- }
- oal = tp->addresses;
- while (NULL != oal)
- {
- if ((oal->addrlen == alen) && (0 == memcmp (&oal[1], &addr[slen], alen)))
- break;
- oal = oal->next;
- }
- if (oal == NULL)
- {
- _
- ("Not accepting PONG from `%s' with address `%s' since I cannot confirm using this address.\n"),
- GNUNET_i2s (&pong->pid), a2s (ve->transport_name, &addr[slen],
- alen));
- /* FIXME: since the sender of the PONG currently uses the
- * wrong address (see FIMXE there!), we cannot run a
- * proper check here... */
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (GNUNET_OK !=
- &pong->purpose, &pong->signature,
- &ve->publicKey))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- "Confirmed that peer `%4s' is talking to us using address `%s' (%s) for us.\n",
- GNUNET_h2s (key), a2s (ve->transport_name, &addr[slen], alen),
- ve->transport_name);
- break;
- default:
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining
- (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_ntoh (pong->expiration)).rel_value == 0)
- {
- _("Received expired signature. Check system time.\n"));
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# address validation successes"), 1,
- /* create the updated HELLO */
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&ve->publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &target.hashPubKey);
- if (ve->addr != NULL)
- {
- avac.done = GNUNET_NO;
- avac.ve = ve;
- hello = GNUNET_HELLO_create (&ve->publicKey, &add_validated_address, &avac);
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_add_peer (peerinfo, hello);
- GNUNET_free (hello);
- }
- n = find_neighbour (&target);
- if (n != NULL)
- {
- n->publicKey = ve->publicKey;
- n->public_key_valid = GNUNET_YES;
- fal =
- add_peer_address (n, ve->transport_name, ve->session, ve->addr,
- ve->addrlen);
- GNUNET_assert (fal != NULL);
- fal->expires = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (HELLO_ADDRESS_EXPIRATION);
- fal->validated = GNUNET_YES;
- mark_address_connected (fal);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses considered valid"), 1,
- fal->latency = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (ve->send_time);
- update_addr_value (fal,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_duration (ve->
- send_time).rel_value,
- schedule_next_ping (fal);
- if (n->latency.rel_value == GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL.rel_value)
- n->latency = fal->latency;
- else
- n->latency.rel_value =
- (fal->latency.rel_value + n->latency.rel_value) / 2;
- n->distance = fal->distance;
- if (GNUNET_NO == n->received_pong)
- {
- n->received_pong = GNUNET_YES;
- notify_clients_connect (&target, n->latency, n->distance);
- if (NULL != (prem = n->pre_connect_message_buffer))
- {
- n->pre_connect_message_buffer = NULL;
- handle_payload_message (prem, n);
- GNUNET_free (prem);
- }
- }
- if (n->retry_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (n->retry_task);
- n->retry_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- }
- }
- /* clean up validation entry */
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_YES ==
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (validation_map, key,
- ve));
- abort_validation (NULL, NULL, ve);
- return GNUNET_NO;
- * Function that will be called if we receive a validation
- * of an address challenge that we transmitted to another
- * peer. Note that the validation should only be considered
- * acceptable if the challenge matches AND if the sender
- * address is at least a plausible address for this peer
- * (otherwise we may be seeing a MiM attack).
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param message the pong message
- * @param peer who responded to our challenge
- * @param sender_address string describing our sender address (as observed
- * by the other peer in binary format)
- * @param sender_address_len number of bytes in 'sender_address'
- */
-static void
-handle_pong (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
- const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer, const char *sender_address,
- size_t sender_address_len)
- if (0 == memcmp (peer, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- /* PONG send to self, ignore */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Receiving `%s' message from myself\n",
- "PONG");
- return;
- }
- /* we get tons of these that just get discarded, only log
- * if we are quite verbose */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Receiving `%s' message from `%4s'.\n",
- "PONG", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# PONG messages received"), 1,
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get_multiple (validation_map,
- &peer->hashPubKey,
- &check_pending_validation,
- (void *) message))
- {
- /* This is *expected* to happen a lot since we send
- * PONGs to *all* known addresses of the sender of
- * the PING, so most likely we get multiple PONGs
- * per PING, and all but the first PONG will end up
- * here. So really we should not print anything here
- * unless we want to be very, very verbose... */
- "Received `%s' message from `%4s' but have no record of a matching `%s' message. Ignoring.\n",
- "PONG", GNUNET_i2s (peer), "PING");
- return;
- }
- * Try to validate a neighbour's address by sending him our HELLO and a PING.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct ValidationEntry*'
- * @param neighbour neighbour to validate, NULL if validation failed
- */
-static void
-transmit_hello_and_ping (void *cls, struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbour)
- struct ValidationEntry *va = cls;
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_address;
- struct TransportPingMessage ping;
- uint16_t hello_size;
- size_t tsize;
- char *message_buf;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity id;
- size_t slen;
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&va->publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &id.hashPubKey);
- if (neighbour == NULL)
- {
- /* FIXME: stats... */
- GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (validation_map,
- &id.hashPubKey, va));
- abort_validation (NULL, NULL, va);
- return;
- }
- neighbour->publicKey = va->publicKey;
- neighbour->public_key_valid = GNUNET_YES;
- peer_address =
- add_peer_address (neighbour, va->transport_name, NULL,
- (const void *) &va[1], va->addrlen);
- if (peer_address == NULL)
- {
- "Failed to add peer `%4s' for plugin `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id), va->transport_name);
- GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (validation_map,
- &id.hashPubKey, va));
- abort_validation (NULL, NULL, va);
- return;
- }
- if (NULL == our_hello)
- refresh_hello_task (NULL, NULL);
- hello_size = GNUNET_HELLO_size (our_hello);
- slen = strlen (va->transport_name) + 1;
- tsize =
- sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + hello_size + va->addrlen + slen;
- message_buf = GNUNET_malloc (tsize);
- ping.challenge = htonl (va->challenge);
- ping.header.size =
- htons (sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + slen + va->addrlen);
- ping.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PING);
- memcpy (&ping.target, &neighbour->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- memcpy (message_buf, our_hello, hello_size);
- memcpy (&message_buf[hello_size], &ping,
- sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage));
- memcpy (&message_buf[hello_size + sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage)],
- va->transport_name, slen);
- memcpy (&message_buf
- [hello_size + sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + slen], &va[1],
- va->addrlen);
- "Performing validation of address `%s' via `%s' for peer `%4s' sending `%s' (%u bytes) and `%s' (%u bytes)\n",
- (va->addrlen == 0) ? "<inbound>" : a2s (va->transport_name,
- (const void *) &va[1],
- va->addrlen),
- va->transport_name, GNUNET_i2s (&neighbour->id), "HELLO",
- hello_size, "PING",
- sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage) + va->addrlen + slen);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PING messages sent for initial validation"), 1,
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, peer_address, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
- neighbour);
- GNUNET_free (message_buf);
- * Check if the given address is already being validated; if not,
- * append the given address to the list of entries that are being be
- * validated and initiate validation.
- *
- * @param cls closure ('struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *')
- * @param tname name of the transport
- * @param expiration expiration time
- * @param addr the address
- * @param addrlen length of the address
- * @return GNUNET_OK (always)
- */
-static int
-run_validation (void *cls, const char *tname,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration, const void *addr,
- uint16_t addrlen)
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc = cls;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity id;
- struct TransportPlugin *tp;
- struct ValidationEntry *va;
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded pk;
- struct CheckAddressExistsClosure caec;
- struct OwnAddressList *oal;
- GNUNET_assert (addr != NULL);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses scheduled for validation"), 1,
- tp = find_transport (tname);
- if (tp == NULL)
- {
- _
- ("Transport `%s' not loaded, will not try to validate peer address using this transport.\n"),
- tname);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses not validated (plugin not available)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- /* check if this is one of our own addresses */
- oal = tp->addresses;
- while (NULL != oal)
- {
- if ((oal->addrlen == addrlen) && (0 == memcmp (&oal[1], addr, addrlen)))
- {
- /* not plausible, this address is equivalent to our own address! */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses not validated (loopback)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- oal = oal->next;
- }
- GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (chvc->hello, &pk);
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&pk,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &id.hashPubKey);
- if (is_blacklisted (&id, tp))
- {
- "Attempted to validate blacklisted peer `%s' using `%s'!\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&id), tname);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- caec.addr = addr;
- caec.addrlen = addrlen;
- caec.session = NULL;
- caec.tname = tname;
- caec.exists = GNUNET_NO;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (validation_map, &check_address_exists,
- &caec);
- if (caec.exists == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- /* During validation attempts we will likely trigger the other
- * peer trying to validate our address which in turn will cause
- * it to send us its HELLO, so we expect to hit this case rather
- * frequently. Only print something if we are very verbose. */
- "Validation of address `%s' via `%s' for peer `%4s' already in progress.\n",
- a2s (tname, addr, addrlen), tname, GNUNET_i2s (&id));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses not validated (in progress)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- va = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ValidationEntry) + addrlen);
- va->chvc = chvc;
- chvc->ve_count++;
- va->transport_name = GNUNET_strdup (tname);
- va->challenge =
- va->send_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- va->addr = (const void *) &va[1];
- memcpy (&va[1], addr, addrlen);
- va->addrlen = addrlen;
- GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (chvc->hello, &va->publicKey);
- va->timeout_task =
- &timeout_hello_validation, va);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (validation_map, &id.hashPubKey, va,
- setup_peer_check_blacklist (&id, GNUNET_NO, &transmit_hello_and_ping, va);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Check if addresses in validated hello "h" overlap with
- * those in "chvc->hello" and validate the rest.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param peer id of the peer, NULL for last call
- * @param h hello message for the peer (can be NULL)
- * @param err_msg NULL if successful, otherwise contains error message
- */
-static void
-check_hello_validated (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *h,
- const char *err_msg)
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc = cls;
- struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *plain_hello;
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded pk;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- if (err_msg != NULL)
- {
- _("Error in communication with PEERINFO service: %s\n"),
- err_msg);
- /* return; */
- }
- if (peer == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), -1,
- chvc->piter = NULL;
- if (GNUNET_NO == chvc->hello_known)
- {
- /* notify PEERINFO about the peer now, so that we at least
- * have the public key if some other component needs it */
- GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (chvc->hello, &pk);
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&pk,
- sizeof (struct
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &target.hashPubKey);
- plain_hello = GNUNET_HELLO_create (&pk, NULL, NULL);
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_add_peer (peerinfo, plain_hello);
- GNUNET_free (plain_hello);
- "PEERINFO had no `%s' message for peer `%4s', full validation needed.\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&target));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# new HELLOs requiring full validation"), 1,
- GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (chvc->hello, GNUNET_NO, &run_validation,
- chvc);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# duplicate HELLO (peer known)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- chvc->ve_count--;
- if (chvc->ve_count == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (chvc_head, chvc_tail, chvc);
- GNUNET_free (chvc);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (h == NULL)
- return;
- "PEERINFO had `%s' message for peer `%4s', validating only new addresses.\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- chvc->hello_known = GNUNET_YES;
- n = find_neighbour (peer);
- if (n != NULL)
- {
- "Calling hello_iterate_addresses for %s!\n", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (h, GNUNET_NO, &add_to_foreign_address_list,
- n);
- try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- }
- else
- {
- "No existing neighbor record for %s!\n", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# no existing neighbour record (validating HELLO)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# HELLO validations (update case)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_new_addresses (chvc->hello, h,
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- &run_validation, chvc);
- * Process HELLO-message.
- *
- * @param plugin transport involved, may be NULL
- * @param message the actual message
- * @return GNUNET_OK if the HELLO was well-formed, GNUNET_SYSERR otherwise
- */
-static int
-process_hello (struct TransportPlugin *plugin,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- uint16_t hsize;
- struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity target;
- const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc;
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded publicKey;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- char *my_id;
- hsize = ntohs (message->size);
- if ((ntohs (message->type) != GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO) ||
- (hsize < sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader)))
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# HELLOs received for validation"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- hello = (const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *) message;
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (hello, &publicKey))
- {
- "Unable to get public key from `%s' for `%4s'!\n", "HELLO",
- GNUNET_i2s (&target));
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- }
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&publicKey,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded),
- &target.hashPubKey);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Received `%s' message for `%4s'\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&target));
- if (0 == memcmp (&my_identity, &target, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# HELLOs ignored for validation (is my own HELLO)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- n = find_neighbour (&target);
- if ((NULL != n) && (!n->public_key_valid))
- {
- GNUNET_HELLO_get_key (hello, &n->publicKey);
- n->public_key_valid = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- /* check if load is too high before doing expensive stuff */
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# HELLOs ignored due to high load"), 1,
- "Ignoring `%s' for `%4s', load too high.\n", "HELLO",
- GNUNET_i2s (&target));
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- chvc = chvc_head;
- while (NULL != chvc)
- {
- if (GNUNET_HELLO_equals
- (hello, chvc->hello, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ()).abs_value > 0)
- {
- "Received duplicate `%s' message for `%4s'; ignored\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&target));
- return GNUNET_OK; /* validation already pending */
- }
- if (GNUNET_HELLO_size (hello) == GNUNET_HELLO_size (chvc->hello))
- GNUNET_break (0 !=
- memcmp (hello, chvc->hello, GNUNET_HELLO_size (hello)));
- chvc = chvc->next;
- }
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *temp_neighbor = find_neighbour (&target);
- if ((NULL != temp_neighbor))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Already know peer, ignoring hello\n");
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- if (plugin != NULL)
- {
- my_id = GNUNET_strdup (GNUNET_i2s (plugin->env.my_identity));
- "%s: Starting validation of `%s' message for `%4s' via '%s' of size %u\n",
- my_id, "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&target), plugin->short_name,
- GNUNET_HELLO_size (hello));
- GNUNET_free (my_id);
- }
- chvc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct CheckHelloValidatedContext) + hsize);
- chvc->ve_count = 1;
- chvc->hello = (const struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *) &chvc[1];
- memcpy (&chvc[1], hello, hsize);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (chvc_head, chvc_tail, chvc);
- /* finally, check if HELLO was previously validated
- * (continuation will then schedule actual validation) */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peerinfo process hello iterate requests"), 1,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), 1,
- chvc->piter =
- &check_hello_validated, chvc);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * The peer specified by the given neighbour has timed-out or a plugin
- * has disconnected. We may either need to do nothing (other plugins
- * still up), or trigger a full disconnect and clean up. This
- * function updates our state and does the necessary notifications.
- * Also notifies our clients that the neighbour is now officially
- * gone.
- *
- * @param n the neighbour list entry for the peer
- * @param check GNUNET_YES to check if ALL addresses for this peer
- * are gone, GNUNET_NO to force a disconnect of the peer
- * regardless of whether other addresses exist.
- */
-static void
-disconnect_neighbour (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n, int check)
- struct ReadyList *rpos;
- struct MessageQueue *mq;
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_addresses;
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_pos;
- if (GNUNET_YES == n->in_disconnect)
- return;
- if (GNUNET_YES == check)
- {
- rpos = n->plugins;
- while (NULL != rpos)
- {
- peer_addresses = rpos->addresses;
- while (peer_addresses != NULL)
- {
- /* Do not disconnect if: an address is connected or an inbound address exists */
- if ((GNUNET_YES == peer_addresses->connected) ||
- (peer_addresses->addrlen == 0))
- {
- "NOT Disconnecting from `%4s', still have live address `%s'!\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id),
- a2s (peer_addresses->ready_list->plugin->short_name,
- peer_addresses->addr, peer_addresses->addrlen));
- return; /* still connected */
- }
- peer_addresses = peer_addresses->next;
- }
- rpos = rpos->next;
- }
- }
- "Disconnecting from `%4s'\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- n->in_disconnect = GNUNET_YES; /* prevent recursive entry */
- /* notify all clients about disconnect */
- if (GNUNET_YES == n->received_pong)
- {
- n->received_pong = GNUNET_NO;
- notify_clients_disconnect (&n->id);
- }
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_MODIFIED);
- /* clean up all plugins, cancel connections and pending transmissions */
- while (NULL != (rpos = n->plugins))
- {
- n->plugins = rpos->next;
- rpos->plugin->api->disconnect (rpos->plugin->api->cls, &n->id);
- while (rpos->addresses != NULL)
- {
- peer_pos = rpos->addresses;
- rpos->addresses = peer_pos->next;
- if (peer_pos->connected == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# connected addresses"),
- -1, GNUNET_NO);
- peer_pos->connected = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (GNUNET_YES == peer_pos->validated)
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# peer addresses considered valid"), -1,
- if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != peer_pos->revalidate_task)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (peer_pos->revalidate_task);
- peer_pos->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- GNUNET_free (peer_pos->ressources);
- peer_pos->ressources = NULL;
- GNUNET_free (peer_pos->quality);
- peer_pos->ressources = NULL;
- GNUNET_free (peer_pos);
- }
- GNUNET_free (rpos);
- }
- /* free all messages on the queue */
- while (NULL != (mq = n->messages_head))
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes in message queue for other peers"),
- -(int64_t) mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes discarded due to disconnect"),
- mq->message_buf_size, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (n->messages_head, n->messages_tail, mq);
- GNUNET_assert (0 ==
- memcmp (&mq->neighbour_id, &n->id,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)));
- GNUNET_free (mq);
- }
- while (NULL != (mq = n->cont_head))
- {
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (n->cont_head, n->cont_tail, mq);
- GNUNET_assert (0 ==
- memcmp (&mq->neighbour_id, &n->id,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)));
- GNUNET_free (mq);
- }
- if (n->timeout_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (n->timeout_task);
- n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- if (n->retry_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (n->retry_task);
- n->retry_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- if (n->piter != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_iterate_cancel (n->piter);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), -1,
- n->piter = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (neighbours,
- &n->id.hashPubKey, n));
- /* finally, free n itself */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# active neighbours"), -1,
- GNUNET_free_non_null (n->pre_connect_message_buffer);
- GNUNET_free (n);
- * We have received a PING message from someone. Need to send a PONG message
- * in response to the peer by any means necessary.
- */
-static int
-handle_ping (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
- const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer, struct Session *session,
- const char *sender_address, uint16_t sender_address_len)
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin = cls;
- struct SessionHeader *session_header = (struct SessionHeader *) session;
- struct TransportPingMessage *ping;
- struct TransportPongMessage *pong;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- struct ForeignAddressList *fal;
- struct OwnAddressList *oal;
- const char *addr;
- size_t alen;
- size_t slen;
- int did_pong;
- if (ntohs (message->size) < sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- }
- ping = (struct TransportPingMessage *) message;
- if (0 !=
- memcmp (&ping->target, plugin->env.my_identity,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- _
- ("Received `%s' message from `%s' destined for `%s' which is not me!\n"),
- "PING", (sender_address != NULL) ? a2s (plugin->short_name,
- (const struct sockaddr
- *) sender_address,
- sender_address_len) :
- "<inbound>", GNUNET_i2s (&ping->target));
- }
- "Processing `%s' from `%s'\n", "PING",
- (sender_address != NULL) ? a2s (plugin->short_name,
- (const struct sockaddr *)
- sender_address,
- sender_address_len) :
- "<inbound>");
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# PING messages received"), 1,
- addr = (const char *) &ping[1];
- alen = ntohs (message->size) - sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage);
- slen = strlen (plugin->short_name) + 1;
- if (alen == 0)
- {
- /* peer wants to confirm that we have an outbound connection to him */
- if (session == NULL)
- {
- _
- ("Refusing to create PONG since I do not have a session with `%s'.\n"),
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- }
- /* FIXME-urg: the use of 'sender_address' in the code below is doubly-wrong:
- * 1) it is NULL when we need to have a real value
- * 2) it is documented to be the address of the sender (source-IP), where
- * what we actually want is our LISTEN IP (what we 'bound' to); which we don't even
- * have...
- */
- "Creating PONG indicating that we received a connection at our address `%s' from `%s'.\n",
- a2s (plugin->short_name, sender_address, sender_address_len),
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- pong =
- GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) +
- sender_address_len + slen);
- pong->header.size =
- htons (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) + sender_address_len +
- slen);
- pong->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PONG);
- pong->purpose.size =
- htonl (sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose) +
- sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (struct GNUNET_TIME_AbsoluteNBO) +
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity) + sender_address_len + slen);
- pong->purpose.purpose =
- pong->challenge = ping->challenge;
- pong->addrlen = htonl (sender_address_len + slen);
- memcpy (&pong->pid, peer, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- memcpy (&pong[1], plugin->short_name, slen);
- if ((sender_address != NULL) && (sender_address_len > 0))
- memcpy (&((char *) &pong[1])[slen], sender_address, sender_address_len);
- if (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining
- (session_header->pong_sig_expires).rel_value <
- {
- /* create / update cached sig */
- "Creating PONG signature to indicate active connection.\n");
- session_header->pong_sig_expires =
- pong->expiration =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (session_header->pong_sig_expires);
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (my_private_key, &pong->purpose,
- &session_header->pong_signature));
- }
- else
- {
- pong->expiration =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (session_header->pong_sig_expires);
- }
- memcpy (&pong->signature, &session_header->pong_signature,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature));
- }
- else
- {
- /* peer wants to confirm that this is one of our addresses */
- addr += slen;
- alen -= slen;
- if (GNUNET_OK != plugin->api->check_address (plugin->api->cls, addr, alen))
- {
- _
- ("Not confirming PING with address `%s' since I cannot confirm having this address.\n"),
- a2s (plugin->short_name, addr, alen));
- return GNUNET_NO;
- }
- oal = plugin->addresses;
- while (NULL != oal)
- {
- if ((oal->addrlen == alen) && (0 == memcmp (addr, &oal[1], alen)))
- break;
- oal = oal->next;
- }
- pong = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) + alen + slen);
- pong->header.size =
- htons (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) + alen + slen);
- pong->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PONG);
- pong->purpose.size =
- htonl (sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignaturePurpose) +
- sizeof (uint32_t) + sizeof (struct GNUNET_TIME_AbsoluteNBO) +
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity) + alen + slen);
- pong->purpose.purpose = htonl (GNUNET_SIGNATURE_PURPOSE_TRANSPORT_PONG_OWN);
- pong->challenge = ping->challenge;
- pong->addrlen = htonl (alen + slen);
- memcpy (&pong->pid, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
- memcpy (&pong[1], plugin->short_name, slen);
- memcpy (&((char *) &pong[1])[slen], addr, alen);
- if ((oal != NULL) &&
- (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (oal->pong_sig_expires).rel_value <
- {
- /* create / update cached sig */
- "Creating PONG signature to indicate ownership.\n");
- oal->pong_sig_expires =
- pong->expiration = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (oal->pong_sig_expires);
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (my_private_key, &pong->purpose,
- &oal->pong_signature));
- memcpy (&pong->signature, &oal->pong_signature,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature));
- }
- else if (oal == NULL)
- {
- /* not using cache (typically DV-only) */
- pong->expiration =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (my_private_key, &pong->purpose,
- &pong->signature));
- }
- else
- {
- /* can used cached version */
- pong->expiration = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (oal->pong_sig_expires);
- memcpy (&pong->signature, &oal->pong_signature,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature));
- }
- }
- n = find_neighbour (peer);
- GNUNET_assert (n != NULL);
- did_pong = GNUNET_NO;
- /* first try reliable response transmission */
- rl = n->plugins;
- while (rl != NULL)
- {
- fal = rl->addresses;
- while (fal != NULL)
- {
- if (-1 !=
- rl->plugin->api->send (rl->plugin->api->cls, peer,
- (const char *) pong, ntohs (pong->header.size),
- fal->addr, fal->addrlen, GNUNET_SYSERR, NULL,
- NULL))
- {
- "Transmitted PONG to `%s' via reliable mechanism\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- /* done! */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PONGs unicast via reliable transport"), 1,
- GNUNET_free (pong);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- }
- did_pong = GNUNET_YES;
- fal = fal->next;
- }
- rl = rl->next;
- }
- /* no reliable method found, do multicast */
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# PONGs multicast to all available addresses"), 1,
- rl = n->plugins;
- while (rl != NULL)
- {
- fal = rl->addresses;
- while (fal != NULL)
- {
- "Transmitting PONG to `%s' via unreliable mechanism `%s':%s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer), a2s (rl->plugin->short_name, fal->addr,
- fal->addrlen),
- rl->plugin->short_name);
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, fal, TRANSPORT_PONG_PRIORITY,
- HELLO_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT, (const char *) pong,
- ntohs (pong->header.size), GNUNET_YES, n);
- did_pong = GNUNET_YES;
- fal = fal->next;
- }
- rl = rl->next;
- }
- GNUNET_free (pong);
- if (GNUNET_YES != did_pong)
- _("Could not send PONG to `%s': no address available\n"),
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Function called by the plugin for each received message. Update
- * data volumes, possibly notify plugins about reducing the rate at
- * which they read from the socket and generally forward to our
- * receive callback.
- *
- * @param cls the "struct TransportPlugin *" we gave to the plugin
- * @param peer (claimed) identity of the other peer
- * @param message the message, NULL if we only care about
- * learning about the delay until we should receive again
- * @param ats_data information for automatic transport selection
- * @param ats_count number of elements in ats not including 0-terminator
- * @param session identifier used for this session (can be NULL)
- * @param sender_address binary address of the sender (if observed)
- * @param sender_address_len number of bytes in sender_address
- * @return how long in ms the plugin should wait until receiving more data
- * (plugins that do not support this, can ignore the return value)
- */
-static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative
-plugin_env_receive (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
- const struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *ats_data,
- uint32_t ats_count, struct Session *session,
- const char *sender_address, uint16_t sender_address_len)
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin = cls;
- struct ReadyList *service_context;
- struct ForeignAddressList *peer_address;
- uint16_t msize;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative ret;
- uint32_t distance;
- int c;
- if (0 == memcmp (peer, &my_identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity)))
- {
- /* refuse to receive from myself */
- GNUNET_break (0);
- }
- if (is_blacklisted (peer, plugin))
- n = find_neighbour (peer);
- if (n == NULL)
- n = setup_new_neighbour (peer, GNUNET_YES);
- service_context = n->plugins;
- while ((service_context != NULL) && (plugin != service_context->plugin))
- service_context = service_context->next;
- GNUNET_assert ((plugin->api->send == NULL) || (service_context != NULL));
- peer_address = NULL;
- distance = 1;
- for (c = 0; c < ats_count; c++)
- if (ntohl (ats_data[c].type) == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE)
- distance = ntohl (ats_data[c].value);
- if (message != NULL)
- {
- if ((session != NULL) || (sender_address != NULL))
- peer_address =
- add_peer_address (n, plugin->short_name, session, sender_address,
- sender_address_len);
- if (peer_address != NULL)
- {
- update_addr_ats (peer_address, ats_data, ats_count);
- update_addr_value (peer_address, distance,
- peer_address->distance = distance;
- if (GNUNET_YES == peer_address->validated)
- {
- mark_address_connected (peer_address);
- schedule_next_ping (peer_address);
- }
- else
- {
- "New address is unvalidated, trying to validate it now\n");
- if (peer_address->revalidate_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (peer_address->revalidate_task);
- peer_address->revalidate_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- peer_address->revalidate_task =
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&send_periodic_ping, peer_address);
- }
- peer_address->timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- }
- /* update traffic received amount ... */
- msize = ntohs (message->size);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bytes received from other peers"), msize,
- n->distance = distance;
- n->peer_timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (n->timeout_task);
- n->timeout_task =
- &neighbour_timeout_task, n);
- if (n->quota_violation_count > QUOTA_VIOLATION_DROP_THRESHOLD)
- {
- /* dropping message due to frequent inbound volume violations! */
- _
- ("Dropping incoming message due to repeated bandwidth quota (%u b/s) violations (total of %u).\n"),
- n->in_tracker.available_bytes_per_s__,
- n->quota_violation_count);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# bandwidth quota violations by other peers"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- if ((ntohs (message->type) == GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_ATS) &&
- (ntohs (message->size) ==
- (sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader) + sizeof (uint32_t))))
- {
- uint32_t value = ntohl (*((uint32_t *) & message[1]));
- /* Force ressource and quality update */
- if ((value == 4) && (ats != NULL))
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_QUALITY_COST_UPDATED);
- /* Force cost update */
- if ((value == 3) && (ats != NULL))
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_COST_UPDATED);
- /* Force quality update */
- if ((value == 2) && (ats != NULL))
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_QUALITY_UPDATED);
- /* Force full rebuild */
- if ((value == 1) && (ats != NULL))
- ats_modify_problem_state (ats, ATS_MODIFIED);
- }
- "Received message of type %u and size %u from `%4s', sending to all clients.\n",
- ntohs (message->type), ntohs (message->size),
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- switch (ntohs (message->type))
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# HELLO messages received from other peers"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- process_hello (plugin, message);
- break;
- handle_ping (plugin, message, peer, session, sender_address,
- sender_address_len);
- if (GNUNET_YES != n->received_pong)
- transmit_plain_ping (n);
- break;
- handle_pong (plugin, message, peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
- break;
- break;
- default:
- handle_payload_message (message, n);
- break;
- }
- }
- ret = GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_get_delay (&n->in_tracker, 0);
- if (ret.rel_value > 0)
- {
- "Throttling read (%llu bytes excess at %u b/s), waiting %llu ms before reading more.\n",
- (unsigned long long) n->
- in_tracker.consumption_since_last_update__,
- (unsigned int) n->in_tracker.available_bytes_per_s__,
- (unsigned long long) ret.rel_value);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats, gettext_noop ("# ms throttling suggested"),
- (int64_t) ret.rel_value, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- return ret;
-static int
-notify_client_about_neighbour (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key,
- void *value)
- struct TransportClient *c = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = value;
- struct ConnectInfoMessage *cim;
- uint32_t ats_count;
- size_t size;
- if (GNUNET_YES != n->received_pong)
- return GNUNET_OK;
- ats_count = 2;
- size =
- sizeof (struct ConnectInfoMessage) +
- ats_count * sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information);
- cim = GNUNET_malloc (size);
- cim->header.size = htons (size);
- cim->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_CONNECT);
- cim->ats_count = htonl (ats_count);
- (&(cim->ats))[2].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ARRAY_TERMINATOR);
- (&(cim->ats))[2].value = htonl (0);
- if (GNUNET_YES == n->received_pong)
- {
- (&cim->ats)[0].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE);
- (&cim->ats)[0].value = htonl (n->distance);
- (&cim->ats)[1].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY);
- (&cim->ats)[1].value = htonl ((uint32_t) n->latency.rel_value);
- cim->id = n->id;
- transmit_to_client (c, &cim->header, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- GNUNET_free (cim);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Handle START-message. This is the first message sent to us
- * by any client which causes us to add it to our list.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_start (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct StartMessage *start;
- struct TransportClient *c;
- start = (const struct StartMessage *) message;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Received `%s' request from client\n",
- "START");
- c = clients;
- while (c != NULL)
- {
- if (c->client == client)
- {
- /* client already on our list! */
- GNUNET_break (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- c = c->next;
- }
- if ((GNUNET_NO != ntohl (start->do_check)) &&
- (0 !=
- memcmp (&start->self, &my_identity,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity))))
- {
- _
- ("Rejecting control connection from peer `%s', which is not me!\n"),
- GNUNET_i2s (&start->self));
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- c = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransportClient));
- c->next = clients;
- clients = c;
- c->client = client;
- if (our_hello != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Sending our own `%s' to new client\n",
- "HELLO");
- transmit_to_client (c, (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) our_hello,
- /* tell new client about all existing connections */
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours,
- ¬ify_client_about_neighbour, c);
- }
- else
- {
- "No HELLO created yet, will transmit HELLO to client later!\n");
- refresh_hello ();
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- * Handle HELLO-message.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_hello (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- int ret;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# HELLOs received from clients"), 1,
- ret = process_hello (NULL, message);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, ret);
- * Closure for 'transmit_client_message'; followed by
- * 'msize' bytes of the actual message.
- */
-struct TransmitClientMessageContext
- /**
- * Client on whom's behalf we are sending.
- */
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client;
- /**
- * Timeout for the transmission.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
- /**
- * Message priority.
- */
- uint32_t priority;
- /**
- * Size of the message in bytes.
- */
- uint16_t msize;
- * Schedule transmission of a message we got from a client to a peer.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct TransmitClientMessageContext*'
- * @param n destination, or NULL on error (in that case, drop the message)
- */
-static void
-transmit_client_message (void *cls, struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- struct TransmitClientMessageContext *tcmc = cls;
- struct TransportClient *tc;
- tc = clients;
- while ((tc != NULL) && (tc->client != tcmc->client))
- tc = tc->next;
- if (n != NULL)
- {
- transmit_to_peer (tc, NULL, tcmc->priority,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (tcmc->timeout),
- (char *) &tcmc[1], tcmc->msize, GNUNET_NO, n);
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (tcmc->client, GNUNET_OK);
- GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop (tcmc->client);
- GNUNET_free (tcmc);
- * Handle SEND-message.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_send (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct OutboundMessage *obm;
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *obmm;
- struct TransmitClientMessageContext *tcmc;
- uint16_t size;
- uint16_t msize;
- size = ntohs (message->size);
- if (size <
- sizeof (struct OutboundMessage) + sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader))
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# payload received for other peers"),
- size, GNUNET_NO);
- obm = (const struct OutboundMessage *) message;
- obmm = (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) &obm[1];
- msize = size - sizeof (struct OutboundMessage);
- "Received `%s' request from client with target `%4s' and message of type %u and size %u\n",
- "SEND", GNUNET_i2s (&obm->peer), ntohs (obmm->type), msize);
- tcmc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransmitClientMessageContext) + msize);
- tcmc->client = client;
- tcmc->priority = ntohl (obm->priority);
- tcmc->timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (GNUNET_TIME_relative_ntoh
- (obm->timeout));
- tcmc->msize = msize;
- /* FIXME: this memcpy can be up to 7% of our total runtime */
- memcpy (&tcmc[1], obmm, msize);
- GNUNET_SERVER_client_keep (client);
- setup_peer_check_blacklist (&obm->peer, GNUNET_YES, &transmit_client_message,
- tcmc);
- * Handle request connect message
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_request_connect (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct TransportRequestConnectMessage *trcm =
- (const struct TransportRequestConnectMessage *) message;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# REQUEST CONNECT messages received"), 1,
- "Received a request connect message for peer `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&trcm->peer));
- setup_peer_check_blacklist (&trcm->peer, GNUNET_YES, NULL, NULL);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- * Handle SET_QUOTA-message.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_set_quota (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct QuotaSetMessage *qsm = (const struct QuotaSetMessage *) message;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# SET QUOTA messages received"), 1,
- n = find_neighbour (&qsm->peer);
- if (n == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# SET QUOTA messages ignored (no such peer)"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- return;
- }
- "Received `%s' request (new quota %u, old quota %u) from client for peer `%4s'\n",
- "SET_QUOTA", (unsigned int) ntohl (qsm->quota.value__),
- (unsigned int) n->in_tracker.available_bytes_per_s__,
- GNUNET_i2s (&qsm->peer));
- GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_tracker_update_quota (&n->in_tracker, qsm->quota);
- if (0 == ntohl (qsm->quota.value__))
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Disconnecting peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id), "SET_QUOTA");
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop ("# disconnects due to quota of 0"),
- 1, GNUNET_NO);
- disconnect_neighbour (n, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
- * Take the given address and append it to the set of results sent back to
- * the client.
- *
- * @param cls the transmission context used ('struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext*')
- * @param address the resolved name, NULL to indicate the last response
- */
-static void
-transmit_address_to_client (void *cls, const char *address)
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext *tc = cls;
- size_t slen;
- if (NULL != address)
- {
- slen = strlen (address) + 1;
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, address, slen,
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, NULL, 0,
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_run (tc, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL);
- }
- * Handle AddressLookup-message.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_address_lookup (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct AddressLookupMessage *alum;
- struct TransportPlugin *lsPlugin;
- const char *nameTransport;
- const char *address;
- uint16_t size;
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext *tc;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative rtimeout;
- int32_t numeric;
- size = ntohs (message->size);
- if (size < sizeof (struct AddressLookupMessage))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- alum = (const struct AddressLookupMessage *) message;
- uint32_t addressLen = ntohl (alum->addrlen);
- if (size <= sizeof (struct AddressLookupMessage) + addressLen)
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- address = (const char *) &alum[1];
- nameTransport = (const char *) &address[addressLen];
- if (nameTransport
- [size - sizeof (struct AddressLookupMessage) - addressLen - 1] != '\0')
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- rtimeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_ntoh (alum->timeout);
- numeric = ntohl (alum->numeric_only);
- lsPlugin = find_transport (nameTransport);
- if (NULL == lsPlugin)
- {
- tc = GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_create (client);
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, NULL, 0,
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_run (tc, rtimeout);
- return;
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_disable_receive_done_warning (client);
- tc = GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_create (client);
- lsPlugin->api->address_pretty_printer (lsPlugin->api->cls, nameTransport,
- address, addressLen, numeric, rtimeout,
- &transmit_address_to_client, tc);
- * Handle PeerAddressLookupMessage.
- *
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
- */
-static void
-handle_peer_address_lookup (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
- const struct PeerAddressLookupMessage *peer_address_lookup;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbor_iterator;
- struct ReadyList *ready_iterator;
- struct ForeignAddressList *foreign_address_iterator;
- struct TransportPlugin *transport_plugin;
- uint16_t size;
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext *tc;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative rtimeout;
- char *addr_buf;
- size = ntohs (message->size);
- if (size < sizeof (struct PeerAddressLookupMessage))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- peer_address_lookup = (const struct PeerAddressLookupMessage *) message;
- rtimeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_ntoh (peer_address_lookup->timeout);
- neighbor_iterator = find_neighbour (&peer_address_lookup->peer);
- /* Found no neighbor matching this peer id (shouldn't be possible, but...) */
- if (neighbor_iterator == NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- tc = GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_create (client);
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, NULL, 0,
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_run (tc, rtimeout);
- return;
- }
- ready_iterator = neighbor_iterator->plugins;
- GNUNET_SERVER_disable_receive_done_warning (client);
- tc = GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_create (client);
- while (ready_iterator != NULL)
- {
- foreign_address_iterator = ready_iterator->addresses;
- while (foreign_address_iterator != NULL)
- {
- transport_plugin = foreign_address_iterator->ready_list->plugin;
- if (foreign_address_iterator->addr != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&addr_buf, "%s --- %s, %s",
- a2s (transport_plugin->short_name,
- foreign_address_iterator->addr,
- foreign_address_iterator->addrlen),
- (foreign_address_iterator->connected ==
- (foreign_address_iterator->validated ==
- transmit_address_to_client (tc, addr_buf);
- GNUNET_free (addr_buf);
- }
- else if (foreign_address_iterator->addrlen == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&addr_buf, "%s --- %s, %s", "<inbound>",
- (foreign_address_iterator->connected ==
- (foreign_address_iterator->validated ==
- transmit_address_to_client (tc, addr_buf);
- GNUNET_free (addr_buf);
- }
+#include "gnunet_ats_service.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_blacklist.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_clients.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_hello.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_neighbours.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_plugins.h"
+#include "gnunet-service-transport_validation.h"
+#include "transport.h"
- foreign_address_iterator = foreign_address_iterator->next;
- }
- ready_iterator = ready_iterator->next;
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, NULL, 0,
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_run (tc, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL);
+/* globals */
+ * Statistics handle.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *GST_stats;
+ * Configuration handle.
+ */
+const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *GST_cfg;
-static int
-output_addresses (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext *tc = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *neighbor_iterator = value;
- struct ForeignAddressList *foreign_address_iterator;
- struct TransportPlugin *transport_plugin;
- struct ReadyList *ready_iterator;
- char *addr_buf;
+ * Configuration handle.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity GST_my_identity;
- ready_iterator = neighbor_iterator->plugins;
- while (ready_iterator != NULL)
- {
- foreign_address_iterator = ready_iterator->addresses;
- while (foreign_address_iterator != NULL)
- {
- transport_plugin = foreign_address_iterator->ready_list->plugin;
- if (foreign_address_iterator->addr != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&addr_buf, "%s:%s --- %s, %s",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbor_iterator->id),
- a2s (transport_plugin->short_name,
- foreign_address_iterator->addr,
- foreign_address_iterator->addrlen),
- (foreign_address_iterator->connected ==
- (foreign_address_iterator->validated ==
- transmit_address_to_client (tc, addr_buf);
- GNUNET_free (addr_buf);
- }
- else if (foreign_address_iterator->addrlen == 0)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&addr_buf, "%s:%s --- %s, %s",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbor_iterator->id), "<inbound>",
- (foreign_address_iterator->connected ==
- (foreign_address_iterator->validated ==
- transmit_address_to_client (tc, addr_buf);
- GNUNET_free (addr_buf);
- }
+ * Handle to peerinfo service.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_Handle *GST_peerinfo;
- foreign_address_iterator = foreign_address_iterator->next;
- }
- ready_iterator = ready_iterator->next;
- }
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ * Our public key.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded GST_my_public_key;
+ * Our private key.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *GST_my_private_key;
+ * ATS handle.
+ */
+struct GNUNET_ATS_Handle *GST_ats;
- * Handle AddressIterateMessage
+ * Transmit our HELLO message to the given (connected) neighbour.
- * @param cls closure (always NULL)
- * @param client identification of the client
- * @param message the actual message
+ * @param cls the 'HELLO' message
+ * @param target a connected neighbour
+ * @param ats performance information (unused)
+ * @param ats_count number of records in ats (unused)
static void
-handle_address_iterate (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message)
+transmit_our_hello (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target,
+ const struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *ats,
+ uint32_t ats_count)
- struct GNUNET_SERVER_TransmitContext *tc;
- uint16_t size;
- size = ntohs (message->size);
- if (size < sizeof (struct AddressIterateMessage))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- GNUNET_SERVER_disable_receive_done_warning (client);
- tc = GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_create (client);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &output_addresses, tc);
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_append_data (tc, NULL, 0,
- GNUNET_SERVER_transmit_context_run (tc, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL);
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hello = cls;
-static const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *
-do_get_our_hello ()
- return (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) our_hello;
+ GST_neighbours_send (target, (const char *) hello, ntohs (hello->size),
- * Setup the environment for this plugin.
+ * My HELLO has changed. Tell everyone who should know.
+ *
+ * @param cls unused
+ * @param hello new HELLO
static void
-create_environment (struct TransportPlugin *plug)
+process_hello_update (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hello)
- plug->env.cfg = cfg;
- plug->env.my_identity = &my_identity;
- plug->env.get_our_hello = &do_get_our_hello;
- plug->env.cls = plug;
- plug->env.receive = &plugin_env_receive;
- plug->env.notify_address = &plugin_env_notify_address;
- plug->env.session_end = &plugin_env_session_end;
- plug->env.max_connections = max_connect_per_transport;
- plug->env.stats = stats;
+ GST_clients_broadcast (hello, GNUNET_NO);
+ GST_neighbours_iterate (&transmit_our_hello, (void *) hello);
- * Start the specified transport (load the plugin).
+ * Try to initiate a connection to the given peer if the blacklist
+ * allowed it.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure (unused, NULL)
+ * @param peer identity of peer that was tested
+ * @param result GNUNET_OK if the connection is allowed,
+ * GNUNET_NO if not
static void
-start_transport (struct GNUNET_SERVER_Handle *server, const char *name)
- struct TransportPlugin *plug;
- char *libname;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Loading `%s' transport plugin\n"),
- name);
- GNUNET_asprintf (&libname, "libgnunet_plugin_transport_%s", name);
- plug = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransportPlugin));
- create_environment (plug);
- plug->short_name = GNUNET_strdup (name);
- plug->lib_name = libname;
- plug->next = plugins;
- plugins = plug;
- plug->api = GNUNET_PLUGIN_load (libname, &plug->env);
- if (plug->api == NULL)
- {
- _("Failed to load transport plugin for `%s'\n"), name);
- GNUNET_free (plug->short_name);
- plugins = plug->next;
- GNUNET_free (libname);
- GNUNET_free (plug);
- }
-static int
-null_mq_client_pointers (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
+try_connect_if_allowed (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ int result)
- struct TransportClient *pos = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = value;
- struct MessageQueue *mq;
- for (mq = n->messages_head; mq != NULL; mq = mq->next)
- {
- if (mq->client == pos)
- mq->client = NULL; /* do not use anymore! */
- }
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ if (GNUNET_OK != result)
+ return; /* not allowed */
+ GST_neighbours_try_connect (peer);
- * Called whenever a client is disconnected. Frees our
- * resources associated with that client.
+ * Function called by the transport for each received message.
+ * This function should also be called with "NULL" for the
+ * message to signal that the other peer disconnected.
- * @param cls closure
- * @param client identification of the client
+ * @param cls closure, const char* with the name of the plugin we received the message from
+ * @param peer (claimed) identity of the other peer
+ * @param message the message, NULL if we only care about
+ * learning about the delay until we should receive again -- FIXME!
+ * @param ats performance information
+ * @param ats_count number of records in ats
+ * @param session identifier used for this session (NULL for plugins
+ * that do not offer bi-directional communication to the sender
+ * using the same "connection")
+ * @param sender_address binary address of the sender (if we established the
+ * connection or are otherwise sure of it; should be NULL
+ * for inbound TCP/UDP connections since it it not clear
+ * that we could establish ourselves a connection to that
+ * IP address and get the same system)
+ * @param sender_address_len number of bytes in sender_address
+ * @return how long the plugin should wait until receiving more data
+ * (plugins that do not support this, can ignore the return value)
-static void
-client_disconnect_notification (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Client *client)
- struct TransportClient *pos;
- struct TransportClient *prev;
- struct ClientMessageQueueEntry *mqe;
- struct Blacklisters *bl;
- struct BlacklistCheck *bc;
+static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative
+plugin_env_receive_callback (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
+ const struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *ats,
+ uint32_t ats_count, struct Session *session,
+ const char *sender_address,
+ uint16_t sender_address_len)
+ const char *plugin_name = cls;
+ int do_forward;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative ret;
+ uint16_t type;
- if (client == NULL)
- return;
- "Client disconnected, cleaning up.\n");
- /* clean up blacklister */
- bl = bl_head;
- while (bl != NULL)
+ if (NULL != message)
- if (bl->client == client)
+ type = ntohs (message->type);
+ switch (type)
- bc = bc_head;
- while (bc != NULL)
+ GST_validation_handle_hello (message);
+ break;
+ "Processing `%s' from `%s'\n", "PING",
+ (sender_address != NULL) ? GST_plugins_a2s (plugin_name,
+ sender_address,
+ sender_address_len)
+ : "<inbound>");
+ GST_validation_handle_ping (peer, message, plugin_name, session,
+ sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ break;
+ "Processing `%s' from `%s'\n", "PONG",
+ (sender_address != NULL) ? GST_plugins_a2s (plugin_name,
+ sender_address,
+ sender_address_len)
+ : "<inbound>");
+ GST_validation_handle_pong (peer, message);
+ break;
+ (void) GST_blacklist_test_allowed (peer, NULL, &try_connect_if_allowed,
+ NULL);
+ /* TODO: if 'session != NULL', and timestamp more recent than the
+ * previous one, maybe notify ATS that this is now the preferred
+ * * way to communicate with this peer (other peer switched transport) */
+ break;
+ /* TODO: do some validation to prevent an attacker from sending
+ * a fake disconnect message... */
+ GST_neighbours_force_disconnect (peer);
+ break;
+ GST_neighbours_keepalive (peer);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* should be payload */
+ do_forward = GNUNET_SYSERR;
+ ret =
+ GST_neighbours_calculate_receive_delay (peer,
+ (message ==
+ NULL) ? 0 :
+ ntohs (message->size),
+ &do_forward);
+ if (do_forward == GNUNET_YES)
- if (bc->bl_pos == bl)
- {
- bc->bl_pos = bl->next;
- if (bc->th != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_CONNECTION_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (bc->th);
- bc->th = NULL;
- }
- if (bc->task == GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- bc->task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&do_blacklist_check, bc);
- break;
- }
- bc = bc->next;
+ struct InboundMessage *im;
+ size_t size = sizeof (struct InboundMessage) + ntohs (message->size);
+ im = GNUNET_malloc (size);
+ im->header.size = htons (size);
+ im->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_RECV);
+ im->ats_count = htonl (0);
+ memcpy (&(im->peer), peer, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
+ memcpy (&im[1], message, ntohs (message->size));
+ GST_clients_broadcast ((const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) im,
+ GNUNET_free (im);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (bl_head, bl_tail, bl);
- GNUNET_SERVER_client_drop (bl->client);
- GNUNET_free (bl);
- bl = bl->next;
- }
- /* clean up 'normal' clients */
- prev = NULL;
- pos = clients;
- while ((pos != NULL) && (pos->client != client))
- {
- prev = pos;
- pos = pos->next;
- }
- if (pos == NULL)
- return;
- while (NULL != (mqe = pos->message_queue_head))
- {
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (pos->message_queue_head,
- pos->message_queue_tail, mqe);
- pos->message_count--;
- GNUNET_free (mqe);
- }
- if (NULL != neighbours)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &null_mq_client_pointers,
- pos);
- if (prev == NULL)
- clients = pos->next;
- else
- prev->next = pos->next;
- if (GNUNET_YES == pos->tcs_pending)
- {
- pos->client = NULL;
- return;
- if (pos->th != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_CONNECTION_notify_transmit_ready_cancel (pos->th);
- pos->th = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_break (0 == pos->message_count);
- GNUNET_free (pos);
+ GNUNET_assert ((ats_count > 0) && (ats != NULL));
-static int
-disconnect_all_neighbours (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *n = value;
+ GNUNET_ATS_address_update (GST_ats, peer, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get (), /* valid at least until right now... */
+ plugin_name, session, sender_address,
+ sender_address_len, ats, ats_count);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Disconnecting peer `%4s', %s\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&n->id), "SHUTDOWN_TASK");
- disconnect_neighbour (n, GNUNET_NO);
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ return ret;
- * Function called when the service shuts down. Unloads our plugins
- * and cancels pending validations.
+ * Function that will be called for each address the transport
+ * is aware that it might be reachable under. Update our HELLO.
- * @param cls closure, unused
- * @param tc task context (unused)
+ * @param cls name of the plugin (const char*)
+ * @param add_remove should the address added (YES) or removed (NO) from the
+ * set of valid addresses?
+ * @param addr one of the addresses of the host
+ * the specific address format depends on the transport
+ * @param addrlen length of the address
static void
-shutdown_task (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
+plugin_env_address_change_notification (void *cls, int add_remove,
+ const void *addr, size_t addrlen)
- struct TransportPlugin *plug;
- struct OwnAddressList *al;
- struct CheckHelloValidatedContext *chvc;
- shutdown_in_progress = GNUNET_YES;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &disconnect_all_neighbours,
- NULL);
- "Transport service is unloading plugins...\n");
- while (NULL != (plug = plugins))
- {
- if (plug->address_update_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (plug->address_update_task);
- plug->address_update_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- }
- GNUNET_break (NULL == GNUNET_PLUGIN_unload (plug->lib_name, plug->api));
- GNUNET_free (plug->lib_name);
- GNUNET_free (plug->short_name);
- while (NULL != (al = plug->addresses))
- {
- plug->addresses = al->next;
- GNUNET_free (al);
- }
- plugins = plug->next;
- GNUNET_free (plug);
- }
- if (my_private_key != NULL)
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_free (my_private_key);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (our_hello);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (validation_map, &abort_validation,
- NULL);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (validation_map);
- validation_map = NULL;
- if (ats_task != GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (ats_task);
- }
- if (ats != NULL)
- ats_shutdown (ats);
- /* free 'chvc' data structure */
- while (NULL != (chvc = chvc_head))
- {
- chvc_head = chvc->next;
- if (chvc->piter != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_iterate_cancel (chvc->piter);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (stats,
- gettext_noop
- ("# outstanding peerinfo iterate requests"), -1,
- chvc->ve_count--;
- }
- else
- GNUNET_break (0);
- GNUNET_assert (chvc->ve_count == 0);
- GNUNET_free (chvc);
- }
- chvc_tail = NULL;
+ const char *plugin_name = cls;
- if (stats != NULL)
- {
- stats = NULL;
- }
- if (peerinfo != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_PEERINFO_disconnect (peerinfo);
- peerinfo = NULL;
- }
- if (GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK != hello_task)
- {
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (hello_task);
- }
- /* Can we assume those are gone by now, or do we need to clean up
- * explicitly!? */
- GNUNET_break (bl_head == NULL);
- GNUNET_break (bc_head == NULL);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (neighbours);
- neighbours = NULL;
+ GST_hello_modify_addresses (add_remove, plugin_name, addr, addrlen);
-ats_result_cb ()
+ * Function that will be called whenever the plugin internally
+ * cleans up a session pointer and hence the service needs to
+ * discard all of those sessions as well. Plugins that do not
+ * use sessions can simply omit calling this function and always
+ * use NULL wherever a session pointer is needed. This function
+ * should be called BEFORE a potential "TransmitContinuation"
+ * from the "TransmitFunction".
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param peer which peer was the session for
+ * @param session which session is being destoyed
+ */
+static void
+plugin_env_session_end (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ struct Session *session)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "ATS Result callback\n");
+ GST_neighbours_session_terminated (peer, session);
-struct AtsBuildContext
- struct ATS_mechanism *mechanisms;
- struct ATS_peer *peers;
- int c_peers;
- int c_mechs;
-static int
-find_and_count_addresses (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
+ * Function called by ATS to notify the callee that the
+ * assigned bandwidth or address for a given peer was changed. If the
+ * callback is called with address/bandwidth assignments of zero, the
+ * ATS disconnect function will still be called once the disconnect
+ * actually happened.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param peer identity of the peer
+ * @param plugin_name name of the transport plugin, NULL to disconnect
+ * @param session session to use (if available)
+ * @param plugin_addr address to use (if available)
+ * @param plugin_addr_len number of bytes in addr
+ * @param bandwidth assigned outbound bandwidth for the connection
+ */
+static void
+ats_request_address_change (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ const char *plugin_name, struct Session *session,
+ const void *plugin_addr, size_t plugin_addr_len,
+ struct GNUNET_BANDWIDTH_Value32NBO bandwidth)
- struct AtsBuildContext *abc = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *next = value;
- int found_addresses = GNUNET_NO;
- struct ReadyList *r_next = next->plugins;
- while (r_next != NULL)
- {
- struct ForeignAddressList *a_next = r_next->addresses;
- while (a_next != NULL)
- {
- abc->c_mechs++;
- found_addresses = GNUNET_YES;
- a_next = a_next->next;
- }
- r_next = r_next->next;
- }
- if (found_addresses)
- abc->c_peers++;
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ GST_neighbours_switch_to_address (peer, plugin_name, plugin_addr,
+ plugin_addr_len, session, NULL, 0);
+ GST_neighbours_set_incoming_quota (peer, bandwidth);
-static int
-setup_ats_problem (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
+ * Function called to notify transport users that another
+ * peer connected to us.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param peer the peer that connected
+ * @param ats performance data
+ * @param ats_count number of entries in ats (excluding 0-termination)
+ */
+static void
+neighbours_connect_notification (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ const struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information
+ *ats, uint32_t ats_count)
- struct AtsBuildContext *abc = cls;
- struct NeighbourMapEntry *next = value;
- int found_addresses = GNUNET_NO;
- struct ReadyList *r_next = next->plugins;
+ char buf[sizeof (struct ConnectInfoMessage) +
+ ats_count * sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information)];
+ struct ConnectInfoMessage *connect_msg = (struct ConnectInfoMessage *) buf;
+ struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information *atsm = &connect_msg->ats;
- while (r_next != NULL)
- {
- struct ForeignAddressList *a_next = r_next->addresses;
- while (a_next != NULL)
- {
- if (found_addresses == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- abc->peers[abc->c_peers].peer = next->id;
- abc->peers[abc->c_peers].m_head = NULL;
- abc->peers[abc->c_peers].m_tail = NULL;
- abc->peers[abc->c_peers].f = 1.0 / abc->c_mechs;
- }
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].addr = a_next;
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].col_index = abc->c_mechs;
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].peer = &abc->peers[abc->c_peers];
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].next = NULL;
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].plugin = r_next->plugin;
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].ressources = a_next->ressources;
- abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs].quality = a_next->quality;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail (abc->peers[abc->c_peers].m_head,
- abc->peers[abc->c_peers].m_tail,
- &abc->mechanisms[abc->c_mechs]);
- found_addresses = GNUNET_YES;
- abc->c_mechs++;
- a_next = a_next->next;
- }
- r_next = r_next->next;
- }
- if (found_addresses == GNUNET_YES)
- abc->c_peers++;
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ connect_msg->header.size = htons (sizeof (buf));
+ connect_msg->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_CONNECT);
+ connect_msg->ats_count = htonl (ats_count);
+ connect_msg->id = *peer;
+ memcpy (&connect_msg->ats, ats,
+ ats_count * sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_Information));
+ atsm[ats_count].type = htonl (GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ARRAY_TERMINATOR);
+ atsm[ats_count].value = htonl (0);
+ GST_clients_broadcast (&connect_msg->header, GNUNET_NO);
+ * Function called to notify transport users that another
+ * peer disconnected from us.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param peer the peer that disconnected
+ */
static void
-create_ats_information (struct ATS_peer **p, int *c_p, struct ATS_mechanism **m,
- int *c_m)
+neighbours_disconnect_notification (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer)
- struct AtsBuildContext abc;
- "ATS requires clean address information\n");
- abc.c_peers = 0;
- abc.c_mechs = 0;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &find_and_count_addresses,
- &abc);
- "Found %u peers with % u transport mechanisms\n", c_peers,
- c_mechs);
- if ((abc.c_peers == 0) && (abc.c_mechs == 0))
- {
- *p = NULL;
- (*c_p) = 0;
- *m = NULL;
- (*c_m) = 0;
- return;
- }
+ struct DisconnectInfoMessage disconnect_msg;
- abc.mechanisms =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + abc.c_mechs) * sizeof (struct ATS_mechanism));
- abc.peers = GNUNET_malloc ((1 + abc.c_peers) * sizeof (struct ATS_peer));
- abc.c_mechs = 1;
- abc.c_peers = 1;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (neighbours, &setup_ats_problem, &abc);
- abc.c_mechs--;
- abc.c_peers--;
- (*c_m) = abc.c_mechs;
- (*c_p) = abc.c_peers;
- (*p) = abc.peers;
- (*m) = abc.mechanisms;
+ disconnect_msg.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct DisconnectInfoMessage));
+ disconnect_msg.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_DISCONNECT);
+ disconnect_msg.reserved = htonl (0);
+ disconnect_msg.peer = *peer;
+ GST_clients_broadcast (&disconnect_msg.header, GNUNET_NO);
+ * Function called when the service shuts down. Unloads our plugins
+ * and cancels pending validations.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure, unused
+ * @param tc task context (unused)
+ */
static void
-schedule_ats (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
+shutdown_task (void *cls, const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct ATS_Handle *ats = (struct ATS_Handle *) cls;
- if (ats == NULL)
- return;
- if ((tc->reason & GNUNET_SCHEDULER_REASON_SHUTDOWN) != 0)
- return;
- if (shutdown_in_progress == GNUNET_YES)
- return;
+ GST_validation_stop ();
+ GST_plugins_unload ();
+ GST_neighbours_stop ();
+ GNUNET_ATS_shutdown (GST_ats);
+ GST_ats = NULL;
+ GST_clients_stop ();
+ GST_blacklist_stop ();
+ GST_hello_stop ();
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative delta =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (last_ats_execution,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ());
- if (delta.rel_value < ats_minimum_interval.rel_value)
+ if (GST_peerinfo != NULL)
- "Minimum time between cycles not reached\n");
- return;
+ GNUNET_PEERINFO_disconnect (GST_peerinfo);
+ GST_peerinfo = NULL;
+ }
+ if (GST_stats != NULL)
+ {
+ GST_stats = NULL;
+ }
+ if (GST_my_private_key != NULL)
+ {
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_free (GST_my_private_key);
+ GST_my_private_key = NULL;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Running scheduled calculation\n");
- ats_calculate_bandwidth_distribution (ats);
- last_ats_execution = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- ats_task =
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (ats_regular_interval, &schedule_ats, ats);
-struct ForeignAddressList *
-get_preferred_ats_address (struct NeighbourMapEntry *n)
- // TODO get ATS prefered address
- return find_ready_address (n);
* Initiate transport service.
run (void *cls, struct GNUNET_SERVER_Handle *server,
const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *c)
- static const struct GNUNET_SERVER_MessageHandler handlers[] = {
- {&handle_start, NULL,
- GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_START, sizeof (struct StartMessage)},
- {&handle_hello, NULL,
- {&handle_send, NULL,
- {&handle_request_connect, NULL,
- sizeof (struct TransportRequestConnectMessage)},
- {&handle_set_quota, NULL,
- GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_SET_QUOTA, sizeof (struct QuotaSetMessage)},
- {&handle_address_lookup, NULL,
- 0},
- {&handle_peer_address_lookup, NULL,
- 0},
- {&handle_address_iterate, NULL,
- 0},
- {&handle_blacklist_init, NULL,
- sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader)},
- {&handle_blacklist_reply, NULL,
- sizeof (struct BlacklistMessage)},
- {NULL, NULL, 0, 0}
- };
- char *plugs;
- char *pos;
- int no_transports;
- unsigned long long tneigh;
char *keyfile;
- shutdown_in_progress = GNUNET_NO;
- cfg = c;
- stats = GNUNET_STATISTICS_create ("transport", cfg);
- validation_map = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (64);
- neighbours = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (256);
- /* parse configuration */
- if ((GNUNET_OK !=
- &tneigh)) ||
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_filename (c, "GNUNETD", "HOSTKEY",
- &keyfile)))
+ /* setup globals */
+ GST_cfg = c;
+ if (GNUNET_OK !=
+ GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_filename (c, "GNUNETD", "HOSTKEY",
+ &keyfile))
("Transport service is lacking key configuration settings. Exiting.\n"));
- if (stats != NULL)
- {
- stats = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (validation_map);
- validation_map = NULL;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (neighbours);
- neighbours = NULL;
- return;
- }
- max_connect_per_transport = (uint32_t) tneigh;
- peerinfo = GNUNET_PEERINFO_connect (cfg);
- if (peerinfo == NULL)
- {
- _("Could not access PEERINFO service. Exiting.\n"));
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown ();
- if (stats != NULL)
- {
- stats = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (validation_map);
- validation_map = NULL;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (neighbours);
- neighbours = NULL;
- GNUNET_free (keyfile);
- my_private_key = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_create_from_file (keyfile);
+ GST_my_private_key = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_create_from_file (keyfile);
GNUNET_free (keyfile);
- if (my_private_key == NULL)
+ if (GST_my_private_key == NULL)
_("Transport service could not access hostkey. Exiting.\n"));
- if (stats != NULL)
- {
- stats = NULL;
- }
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (validation_map);
- validation_map = NULL;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (neighbours);
- neighbours = NULL;
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_get_public (my_private_key, &my_public_key);
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&my_public_key, sizeof (my_public_key),
- &my_identity.hashPubKey);
- /* setup notification */
- GNUNET_SERVER_disconnect_notify (server, &client_disconnect_notification,
- NULL);
- /* load plugins... */
- no_transports = 1;
- if (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (c, "TRANSPORT", "PLUGINS", &plugs))
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Starting transport plugins `%s'\n"),
- plugs);
- pos = strtok (plugs, " ");
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- start_transport (server, pos);
- no_transports = 0;
- pos = strtok (NULL, " ");
- }
- GNUNET_free (plugs);
- }
+ GST_stats = GNUNET_STATISTICS_create ("transport", c);
+ GST_peerinfo = GNUNET_PEERINFO_connect (c);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_key_get_public (GST_my_private_key, &GST_my_public_key);
+ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&GST_my_public_key, sizeof (GST_my_public_key),
+ &GST_my_identity.hashPubKey);
- if (no_transports)
- refresh_hello ();
- /* Initializing ATS */
- int co;
- char *section;
- unsigned long long value;
- double D = 1.0;
- double U = 1.0;
- double R = 1.0;
- int v_b_min = 64000;
- int v_n_min = 5;
- ats_minimum_interval = ATS_MIN_INTERVAL;
- ats_regular_interval = ATS_EXEC_INTERVAL;
- /* loading cost ressources */
- for (co = 0; co < available_ressources; co++)
+ if (GST_peerinfo == NULL)
- GNUNET_asprintf (§ion, "%s_UP", ressources[co].cfg_param);
- if (GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_have_value (cfg, "transport", section))
- {
- if (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", section,
- &value))
- {
- "Found ressource cost: [%s] = %llu\n", section, value);
- ressources[co].c_max = value;
- }
- }
- GNUNET_free (section);
- GNUNET_asprintf (§ion, "%s_DOWN", ressources[co].cfg_param);
- if (GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_have_value (cfg, "transport", section))
- {
- if (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", section,
- &value))
- {
- "Found ressource cost: [%s] = %llu\n", section, value);
- ressources[co].c_min = value;
- }
- }
- GNUNET_free (section);
+ _("Could not access PEERINFO service. Exiting.\n"));
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown ();
+ return;
- ats =
- ats_init (D, U, R, v_b_min, v_n_min, ATS_MAX_ITERATIONS,
- ATS_MAX_EXEC_DURATION, &create_ats_information, ats_result_cb);
- ats_set_logging_options (ats, stats, cfg);
- GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_time (cfg, "transport",
- &ats_regular_interval));
- GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_time (cfg, "transport",
- &ats_minimum_interval));
- if (ats != NULL)
- ats_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&schedule_ats, ats);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, _("Transport service ready.\n"));
- /* If we have a blacklist file, read from it */
- read_blacklist_file (cfg);
- /* process client requests */
- GNUNET_SERVER_add_handlers (server, handlers);
+ /* start subsystems */
+ GST_hello_start (&process_hello_update, NULL);
+ GST_blacklist_start (server);
+ GST_plugins_load (&plugin_env_receive_callback,
+ &plugin_env_address_change_notification,
+ &plugin_env_session_end);
+ GST_ats = GNUNET_ATS_init (GST_cfg, &ats_request_address_change, NULL);
+ GST_neighbours_start (NULL, &neighbours_connect_notification,
+ &neighbours_disconnect_notification);
+ GST_clients_start (server);
+ GST_validation_start ();
main (int argc, char *const *argv)
- a2s (NULL, NULL, 0); /* make compiler happy */
return (GNUNET_OK ==
GNUNET_SERVICE_run (argc, argv, "transport",
-/* end of gnunet-service-transport.c */
+/* end of file gnunet-service-transport-new.c */
+++ /dev/null
- This file is part of GNUnet.
- (C) 2009, 2010 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
- GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * @file transport/gnunet-service-transport_ats.c
- * @brief automatic transport selection
- * @author Matthias Wachs
- *
- */
-#include "gnunet-service-transport_ats.h"
-#include "gnunet_transport_service.h"
-#include "gnunet_statistics_service.h"
-#include "gnunet_container_lib.h"
-/* LP/MIP problem object */
-typedef struct
- double _opaque_prob[100];
-} glp_prob;
-typedef struct
-{ /* integer optimizer control parameters */
- int msg_lev; /* message level (see glp_smcp) */
- int br_tech; /* branching technique: */
-#define GLP_BR_FFV 1 /* first fractional variable */
-#define GLP_BR_LFV 2 /* last fractional variable */
-#define GLP_BR_MFV 3 /* most fractional variable */
-#define GLP_BR_DTH 4 /* heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin */
-#define GLP_BR_PCH 5 /* hybrid pseudocost heuristic */
- int bt_tech; /* backtracking technique: */
-#define GLP_BT_DFS 1 /* depth first search */
-#define GLP_BT_BFS 2 /* breadth first search */
-#define GLP_BT_BLB 3 /* best local bound */
-#define GLP_BT_BPH 4 /* best projection heuristic */
- double tol_int; /* mip.tol_int */
- double tol_obj; /* mip.tol_obj */
- int tm_lim; /* mip.tm_lim (milliseconds) */
- int out_frq; /* mip.out_frq (milliseconds) */
- int out_dly; /* mip.out_dly (milliseconds) */
- /* mip.cb_func */
- void *cb_info; /* mip.cb_info */
- int cb_size; /* mip.cb_size */
- int pp_tech; /* preprocessing technique: */
-#define GLP_PP_NONE 0 /* disable preprocessing */
-#define GLP_PP_ROOT 1 /* preprocessing only on root level */
-#define GLP_PP_ALL 2 /* preprocessing on all levels */
- double mip_gap; /* relative MIP gap tolerance */
- int mir_cuts; /* MIR cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
- int gmi_cuts; /* Gomory's cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
- int cov_cuts; /* cover cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
- int clq_cuts; /* clique cuts (GLP_ON/GLP_OFF) */
- int presolve; /* enable/disable using MIP presolver */
- int binarize; /* try to binarize integer variables */
- int fp_heur; /* feasibility pump heuristic */
-#if 1 /* 28/V-2010 */
- int alien; /* use alien solver */
- double foo_bar[29]; /* (reserved) */
-} glp_iocp;
-typedef struct
-{ /* simplex method control parameters */
- int msg_lev; /* message level: */
-#define GLP_MSG_OFF 0 /* no output */
-#define GLP_MSG_ERR 1 /* warning and error messages only */
-#define GLP_MSG_ON 2 /* normal output */
-#define GLP_MSG_ALL 3 /* full output */
-#define GLP_MSG_DBG 4 /* debug output */
- int meth; /* simplex method option: */
-#define GLP_PRIMAL 1 /* use primal simplex */
-#define GLP_DUALP 2 /* use dual; if it fails, use primal */
-#define GLP_DUAL 3 /* use dual simplex */
- int pricing; /* pricing technique: */
-#define GLP_PT_STD 0x11 /* standard (Dantzig rule) */
-#define GLP_PT_PSE 0x22 /* projected steepest edge */
- int r_test; /* ratio test technique: */
-#define GLP_RT_STD 0x11 /* standard (textbook) */
-#define GLP_RT_HAR 0x22 /* two-pass Harris' ratio test */
- double tol_bnd; /* spx.tol_bnd */
- double tol_dj; /* spx.tol_dj */
- double tol_piv; /* spx.tol_piv */
- double obj_ll; /* spx.obj_ll */
- double obj_ul; /* spx.obj_ul */
- int it_lim; /* spx.it_lim */
- int tm_lim; /* spx.tm_lim (milliseconds) */
- int out_frq; /* spx.out_frq */
- int out_dly; /* spx.out_dly (milliseconds) */
- int presolve; /* enable/disable using LP presolver */
- double foo_bar[36]; /* (reserved) */
-} glp_smcp;
-/* optimization direction flag: */
-#define GLP_MIN 1 /* minimization */
-#define GLP_MAX 2 /* maximization */
-/* kind of structural variable: */
-#define GLP_CV 1 /* continuous variable */
-#define GLP_IV 2 /* integer variable */
-#define GLP_BV 3 /* binary variable */
-/* type of auxiliary/structural variable: */
-#define GLP_FR 1 /* free variable */
-#define GLP_LO 2 /* variable with lower bound */
-#define GLP_UP 3 /* variable with upper bound */
-#define GLP_DB 4 /* double-bounded variable */
-#define GLP_FX 5 /* fixed variable */
-/* solution indicator: */
-#define GLP_SOL 1 /* basic solution */
-#define GLP_IPT 2 /* interior-point solution */
-#define GLP_MIP 3 /* mixed integer solution */
-/* solution status: */
-#define GLP_UNDEF 1 /* solution is undefined */
-#define GLP_FEAS 2 /* solution is feasible */
-#define GLP_INFEAS 3 /* solution is infeasible */
-#define GLP_NOFEAS 4 /* no feasible solution exists */
-#define GLP_OPT 5 /* solution is optimal */
-#define GLP_UNBND 6 /* solution is unbounded */
-/* return codes: */
-#define GLP_EBADB 0x01 /* invalid basis */
-#define GLP_ESING 0x02 /* singular matrix */
-#define GLP_ECOND 0x03 /* ill-conditioned matrix */
-#define GLP_EBOUND 0x04 /* invalid bounds */
-#define GLP_EFAIL 0x05 /* solver failed */
-#define GLP_EOBJLL 0x06 /* objective lower limit reached */
-#define GLP_EOBJUL 0x07 /* objective upper limit reached */
-#define GLP_EITLIM 0x08 /* iteration limit exceeded */
-#define GLP_ETMLIM 0x09 /* time limit exceeded */
-#define GLP_ENOPFS 0x0A /* no primal feasible solution */
-#define GLP_ENODFS 0x0B /* no dual feasible solution */
-#define GLP_EROOT 0x0C /* root LP optimum not provided */
-#define GLP_ESTOP 0x0D /* search terminated by application */
-#define GLP_EMIPGAP 0x0E /* relative mip gap tolerance reached */
-#define GLP_ENOFEAS 0x0F /* no primal/dual feasible solution */
-#define GLP_ENOCVG 0x10 /* no convergence */
-#define GLP_EINSTAB 0x11 /* numerical instability */
-#define GLP_EDATA 0x12 /* invalid data */
-#define GLP_ERANGE 0x13 /* result out of range */
-/* enable/disable flag: */
-#define GLP_ON 1 /* enable something */
-#define GLP_OFF 0 /* disable something */
- * Wrappers for GLPK Functions
- */
-void *
-_lp_create_prob (void)
- return glp_create_prob ();
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return NULL;
-_lp_set_obj_dir (glp_prob *P, int dir)
- return glp_set_obj_dir (P, dir);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_set_prob_name (glp_prob *P, const char *name)
- glp_set_prob_name (P, name);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_add_cols (glp_prob *P, int ncs)
- return glp_add_cols (P, ncs);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-_lp_add_rows (glp_prob *P, int nrs)
- return glp_add_rows (P, nrs);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-_lp_set_row_bnds (glp_prob *P, int i, int type, double lb, double ub)
- glp_set_row_bnds (P, i, type, lb, ub);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_init_smcp (void *parm)
- glp_init_smcp (parm);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_set_col_name (glp_prob *P, int j, const char *name)
- glp_set_col_name (P, j, name);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_set_col_bnds (glp_prob *P, int j, int type, double lb, double ub)
- glp_set_col_bnds (P, j, type, lb, ub);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_set_obj_coef (glp_prob *P, int j, double coef)
- glp_set_obj_coef (P, j, coef);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-_lp_delete_prob (void *P)
- glp_delete_prob (P);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static int
-_lp_simplex (glp_prob *P, void *parm)
- return glp_simplex (P, parm);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-static void
-_lp_load_matrix (glp_prob *P, int ne, const int ia[], const int ja[],
- const double ar[])
- glp_load_matrix (P, ne, ia, ja, ar);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static void
-_lp_set_mat_row (glp_prob *P, int i, int len, const int ind[],
- const double val[])
- glp_set_mat_row (P, i, len, ind, val);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static int
-_lp_write_lp (glp_prob *P, const void *parm, const char *fname)
- return glp_write_lp (P, parm, fname);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-static void
-_lp_init_iocp (void *parm)
- glp_init_iocp (parm);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static int
-_lp_intopt (glp_prob *P, const void *parm)
- return glp_intopt (P, parm);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-static int
-_lp_get_status (glp_prob *P)
- return glp_get_status (P);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-static int
-_lp_mip_status (glp_prob *P)
- return glp_mip_status (P);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
-static void
-_lp_set_col_kind (glp_prob *P, int j, int kind)
- glp_set_col_kind (P, j, kind);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static void
-_lp_free_env (void)
- glp_free_env ();
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
-static const char *
-_lp_get_col_name (glp_prob *P, int j)
- return glp_get_col_name (P, j);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return NULL;
-static double
-_lp_mip_obj_val (glp_prob *P)
- return glp_mip_obj_val (P);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0.0;
-static double
-_lp_get_col_prim (glp_prob *P, int j)
- return glp_get_col_prim (P, j);
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0.0;
-static int
-_lp_print_sol (glp_prob *P, const char *fname)
- // Function not implemented
- GNUNET_break (0);
- return 0;
- * Dummy functions for CFLAGS
- */
-static void
-_dummy2 ();
-static void
-_dummy ()
- return;
- _lp_get_col_name (NULL, 0);
- _lp_mip_obj_val (NULL);
- _lp_get_col_prim (NULL, 0);
- _lp_set_mat_row (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
- _dummy2 ();
-static void
-_dummy2 ()
- ats_modify_problem_state (NULL, 0);
- qm[1].atis_index = 0;
- _dummy ();
- t++;
- * ATS Functions
- */
- * Initialize ATS
- * @param cfg configuration handle to retrieve configuration (to be removed)
- * @return
- */
-struct ATS_Handle *
-ats_init (double D, double U, double R, int v_b_min, int v_n_min,
- int max_iterations, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative max_duration,
- GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_AddressNotification address_not,
- GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_ResultCallback res_cb)
- struct ATS_Handle *ats = NULL;
- ats = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ATS_Handle));
- ats->prob = NULL;
- ats->addr_notification = address_not;
- ats->result_cb = res_cb;
- ats->max_iterations = max_iterations;
- ats->max_exec_duration = max_duration;
- ats->D = D;
- ats->U = U;
- ats->R = R;
- ats->v_b_min = v_b_min;
- ats->v_n_min = v_n_min;
- ats->dump_min_peers = 0;
- ats->dump_min_addr = 0;
- ats->dump_overwrite = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->mechanisms = NULL;
- ats->peers = NULL;
- ats->successful_executions = 0;
- ats->invalid_executions = 0;
- return ats;
-/** solve the bandwidth distribution problem
- * @param max_it maximum iterations
- * @param max_dur maximum duration in ms
- * @param D weight for diversity
- * @param U weight for utility
- * @param R weight for relativity
- * @param v_b_min minimal bandwidth per peer
- * @param v_n_min minimum number of connections
- * @param stat result struct
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR if glpk is not available, number of mechanisms used
- */
-ats_create_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats, struct ATS_internals *stat,
- struct ATS_peer *peers, int c_p,
- struct ATS_mechanism *mechanisms, int c_m)
- if ((c_p == 0) || (c_m == 0))
- ats->prob = _lp_create_prob ();
- int c;
- int c_c_ressources = available_ressources;
- int c_q_metrics = available_quality_metrics;
- double Q[c_q_metrics + 1];
- for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
- {
- Q[c] = 1;
- }
- if (ats->v_n_min > c_p)
- ats->v_n_min = c_p;
- "Creating problem with: %i peers, %i mechanisms, %i resource entries, %i quality metrics \n",
- c_p, c_m, c_c_ressources, c_q_metrics);
- int size =
- 1 + 3 + 10 * c_m + c_p + (c_q_metrics * c_m) + c_q_metrics +
- c_c_ressources * c_m;
- int row_index;
- int array_index = 1;
- int *ia = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (int));
- int *ja = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (int));
- double *ar = GNUNET_malloc (size * sizeof (double));
- _lp_set_prob_name (ats->prob, "gnunet ats bandwidth distribution");
- _lp_set_obj_dir (ats->prob, GLP_MAX);
- /* adding columns */
- char *name;
- _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 2 * c_m);
- /* adding b_t cols */
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "p_%s_b%i",
- GNUNET_i2s (&(mechanisms[c].peer->peer)), c);
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, c, name);
- GNUNET_free (name);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, c, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- _lp_set_col_kind (ats->prob, c, GLP_CV);
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, c, 0);
- }
- /* adding n_t cols */
- for (c = c_m + 1; c <= 2 * c_m; c++)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "p_%s_n%i",
- GNUNET_i2s (&(mechanisms[c - c_m].peer->peer)), (c - c_m));
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, c, name);
- GNUNET_free (name);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, c, GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0);
- _lp_set_col_kind (ats->prob, c, GLP_IV);
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, c, 0);
- }
- /* feasibility constraints */
- /* Constraint 1: one address per peer */
- row_index = 1;
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_p);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_p; c++)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 1.0, 1.0);
- struct ATS_mechanism *m = peers[c].m_head;
- while (m != NULL)
- {
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = (c_m + m->col_index);
- ar[array_index] = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
- ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- m = m->next;
- }
- row_index++;
- }
- /* Constraint 2: only active mechanism gets bandwidth assigned */
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_m);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- /* b_t - n_t * M <= 0 */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0);
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = -M;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- }
- /* Constraint 3: minimum bandwidth */
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_m);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- /* b_t - n_t * b_min <= 0 */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = -ats->v_b_min;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- }
- int c2;
- /* Constraint 4: max ressource capacity */
- /* V cr: bt * ct_r <= cr_max
- * */
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, available_ressources);
- double ct_max = VERY_BIG_DOUBLE_VALUE;
- double ct_min = 0.0;
- stat->begin_cr = array_index;
- for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
- {
- ct_max = ressources[c].c_max;
- ct_min = ressources[c].c_min;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] %f..%f\n",
- row_index, ct_min, ct_max);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_DB, ct_min, ct_max);
- for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_m; c2++)
- {
- double value = 0;
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c2;
- value = mechanisms[c2].ressources[c].c;
- ar[array_index] = value;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
- ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- row_index++;
- }
- stat->end_cr = array_index--;
- /* Constraint 5: min number of connections */
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- // b_t - n_t * b_min >= 0
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, ats->v_n_min, 0.0);
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- row_index++;
- // optimisation constraints
- // adding columns
- // Constraint 6: optimize for diversity
- int col_d;
- col_d = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_d, "d");
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_d, ats->D);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_d, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
- stat->col_d = col_d;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c_m + mechanisms[c].col_index;
- ar[array_index] = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = col_d;
- ar[array_index] = -1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- // Constraint 7: optimize for quality
- int col_qm;
- col_qm = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, c_q_metrics);
- stat->col_qm = col_qm;
- //GNUNET_assert (col_qm == (2*c_mechs) + 3 + 1);
- for (c = 0; c < c_q_metrics; c++)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&name, "Q_%s", qm[c].name);
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_qm + c, name);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_qm + c, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- GNUNET_free (name);
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_qm + c, Q[c]);
- }
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, available_quality_metrics);
- stat->begin_qm = row_index;
- for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- double value = 1;
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
- for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_m; c2++)
- {
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c2;
- if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY)
- {
- double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
- v0 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- v1 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- v2 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- value = 100.0 / ((v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0);
- value = 1;
- }
- if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE)
- {
- double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
- v0 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
- if (v0 < 1)
- v0 = 1;
- v1 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v1 = 1;
- v2 = mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
- if (v2 < 1)
- v2 = 1;
- value = (v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0;
- if (value >= 1)
- value = (double) 10 / value;
- else
- value = 10;
- }
- ar[array_index] = (mechanisms[c2].peer->f) * value;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: %s [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, qm[c - 1].name, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
- ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = col_qm + c - 1;
- ar[array_index] = -1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- }
- stat->end_qm = row_index - 1;
- // Constraint 8: optimize bandwidth utility
- int col_u;
- col_u = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_u, "u");
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_u, ats->U);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_u, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, 1);
- stat->col_u = col_u;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
- for (c = 1; c <= c_m; c++)
- {
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = c;
- ar[array_index] = mechanisms[c].peer->f;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = col_u;
- ar[array_index] = -1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- // Constraint 9: optimize relativity
- int col_r;
- col_r = _lp_add_cols (ats->prob, 1);
- _lp_set_col_name (ats->prob, col_r, "r");
- _lp_set_obj_coef (ats->prob, col_r, ats->R);
- _lp_set_col_bnds (ats->prob, col_r, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- _lp_add_rows (ats->prob, c_p);
- stat->col_r = col_r;
- for (c = 1; c <= c_p; c++)
- {
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
- struct ATS_mechanism *m = peers[c].m_head;
- while (m != NULL)
- {
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = m->col_index;
- ar[array_index] = 1 / mechanisms[c].peer->f;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index],
- ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- m = m->next;
- }
- ia[array_index] = row_index;
- ja[array_index] = col_r;
- ar[array_index] = -1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, ia[array_index], ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- row_index++;
- }
- /* Loading the matrix */
- _lp_load_matrix (ats->prob, array_index - 1, ia, ja, ar);
- stat->c_mechs = c_m;
- stat->c_peers = c_p;
- stat->solution = 0;
- stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
- /* clean up */
- GNUNET_free (ja);
- GNUNET_free (ia);
- GNUNET_free (ar);
- return GNUNET_OK;
-ats_delete_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Deleting problem\n");
- int c;
- for (c = 0; c < (ats->internal).c_mechs; c++)
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ats->mechanisms[c].rc);
- if (ats->mechanisms != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_free (ats->mechanisms);
- ats->mechanisms = NULL;
- }
- if (ats->peers != NULL)
- {
- GNUNET_free (ats->peers);
- ats->peers = NULL;
- }
- if (ats->prob != NULL)
- {
- _lp_delete_prob (ats->prob);
- ats->prob = NULL;
- }
- ats->internal.begin_cr = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- ats->internal.begin_qm = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- ats->internal.c_mechs = 0;
- ats->internal.c_peers = 0;
- ats->internal.end_cr = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- ats->internal.end_qm = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- ats->internal.solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- ats->internal.valid = GNUNET_SYSERR;
-ats_modify_problem_state (struct ATS_Handle *ats, enum ATS_problem_state s)
- if (ats == NULL)
- return;
- switch (s)
- {
- case ATS_NEW:
- ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_NO;
- break;
- ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_YES;
- ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
-ats_solve_problem (struct ATS_Handle *ats, unsigned int max_it,
- unsigned int max_dur, unsigned int c_peers,
- unsigned int c_mechs, struct ATS_internals *stat)
- int result = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- int lp_solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- int mlp_solution = GNUNET_SYSERR;
- // Solving simplex
- glp_smcp opt_lp;
- _lp_init_smcp (&opt_lp);
- opt_lp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
- opt_lp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
- // setting iteration limit
- opt_lp.it_lim = max_it;
- // maximum duration
- opt_lp.tm_lim = max_dur;
- if (ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES)
- opt_lp.presolve = GLP_ON;
- result = _lp_simplex (ats->prob, &opt_lp);
- lp_solution = _lp_get_status (ats->prob);
- if ((result == GLP_ETMLIM) || (result == GLP_EITLIM))
- {
- ats->internal.valid = GNUNET_NO;
- "ATS exceeded time or iteration limit!\n");
- return;
- }
- if (ats_evaluate_results (result, lp_solution, "LP") == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- else
- {
- ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required = GNUNET_YES;
- opt_lp.presolve = GLP_ON;
- result = _lp_simplex (ats->prob, &opt_lp);
- lp_solution = _lp_get_status (ats->prob);
- // TODO: Remove if this does not appear until release
- "" "EXECUTED SIMPLEX WITH PRESOLVER! %i \n", lp_solution);
- if (ats_evaluate_results (result, lp_solution, "LP") != GNUNET_YES)
- {
- "After execution simplex with presolver: STILL INVALID!\n");
- char *filename;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%llu.mlp",
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
- _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
- GNUNET_free (filename);
- stat->valid = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
- return;
- }
- stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- // Solving mlp
- glp_iocp opt_mlp;
- _lp_init_iocp (&opt_mlp);
- // maximum duration
- opt_mlp.tm_lim = max_dur;
- // output level
- opt_mlp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_ALL;
- opt_mlp.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF;
- result = _lp_intopt (ats->prob, &opt_mlp);
- mlp_solution = _lp_mip_status (ats->prob);
- stat->solution = mlp_solution;
- if (ats_evaluate_results (result, mlp_solution, "MLP") == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- stat->valid = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Remove if this does not appear until release
- "MLP solution for %i peers, %i mechs is invalid: %i\n",
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, mlp_solution);
- stat->valid = GNUNET_NO;
- }
- if (_lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1) != 1)
- {
- int c;
- for (c = 1; c <= available_quality_metrics; c++)
- {
- _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3 + c),
- _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3 + c));
- }
- _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1),
- _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 1));
- _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 2),
- _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 2));
- _lp_get_col_name (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3),
- _lp_get_col_prim (ats->prob, 2 * c_mechs + 3));
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "objective value: %f\n",
- _lp_mip_obj_val (ats->prob));
- }
-ats_shutdown (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
- ats_delete_problem (ats);
- _lp_free_env ();
- GNUNET_free (ats);
-ats_update_problem_qm (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
- int array_index;
- int row_index;
- int c, c2;
- int c_q_metrics = available_quality_metrics;
- int *ja =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
- double *ar =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Updating problem quality metrics\n");
- row_index = ats->internal.begin_qm;
- for (c = 1; c <= c_q_metrics; c++)
- {
- array_index = 1;
- double value = 1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] \n", row_index);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
- for (c2 = 1; c2 <= ats->internal.c_mechs; c2++)
- {
- ja[array_index] = c2;
- GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].addr != NULL);
- GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer != NULL);
- if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DELAY)
- {
- double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
- v0 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- v1 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- v2 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v0 = 0.1;
- value = 100.0 / ((v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0);
- //value = 1;
- }
- if (qm[c - 1].atis_index == GNUNET_TRANSPORT_ATS_QUALITY_NET_DISTANCE)
- {
- double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
- v0 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[0];
- if (v0 < 1)
- v0 = 1;
- v1 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[1];
- if (v1 < 1)
- v1 = 1;
- v2 = ats->mechanisms[c2].quality[c - 1].values[2];
- if (v2 < 1)
- v2 = 1;
- value = (v0 + 2 * v1 + 3 * v2) / 6.0;
- if (value >= 1)
- value = (double) 10 / value;
- else
- value = 10;
- }
- ar[array_index] = (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer->f) * value;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: %s [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, qm[c - 1].name, row_index, ja[array_index],
- ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- ja[array_index] = ats->internal.col_qm + c - 1;
- ar[array_index] = -1;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, row_index, ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, array_index, ja, ar);
- array_index = 1;
- row_index++;
- }
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
-ats_calculate_bandwidth_distribution (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute start;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative creation;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative solving;
- int c_m;
- int c_p;
- char *text = "unmodified";
- int dur;
- if (INT_MAX < ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value)
- dur = INT_MAX;
- else
- dur = (int) ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value;
- ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required = GNUNET_NO;
- start = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES) || (ats->prob == NULL) ||
- (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_NO))
- {
- text = "new";
- ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_YES;
- ats_delete_problem (ats);
- ats->addr_notification (&ats->peers, &c_p, &ats->mechanisms, &c_m);
- "Service returned: %i peer, %i mechs\n", c_p, c_m);
- ats_create_problem (ats, &ats->internal, ats->peers, c_p, ats->mechanisms,
- c_m);
- "Peers/Addresses were modified... new problem: %i peer, %i mechs\n",
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs);
- }
- else if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_NO) &&
- (ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES))
- {
- text = "modified resources";
- ats_update_problem_cr (ats);
- }
- else if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_NO) &&
- (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES))
- {
- text = "modified quality";
- ats_update_problem_qm (ats);
- //ats_update_problem_qm_TEST ();
- }
- else
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Problem is %s\n", text);
- creation =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (start, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ());
- start = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- ats->internal.solution = GLP_UNDEF;
- if (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- ats_solve_problem (ats, ats->max_iterations,
- ats->max_exec_duration.rel_value, ats->internal.c_peers,
- ats->internal.c_mechs, &ats->internal);
- }
- solving =
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (start, GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ());
- if (ats->internal.valid == GNUNET_YES)
- {
- /* Telling about new distribution */
- ats->result_cb ();
- int msg_type = GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG;
- GNUNET_log (msg_type,
- "MLP %s: creation time: %llu, execution time: %llu, %i peers, %i mechanisms, simplex rerun: %s, solution %s\n",
- text, creation.rel_value, solving.rel_value,
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs,
- (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required ==
- GNUNET_NO) ? "NO" : "YES",
- (ats->internal.solution == 5) ? "OPTIMAL" : "INVALID");
- ats->successful_executions++;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS successful executions",
- ats->successful_executions, GNUNET_NO);
- if ((ats->internal.recreate_problem == GNUNET_YES) || (ats->prob == NULL))
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_NEW, GNUNET_NO);
- else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_NO))
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_COST_UPDATED,
- else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_NO) &&
- (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO))
- else if ((ats->internal.modified_resources == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.modified_quality == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO))
- else if (ats->internal.simplex_rerun_required == GNUNET_NO)
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS state", ATS_UNMODIFIED,
- }
- else
- {
- if (ats->internal.c_peers != 0)
- {
- ats->invalid_executions++;
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS invalid executions",
- ats->invalid_executions, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "# ATS successful executions",
- ats->successful_executions, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- }
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS duration",
- solving.rel_value + creation.rel_value, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS mechanisms", ats->internal.c_mechs,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS peers", ats->internal.c_peers,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS solution", ats->internal.solution,
- GNUNET_STATISTICS_set (ats->stats, "ATS timestamp", start.abs_value,
- if ((ats->save_mlp == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_peers) &&
- (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_addr))
- {
- char *filename;
- if (ats->dump_overwrite == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%s_%llu.mlp",
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, text,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
- _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i.mlp", ats->internal.c_peers,
- ats->internal.c_mechs);
- _lp_write_lp ((void *) ats->prob, NULL, filename);
- }
- GNUNET_free (filename);
- }
- if ((ats->save_solution == GNUNET_YES) &&
- (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_peers) &&
- (ats->internal.c_mechs >= ats->dump_min_addr))
- {
- char *filename;
- if (ats->dump_overwrite == GNUNET_NO)
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i_%s_%llu.sol",
- ats->internal.c_peers, ats->internal.c_mechs, text,
- GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ().abs_value);
- _lp_print_sol (ats->prob, filename);
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&filename, "ats_mlp_p%i_m%i.sol", ats->internal.c_peers,
- ats->internal.c_mechs);
- _lp_print_sol (ats->prob, filename);
- }
- GNUNET_free (filename);
- }
- ats->internal.recreate_problem = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->internal.modified_resources = GNUNET_NO;
- ats->internal.modified_quality = GNUNET_NO;
- * Evaluate the result of the last simplex or mlp solving
- * @param result return value returned by the solver
- * @param solution solution state
- * @param problem mlp or lp
- * @return GNUNET_NO if solution is invalid, GNUNET_YES if solution is
- * valid
- */
-ats_evaluate_results (int result, int solution, char *problem)
- int cont = GNUNET_NO;
- int error_kind = GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG;
- switch (result)
- {
- case GNUNET_SYSERR: /* GNUNET problem, not GLPK related */
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s, GLPK solving not executed\n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_ESTOP: /* search terminated by application */
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s , Search terminated by application\n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_EITLIM: /* iteration limit exceeded */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "%s Iteration limit exceeded\n",
- problem);
- break;
- case GLP_ETMLIM: /* time limit exceeded */
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "%s Time limit exceeded\n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_ENOPFS: /* no primal feasible solution */
- case GLP_ENODFS: /* no dual feasible solution */
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s No feasible solution\n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_EBADB: /* invalid basis */
- case GLP_ESING: /* singular matrix */
- case GLP_ECOND: /* ill-conditioned matrix */
- case GLP_EBOUND: /* invalid bounds */
- case GLP_EFAIL: /* solver failed */
- case GLP_EOBJLL: /* objective lower limit reached */
- case GLP_EOBJUL: /* objective upper limit reached */
- case GLP_EROOT: /* root LP optimum not provided */
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s Invalid Input data: %i\n", problem, result);
- break;
- case 0:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s Problem has been solved\n", problem);
- break;
- }
- switch (solution)
- {
- case GLP_UNDEF:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s solution is undefined\n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_OPT:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s solution is optimal\n", problem);
- cont = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- case GLP_FEAS:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind,
- "%s solution is %s feasible, however, its optimality (or non-optimality) has not been proven\n",
- problem, (0 == strcmp (problem, "LP") ? "" : "integer"));
- cont = GNUNET_YES;
- break;
- case GLP_NOFEAS:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem has no %sfeasible solution\n", problem,
- (0 == strcmp (problem, "LP") ? "" : "integer "));
- break;
- case GLP_INFEAS:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem is infeasible \n", problem);
- break;
- case GLP_UNBND:
- GNUNET_log (error_kind, "%s problem is unbounded \n", problem);
- default:
- break;
- }
- return cont;
-ats_update_problem_cr (struct ATS_Handle *ats)
- int array_index;
- int row_index;
- int c, c2;
- double ct_max, ct_min;
- int *ja =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
- double *ar =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Updating problem quality metrics\n");
- row_index = ats->internal.begin_cr;
- array_index = 1;
- for (c = 0; c < available_ressources; c++)
- {
- ct_max = ressources[c].c_max;
- ct_min = ressources[c].c_min;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "bounds [row]=[%i] %f..%f\n",
- row_index, ct_min, ct_max);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_DB, ct_min, ct_max);
- for (c2 = 1; c2 <= ats->internal.c_mechs; c2++)
- {
- double value = 0;
- GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].addr != NULL);
- GNUNET_assert (ats->mechanisms[c2].peer != NULL);
- ja[array_index] = c2;
- value = ats->mechanisms[c2].ressources[c].c;
- ar[array_index] = value;
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "[index]=[%i]: [%i,%i]=%f \n",
- array_index, row_index, ja[array_index], ar[array_index]);
- array_index++;
- }
- _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, array_index, ja, ar);
- row_index++;
- }
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
-ats_set_logging_options (struct ATS_Handle *ats,
- struct GNUNET_STATISTICS_Handle *stats,
- const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg)
- int minimum_addresses;
- int minimum_peers;
- int overwrite_dump;
- int log_solution;
- int log_problem;
- unsigned long long value;
- if (ats == NULL)
- return;
- log_problem =
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MLP");
- log_solution =
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_SOLUTION");
- overwrite_dump =
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_yesno (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_OVERWRITE");
- if (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MIN_PEERS",
- &value))
- minimum_peers = (int) value;
- if (GNUNET_OK ==
- GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (cfg, "transport", "DUMP_MIN_ADDRS",
- &value))
- minimum_addresses = (int) value;
- ats->stats = stats;
- ats->dump_min_addr = minimum_addresses;
- ats->dump_min_peers = minimum_peers;
- ats->dump_overwrite = overwrite_dump;
- ats->save_mlp = log_problem;
- ats->save_solution = log_solution;
-#if 0
-static void
-ats_update_problem_qm_TEST ()
- int row_index;
- int c int c2;
- int c_old;
- int changed = 0;
- int old_ja[ats->internal.c_mechs + 2];
- double old_ar[ats->internal.c_mechs + 2];
- int *ja =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (int));
- double *ar =
- GNUNET_malloc ((1 + ats->internal.c_mechs * 2 + 3 +
- available_quality_metrics) * sizeof (double));
- "Updating problem quality metrics TEST\n");
- if (ats->internal.begin_qm > 0)
- row_index = ats->internal.begin_qm;
- else
- return;
- for (c = 0; c < available_quality_metrics; c++)
- {
- c_old = _lp_get_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, old_ja, old_ar);
- _lp_set_row_bnds (ats->prob, row_index, GLP_FX, 0.0, 0.0);
- for (c2 = 1; c2 <= c_old; c2++)
- {
- ja[c2] = old_ja[c2];
- if ((changed < 3) && (c2 > 2) && (old_ar[c2] != -1))
- {
- ar[c2] = old_ar[c2] + 5 - changed;
- changed++;
- }
- else
- ar[c2] = old_ar[c2];
- "[index]=[%i]: old [%i,%i]=%f new [%i,%i]=%f\n", c2,
- row_index, old_ja[c2], old_ar[c2], row_index, ja[c2], ar[c2]);
- }
- _lp_set_mat_row (ats->prob, row_index, c_old, ja, ar);
- row_index++;
- }
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ja);
- GNUNET_free_non_null (ar);
-/* end of transport_ats.c */