Configurations of OpenSSL target platforms
-Target configurations are a collection of facts that we know about
+Configuration targets are a collection of facts that we know about
different platforms and their capabilities. We organise them in a
hash table, where each entry represent a specific target.
+Note that configuration target names must be unique across all config
+files. The Configure script does check that a config file doesn't
+have config targets that shadow config targets from other files.
In each table entry, the following keys are significant:
inherit_from => Other targets to inherit values from.
eval $content;
warn $@ if $@;
+ my %preexisting = ();
+ foreach (sort keys %targets) {
+ $preexisting{$_} = 1 if $table{$_};
+ }
+ die <<"EOF",
+The following config targets from $fname
+shadow pre-existing config targets with the same name:
+ map { " $_\n" } sort keys %preexisting
+ if %preexisting;
# For each target, check that it's configured with a hash table.
foreach (keys %targets) {