* #GNUNET_OK on success, or
* #GNUNET_SYSERR on error, e.g. could not connect to the service, or
* could not resolve GNS name.
+ * @param place_pub_key
+ * Public key of place.
* @param max_message_id
* Last message ID sent to the place.
* Or 0 if no messages have been sent to the place yet.
typedef void
(*GNUNET_SOCIAL_GuestEnterCallback) (void *cls, int result,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *place_pub_key,
uint64_t max_message_id);
struct GNUNET_SOCIAL_HistoryRequest;
+ * Get the public key of a place.
+ *
+ * @param plc
+ * Place.
+ *
+ * @return Public key of the place.
+ */
+const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *
+GNUNET_SOCIAL_place_get_pub_key (const struct GNUNET_SOCIAL_Place *plc);
* Set message processing @a flags for a @a method_prefix.
cres = (struct GNUNET_PSYC_CountersResultMessage *) msg;
int32_t result = ntohl (cres->result_code);
if (NULL != gst->enter_cb)
- gst->enter_cb (gst->cb_cls, result, GNUNET_ntohll (cres->max_message_id));
+ gst->enter_cb (gst->cb_cls, result, &gst->plc.pub_key,
+ GNUNET_ntohll (cres->max_message_id));
* @return Public key of the place.
const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *
-GNUNET_SOCIAL_place_get_key (struct GNUNET_SOCIAL_Place *plc)
+GNUNET_SOCIAL_place_get_pub_key (const struct GNUNET_SOCIAL_Place *plc)
return &plc->pub_key;
static void
-guest_reconnected (void *cls, int result, uint64_t max_message_id)
+guest_reconnected (void *cls, int result,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *place_pub_key,
+ uint64_t max_message_id)
"Test #%u: Guest reconnected to place: %d\n",
static void
-guest_recv_local_enter (void *cls, int result, uint64_t max_message_id)
+guest_recv_local_enter (void *cls, int result,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *place_pub_key,
+ uint64_t max_message_id)
"Test #%u: Guest entered to local place: %d\n",