s = m:section(NamedSection, x['.name'], "switch", translatef("Switch %q", switch_name))
s.addremove = false
- s:option(Flag, "enable", "Enable this switch")
+ s:option(Flag, "enable", translate("Enable this switch"))
.cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end
- s:option(Flag, "enable_vlan", "Enable VLAN functionality")
+ s:option(Flag, "enable_vlan", translate("Enable VLAN functionality"))
.cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end
- s:option(Flag, "reset", "Reset switch during setup")
+ s:option(Flag, "reset", translate("Reset switch during setup"))
.cfgvalue = function(self, section) return Flag.cfgvalue(self, section) or self.enabled end
s = m:section(TypedSection, "switch",
translatef("Port PVIDs on %q", switch_name),
translate("Port <abbr title=\"Primary VLAN IDs\">PVIDs</abbr> specify " ..
- "the default VLAN ID added to received untagged frames.<br />" ..
- "Leave the ID field empty to disable auto tagging on the associated port."))
+ "the default VLAN ID added to received untagged frames."))
s.template = "cbi/tblsection"
s.addremove = false