wan6. (I suppose the interface name might vary amongst different
-![alt text](images/librecmc-eth0-added-to-lan.png "Adjustments to
- LibreCMC interface physical settings")
You can also check the box for Enable STP if desired. There doesn't
seem to be any downside from this, though I suppose it would use a
little more CPU cycles and memory. STP is a protocol intended to
On the same page, scroll down a little to the DHCP Server section. In
the General Setup tab, check the "Ignore interface" box.
-![alt text](images/librecmc-switch-lan-to-dhcp.png)
+![alt text](images/librecmc-eth0-added-to-lan.png "Adjustments to
+ LibreCMC interface physical settings")
Save and apply your changes.
sure that your DHCP server has reserved a memorable IP address for the
LibreCMC device's MAC address, so you don't have trouble finding it.
+![alt text](images/librecmc-switch-lan-to-dhcp.png)
## Adjusting the firewall...?
To make a more consistent look in the your LibreCMC interface, you