+Luci configuration model for statistics - collectd interface plugin configuration
+(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+m = Map("luci_statistics", "Interface Plugin",
+[[Das Interface-Plugin sammelt Informationen zum Netzwerkverkehr auf den einzelnen Schnittstellen.]])
+-- collectd_interface config section
+s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_interface", "luci_statistics", "Pluginkonfiguration" )
+-- collectd_interface.enable
+enable = s:option( Flag, "enable", "Plugin aktivieren" )
+enable.default = 0
+-- collectd_interface.interfaces (Interface)
+interfaces = s:option( MultiValue, "Interfaces", "Überwachte Schnittstellen", "mehrere Einträge mit Strg selektieren" )
+interfaces.widget = "select"
+interfaces:depends( "enable", 1 )
+for k, v in pairs(ffluci.model.uci.sections("network")) do
+ if v[".type"] == "interface" and k ~= "loopback" then
+ interfaces:value(k)
+ end
+-- collectd_interface.ignoreselected (IgnoreSelected)
+ignoreselected = s:option( Flag, "IgnoreSelected", "Alle Schnittstellen außer ausgewählte überwachen" )
+ignoreselected.default = 0
+ignoreselected:depends( "enable", 1 )
+return m
+Luci configuration model for statistics - collectd iptables plugin configuration
+(c) 2008 Freifunk Leipzig / Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ip = ffluci.sys.iptparser.IptParser()
+chains = { }
+targets = { }
+for i, rule in ipairs( ip:find() ) do
+ chains[rule.chain] = true
+ targets[rule.target] = true
+m = Map("luci_statistics", "Iptables Plugin",
+[[Das Iptables-Plugin ermöglicht die Überwachung bestimmter Firewallregeln um
+Werte wie die Anzahl der verarbeiteten Pakete oder die insgesamt erfasste Datenmenge
+zu speichern.]])
+-- collectd_iptables config section
+s = m:section( NamedSection, "collectd_iptables", "luci_statistics", "Pluginkonfiguration" )
+-- collectd_iptables.enable
+enable = s:option( Flag, "enable", "Plugin aktivieren" )
+enable.default = 0
+-- collectd_iptables_match config section (Chain directives)
+rule = m:section( TypedSection, "collectd_iptables_match", "Regel hinzufügen",
+[[Hier werden die Kriterien festgelegt, nach welchen die Firewall-Regeln zur Überwachung
+ausgewählt werden.]])
+rule.addremove = true
+rule.anonymous = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.name
+rule_table = rule:option( Value, "name", "Name der Regel", "wird im Diagram verwendet" )
+-- collectd_iptables_match.table
+rule_table = rule:option( ListValue, "table", "Firewall-Tabelle" )
+rule_table.default = "filter"
+rule_table.rmempty = true
+rule_table.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.chain
+rule_chain = rule:option( ListValue, "chain", "Firewall-Kette (Chain)" )
+rule_chain.rmempty = true
+rule_chain.optional = true
+for chain, void in pairs( chains ) do
+ rule_chain:value( chain )
+-- collectd_iptables_match.target
+rule_target = rule:option( ListValue, "target", "Firewall-Aktion (Target)" )
+rule_target.rmempty = true
+rule_target.optional = true
+for target, void in pairs( targets ) do
+ rule_target:value( target )
+-- collectd_iptables_match.protocol
+rule_protocol = rule:option( ListValue, "protocol", "Netzwerkprotokoll" )
+rule_protocol.rmempty = true
+rule_protocol.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.source
+rule_source = rule:option( Value, "source", "Quell-IP-Bereich", "Bereich in CIDR Notation" )
+rule_source.default = ""
+rule_source.rmempty = true
+rule_source.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.destination
+rule_destination = rule:option( Value, "destination", "Ziel-IP-Bereich", "Bereich in CIDR Notation" )
+rule_destination.default = ""
+rule_destination.rmempty = true
+rule_destination.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.inputif
+rule_inputif = rule:option( Value, "inputif", "eingehende Schnittstelle", "z.B. eth0.0" )
+rule_inputif.default = ""
+rule_inputif.rmempty = true
+rule_inputif.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.outputif
+rule_outputif = rule:option( Value, "outputif", "ausgehende Schnittstelle", "z.B. eth0.1" )
+rule_outputif.default = ""
+rule_outputif.rmempty = true
+rule_outputif.optional = true
+-- collectd_iptables_match.options
+rule_options = rule:option( Value, "options", "Optionen", "z.B. reject-with tcp-reset" )
+rule_options.default = ""
+rule_options.rmempty = true
+rule_options.optional = true
+return m
--act( "ascent", "Ascent" )
--act( "cpufreq", "Cpufreq" )
act( "csv", "CSV" )
---act( "df", "Speicher" )
---act( "disk", "Festplatte" )
+act( "df", "Speicher" )
+act( "disk", "Festplatte" )
act( "dns", "DNS" )
---act( "email", "E-Mail" )
+act( "email", "E-Mail" )
act( "exec", "Exec" )
--act( "hddtemp", "Festplattentemperatur" )
-act( "interface", "Netzwerkschnittstellen" )
+act( "interface", "Schnittstellen" )
act( "iptables", "Firewall" )
--act( "irq", "Interrupts" )
--act( "libvirt", "Virtualisierung" )
--act( "perl", "Perl" )
act( "ping", "Ping" )
--act( "powerdns", "Powerdns Server" )
-act( "processes", "Prozessüberwachung" )
+act( "processes", "Prozesse" )
--act( "rrdtool", "RRD Tool" )
--act( "sensors", "Sensoren" )
--act( "snmp", "SNMP Datenquellen" )