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// ----------- Node modules -----------
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import * as express from 'express'
-// FIXME: cannot import express-validator
-const expressValidator = require('express-validator')
import * as http from 'http'
import * as morgan from 'morgan'
import * as path from 'path'
-import * as bittorrentTracker from 'bittorrent-tracker'
+import * as bitTorrentTracker from 'bittorrent-tracker'
import * as cors from 'cors'
import { Server as WebSocketServer } from 'ws'
-const TrackerServer = bittorrentTracker.Server
+const TrackerServer = bitTorrentTracker.Server
process.title = 'peertube'
// ----------- PeerTube modules -----------
import { migrate, installApplication } from './server/initializers'
import { JobScheduler, activateSchedulers, VideosPreviewCache } from './server/lib'
-import * as customValidators from './server/helpers/custom-validators'
import { apiRouter, clientsRouter, staticRouter } from './server/controllers'
// ----------- Command line -----------
// For body requests
app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: '500kb' }))
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
-// Validate some params for the API
- customValidators: customValidators
// ----------- Views, routes and static files -----------
-declare module 'express-validator' {
- export interface Validator {
- exists,
- isArray
- }
-declare module 'express-validator' {
- export interface Validator {
- isEachUniqueHostValid
- isHostValid
- }
-declare module 'express-validator' {
- export interface Validator {
- isEachRemoteRequestVideosValid,
- isEachRemoteRequestVideosQaduValid,
- isEachRemoteRequestVideosEventsValid
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function isCommonVideoAttributesValid (video: any) {
-declare module 'express-validator' {
- export interface Validator {
- isUserPasswordValid,
- isUserRoleValid,
- isUserUsernameValid,
- isUserDisplayNSFWValid,
- isUserVideoQuotaValid
- }
return values(VIDEO_RATE_TYPES).indexOf(value as VideoRateType) !== -1
-function isVideoFile (value: string, files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] }) {
+function isVideoFile (files: { [ fieldname: string ]: Express.Multer.File[] } | Express.Multer.File[]) {
// Should have files
if (!files) return false
+ if (isArray(files)) return false
// Should have videofile file
- const videofile = files.videofile
+ const videofile = files['videofile']
if (!videofile || videofile.length === 0) return false
// The file should exist
-declare module 'express-validator' {
- export interface Validator {
- isVideoIdOrUUIDValid,
- isVideoAuthorValid,
- isVideoDateValid,
- isVideoCategoryValid,
- isVideoLicenceValid,
- isVideoLanguageValid,
- isVideoNSFWValid,
- isVideoDescriptionValid,
- isVideoDurationValid,
- isVideoInfoHashValid,
- isVideoNameValid,
- isVideoTagsValid,
- isVideoThumbnailValid,
- isVideoThumbnailDataValid,
- isVideoExtnameValid,
- isVideoUUIDValid,
- isVideoAbuseReasonValid,
- isVideoAbuseReporterUsernameValid,
- isVideoFile,
- isVideoViewsValid,
- isVideoLikesValid,
- isVideoRatingTypeValid,
- isVideoDislikesValid,
- isVideoEventCountValid,
- isVideoFileSizeValid,
- isVideoFileResolutionValid
- }
-import 'express-validator'
+import { query } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
-function paginationValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkQuery('start', 'Should have a number start').optional().isInt()
- req.checkQuery('count', 'Should have a number count').optional().isInt()
+const paginationValidator = [
+ query('start').optional().isInt().withMessage('Should have a number start'),
+ query('count').optional().isInt().withMessage('Should have a number count'),
- logger.debug('Checking pagination parameters', { parameters: req.query })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking pagination parameters', { parameters: req.query })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import 'express-validator'
+import { body, param } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
-import { logger } from '../../helpers'
+import { logger, isEachUniqueHostValid, isHostValid } from '../../helpers'
import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
import { hasFriends } from '../../lib'
import { isTestInstance } from '../../helpers'
-function makeFriendsValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- // Force https if the administrator wants to make friends
- if (isTestInstance() === false && CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME === 'http') {
- return res.status(400)
- .json({
- error: 'Cannot make friends with a non HTTPS web server.'
- })
- .end()
+const makeFriendsValidator = [
+ body('hosts').custom(isEachUniqueHostValid).withMessage('Should have an array of unique hosts'),
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ // Force https if the administrator wants to make friends
+ if (isTestInstance() === false && CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME === 'http') {
+ return res.status(400)
+ .json({
+ error: 'Cannot make friends with a non HTTPS web server.'
+ })
+ .end()
+ }
+ logger.debug('Checking makeFriends parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ hasFriends()
+ .then(heHasFriends => {
+ if (heHasFriends === true) {
+ // We need to quit our friends before make new ones
+ return res.sendStatus(409)
+ }
+ return next()
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Cannot know if we have friends.', err)
+ res.sendStatus(500)
+ })
+ })
- req.checkBody('hosts', 'Should have an array of unique hosts').isEachUniqueHostValid()
- logger.debug('Checking makeFriends parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- hasFriends()
- .then(heHasFriends => {
- if (heHasFriends === true) {
- // We need to quit our friends before make new ones
- return res.sendStatus(409)
- }
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot know if we have friends.', err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
+const podsAddValidator = [
+ body('host').custom(isHostValid).withMessage('Should have a host'),
+ body('email').isEmail().withMessage('Should have an email'),
+ body('publicKey').not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a public key'),
-function podsAddValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('host', 'Should have a host').isHostValid()
- req.checkBody('email', 'Should have an email').isEmail()
- req.checkBody('publicKey', 'Should have a public key').notEmpty()
- logger.debug('Checking podsAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- db.Pod.loadByHost(req.body.host)
- .then(pod => {
- // Pod with this host already exists
- if (pod) {
- return res.sendStatus(409)
- }
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot load pod by host.', err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking podsAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body })
-function podRemoveValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isNumeric()
- logger.debug('Checking podRemoveValidator parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, function () {
- db.Pod.load(req.params.id)
- .then(pod => {
- if (!pod) {
- logger.error('Cannot find pod %d.', req.params.id)
- return res.sendStatus(404)
- }
- res.locals.pod = pod
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot load pod %d.', req.params.id, err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ db.Pod.loadByHost(req.body.host)
+ .then(pod => {
+ // Pod with this host already exists
+ if (pod) {
+ return res.sendStatus(409)
+ }
+ return next()
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Cannot load pod by host.', err)
+ res.sendStatus(500)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+const podRemoveValidator = [
+ param('id').isNumeric().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking podRemoveValidator parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ db.Pod.load(req.params.id)
+ .then(pod => {
+ if (!pod) {
+ logger.error('Cannot find pod %d.', req.params.id)
+ return res.sendStatus(404)
+ }
+ res.locals.pod = pod
+ return next()
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Cannot load pod %d.', req.params.id, err)
+ res.sendStatus(500)
+ })
+ })
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import 'express-validator'
+import { body } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
-import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
+import { logger, isHostValid } from '../../../helpers'
import { checkErrors } from '../utils'
-function signatureValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('signature.host', 'Should have a signature host').isURL()
- req.checkBody('signature.signature', 'Should have a signature').notEmpty()
+const signatureValidator = [
+ body('signature.host').custom(isHostValid).withMessage('Should have a signature host'),
+ body('signature.signature').not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a signature'),
- logger.debug('Checking signature parameters', { parameters: { signature: req.body.signature } })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking signature parameters', { parameters: { signature: req.body.signature } })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import 'express-validator'
+import { body } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
-import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
+import {
+ logger,
+ isEachRemoteRequestVideosValid,
+ isEachRemoteRequestVideosQaduValid,
+ isEachRemoteRequestVideosEventsValid
+} from '../../../helpers'
import { checkErrors } from '../utils'
-function remoteVideosValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('data').isEachRemoteRequestVideosValid()
+const remoteVideosValidator = [
+ body('data').custom(isEachRemoteRequestVideosValid),
- logger.debug('Checking remoteVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking remoteVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
-function remoteQaduVideosValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('data').isEachRemoteRequestVideosQaduValid()
+const remoteQaduVideosValidator = [
+ body('data').custom(isEachRemoteRequestVideosQaduValid),
- logger.debug('Checking remoteQaduVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking remoteQaduVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
-function remoteEventsVideosValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('data').isEachRemoteRequestVideosEventsValid()
+const remoteEventsVideosValidator = [
+ body('data').custom(isEachRemoteRequestVideosEventsValid),
- logger.debug('Checking remoteEventsVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking remoteEventsVideos parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import 'express-validator'
+import { query } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
-function usersSortValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- checkSort(req, res, next, SORTABLE_USERS_COLUMNS)
-function videoAbusesSortValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- checkSort(req, res, next, SORTABLE_VIDEO_ABUSES_COLUMNS)
-function videosSortValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- checkSort(req, res, next, SORTABLE_VIDEOS_COLUMNS)
+const usersSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_USERS_COLUMNS)
+const videoAbusesSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_VIDEO_ABUSES_COLUMNS)
+const videosSortValidator = checkSort(SORTABLE_VIDEOS_COLUMNS)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function checkSort (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction, sortableColumns: string[]) {
- req.checkQuery('sort', 'Should have correct sortable column').optional().isIn(sortableColumns)
+function checkSort (sortableColumns: string[]) {
+ return [
+ query('sort').optional().isIn(sortableColumns).withMessage('Should have correct sortable column'),
- logger.debug('Checking sort parameters', { parameters: req.query })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking sort parameters', { parameters: req.query })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
+ ]
function createSortableColumns (sortableColumns: string[]) {
+import { body, param } from 'express-validator/check'
import 'express-validator'
import * as express from 'express'
import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
-import { isSignupAllowed, logger } from '../../helpers'
+import {
+ isSignupAllowed,
+ logger,
+ isUserUsernameValid,
+ isUserPasswordValid,
+ isUserVideoQuotaValid,
+ isUserDisplayNSFWValid,
+ isVideoIdOrUUIDValid
+} from '../../helpers'
import { UserInstance, VideoInstance } from '../../models'
-function usersAddValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('username', 'Should have a valid username').isUserUsernameValid()
- req.checkBody('password', 'Should have a valid password').isUserPasswordValid()
- req.checkBody('email', 'Should have a valid email').isEmail()
- req.checkBody('videoQuota', 'Should have a valid user quota').isUserVideoQuotaValid()
+const usersAddValidator = [
+ body('username').custom(isUserUsernameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid username'),
+ body('password').custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid password'),
+ body('email').isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email'),
+ body('videoQuota').custom(isUserVideoQuotaValid).withMessage('Should have a valid user quota'),
- logger.debug('Checking usersAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking usersAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkUserDoesNotAlreadyExist(req.body.username, req.body.email, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkUserDoesNotAlreadyExist(req.body.username, req.body.email, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function usersRegisterValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkBody('username', 'Should have a valid username').isUserUsernameValid()
- req.checkBody('password', 'Should have a valid password').isUserPasswordValid()
- req.checkBody('email', 'Should have a valid email').isEmail()
+const usersRegisterValidator = [
+ body('username').custom(isUserUsernameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid username'),
+ body('password').custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid password'),
+ body('email').isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email'),
- logger.debug('Checking usersRegister parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking usersRegister parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkUserDoesNotAlreadyExist(req.body.username, req.body.email, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkUserDoesNotAlreadyExist(req.body.username, req.body.email, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function usersRemoveValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isInt()
+const usersRemoveValidator = [
+ param('id').isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- logger.debug('Checking usersRemove parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking usersRemove parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, (err, user) => {
- if (err) {
- logger.error('Error in usersRemoveValidator.', err)
- return res.sendStatus(500)
- }
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, (err, user) => {
+ if (err) {
+ logger.error('Error in usersRemoveValidator.', err)
+ return res.sendStatus(500)
+ }
- if (user.username === 'root') {
- return res.status(400)
- .send({ error: 'Cannot remove the root user' })
- .end()
- }
+ if (user.username === 'root') {
+ return res.status(400)
+ .send({ error: 'Cannot remove the root user' })
+ .end()
+ }
- return next()
+ return next()
+ })
- })
+ }
-function usersUpdateValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isInt()
- req.checkBody('email', 'Should have a valid email attribute').optional().isEmail()
- req.checkBody('videoQuota', 'Should have a valid user quota').optional().isUserVideoQuotaValid()
+const usersUpdateValidator = [
+ param('id').isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ body('email').optional().isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email attribute'),
+ body('videoQuota').optional().custom(isUserVideoQuotaValid).withMessage('Should have a valid user quota'),
- logger.debug('Checking usersUpdate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking usersUpdate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function usersUpdateMeValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- // Add old password verification
- req.checkBody('password', 'Should have a valid password').optional().isUserPasswordValid()
- req.checkBody('email', 'Should have a valid email attribute').optional().isEmail()
- req.checkBody('displayNSFW', 'Should have a valid display Not Safe For Work attribute').optional().isUserDisplayNSFWValid()
+const usersUpdateMeValidator = [
+ body('password').optional().custom(isUserPasswordValid).withMessage('Should have a valid password'),
+ body('email').optional().isEmail().withMessage('Should have a valid email attribute'),
+ body('displayNSFW').optional().custom(isUserDisplayNSFWValid).withMessage('Should have a valid display Not Safe For Work attribute'),
- logger.debug('Checking usersUpdateMe parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ // TODO: Add old password verification
+ logger.debug('Checking usersUpdateMe parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
-function usersGetValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isInt()
+const usersGetValidator = [
+ param('id').isInt().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, next)
- })
-function usersVideoRatingValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('videoId', 'Should have a valid video id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
- logger.debug('Checking usersVideoRating parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkUserExists(req.params.id, res, next)
+ })
+ }
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- let videoPromise: Promise<VideoInstance>
+const usersVideoRatingValidator = [
+ param('videoId').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid video id'),
- if (validator.isUUID(req.params.videoId)) {
- videoPromise = db.Video.loadByUUID(req.params.videoId)
- } else {
- videoPromise = db.Video.load(req.params.videoId)
- }
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking usersVideoRating parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- videoPromise
- .then(video => {
- if (!video) {
- return res.status(404)
- .json({ error: 'Video not found' })
- .end()
- }
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ let videoPromise: Promise<VideoInstance>
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Error in user request validator.', err)
- return res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
+ if (validator.isUUID(req.params.videoId)) {
+ videoPromise = db.Video.loadByUUID(req.params.videoId)
+ } else {
+ videoPromise = db.Video.load(req.params.videoId)
+ }
-function ensureUserRegistrationAllowed (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- isSignupAllowed().then(allowed => {
- if (allowed === false) {
- return res.status(403)
- .send({ error: 'User registration is not enabled or user limit is reached.' })
- .end()
- }
+ videoPromise
+ .then(video => {
+ if (!video) {
+ return res.status(404)
+ .json({ error: 'Video not found' })
+ .end()
+ }
+ return next()
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Error in user request validator.', err)
+ return res.sendStatus(500)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+const ensureUserRegistrationAllowed = [
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ isSignupAllowed().then(allowed => {
+ if (allowed === false) {
+ return res.status(403)
+ .send({ error: 'User registration is not enabled or user limit is reached.' })
+ .end()
+ }
- return next()
- })
+ return next()
+ })
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import 'express-validator'
+import { validationResult } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
-import { inspect } from 'util'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
function checkErrors (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction, statusCode = 400) {
- const errors = req.validationErrors()
+ const errors = validationResult(req)
- if (errors) {
- logger.warn('Incorrect request parameters', { path: req.originalUrl, err: errors })
- return res.status(statusCode).send('There have been validation errors: ' + inspect(errors))
+ if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
+ logger.warn('Incorrect request parameters', { path: req.originalUrl, err: errors.mapped() })
+ return res.status(statusCode).json({ errors: errors.mapped() })
return next()
-import 'express-validator'
+import { body, param, query } from 'express-validator/check'
import * as express from 'express'
import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import * as validator from 'validator'
import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
import { checkErrors } from './utils'
import { CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS, SEARCHABLE_COLUMNS } from '../../initializers'
-import { logger, isVideoDurationValid } from '../../helpers'
+import {
+ logger,
+ isVideoDurationValid,
+ isVideoFile,
+ isVideoNameValid,
+ isVideoCategoryValid,
+ isVideoLicenceValid,
+ isVideoDescriptionValid,
+ isVideoLanguageValid,
+ isVideoTagsValid,
+ isVideoNSFWValid,
+ isVideoIdOrUUIDValid,
+ isVideoAbuseReasonValid,
+ isVideoRatingTypeValid
+} from '../../helpers'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../models'
-function videosAddValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- // FIXME: Don't write an error message, it seems there is a bug with express-validator
- // 'Should have a valid file'
- req.checkBody('videofile').isVideoFile(req.files)
- req.checkBody('name', 'Should have a valid name').isVideoNameValid()
- req.checkBody('category', 'Should have a valid category').isVideoCategoryValid()
- req.checkBody('licence', 'Should have a valid licence').isVideoLicenceValid()
- req.checkBody('language', 'Should have a valid language').optional().isVideoLanguageValid()
- req.checkBody('nsfw', 'Should have a valid NSFW attribute').isVideoNSFWValid()
- req.checkBody('description', 'Should have a valid description').isVideoDescriptionValid()
- req.checkBody('tags', 'Should have correct tags').optional().isVideoTagsValid()
- logger.debug('Checking videosAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body, files: req.files })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- const videoFile: Express.Multer.File = req.files['videofile'][0]
- const user = res.locals.oauth.token.User
- user.isAbleToUploadVideo(videoFile)
- .then(isAble => {
- if (isAble === false) {
- res.status(403)
- .json({ error: 'The user video quota is exceeded with this video.' })
- .end()
+const videosAddValidator = [
+ body('videofile').custom((value, { req }) => isVideoFile(req.files)).withMessage('Should have a valid file'),
+ body('name').custom(isVideoNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid name'),
+ body('category').custom(isVideoCategoryValid).withMessage('Should have a valid category'),
+ body('licence').custom(isVideoLicenceValid).withMessage('Should have a valid licence'),
+ body('language').optional().custom(isVideoLanguageValid).withMessage('Should have a valid language'),
+ body('nsfw').custom(isVideoNSFWValid).withMessage('Should have a valid NSFW attribute'),
+ body('description').custom(isVideoDescriptionValid).withMessage('Should have a valid description'),
+ body('tags').optional().custom(isVideoTagsValid).withMessage('Should have correct tags'),
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body, files: req.files })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ const videoFile: Express.Multer.File = req.files['videofile'][0]
+ const user = res.locals.oauth.token.User
+ user.isAbleToUploadVideo(videoFile)
+ .then(isAble => {
+ if (isAble === false) {
+ res.status(403)
+ .json({ error: 'The user video quota is exceeded with this video.' })
+ .end()
+ return undefined
+ }
+ return db.Video.getDurationFromFile(videoFile.path)
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Invalid input file in videosAddValidator.', err)
+ res.status(400)
+ .json({ error: 'Invalid input file.' })
+ .end()
+ return undefined
+ })
+ })
+ .then(duration => {
+ // Previous test failed, abort
+ if (duration === undefined) return
+ if (!isVideoDurationValid('' + duration)) {
+ return res.status(400)
+ .json({
+ error: 'Duration of the video file is too big (max: ' + CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.DURATION.max + 's).'
+ })
+ .end()
+ }
+ videoFile['duration'] = duration
+ next()
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ logger.error('Error in video add validator', err)
+ res.sendStatus(500)
return undefined
+ })
+ })
+ }
+const videosUpdateValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ body('name').optional().custom(isVideoNameValid).withMessage('Should have a valid name'),
+ body('category').optional().custom(isVideoCategoryValid).withMessage('Should have a valid category'),
+ body('licence').optional().custom(isVideoLicenceValid).withMessage('Should have a valid licence'),
+ body('language').optional().custom(isVideoLanguageValid).withMessage('Should have a valid language'),
+ body('nsfw').optional().custom(isVideoNSFWValid).withMessage('Should have a valid NSFW attribute'),
+ body('description').optional().custom(isVideoDescriptionValid).withMessage('Should have a valid description'),
+ body('tags').optional().custom(isVideoTagsValid).withMessage('Should have correct tags'),
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosUpdate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
+ // We need to make additional checks
+ if (res.locals.video.isOwned() === false) {
+ return res.status(403)
+ .json({ error: 'Cannot update video of another pod' })
+ .end()
- return db.Video.getDurationFromFile(videoFile.path)
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Invalid input file in videosAddValidator.', err)
- res.status(400)
- .json({ error: 'Invalid input file.' })
- .end()
- return undefined
- })
- })
- .then(duration => {
- // Previous test failed, abort
- if (duration === undefined) return
- if (!isVideoDurationValid('' + duration)) {
- return res.status(400)
- .json({
- error: 'Duration of the video file is too big (max: ' + CONSTRAINTS_FIELDS.VIDEOS.DURATION.max + 's).'
- })
+ if (res.locals.video.Author.userId !== res.locals.oauth.token.User.id) {
+ return res.status(403)
+ .json({ error: 'Cannot update video of another user' })
- videoFile['duration'] = duration
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Error in video add validator', err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- return undefined
- })
- })
-function videosUpdateValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
- req.checkBody('name', 'Should have a valid name').optional().isVideoNameValid()
- req.checkBody('category', 'Should have a valid category').optional().isVideoCategoryValid()
- req.checkBody('licence', 'Should have a valid licence').optional().isVideoLicenceValid()
- req.checkBody('language', 'Should have a valid language').optional().isVideoLanguageValid()
- req.checkBody('nsfw', 'Should have a valid NSFW attribute').optional().isVideoNSFWValid()
- req.checkBody('description', 'Should have a valid description').optional().isVideoDescriptionValid()
- req.checkBody('tags', 'Should have correct tags').optional().isVideoTagsValid()
- logger.debug('Checking videosUpdate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
- // We need to make additional checks
- if (res.locals.video.isOwned() === false) {
- return res.status(403)
- .json({ error: 'Cannot update video of another pod' })
- .end()
- }
- if (res.locals.video.Author.userId !== res.locals.oauth.token.User.id) {
- return res.status(403)
- .json({ error: 'Cannot update video of another user' })
- .end()
- }
- next()
- })
+ }
-function videosGetValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
+const videosGetValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- logger.debug('Checking videosGet parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosGet parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function videosRemoveValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
+const videosRemoveValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- logger.debug('Checking videosRemove parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosRemove parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
- // Check if the user who did the request is able to delete the video
- checkUserCanDeleteVideo(res.locals.oauth.token.User.id, res, () => {
- next()
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
+ // Check if the user who did the request is able to delete the video
+ checkUserCanDeleteVideo(res.locals.oauth.token.User.id, res, () => {
+ next()
+ })
- })
+ }
-function videosSearchValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- const searchableColumns = SEARCHABLE_COLUMNS.VIDEOS
- req.checkParams('value', 'Should have a valid search').notEmpty()
- req.checkQuery('field', 'Should have correct searchable column').optional().isIn(searchableColumns)
+const videosSearchValidator = [
+ param('value').not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid search'),
+ query('field').optional().isIn(SEARCHABLE_COLUMNS.VIDEOS).withMessage('Should have correct searchable column'),
- logger.debug('Checking videosSearch parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosSearch parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, next)
+ }
-function videoAbuseReportValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
- req.checkBody('reason', 'Should have a valid reason').isVideoAbuseReasonValid()
+const videoAbuseReportValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ body('reason').custom(isVideoAbuseReasonValid).withMessage('Should have a valid reason'),
- logger.debug('Checking videoAbuseReport parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videoAbuseReport parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function videoRateValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
- req.checkBody('rating', 'Should have a valid rate type').isVideoRatingTypeValid()
+const videoRateValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
+ body('rating').custom(isVideoRatingTypeValid).withMessage('Should have a valid rate type'),
- logger.debug('Checking videoRate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videoRate parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
- })
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, next)
+ })
+ }
-function videosBlacklistValidator (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- req.checkParams('id', 'Should have a valid id').notEmpty().isVideoIdOrUUIDValid()
+const videosBlacklistValidator = [
+ param('id').custom(isVideoIdOrUUIDValid).not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- logger.debug('Checking videosBlacklist parameters', { parameters: req.params })
+ (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
+ logger.debug('Checking videosBlacklist parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
- checkVideoIsBlacklistable(req, res, next)
+ checkErrors(req, res, () => {
+ checkVideoExists(req.params.id, res, () => {
+ checkVideoIsBlacklistable(req, res, next)
+ })
- })
+ }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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