+++ /dev/null
-a_i_ui = "User Interface"
-c_lucidesc = [[LuCI is a free Lua library with integrated MVC-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices,
-aspecially routers that run OpenWRT. Luci is licensed under the Apache-License.]]
-c_projecthome = "Project Homepage"
-c_leaddev = "Lead Development"
-c_contributors = "Contributing Developers"
-c_thanksto = "Thanks To"
-a_i_i_hello = "Hello!"
-a_i_i_admin1 = "This is the administration area of LuCI."
-a_i_i_admin2 = "LuCI is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWRT Kamikaze."
-a_i_i_admin3 = "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router."
-a_i_i_admin4 = "You will find a navigation leading to the different configuration pages on the left side."
-a_i_i_admin5 = [[As we are always want to improve this interface we are looking forward
-to your feedback and suggestions.]]
-a_i_i_admin6 = "And now have fun with your router!"
-a_i_i_team = "The LuCI Team"
-a_i_luci1 = "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of LuCI."
-a_i_ucicommit = "Post-commit actions"
-a_i_ucicommit1 = [[These commands will be executed automatically when a given UCI configuration is committed allowing
-changes to be applied instantly.]]
-a_i_keepflash = "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
-a_i_keepflash1 = "When flashing a new firmware with LuCI these files will be added to the new firmware installation."
-a_st_i_status1 = [[Here you can find information about the current system status like CPU clock frequency, memory
-usage or network interface data.]]
-a_st_i_status2 = [[Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state.]]
-a_s_packages = "Software"
-a_s_changepw = "Admin Password"
-a_s_p_ipkg = "IPKG-Configuration"
-a_s_sshkeys = "SSH-Keys"
-a_s_fstab = "Mount Points"
-a_s_flash = "Flash Firmware"
-a_s_i_system1 = [[Change settings related to the system itself, its identification,
-installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points.]]
-a_s_i_system2 = [[These settings define the base of your system.]]
-a_s_i_system3 = [[Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting
-or may lock yourself out of it.]]
-a_s_packages_do = "Perform Actions"
-a_s_packages_install = "Install"
-a_s_packages_installurl = "Download and install package"
-a_s_packages_ipkg = "Edit package lists and installation targets"
-a_s_packages_name = "Paketname"
-a_s_packages_remove = "Remove"
-a_s_packages_search = "Find package"
-a_s_packages_update = "Package lists updated"
-a_s_packages_updatelist = "Update package lists"
-a_s_packages_upgrade = "Upgrade installed packages"
-a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = "Package lists"
-a_s_p_ipkg_targets = "Installation targets"
-a_s_changepw1 = "Change the password of the system administrator (User \"root\")"
-a_s_changepw_changed = "Password successfully changed"
-a_s_changepw_nomatch = "Error: Passwords do not match"
-a_s_sshkeys1 = "Here you can paste public SSH-Keys (one per line) for SSH public-key authentication."
-a_s_hostname1 = "Defines the router's hostname. The hostname is a unique name in your local network used to identify the device"
-a_s_fstab_mountpoints = "Mount Points"
-a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = "Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem"
-a_s_fstab_mountpoint = "Mount Point"
-a_s_fstab_device1 = "The device file of the memory or partition (e.g. /dev/sda1)"
-a_s_fstab_fs1 = "The filesystem that was used to format the memory (e.g. ext3)"
-a_s_fstab_swap1 = [[If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped
-to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable RAM. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process
-as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the RAM.]]
-a_s_flash_flashed = "Firmware successfully flashed. Rebooting device..."
-a_s_flash_flasherr = "Failed to flash"
-a_s_flash_fwimage = "Firmwareimage"
-a_s_flash_fwupgrade = "Flash Firmware"
-a_s_flash_keepcfg = "Keep configuration files"
-a_s_flash_notimplemented = "Sorry, this function is not (yet) available for your platform."
-a_s_flash_upgrade1 = "Replaces the installed firmware with a new one. The firmware format is platform-dependent."
-a_s_reboot1 = "Reboots the operating system of your device"
-a_s_reboot_do = "Perform reboot"
-a_s_reboot_running = "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
-a_srv_http = "HTTP-Server"
-a_srv_ssh = "SSH-Server"
-a_srv_services1 = "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
-a_srv_services2 = [[Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like
-shell access, serving webpages like LuCI, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ...]]
-a_srv_http1 = "A small webserver which can be used to serve LuCI."
-a_srv_http_authrealm = "Authentication Realm"
-a_srv_http_authrealm1 = "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages."
-a_srv_http_config1 = "defaults to /etc/httpd.conf"
-a_srv_http_root = "Document root"
-a_srv_dropbear1 = "Dropbear offers SSH network shell access and an integrated SCP server"
-a_srv_d_pwauth = "Password authentication"
-a_srv_d_pwauth1 = "Allow SSH password authentication"
--- /dev/null
+a_i_ui = "User Interface"
+c_lucidesc = [[LuCI is a free Lua library with integrated MVC-Webframework and webinterface for embedded devices,
+aspecially routers that run OpenWRT. Luci is licensed under the Apache-License.]]
+c_projecthome = "Project Homepage"
+c_leaddev = "Lead Development"
+c_contributors = "Contributing Developers"
+c_thanksto = "Thanks To"
+a_i_i_hello = "Hello!"
+a_i_i_admin1 = "This is the administration area of LuCI."
+a_i_i_admin2 = "LuCI is a free, flexible, and user friendly graphical interface for configuring OpenWRT Kamikaze."
+a_i_i_admin3 = "On the following pages you can adjust all important settings of your router."
+a_i_i_admin4 = "You will find a navigation leading to the different configuration pages on the left side."
+a_i_i_admin5 = [[As we are always want to improve this interface we are looking forward
+to your feedback and suggestions.]]
+a_i_i_admin6 = "And now have fun with your router!"
+a_i_i_team = "The LuCI Team"
+a_i_luci1 = "Here you can customize the settings and the functionality of LuCI."
+a_i_ucicommit = "Post-commit actions"
+a_i_ucicommit1 = [[These commands will be executed automatically when a given UCI configuration is committed allowing
+changes to be applied instantly.]]
+a_i_keepflash = "Files to be kept when flashing a new firmware"
+a_i_keepflash1 = "When flashing a new firmware with LuCI these files will be added to the new firmware installation."
+a_st_i_status1 = [[Here you can find information about the current system status like CPU clock frequency, memory
+usage or network interface data.]]
+a_st_i_status2 = [[Also kernel or service logfiles can be viewed here to get an overview over their current state.]]
+a_s_packages = "Software"
+a_s_changepw = "Admin Password"
+a_s_p_ipkg = "IPKG-Configuration"
+a_s_sshkeys = "SSH-Keys"
+a_s_fstab = "Mount Points"
+a_s_flash = "Flash Firmware"
+a_s_i_system1 = [[Change settings related to the system itself, its identification,
+installed hard- and software, authentication or mount points.]]
+a_s_i_system2 = [[These settings define the base of your system.]]
+a_s_i_system3 = [[Pay attention as any misconfiguration here may prevent your device from booting
+or may lock yourself out of it.]]
+a_s_packages_do = "Perform Actions"
+a_s_packages_install = "Install"
+a_s_packages_installurl = "Download and install package"
+a_s_packages_ipkg = "Edit package lists and installation targets"
+a_s_packages_name = "Paketname"
+a_s_packages_remove = "Remove"
+a_s_packages_search = "Find package"
+a_s_packages_update = "Package lists updated"
+a_s_packages_updatelist = "Update package lists"
+a_s_packages_upgrade = "Upgrade installed packages"
+a_s_p_ipkg_pkglists = "Package lists"
+a_s_p_ipkg_targets = "Installation targets"
+a_s_changepw1 = "Change the password of the system administrator (User \"root\")"
+a_s_changepw_changed = "Password successfully changed"
+a_s_changepw_nomatch = "Error: Passwords do not match"
+a_s_sshkeys1 = "Here you can paste public SSH-Keys (one per line) for SSH public-key authentication."
+a_s_hostname1 = "Defines the router's hostname. The hostname is a unique name in your local network used to identify the device"
+a_s_fstab_mountpoints = "Mount Points"
+a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = "Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem"
+a_s_fstab_mountpoint = "Mount Point"
+a_s_fstab_device1 = "The device file of the memory or partition (e.g. /dev/sda1)"
+a_s_fstab_fs1 = "The filesystem that was used to format the memory (e.g. ext3)"
+a_s_fstab_swap1 = [[If your physical memory is insufficient unused data can be temporarily swapped
+to a swap-device resulting in a higher amount of usable RAM. Be aware that swapping data is a very slow process
+as the swap-device cannot be accessed with the high datarates of the RAM.]]
+a_s_flash_flashed = "Firmware successfully flashed. Rebooting device..."
+a_s_flash_flasherr = "Failed to flash"
+a_s_flash_fwimage = "Firmwareimage"
+a_s_flash_fwupgrade = "Flash Firmware"
+a_s_flash_keepcfg = "Keep configuration files"
+a_s_flash_notimplemented = "Sorry, this function is not (yet) available for your platform."
+a_s_flash_upgrade1 = "Replaces the installed firmware with a new one. The firmware format is platform-dependent."
+a_s_reboot1 = "Reboots the operating system of your device"
+a_s_reboot_do = "Perform reboot"
+a_s_reboot_running = "Please wait: Device rebooting..."
+a_srv_http = "HTTP-Server"
+a_srv_ssh = "SSH-Server"
+a_srv_services1 = "Services and daemons perform certain tasks on your device."
+a_srv_services2 = [[Most of them are network servers, that offer a certain service for your device or network like
+shell access, serving webpages like LuCI, doing mesh routing, sending e-mails, ...]]
+a_srv_http1 = "A small webserver which can be used to serve LuCI."
+a_srv_http_authrealm = "Authentication Realm"
+a_srv_http_authrealm1 = "The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages."
+a_srv_http_config1 = "defaults to /etc/httpd.conf"
+a_srv_http_root = "Document root"
+a_srv_dropbear1 = "Dropbear offers SSH network shell access and an integrated SCP server"
+a_srv_d_pwauth = "Password authentication"
+a_srv_d_pwauth1 = "Allow SSH password authentication"
+a_w_wifi1 = [[On this pages you find confiugration options for WLAN based wireless networks.]]
+a_w_wifi2 = [[You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use
+the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.]]
+a_w_wifi3 = [[There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and WDS operating modes as well as
+WPA and WPA2 encryption for secure communnication.]]
+a_w_devices1 = "Here you can configure installed wifi devices."
+a_w_channel = "Channel"
+a_w_txantenna = "Transmit Antenna"
+a_w_rxantenna = "Receive Antenna"
+a_w_distance1 = "Distance to furthest station (m)"
+a_w_diversity = "Diversity"
+a_w_countrycode = "Country Code"
+a_w_connlimit = "Connection Limit"
+a_w_networks1 = [[You can run several wifi networks with one device. Be aware that there are certain
+hardware and driverspecific restrictions. Normally you can operate 1 Ad-Hoc or up to 3 Master-Mode and 1 Client-Mode
+network simultaneously.]]
+a_w_netid = "Network Name (ESSID)"
+a_w_network1 = "Add the Wifi network to physical network"
+a_w_txpwr = "Transmit Power"
+a_w_brcmburst = "Broadcom Frameburst"
+a_w_athburst = "Atheros Frameburst"
+a_w_radiussrv = "Radius-Server"
+a_w_radiusport = "Radius-Port"
+a_w_apisolation = "AP-Isolation"
+a_w_apisolation1 = "Prevents Client to Client communication"
+a_w_hideessid = "Hide ESSID"
+++ /dev/null
-cbi_add = "Add entry"
-cbi_del = "Remove entry"
-cbi_invalid = "Error: Invalid input value"
-cbi_addopt = "-- Field --"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+cbi_add = "Add entry"
+cbi_del = "Remove entry"
+cbi_invalid = "Error: Invalid input value"
+cbi_addopt = "-- Field --"
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-about = "About"
-add = "Add"
-administration = "Administration"
-apply = "Apply"
-changes = "Changes"
-code = "Code"
-config = "Configuration"
-configfile = "Configuration file"
-confirmation = "Confirmation"
-delete = "Delete"
-descr = "Description"
-design = "Design"
-device = "Device"
-disable = "disable"
-enable = "enable"
-error = "Error"
-filesystem = "Filesystem"
-filter = "Filter"
-general = "General"
-hostname = "Hostname"
-install = "Install"
-installed = "installed"
-language = "Language"
-load = "Load"
-manpage = "see '%s' manpage"
-notinstalled = "not installed"
-ok = "OK"
-options = "Options"
-overview = "Overview"
-packagemanager = "Package Manager"
-password = "Password"
-path = "Path"
-port = "Port"
-reboot = "Reboot"
-reset = "Reset"
-revert = "Revert"
-save = "Save"
-services = "Services"
-statistics = "Statistics"
-syslog = "System Log"
-system = "System"
-unknownerror = "Unknown Error"
-version = "Version"
-webui = "Web UI"
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+about = "About"
+add = "Add"
+administration = "Administration"
+apply = "Apply"
+changes = "Changes"
+code = "Code"
+config = "Configuration"
+configfile = "Configuration file"
+confirmation = "Confirmation"
+delete = "Delete"
+descr = "Description"
+design = "Design"
+device = "Device"
+devices = "Devices"
+disable = "disable"
+distance = "Distance"
+enable = "enable"
+encryption = "Encryption"
+error = "Error"
+filesystem = "Filesystem"
+filter = "Filter"
+general = "General"
+hostname = "Hostname"
+install = "Install"
+installed = "installed"
+key = "Key"
+language = "Language"
+load = "Load"
+manpage = "see '%s' manpage"
+mode = "Mode"
+network = "Network"
+networks = "Networks"
+notinstalled = "not installed"
+ok = "OK"
+options = "Options"
+overview = "Overview"
+packagemanager = "Package Manager"
+password = "Password"
+path = "Path"
+port = "Port"
+reboot = "Reboot"
+reset = "Reset"
+revert = "Revert"
+save = "Save"
+services = "Services"
+statistics = "Statistics"
+syslog = "System Log"
+system = "System"
+type = "Type"
+unknownerror = "Unknown Error"
+version = "Version"
+webui = "Web UI"
+wifi = "Wifi"
\ No newline at end of file
module("luci.fs", package.seeall)
-- Glob
glob = posix.glob
+-- Dumps and strips a Lua-Function
+function dump(f)
+ local d = string.dump(f)
+ return d and strip_bytecode(d)
-- Dumps a table to stdout (useful for testing and debugging)
function dumptable(t, i)
i = i or 0
return t
+-- Bytecode stripping function by Peter Cawley from http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-02/msg01158.html
+function strip_bytecode(dump)
+ local version, format, endian, int, size, ins, num = dump:byte(5, 11)
+ local subint
+ if endian == 1 then
+ subint = function(dump, i, l)
+ local val = 0
+ for n = l, 1, -1 do
+ val = val * 256 + dump:byte(i + n - 1)
+ end
+ return val, i + l
+ end
+ else
+ subint = function(dump, i, l)
+ local val = 0
+ for n = 1, l, 1 do
+ val = val * 256 + dump:byte(i + n - 1)
+ end
+ return val, i + l
+ end
+ end
+ local strip_function
+ strip_function = function(dump)
+ local count, offset = subint(dump, 1, size)
+ local stripped, dirty = string.rep("\0", size), offset + count
+ offset = offset + count + int * 2 + 4
+ offset = offset + int + subint(dump, offset, int) * ins
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ local t
+ t, offset = subint(dump, offset, 1)
+ if t == 1 then
+ offset = offset + 1
+ elseif t == 4 then
+ offset = offset + size + subint(dump, offset, size)
+ elseif t == 3 then
+ offset = offset + num
+ end
+ end
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ stripped = stripped .. dump:sub(dirty, offset - 1)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ local proto, off = strip_function(dump:sub(offset, -1))
+ stripped, offset = stripped .. proto, offset + off - 1
+ end
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, int) * int + int
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, size) + size + int * 2
+ end
+ count, offset = subint(dump, offset, int)
+ for n = 1, count do
+ offset = offset + subint(dump, offset, size) + size
+ end
+ stripped = stripped .. string.rep("\0", int * 3)
+ return stripped, offset
+ end
+ return dump:sub(1,12) .. strip_function(dump:sub(13,-1))
-- Removes whitespace from beginning and end of a string
function trim(str)
local s = str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
return s
-- Updates given table with new values
function update(t, updates)
for k, v in pairs(updates) do
-module("luci.config", package.seeall)
+local uci = require("luci.model.uci")
+local util = require("luci.util")
-- Warning! This is only for fallback and compatibility purporses! --
main = {}
-- Now overwrite with UCI values
-local ucidata = luci.model.uci.sections("luci")
+local ucidata = uci.sections("luci")
if ucidata then
- luci.util.update(luci.config, ucidata)
+ util.update(_M, ucidata)
\ No newline at end of file
-- Calls the index function of all available controllers
function createindex_plain(path, suffix)
- local cachetime = nil
+ local cache = nil
local controllers = luci.util.combine(
luci.fs.glob(path .. "*" .. suffix) or {},
if indexcache then
- cachetime = luci.fs.mtime(indexcache)
+ cache = luci.fs.mtime(indexcache)
- if not cachetime then
+ if not cache then
luci.fs.chmod(indexcache, "a=,u=rwx")
+ cache = luci.fs.mtime(indexcache)
- if not cachetime then
- for i,c in ipairs(controllers) do
- c = "luci.controller." .. c:sub(#path+1, #c-#suffix):gsub("/", ".")
- stat, mod = pcall(require, c)
+ for i,c in ipairs(controllers) do
+ local module = "luci.controller." .. c:sub(#path+1, #c-#suffix):gsub("/", ".")
+ local cachefile = indexcache .. "/" .. module
+ local stime
+ local ctime
+ if cache then
+ stime = luci.fs.mtime(c) or 0
+ ctime = luci.fs.mtime(cachefile) or 0
+ end
+ if not cache or stime > ctime then
+ stat, mod = pcall(require, module)
if stat and mod and type(mod.index) == "function" then
- index[c] = mod.index
+ index[module] = mod.index
- if indexcache then
- luci.fs.writefile(indexcache .. "/" .. c, string.dump(mod.index))
+ if cache then
+ luci.fs.writefile(cachefile, luci.util.dump(mod.index))
- end
- else
- for i,c in ipairs(luci.fs.dir(indexcache)) do
- if c:sub(1) ~= "." then
- index[c] = loadfile(indexcache .. "/" .. c)
- end
+ else
+ index[module] = loadfile(cachefile)
-- Load default translation
- local scope = _G
+ local scope = luci.util.clone(_G)
for k,v in pairs(_M) do
if type(v) == "function" then
scope[k] = v
-- Loads a translation and copies its data into the global translation table
function load(file, force)
if force or not loaded[file] then
- local f = loadfile(i18ndir .. file)
+ local f = loadfile(i18ndir..file..".lua") or loadfile(i18ndir..file)
if f then
setfenv(f, table)
-- Same as load but autocompletes the filename with .LANG from config.lang
-function loadc(file)
- return load(file .. "." .. require("luci.config").main.lang)
+function loadc(file, force)
+ return load(file .. "." .. require("luci.config").main.lang, force)
-- Returns the i18n-value defined by "key" or if there is no such: "default"
-viewdir = luci.sys.libpath() .. "/view/"
+luci.config.template = luci.config.template or {}
+viewdir = luci.config.template.viewdir or luci.sys.libpath() .. "/view"
+compiledir = luci.config.template.compiledir or luci.sys.libpath() .. "/view"
-- Compile modes:
-- none: Never compile, only use precompiled data from files
-- memory: Always compile, do not save compiled files, ignore precompiled
-- file: Compile on demand, save compiled files, update precompiled
-compiler_mode = "memory"
--- This applies to compiler modes "always" and "smart"
--- Produce compiled lua code rather than lua sourcecode
--- WARNING: Increases template size heavily!!!
--- This produces the same bytecode as luac but does not have a strip option
-compiler_enable_bytecode = false
+compiler_mode = luci.config.template.compiler_mode or "memory"
-- Define the namespace for template modules
template = template:gsub("<%%"..tostring(k).."%%>", re)
- if compiler_enable_bytecode then
- tf = loadstring(template)
- template = string.dump(tf)
- end
- return template
+ return loadstring(template)
-- Oldstyle render shortcut
-- Compile and build
- local sourcefile = viewdir .. name .. ".htm"
- local compiledfile = viewdir .. name .. ".lua"
+ local sourcefile = viewdir .. "/" .. name .. ".htm"
+ local compiledfile = compiledir .. "/" .. name .. ".lua"
local err
if compiler_mode == "file" then
source, err = luci.fs.readfile(sourcefile)
if source then
- local compiled = compile(source)
- luci.fs.writefile(compiledfile, compiled)
- self.template, err = loadstring(compiled)
+ local compiled, err = compile(source)
+ local compiledfile_dir = luci.fs.dirname(compiledfile)
+ if not luci.fs.mtime(compiledfile_dir) then
+ luci.fs.mkdir(compiledfile_dir)
+ end
+ luci.fs.writefile(compiledfile, luci.util.dump(compiled))
+ self.template = compiled
self.template, err = loadfile(compiledfile)
local source
source, err = luci.fs.readfile(sourcefile)
if source then
- self.template, err = loadstring(compile(source))
+ self.template, err = compile(source)
config internal languages
option de "Deutsch"
option en "English"
+config internal template
+ option compiler_mode file
+ option compiledir "/tmp/.lucitplcache"
config internal themes
option OpenWRT "/luci-static/openwrt.org"
module("luci.controller.admin.wifi", package.seeall)
function index()
+ luci.i18n.loadc("admin-core")
+ local i18n = luci.i18n.translate
local page = node("admin", "wifi")
page.target = template("admin_wifi/index")
- page.title = "Drahtlos"
+ page.title = i18n("wifi", "Drahtlos")
page.order = 60
local page = node("admin", "wifi", "devices")
page.target = cbi("admin_wifi/devices")
- page.title = "Geräte"
+ page.title = i18n("devices", "Geräte")
page.order = 10
local page = node("admin", "wifi", "networks")
page.target = cbi("admin_wifi/networks")
- page.title = "Netze"
+ page.title = i18n("networks", "Netze")
page.order = 20
\ No newline at end of file
-- ToDo: Translate, Add descriptions and help texts
-m = Map("wireless", "Geräte", [[An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden.]])
+m = Map("wireless", translate("devices", "Geräte"), translate("a_w_devices1",
+ "An dieser Stelle können eingebaute WLAN-Geräte konfiguriert werden."))
s = m:section(TypedSection, "wifi-device")
--s.addremove = true
-en = s:option(Flag, "disabled", "Aktivieren")
+en = s:option(Flag, "disabled", translate("enable", "Aktivieren"))
en.enabled = "0"
en.disabled = "1"
-t = s:option(ListValue, "type", "Typ")
+t = s:option(ListValue, "type", translate("type", "Typ"))
-mode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", "Modus")
+mode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", translate("mode", "Modus"))
mode:value("", "standard")
mode:value("11b", "802.11b")
mode:value("11g", "802.11g")
mode:value("11bg", "802.11b+g")
mode.rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "channel", "Funkkanal")
+s:option(Value, "channel", translate("a_w_channel", "Funkkanal"))
-s:option(Value, "txantenna", "Sendeantenne").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "txantenna", translate("a_w_txantenna", "Sendeantenne")).rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "rxantenna", "Empfangsantenne").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "rxantenna", translate("a_w_rxantenna", "Empfangsantenne")).rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "distance", "Distanz",
- "Distanz zum am weitesten entfernten Funkpartner (m)").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "distance", translate("distance", "Distanz"),
+ translate("a_w_distance1", "Distanz zum am weitesten entfernten Funkpartner (m)")).rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "diversity", "Diversität"):depends("type", "atheros")
+s:option(Value, "diversity", translate("a_w_diversity", "Diversität")):depends("type", "atheros")
-country = s:option(Value, "country", "Ländercode")
+country = s:option(Value, "country", translate("a_w_countrycode", "Ländercode"))
country.optional = true
country:depends("type", "broadcom")
-maxassoc = s:option(Value, "maxassoc", "Verbindungslimit")
+maxassoc = s:option(Value, "maxassoc", translate("a_w_connlimit", "Verbindungslimit"))
maxassoc:depends("type", "broadcom")
maxassoc.optional = true
-- ToDo: Translate, Add descriptions and help texts
-m = Map("wireless", "Netze", [[Pro WLAN-Gerät können mehrere Netze bereitgestellt werden.
+m = Map("wireless", translate("networks", "Netze"), translate("a_w_networks1", [[Pro WLAN-Gerät können mehrere Netze bereitgestellt werden.
Es sollte beachtet werden, dass es hardware- / treiberspezifische Einschränkungen gibt.
So kann pro WLAN-Gerät in der Regel entweder 1 Ad-Hoc-Zugang ODER bis zu 3 Access-Point und 1 Client-Zugang
-gleichzeitig erstellt werden.]])
+gleichzeitig erstellt werden.]]))
s = m:section(TypedSection, "wifi-iface")
s.addremove = true
s.anonymous = true
-s:option(Value, "ssid", "Netzkennung (ESSID)").maxlength = 32
+s:option(Value, "ssid", translate("a_w_netid", "Netzkennung (ESSID)")).maxlength = 32
-device = s:option(ListValue, "device", "Gerät")
+device = s:option(ListValue, "device", translate("device", "Gerät"))
local d = luci.model.uci.sections("wireless")
if d then
for k, v in pairs(d) do
-network = s:option(ListValue, "network", "Netzwerk", "WLAN-Netz zu Netzwerk hinzufügen")
+network = s:option(ListValue, "network", translate("network", "Netzwerk"), translate("a_w_network1", "WLAN-Netz zu Netzwerk hinzufügen"))
for k, v in pairs(luci.model.uci.sections("network")) do
if v[".type"] == "interface" and k ~= "loopback" then
-mode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", "Modus")
+mode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", translate("mode", "Modus"))
mode:value("ap", "Access Point")
mode:value("adhoc", "Ad-Hoc")
mode:value("sta", "Client")
s:option(Value, "bssid", "BSSID").optional = true
-s:option(Value, "txpower", "Sendeleistung", "dbm").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "txpower", translate("a_w_txpwr", "Sendeleistung"), "dbm").rmempty = true
-s:option(Flag, "frameburst", "Broadcom-Frameburst").optional = true
-s:option(Flag, "bursting", "Atheros-Frameburst").optional = true
+s:option(Flag, "frameburst", translate("a_w_brcmburst", "Broadcom-Frameburst")).optional = true
+s:option(Flag, "bursting", translate("a_w_athburst", "Atheros-Frameburst")).optional = true
-encr = s:option(ListValue, "encryption", "Verschlüsselung")
+encr = s:option(ListValue, "encryption", translate("encryption", "Verschlüsselung"))
encr:value("none", "keine")
encr:value("wep", "WEP")
encr:value("psk", "WPA-PSK")
encr:value("psk2", "WPA2-PSK")
encr:value("wpa2", "WPA2-Radius")
-key = s:option(Value, "key", "Schlüssel")
+key = s:option(Value, "key", translate("key", "Schlüssel"))
key:depends("encryption", "wep")
key:depends("encryption", "psk")
key:depends("encryption", "wpa")
key:depends("encryption", "wpa2")
key.rmempty = true
-server = s:option(Value, "server", "Radius-Server")
+server = s:option(Value, "server", translate("a_w_radiussrv", "Radius-Server"))
server:depends("encryption", "wpa")
server:depends("encryption", "wpa2")
server.rmempty = true
-port = s:option(Value, "port", "Radius-Port")
+port = s:option(Value, "port", translate("a_w_radiusport", "Radius-Port"))
port:depends("encryption", "wpa")
port:depends("encryption", "wpa2")
port.rmempty = true
-s:option(Flag, "isolate", "AP-Isolation", "Unterbindet Client-Client-Verkehr").optional = true
+s:option(Flag, "isolate", translate("a_w_apisolation", "AP-Isolation"), translate("a_w_apisolation1", "Unterbindet Client-Client-Verkehr")).optional = true
-s:option(Flag, "hidden", "ESSID verstecken").optional = true
+s:option(Flag, "hidden", translate("a_w_hideessid", "ESSID verstecken")).optional = true
<h1><%:wifi Drahtlos%></h1>
-<p><%:wifi1 Hier finden sich Konfiugrationsmöglichkeiten für Drahtlos-Netzwerke nach dem WLAN-Standard.%></p>
-<p><%:wifi2 802.11b/g/a/n-Geräte können so einfach in das bestehende physische Netzwerk integriert werden.
+<p><%:a_w_wifi1 Hier finden sich Konfiugrationsmöglichkeiten für Drahtlos-Netzwerke nach dem WLAN-Standard.%></p>
+<p><%:a_w_wifi2 802.11b/g/a/n-Geräte können so einfach in das bestehende physische Netzwerk integriert werden.
Die Unterstützung von virtuellen Adaptern ermöglicht auch den Einsatz als Wireless-Repeater oder von
mehreren Netzwerken gleichzeitig auf einem Gerät.%></p>
-<p><%:wifi3 Es werden Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc und WDS-Modus unterstützt sowie WPA und WPA2-Verschlüsselung zur gesicherten
+<p><%:a_w_wifi3 Es werden Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc und WDS-Modus unterstützt sowie WPA und WPA2-Verschlüsselung zur gesicherten
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