* Convert a string to one or more IP addresses.
* @param hostname the hostname to resolve
- * @param domain AF_INET or AF_INET6; use AF_UNSPEC for "any"
+ * @param af AF_INET or AF_INET6; use AF_UNSPEC for "any"
* @param callback function to call with addresses
* @param callback_cls closure for callback
* @param timeout how long to try resolving
* @return handle that can be used to cancel the request, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_RESOLVER_RequestHandle *
-GNUNET_RESOLVER_ip_get (const char *hostname, int domain,
+GNUNET_RESOLVER_ip_get (const char *hostname, int af,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
GNUNET_RESOLVER_AddressCallback callback,
void *callback_cls);
* Resolve our hostname to an IP address.
- * @param domain AF_INET or AF_INET6; use AF_UNSPEC for "any"
+ * @param af AF_INET or AF_INET6; use AF_UNSPEC for "any"
* @param callback function to call with addresses
* @param cls closure for callback
* @param timeout how long to try resolving
* @return handle that can be used to cancel the request, NULL on error
struct GNUNET_RESOLVER_RequestHandle *
-GNUNET_RESOLVER_hostname_resolve (int domain,
+GNUNET_RESOLVER_hostname_resolve (int af,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
GNUNET_RESOLVER_AddressCallback callback,
void *cls);