--- /dev/null
+#include "dasynq-svec.h"
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <limits>
+namespace dasynq {
+ * Priority queue implementation based on a binary heap.
+ *
+ * Heap entry "handles" maintain an index into the heap. When the position of a node in the heap
+ * changes, its handle must be updated.
+ *
+ * T : node data type
+ * P : priority type (eg int)
+ * Compare : functional object type to compare priorities
+ */
+template <typename T, typename P, typename Compare = std::less<P>, int N = 4>
+class dary_heap
+ public:
+ struct handle_t;
+ using handle_t_r = handle_t &;
+ private:
+ // Actual heap node
+ class heap_node
+ {
+ public:
+ P data;
+ handle_t * hnd_p;
+ heap_node(handle_t * hnd, const P &odata) : data(odata), hnd_p(hnd)
+ {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+ heap_node() { }
+ };
+ svector<heap_node> hvec;
+ using hindex_t = typename decltype(hvec)::size_type;
+ int root_node = -1;
+ hindex_t num_nodes = 0;
+ public:
+ // Handle to an element on the heap in the node buffer; also contains the data associated
+ // with the node. (Alternative implementation would be to store the heap data in a
+ // separate container, and have the handle be an index into that container).
+ struct handle_t
+ {
+ T hd;
+ hindex_t heap_index;
+ handle_t(const handle_t &) = delete;
+ handle_t() { }
+ };
+ // Initialise a handle (if it does not have a suitable constructor). Need not do anything
+ // but may store a sentinel value to mark the handle as inactive. It should not be
+ // necessary to call this, really.
+ static void init_handle(handle_t &h) noexcept
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ // Bubble a newly added timer down to the correct position
+ bool bubble_down(hindex_t pos) noexcept
+ {
+ handle_t * ohndl = hvec[pos].hnd_p;
+ P op = hvec[pos].data;
+ return bubble_down(pos, ohndl, op);
+ }
+ bool bubble_down(hindex_t pos, handle_t * ohndl, const P &op) noexcept
+ {
+ // int pos = v.size() - 1;
+ Compare lt;
+ while (pos > 0) {
+ hindex_t parent = (pos - 1) / N;
+ if (! lt(op, hvec[parent].data)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ hvec[pos] = hvec[parent];
+ hvec[pos].hnd_p->heap_index = pos;
+ pos = parent;
+ }
+ hvec[pos].hnd_p = ohndl;
+ hvec[pos].data = op;
+ ohndl->heap_index = pos;
+ return pos == 0;
+ }
+ void bubble_up(hindex_t pos = 0) noexcept
+ {
+ P p = hvec[pos].data;
+ handle_t &h = *(hvec[pos].hnd_p);
+ bubble_up(pos, h, p);
+ }
+ void bubble_up(hindex_t pos, handle_t &h, const P &p) noexcept
+ {
+ Compare lt;
+ hindex_t rmax = hvec.size() - 1;
+ hindex_t max = (rmax - 1) / N;
+ while (pos <= max) {
+ hindex_t lchild = pos * N + 1;
+ hindex_t selchild = lchild;
+ hindex_t rchild = std::min(lchild + N, rmax);
+ for (hindex_t i = lchild + 1; i < rchild; i++) {
+ if (lt(hvec[i].data, hvec[selchild].data)) {
+ selchild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! lt(hvec[selchild].data, p)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ hvec[pos] = hvec[selchild];
+ hvec[pos].hnd_p->heap_index = pos;
+ pos = selchild;
+ }
+ hvec[pos].hnd_p = &h;
+ hvec[pos].data = p;
+ h.heap_index = pos;
+ }
+ void remove_h(hindex_t hidx) noexcept
+ {
+ hvec[hidx].hnd_p->heap_index = -1;
+ if (hvec.size() != hidx + 1) {
+ bubble_up(hidx, *(hvec.back().hnd_p), hvec.back().data);
+ hvec.pop_back();
+ }
+ else {
+ hvec.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ T & node_data(handle_t & index) noexcept
+ {
+ return index.hd;
+ }
+ // Allocate a slot, but do not incorporate into the heap:
+ // u... : parameters for data constructor T::T(...)
+ template <typename ...U> void allocate(handle_t & hnd, U... u)
+ {
+ new (& hnd.hd) T(u...);
+ hnd.heap_index = -1;
+ constexpr hindex_t max_allowed = std::numeric_limits<hindex_t>::is_signed ?
+ std::numeric_limits<hindex_t>::max() : ((hindex_t) - 2);
+ if (num_nodes == max_allowed) {
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+ }
+ num_nodes++;
+ if (__builtin_expect(hvec.capacity() < num_nodes, 0)) {
+ hindex_t half_point = max_allowed / 2;
+ try {
+ if (__builtin_expect(num_nodes < half_point, 1)) {
+ hvec.reserve(num_nodes * 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ hvec.reserve(max_allowed);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc &e) {
+ hvec.reserve(num_nodes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Deallocate a slot
+ void deallocate(handle_t & index) noexcept
+ {
+ num_nodes--;
+ // shrink the capacity of hvec if num_nodes is sufficiently less than
+ // its current capacity:
+ if (num_nodes < hvec.capacity() / 4) {
+ hvec.shrink_to(num_nodes * 2);
+ }
+ }
+ bool insert(handle_t & hnd) noexcept
+ {
+ P pval = P();
+ return insert(hnd, pval);
+ }
+ bool insert(handle_t & hnd, const P &pval) noexcept
+ {
+ hnd.heap_index = hvec.size();
+ //hvec.emplace_back(&hnd, pval);
+ hvec.emplace_back();
+ return bubble_down(hvec.size() - 1, &hnd, pval);
+ }
+ // Get the root node handle. (Returns a handle_t or reference to handle_t).
+ handle_t & get_root()
+ {
+ return * hvec[0].hnd_p;
+ }
+ P &get_root_priority()
+ {
+ return hvec[0].data;
+ }
+ void pull_root()
+ {
+ remove_h(0);
+ }
+ void remove(handle_t & hnd)
+ {
+ remove_h(hnd.heap_index);
+ }
+ bool empty()
+ {
+ return hvec.empty();
+ }
+ bool is_queued(handle_t & hnd)
+ {
+ return hnd.heap_index != (hindex_t) -1;
+ }
+ // Set a node priority. Returns true iff the node becomes the root node (and wasn't before).
+ bool set_priority(handle_t & hnd, const P& p)
+ {
+ int heap_index = hnd.heap_index;
+ Compare lt;
+ if (lt(hvec[heap_index].data, p)) {
+ // Increase key
+ hvec[heap_index].data = p;
+ bubble_up(heap_index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Decrease key
+ hvec[heap_index].data = p;
+ return bubble_down(heap_index);
+ }
+ }
+ dary_heap() { }
+ dary_heap(const dary_heap &) = delete;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "dasynq-svec.h"
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <limits>
-namespace dasynq {
- * Priority queue implementation based on an "Nary" heap (for power-of-2 N's).
- *
- * This is implemented somewhat as a heap-of-(binary)heaps. Eg with an N of 8, each mini heap has 7 elements;
- * a mini-heap looks like:
- *
- * 0
- * 1 2
- * 3 4 5 6
- *
- * There are N child mini-heaps underneath each mini-heap.
- *
- * Heap entry "handles" maintain an index into the heap. When the position of a node in the heap
- * changes, its handle must be updated.
- *
- * T : node data type
- * P : priority type (eg int)
- * Compare : functional object type to compare priorities
- */
-template <typename T, typename P, typename Compare = std::less<P>, int N = 16>
-class nary_heap
- public:
- struct handle_t;
- using handle_t_r = handle_t &;
- private:
- // Actual heap node
- class HeapNode
- {
- public:
- P data;
- handle_t * hnd_p;
- HeapNode(handle_t * hnd, const P &odata) : data(odata), hnd_p(hnd)
- {
- // nothing to do
- }
- HeapNode() { }
- };
- svector<HeapNode> hvec;
- using hindex_t = typename decltype(hvec)::size_type;
- int root_node = -1;
- hindex_t num_nodes = 0;
- public:
- // Handle to an element on the heap in the node buffer; also contains the data associated
- // with the node. (Alternative implementation would be to store the heap data in a
- // separate container, and have the handle be an index into that container).
- struct handle_t
- {
- union hd_u_t {
- // The data member is kept in a union so it doesn't get constructed/destructed
- // automatically, and we can construct it lazily.
- public:
- hd_u_t() { }
- ~hd_u_t() { }
- T hd;
- } hd_u;
- hindex_t heap_index;
- };
- // Initialise a handle (if it does not have a suitable constructor). Need not do anything
- // but may store a sentinel value to mark the handle as inactive. It should not be
- // necessary to call this, really.
- static void init_handle(handle_t &h) noexcept
- {
- }
- private:
- // In hindsight, I probably could have used std::priority_queue rather than re-implementing a
- // queue here. However, priority_queue doesn't expose the container (except as a protected
- // member) and so would make it more complicated to reserve storage. It would also have been
- // necessary to override assignment between elements to correctly update the reference in the
- // handle.
- bool bubble_down() noexcept
- {
- return bubble_down(hvec.size() - 1);
- }
- // Bubble a newly added timer down to the correct position
- bool bubble_down(hindex_t pos) noexcept
- {
- P op = hvec[pos].data;
- handle_t * ohndl = hvec[pos].hnd_p;
- return bubble_down(pos, ohndl, op);
- }
- bool bubble_down(hindex_t pos, handle_t * ohndl, const P &op) noexcept
- {
- // int pos = v.size() - 1;
- Compare lt;
- while (pos > 0) {
- // bubble down within micro heap:
- auto mh_index = pos % (N - 1);
- auto mh_base = pos - mh_index;
- while (mh_index > 0) {
- hindex_t parent = (mh_index - 1) / 2;
- if (! lt(op, hvec[parent + mh_base].data)) {
- pos = mh_index + mh_base;
- hvec[pos].hnd_p = ohndl;
- ohndl->heap_index = pos;
- return false;
- }
- hvec[mh_index + mh_base] = hvec[parent + mh_base];
- hvec[mh_index + mh_base].hnd_p->heap_index = mh_index + mh_base;
- mh_index = parent;
- }
- pos = mh_base;
- if (pos == 0) break;
- auto containing_unit = pos / (N - 1);
- auto parent_unit = (containing_unit - 1) / N;
- auto rem = (containing_unit - 1) % N;
- auto parent_idx = (rem / 2) + (N / 2) - 1;
- hindex_t parent = parent_unit * (N - 1) + parent_idx;
- if (! lt(op, hvec[parent].data)) {
- break;
- }
- hvec[pos] = hvec[parent];
- hvec[pos].hnd_p->heap_index = pos;
- pos = parent;
- }
- hvec[pos].hnd_p = ohndl;
- ohndl->heap_index = pos;
- return pos == 0;
- }
- void bubble_up(hindex_t pos = 0)
- {
- P p = hvec[pos].data;
- handle_t &hndl = *hvec[pos].hnd_p;
- bubble_up(pos, hvec.size() - 1, hndl, p);
- }
- void bubble_up(hindex_t pos, hindex_t rmax, handle_t &h, const P &p) noexcept
- {
- Compare lt;
- while (true) {
- auto containing_unit = pos / (N - 1);
- auto mh_index = pos % (N - 1);
- auto mh_base = pos - mh_index;
- while (mh_index < (N-2) / 2) {
- hindex_t selchild;
- hindex_t lchild = mh_index * 2 + 1 + mh_base;
- hindex_t rchild = lchild + 1;
- if (rchild >= rmax) {
- if (lchild > rmax) {
- hvec[pos].hnd_p = &h;
- hvec[pos].data = p;
- h.heap_index = pos;
- return;
- }
- selchild = lchild;
- }
- else {
- // select the sooner of lchild and rchild
- selchild = lt(hvec[lchild].data, hvec[rchild].data) ? lchild : rchild;
- }
- if (! lt(hvec[selchild].data, p)) {
- hvec[pos].hnd_p = &h;
- hvec[pos].data = p;
- h.heap_index = pos;
- return;
- }
- hvec[pos] = hvec[selchild];
- hvec[pos].hnd_p->heap_index = pos;
- pos = selchild;
- mh_index = pos - mh_base;
- }
- auto left_unit = containing_unit * N + (mh_index - (N/2 - 1)) * 2 + 1;
- // auto right_unit = left_unit + 1;
- hindex_t selchild;
- hindex_t lchild = left_unit * (N - 1);
- hindex_t rchild = lchild + (N - 1);
- if (rchild >= rmax) {
- if (lchild > rmax) {
- break;
- }
- selchild = lchild;
- }
- else {
- // select the sooner of lchild and rchild
- selchild = lt(hvec[lchild].data, hvec[rchild].data) ? lchild : rchild;
- }
- if (! lt(hvec[selchild].data, p)) {
- break;
- }
- hvec[pos] = hvec[selchild];
- hvec[pos].hnd_p->heap_index = pos;
- pos = selchild;
- }
- hvec[pos].hnd_p = &h;
- hvec[pos].data = p;
- h.heap_index = pos;
- }
- void remove_h(hindex_t hidx)
- {
- hvec[hidx].hnd_p->heap_index = -1;
- if (hvec.size() != hidx + 1) {
- // replace the removed element with the last:
- hvec[hidx] = hvec.back();
- hvec[hidx].hnd_p->heap_index = hidx;
- hvec.pop_back();
- // Now bubble up:
- bubble_up(hidx);
- }
- else {
- hvec.pop_back();
- }
- }
- public:
- T & node_data(handle_t & index) noexcept
- {
- return index.hd_u.hd;
- }
- // Allocate a slot, but do not incorporate into the heap:
- // u... : parameters for data constructor T::T(...)
- template <typename ...U> void allocate(handle_t & hnd, U... u)
- {
- new (& hnd.hd_u.hd) T(u...);
- hnd.heap_index = -1;
- hindex_t max_allowed = hvec.max_size();
- if (num_nodes == max_allowed) {
- throw std::bad_alloc();
- }
- num_nodes++;
- if (__builtin_expect(hvec.capacity() < num_nodes, 0)) {
- hindex_t half_point = max_allowed / 2;
- try {
- if (__builtin_expect(num_nodes < half_point, 1)) {
- hvec.reserve(num_nodes * 2);
- }
- else {
- hvec.reserve(max_allowed);
- }
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &e) {
- hvec.reserve(num_nodes);
- }
- }
- }
- // Deallocate a slot
- void deallocate(handle_t & index) noexcept
- {
- num_nodes--;
- index.hd_u.~hd_u_t();
- // shrink the capacity of hvec if num_nodes is sufficiently less than its current capacity. Why
- // capacity/4? Because in general, capacity must be at least doubled when it is exceeded to get
- // O(N) amortised insertion cost. If we shrink-to-fit every time num_nodes < capacity/2, this
- // means we might potentially get pathological "bouncing" as num_nodes crosses the threshold
- // repeatedly as nodes get added and removed.
- if (num_nodes < hvec.capacity() / 4) {
- hvec.shrink_to(num_nodes * 2);
- }
- }
- bool insert(handle_t & hnd) noexcept
- {
- P pval = P();
- return insert(hnd, pval);
- }
- bool insert(handle_t & hnd, const P & pval) noexcept
- {
- hvec.emplace_back(&hnd, pval);
- return bubble_down(hvec.size() - 1, &hnd, pval);
- }
- // Get the root node handle. (Returns a handle_t or reference to handle_t).
- handle_t & get_root()
- {
- return * hvec[0].hnd_p;
- }
- P &get_root_priority()
- {
- return hvec[0].data;
- }
- void pull_root()
- {
- remove_h(0);
- }
- void remove(handle_t & hnd)
- {
- remove_h(hnd.heap_index);
- }
- bool empty()
- {
- return hvec.empty();
- }
- bool is_queued(handle_t & hnd)
- {
- return hnd.heap_index != (hindex_t) -1;
- }
- // Set a node priority. Returns true iff the node becomes the root node (and wasn't before).
- bool set_priority(handle_t & hnd, const P& p)
- {
- int heap_index = hnd.heap_index;
- Compare lt;
- if (lt(hvec[heap_index].data, p)) {
- // Increase key
- hvec[heap_index].data = p;
- bubble_up(heap_index);
- return false;
- }
- else {
- // Decrease key
- hvec[heap_index].data = p;
- return bubble_down(heap_index);
- }
- }
- nary_heap()
- {
- // Nothing required
- }
- nary_heap(const nary_heap &) = delete;