[ngClass]="{'subscribe-button': !isAllChannelsSubscribed(), 'unsubscribe-button': isAllChannelsSubscribed()}">
<ng-template #userLoggedOut>
- <span>
+ <span [ngClass]="{ 'extra-text': subscribeStatus(true).length > 0 }">
<ng-container *ngIf="account; then multiple; else single"></ng-container>
<ng-template i18n #single>Subscribe</ng-template>
- <ng-template i18n #multiple>Subscribe to all channels</ng-template>
+ <ng-template #multiple>
+ <span i18n>Subscribe to all channels</span>
+ <span *ngIf="subscribeStatus(true).length > 0">{{subscribeStatus(true).length}}/{{subscribed.size}}
+ <ng-container i18n>channels subscribed</ng-container>
+ </span>
+ </ng-template>
<span *ngIf="displayFollowers && videoChannel.followersCount !== 0" class="followers-count">
{{ videoChannel.followersCount | myNumberFormatter }}
class="btn btn-sm" role="button"
(click)="unsubscribe()" i18n
- <ng-container *ngIf="account; then multiple; else single"></ng-container>
- <ng-template i18n #single>Unsubscribe</ng-template>
- <ng-template i18n #multiple>Unsubscribe from all channels</ng-template>
+ <span>
+ <ng-container *ngIf="account; then multiple; else single"></ng-container>
+ <ng-template i18n #single>Unsubscribe</ng-template>
+ <ng-template i18n #multiple>Unsubscribe from all channels</ng-template>
+ </span>
styleUrls: [ './subscribe-button.component.scss' ]
export class SubscribeButtonComponent implements OnInit {
+ /**
+ * SubscribeButtonComponent can be used with a single VideoChannel passed as [VideoChannel],
+ * or with an account and a full list of that account's videoChannels. The latter is intended
+ * to allow mass un/subscription from an account's page, while keeping the channel-centric
+ * subscription model.
+ */
@Input() account: Account
@Input() videoChannels: VideoChannel[]
@Input() displayFollowers = false