* @param member_info information about the joining member
* @param room_name name of the room
* @param msg_options message options of the joining user
+ * @param joinCallback function to call on successful join
+ * @param join_cls closure for joinCallback
* @param messageCallback which function to call if a message has
* been received?
* @param message_cls argument to callback
* @param cls closure, NULL
* @param room in which room was the message received?
* @param sender what is the ID of the sender? (maybe NULL)
- * @param meta information about the joining member
+ * @param member_info information about the joining member
* @param message the message text
+ * @param timestamp time when the member joined
* @param options options for the message
* @return GNUNET_OK to accept the message now, GNUNET_NO to
* accept (but user is away), GNUNET_SYSERR to signal denied delivery
* @param orig_seq_number sequence number of the original message
* @param timestamp when was the message received?
* @param receiver who is confirming the receipt?
- * @param msg_hash hash of the original message
- * @param receipt signature confirming delivery
* @return GNUNET_OK to continue, GNUNET_SYSERR to refuse processing further
* confirmations from anyone for this message
gnunet_service_fs_SOURCES = \
- gnunet-service-fs.c \
- gnunet-service-fs_indexing.c gnunet-service-fs_indexing.h
+ gnunet-service-fs.c gnunet-service-fs.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_cp.c gnunet-service-fs_cp.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_indexing.c gnunet-service-fs_indexing.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_lc.c gnunet-service-fs_lc.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_pe.c gnunet-service-fs_pe.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_pr.c gnunet-service-fs_pr.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_push.c gnunet-service-fs_push.h \
+ gnunet-service-fs_put.c gnunet-service-fs_put.h
gnunet_service_fs_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/src/fs/libgnunetfs.la \
$(top_builddir)/src/dht/libgnunetdht.la \